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Chengyu Liao

Business Writing 211

Instructor: Eric Furlong

Nov 20,2019
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Table of contents


Introduction/Background statement


Background statement.................................................................................................4

Aims and objectives OR research question(s).............................................................6

Literature Review.........................................................................................................6

Research Methodology

Research approach........................................................................................................8

Research design and strategy........................................................................................9

Approach to data collection and analysis of findings..................................................10

Business and/or managerial implications of your research..........................................11

Limitations of the proposed study................................................................................12

Ethical issues and considerations.................................................................................12


Cite pages.................................................................................................................................14

List of Figures

1 Commercial sales model....................................................................................3

2 The Differences between Traditional Media and New Media...........................5
3 Digital Around the World in 2018.....................................................................5
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Marketing has become a key point of concern for many businesses. In most cases, it is a

tool that enables many different businesses to thrive. In the early 1980s. Due to good marketing

skills, most US companies perform well. In most cases, business owners can use print or

traditional media to reach millions of people regionally and globally. However, the advent of the

Internet has become a game-changer for all businesses, because it brings different motivations.

Therefore, the arguments presented are aimed at studying the impact of modern media on the

marketing process. The exploratory approach used looks at the positive and negative effects of

modern media on different marketing processes. These arguments explain the advantages of

management teams in understanding how to use and manipulate social media to benefit the

company. By doing so, the study answers a basic question about the possible impact of

marketing activities related to modern media, such as Amazon, which has flourished due to

internet marketing.

Mobile phone
software mode
sales modell Shop mode: Third party model
offline store

Commercial Mobile Google store or Apple

sales model terminal store
sales model Website mode
mode Third party model
4 Chengyu L

Introduction/Background statement


Marketing is an important tool for every business to best adapt to in achieving its goals.

In the words of Don Tapscott and Antony D. Williams: "Keeping technology to protect damaged

business models is like allowing blacksmiths to veto the internal combustion engine to protect

their horseshoes." It can be said that the importance of marketing cannot be underestimated. It is

the lifeline of a company that aims to make itself a profitable brand. Recent research has shown

that Internet marketing is the new game-changer for organizations. Despite this, it still doesn't

show the tools that the company has successfully used. The research aims to study the impact of

modern media on marketing. The focus will be on social media and its impact on business

organizations or organizations. The thesis will have abstracts, introductions, goals and

objectives, literature reviews, and research methods. Then there are the business or management

implications of the study, the limitations and ethical issues or considerations, and finally the

conclusions, the study schedule, and references.

Background statement

Marketing as a business process involves making your products more accessible to a

wider audience. Historians believe that America's richest business households have increased

their wealth due to structured marketing programs. Nowadays, Internet marketing has developed

rapidly, changing the way companies make money online. Different types of literature have

emphasized the use of technology to thrive in the business and attract more customer groups.

Existing literature analyzes the impact of the Internet on companies and foresees the future
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where the Internet of Things will dominate technological progress. The main research question

attempts to study the impact of modern media on marketing. Even though previous research has

predicted an increase in wealth due to Internet access, there are still some issues that have not

been fully explored.

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Aims and objectives OR research question(s)

This study aims to identify and analyze the multiple effects modern media has on

different organizations around the world, especially when it comes to marketing of company

products, let alone when marketing organizations need to meet advertising needs. The first goal

is to find out whether modern media has influenced the marketing process in the commercial

sector. In terms of attracting a customer base, the metric used to justify the same reason is

business performance. In terms of the marketing process, research will focus more on the

negative and positive effects related to the media (Keller, 2009, 140). The second goal involves

impacts related to modern media such as social media and online marketing. By doing so, the

research will attempt to examine how the marketing industry is changing with the new changes

in print media, helping companies or organizations achieve their desired goals. The last goal is to

determine whether marketing media has embraced technological advances and, if so, what the

results have been.

Literature Review

Keller, K.L., 2009. Building strong brands in a modern marketing communications

environment. Journal of marketing communications, 15(2-3), pp.139-155.

Keller has studied how brands can establish themselves in specific areas to ensure that

they are the best-selling companies on the market. The author goes on to point out that without

the proper use of social media, it is impossible for companies to take advantage of a wealthy

consumer base on different continents. The arguments presented in this article demonstrate the

importance of social media tools in turning clicks into leads. Although the report's findings

suggest that modern media is important to our generation, it does not account for the challenges

that modern media poses to different companies.

