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Coursework B




A study on effectiveness of social media advertising

on sales promotion in small and medium scale
companies, A case study of

MD Kader Ahmed

LSM ID. 201882

ARU ID. 1540924/1

MA in Marketing and Innovation

London School of Marketing

Anglia Ruskin University

Research Proposal

Table of Contents
Course Work B.............................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................2


1.2Research Aim..................................................................................................................................2

1.3Research Objectives........................................................................................................................2

1.4 Research Questions.......................................................................................................................2

2. Literature Review................................................................................................................................2

2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................3

2.2 Advertising in social media............................................................................................................3

2.3 Social Media advertising of SMEs in UK to promote business.......................................................5

2.4 Conceptual Model.........................................................................................................................7

3. Research Methodology........................................................................................................................8

3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................8

3.2 Research Philosophy......................................................................................................................8

3.3 Research Approach........................................................................................................................8

3.4 Research Strategy..........................................................................................................................9

3.5 Data collection method.................................................................................................................9

3.6 Data Analysis Plan........................................................................................................................10

3.7 Ethical Issues................................................................................................................................10

3.8 Research Limitations....................................................................................................................10

4. Time Table.........................................................................................................................................10

Gantt chart.........................................................................................................................................12

Web References.....................................................................................................................................16


Research Proposal

Course Work B

1. Introduction

A study on effectiveness of social media advertising on sales promotion in small and medium scale

companies, A case study of Instant Print Company in UK.

1.2Research Aim
This research study will aim to examine the effectiveness of social media advertising on sales promotion

in SMEs in UK.

1.3Research Objectives
 To analyse the significance of Social media advertising for SMEs.

 To identify the relationship between social media advertising and sales promotion in SMEs.

 To make recommendations for SMEs how to use social media advertising for better


1.4 Research Questions

 How to select the most appropriate social media advertising tool?

 How to manage the social media advertising for getting the maximum benefits?

Research Proposal

2. Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
Theoretical background and the concepts relating to the research topic will be discussed in the literature

review. The researcher will gather the knowledge of the research problem by analyzing the literature.

2.2 Advertising in social media

There are many social network sites available at present. Face Book, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace are

more popular and widely used social net work sites by the users. These various types of social net works

have different features and provide different benefits. As per the findings of Statista (2015), from the

inception in 2004, Face book is the mostly used social media network. As per the analysis conducted in

the research report of Pradiptarini (2011), most of the branded product companies have used Twitter

social media to continue the customer connections and sharing the information with the customers.

These activities have been given them competitive advantages in the market and improved the

performance of the company. As stated by Cheng et al (2001) the social media of bloggibg is a powerful

tool which can be used by the companies for attracting the customers by providing numerous products

and services for them. As defined Boyd and Ellison (2007), social media network is a communication

tool which is used to share the connections, information and also the views within a system. As

explained by Hanna et al (2011), Social media networking can be used by anyone as per their special

objectives. Sharing the message and distribution of information is now a very simple task due to the

advanced technologies in social media networks.

Research Proposal

According to Safko (2010), the emergence of social media advertising has assisted for the companies to

overcome the issues encountered by using traditional advertisements. Social media is helpful for the

marketers to convey they messages to the customers, promote the products and services, and improve

the sales turnover and to grow the company. As explained by Schneider (2012), social media networks

assist companies to keep the relationships with customers, share the information with customers,

attract the new customers, building strong relationships with existing customers, promote the products

and the brands, and improve the brand loyalty. If the companies strategically select the most suitable

social media advertisement tool, they can achieve the desired objectives and promote the sales of the

company and finally continuous growth of the company

The budget allocation of the companies for the promotion activities are mostly influencing in selecting

the advertisement tool by the company. In the aspects of Kotler and Keller (2015), the companies need

to properly evaluate the benefits and advantages, the drawbacks and the associated cost of the method

of social media advertisement. Social Media Examiner Report (2014) revealed that the most popular,

widely used and more fashionable social networks are face book, LinkedIn and then Twitter. The usage

and popularity of blogging is also shows a considerable increase.

