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CPA Exam Sections And Testing Windows

The test comprises of four segments. Each of these spotlights on discrete branches of
knowledge. You ought to invest some energy in understanding the way where you will be
tested and the structure of the individual tests.

Furthermore, there are rules with respect to the dates on which you can take the test. You
should pass every one of the four segments inside a particular time period. In case you
don't, your test credit for one or more segments could be refuted.

So Let us review these topics by looking:

 The 4 sections of the CPA exam and

 The implication of the “testing windows” that are available to take the exam

The four sections of the Uniform CPA test are:

Auditing and Attestation (AUD)

Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)

Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)

Regulation (REG)

Each area contains five test lets, which are smaller gatherings of test questions.

A test let may include some of Multiple-decision questions, Task-based re-enactments, or

Written communication assignments:

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) – each one of the four areas contains two MCQ test lets.

Task based reproductions (TBSs) – these are contextual studies that replicate genuine real life
circumstances. A TBS tests your comprehension of practical accounting or business issues.
There are either a 2 or 3 TBS test lets in each section.

Written communication tasks – these are confined to the Business Environment and Concepts
segments. The other 3 segments don't contain written communication tasks. You will be
solicited to peruse a framework from a business-related circumstance and afterward compose
a suitable reaction. This reaction could be as a letter or an memo.

Now, examining the four sections and get a thought of the areas of knowledge that each of
them covers.

The Auditing and Attestation (AUD) test is involved 72 multiple choice questions (MCQs)
and 8 Task-based simulations (TBSs) partitioned into five testlets. The 72 MCQs represent
half of this segment, while the 8 TBSs involve the rest of the part.

This segment tests your ability to apply your auditing and attestation aptitudes to solving the
problems. You should realize that of the 72 MCQs and 8 TBSs, just 60 MCQs and 7 TBSs
will tally towards your test score. The remaining are "pretest things" that won't influence your

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