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Scott, D.M., 2015. The new rules of marketing and PR: How to use social media, online video,

mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly.

John Wiley & Sons.

Scot (2015) argues that marketing and public relations must adapt to new social rules in

order to achieve excellence. The evidence provided suggests that consumers need to interact

directly with the organization to help build the required level of trust. The author continues to

show readers the importance of online video. Online videos enable people to express their

identity and ideas in unique ways. Therefore, the author's suggestion points out the possibilities

for businesses to use video marketing products. After all, consumers are largely attracted to

creating ads that appeal to their emotions. The authors have found strengths in creating content

that is easy to disseminate.

Stone, M.D., and Woodcock, N.D., 2014. Interactive, direct and digital marketing: A future that

depends on the better use of business intelligence. Journal of Research in Interactive

Marketing, 8(1), pp.4-17.

Authors Stone and Woodcock (2014) believe that direct marketing is one of the most

important tools in digital marketing. Their arguments make the following point: Interactive and

direct marketing shows that consumer engagement through social media platforms is important

to building brand awareness and understanding their current market trends. There is no doubt

that it is important to acknowledge that successful future companies will accumulate wealth

through e-commerce. As a result, current businesses need to adopt modern social media to take

advantage of the traffic provided by millions of Internet users.

Whiting, A. and Williams, D., 2013. Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications

approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), pp.362-369.

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Whiting and Williams (2013) make business and organization owners understand why people

use social media. Their arguments make the following points. Because people can communicate

on various platforms, the Internet has eliminated most social calls and parties. The arguments

presented seem to encourage management teams to take courses on the use of social media tools.

In case this is not possible, hiring external consultants to help them will help the business. These

arguments point to a research question whose purpose is to explore the impact of modern media

on marketing activities and processes.

Research Methodology

Research approach

When answering research questions, researchers can only choose between two options,

both of which have different uses. First, there is a quantitative research method based on

statistics. First, in most questions, the questions it deals with are best answered with numbers.

Therefore, in order to obtain much-needed statistical information, researchers must conduct

various forms of experiments or some surveys to help them obtain data for later analysis. The

obtained data is then analyzed using various statistical tools and/or models. The analysis was

performed in most cases to help researchers understand what the numbers mean. Second, there is

qualitative research, which is more based on the description. Naturally, in most cases, qualitative

methods are used to observe others, let alone conduct interviews. Most researchers do not

observe people or events. These data are then analyzed by different qualitative methods to draw

some conclusions about the given data. In most cases, research studies trends by analyzing the

data obtained quantitatively. For the purposes of this study, the latter approach will be preferred

because an analysis of trends will be most useful in reaching meaningful conclusions about the

impact of modern media in the marketing process.

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Research design and strategy

In most cases, research design can serve as a roadmap or master plan for the researcher's

goals to answer the expected research questions. In essence, research design is divided into two

categories, exploratory research and conclusive research. Therefore, in most cases, exploratory

research aims to explore specific aspects of the research problem. For example, for this research,

and especially the impact of modern media on marketing, the main focus is on analyzing the

positive and negative effects of modern media, especially social media and different social media

platforms. (According to Scott, 2015, p. 34), its elements are as follows, it is general, and in most

cases it has insight into the situation. It requires very little data, so the definition of the data is

unclear, and in most cases, there are an unlimited number of data collection forms, even if not

very rough. Moreover, the total number of samples is usually small due to the need to maximize

subjective choices of subjective insights. Obviously, the study design was not designed to give

conclusive answers, as researchers were free to change the direction of their thinking based on

new evidence. On the other hand, conclusive research is the opposite of exploratory research in

the following aspects. It is specific, requires clear data and has well-defined sources. In most

cases, the data collection form is usually structured. More importantly, data collection is

procedural and rigid, while inferences and recommendations are tentative in nature.

Approach to data collection and analysis of findings

Data collection is based on observations, not to mention the use of questionnaires and the

generation of leads. In addition, personal experience and participation have also played an

important role in gaining much-needed insights to research and understand the different trends
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related to Internet marketing. Data collection also involves emphasizing neutrality, and when

dealing with respondents, research must be objective, not subjective, subject to bias. On the other

hand, the analysis will take a more holistic approach, thus treating the entire study as a complex

system that is the sum of all its parts (Whiting and Williams, 2013, 365). This method can help

researchers find the most appropriate information to answer research questions. The analysis also

utilizes inductive analysis, which looks at all the specific data collected to discover all patterns,

themes, or any other interrelated relationships that might be worth exploring to try to confirm the

findings and criteria related to the general analysis guidelines.