Laroche et al (2012) said that the companies, who have shifted from traditional advertisement methods

to the social media advertisements, have changed their marketing mix and promotion mix accordingly.

With the development of social media networks, the marketing strategies also have been changed by

the companies as the customers also have changed their purchasing behaviors from offline to online. As

explained by Trusov et al, (2009), the buying decision making process of the customers have changed

immensely from the traditional pattern to the modern way as they also have adopted the advanced

technologies in social media networking. Now customers have the opportunity to share their views with

Research Proposal

the marketers and influence for the marketers for getting the right product or service for their

satisfaction. Mangold and Faulds (2009) stated that social media networks enable customers to make

complaints, share their thoughts with the marketers, their real expectations from the products. The

marketers also through the social media network have opportunity to attend for customer

concentrations and immediately respond for them. Jothi et al (2011) stated that the two way

relationship is the most benefited feature in the social media advertising. SMEs have the opportunity for

immediately responding for the customer views and inquiries. Because the authorization processes and

the decision making process of SMEs are not involved long procedures compared to the large scale

companies. Therefore, SMEs have the opportunity to obtain the maximum advantages. The

performance of the company may influence by the given feedback and the way it is communicated to

the customers. Therefore, implementations of proper controls are also significant in order to improve

the performance of the company. Although there are low cost traditional advertisement tools such as

radio, the drawback of it is the absence of customer interaction (Kotler and Keller, 2015).

The most favorable features of the advertising are low cost, quick results, flexibility, convey the message

to many people quickly, speedy, two way communication, saving the time, easy handling etc (George

and Michael, 2011).

2.3 Social Media advertising of SMEs in UK to promote business.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the social media advertisement tool is significant in order to obtain the

desired objectives. In this case, the involvement of the management and their commitment are very

crucial. Pradiptarini (2011) stated in the research study, the quality of the content of the advertisement,

involvement, connection incorporation with the platforms of other social media networks are the

factors which impact on the effectiveness of the social media advertising. Further, the content and the

quality of the advertisement are more important in attracting the customers rather consider the

Research Proposal

quantity. Dumenco (2011) stated that the advertisement needs to deliver the exact information for the

knowledge of the customers. Inclusion of the information which can answer for the probable questions

that come in to the mind of the customer is also useful for the customers. According to Blanchard

(2011), continuous engagement is useful for the SMEs for building the trust and sturdy relationships

with the customers. However, most of the SMEs use the social media advertisements for immediate and

short range benefits and most of SMEs do not make an effort to plan for long term benefits capitalizing

the customer attraction. As per Creamer (2011), customer engagement is significant for making

influence for the purchasing decision of the customers. Continuous customer engagement leads for the

brand or product loyalty of the company. Therefore the social media advertisement campaigns are

required to be regularly monitored and updated in order to obtain the maximum advantages of the

advertisement. According to Woessner (2011), customer involvement is much important for the

effectiveness of the advertisement campaign. The involvement with the customers is essential despite

the fact that the customer is online or offline. In advertising in social media networks the immediate

response for the customer issues and feedback are important to strengthen the relationship with the

customers and creating trust in the mind of the customer. In the view of (Hoffman & Fodor, 2011), the

applicable social media site is required to be selected according to the nature of the advertisement, the

message which to be delivered to the customer and the objectives of the company. The popularity of

the social media is not an criteria in selecting an advertisement tool.

As there are many SMEs in UK, the customers do not know or less aware about these companies and the

products offered by the SMEs. According to Chaston and Mangles (2002), social media advertising is

supportive for the SMEs to make aware the customers about the company and the products. The SMEs

make use of social media to provide the product information for the customers, to inform them about

the regular offers as the customers are also searching the internet in purchasing their requirements.

Research Proposal

When the profile of the SMEs enables the connection with the other web links, it leads to enhance the

relationship with customers and attract more customers.

Due to the constraints of the financial resources, investment in immense advertisement tools is not

possible for SMEs. The advertisement is very essential for promoting the products of any company.

Therefore, SMEs are also required to advertise their products and compete with the other companies,

attract the customers, building up loyal customers, etc in order to promote the sales. As per Hanna et al

(2011), Social media advertising fulfill these two requirements for SMEs and enable them to effectively

promote their products through social media advertisement tools at lower cost.