Business and/or managerial implications of your research

The evolution process is sufficient to prove that the failure of evolution will lead to

species extinction. It explains why dinosaurs became extinct and other animals survived.

According to the natural order of the universe, only the strong can survive. In the 19th century,

Kodak's dominance in the photography industry rose rapidly, and the advent of the Internet made

the company a major factor in Apple's dominant market. In order for a business to thrive in the

Internet age, it must manipulate its environment to create a name for itself. The success of an

online business depends on online visibility and this should always be done (Stone and

Woodcock, 2014, 15). For example, using influential people will help sell the company's projects

and product portfolio to target customers and will prove useful.

The management team must also be familiar with what is happening on the Internet. It

seems unnecessary, but to be honest, it will give them the ability to understand trend issues or

use hashtags to attract more followers or followers. In this way, the data obtained can be used to
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optimize business services to suit customer preferences. Education is a never-ending process

throughout human life, so management teams will have the necessary skills to manipulate the

immediate environment to benefit them. Trading from a strong position can guarantee a profit,

which is the sole intent of any business. The study only suggests that companies need to embrace

modernization to perform better in a dynamic and competitive business space.

Limitations of the proposed study

First, due to time constraints, the study was conducted only for a small number of people.

However, if more time is allowed, it is best to make the findings more convincing. Another

major obstacle to achieving during the research process is the difficulty of persuading

participants to actually participate in the research. During the interviews, most participants

showed a genuine lack of interest. The number of participants during the study was small. In

most cases, the sample population did not give the desired results (Scott, 2015, 32). Since most

questions can or will be answered based on emotional attachment, they often lead to some form

of business. Finally, one of the other major limitations involves the early design process of the

study. The initial suspicion was that it was difficult or even difficult to find participants willing

to participate. As a result, it has prompted researchers to develop a plan to minimize the time

required to participate in the research, because the environment must be an environment in which

all its activities are sequenced in chronological order, which may cause some omissions.

Ethical issues and considerations

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The parties involved in reporting the results and theft need to be studied as truthfully as possible.

Attempts to falsify any information may lead to unreliable research. In most cases, if the

falsification of information occurs, the study is likely to mislead the client or research institution,

making it unable to answer research questions. Similarly, theft is a problem that researchers must

avoid at all costs. If borrowed works are used, it is also best to acknowledge the author and his

contribution to making discovery meaningful. In academia, it is unethical and illegal to steal

information without crediting the original author. Researchers also need to get approval from the

institution before starting the study. For example, if funding is required for the proposed project,

relevant personnel must make recommendations, which should elaborate on the content and

limitations of the research question, and they may encounter a description of the purpose and

method. Participants may benefit from participating in the research process. Arguably,

institutional approval is critical to the success of any research or dissertation.


In short, modern media has been successful in marketing for today's fast-changing business.

Modern media has become a more specific social media that has influenced the way business is

conducted in other parts of the world. The positive impact of social media on marketing is the

ability to attract a large number of people at the same time. In addition, modern media can also

build better customer relationships with customers. In most cases, through social media

platforms, customers can respond quickly to their pressing issues. Although social media

marketing has several obvious advantages, it also has many disadvantages for customers and

suppliers. First, customers may sometimes complain about receiving items they have not

ordered. In addition, online fraud cases hit customers the most. Currently, many customers

complain about identity theft, preventing them from trusting modern media. Despite the technical
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frustrations of modern media, it is worth mentioning that it uses Amazon as an example to help

businesses develop. Over the past two decades, Amazon has established its reputation as the

world's most profitable brand, which has promoted Jeff Bezos becomes the richest man in the

world today.


Keller, K.L., 2009. Building strong brands in a modern marketing communications

environment. Journal of marketing communications, 15(2-3), pp.139-155.

Scott, D.M., 2015. The new rules of marketing and PR: How to use social media, online video,

mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly.

John Wiley & Sons.

Stone, M.D., and Woodcock, N.D., 2014. Interactive, direct and digital marketing: A future that

depends on the better use of business intelligence. Journal of Research in Interactive

Marketing, 8(1), pp.4-17.

Whiting, A. and Williams, D., 2013. Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications

approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), pp.362-369.

Christina Newberry.May 2018. 23 Benefits of Social Media for Business.

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