2.4 Conceptual Model

Independent Variable Dependant Variable

Social media advertising Sales Promotion of SME

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework for the research

Research Proposal

The researcher will identify the variable s in this research study in order to evaluate and examine the

relationship between the variables. Social media advertising in SMEs is the independent variable and the

sales promotion of SMEs is the dependant variable which is depend on the effectiveness of the social

media advertisement in SMEs. Qualitative data will be used to examine the relationship of the variables.

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction
Methodology section will discuss the research methods of this study in collecting the data and

analyzing the data. Comprehensive way of research objectives and framework will be discussed

in this section.

3.2 Research Philosophy

In the view of Creswell (2007), epistemology and ontology are the two types of research philosophies.

Fieldwork is carried out by the researcher for examining the problem in epistemology research

philosophy. Field work is not attached to the ontology research philosophy. The researcher’s

commitment is essential in resolving the research problem in the case of ontology research philosophy.

In this research, the analysis of the effectiveness and the impact of the social media advertising are

significant for the sales promotion of SMEs. In this research study field work will be carried out to

investigate the problem in addition to the commitment of the researcher. Therefore, epistemology

research philosophy will be selected for evaluating the effectiveness of the social media advertising for

promoting the sales of SMEs.

3.3 Research Approach

Inductive research approach and deductive research approach are the two categories of research

approaches. Data are collected in order to analyze the research problem in deductive research

Research Proposal

approach. Theories are not developed for analyzing the research problem and set hypothesis to analyze

the research problem in using the deductive approach. Conversely, theories are developed and tested in

inductive research approach. Deductive method will be applied in this research study in order to identify

the relationship among the variables of social media advertising and sales promotions of SMEs.

3.4 Research Strategy

Survey strategy and case study strategies are the mostly used research strategies Yin (2013). Case Study

strategy is appropriate for the research studies which aim to small number of evidences in examining

the research problem. Gathering information and data from a sample in arriving the solution

representing the population is used in survey strategy. This research study will focus to gather data from

Instant Print Company in UK representing the SMEs in UK. Therefore, the Case Study strategy will be

applied in this research study as small number of evidences is used in this study.

3.5 Data collection method

Primary data collection method and the secondary data collection methods are the two types of data

collection methods. Primary data will be collected from Instant Print Company which is a SME in UK

through one to one interview with its employees. Most of questions will be prepared open ended

Questions. Secondary data sources will be used to collect the secondary data related to the research

study. Both primary and secondary data will be used in this research study.

3.5.1 Sample
There are two types of sampling methods probability Sampling methods and non-probability Sampling

methods (Bryman and Bell,2015). There is an equal chance to select to the sample in probability

sampling method. In non-probability sampling, respondents for the sample are selected from the

population non-randomly. Probability sampling method was applied in this research study as the sample

was selected randomly and equal chance was there for SMEs to select as the sample. 3-5 executive

Research Proposal

employees including Owner, Managers, Marketing Manager in Instant Print Company in UK is the

sample of this research study.

3.5.2 Data collection tools

One to one interviews are carried out with the employees in Instant Print

Company in UK through open ended questions. Secondary data will be collected

from past research papers, websites, journals, books and newspapers.

3.6 Data Analysis Plan

Thematic analysis will be used to analyze the qualitative data which will be gathered from primary and

secondary data sources. Quantitative data will not be gathered and analyzed.

3.7 Ethical Issues

All the reference of secondary data sources will be revealed. The researcher will secure the information

gathered from the sample and will be used only for this analysis.

3.8 Research Limitations

This research study is limited to qualitative data. Quantitative data analysis methods such as SPSS will

not be applied in order to find the relationship of the variables. Although there are vast numbers of

SMEs in UK only one SME will be selected as the sample. The sample size is will not be adequate for

analyzing the research problem. The accuracy of the information which is provided by the sample

respondents will be used in analyzing the research problem and resolve the research problem. However

the inaccurate information may mislead the research study. Only one company has been selected as the

sample. The inherent problems and issues of this company will be applied to all SMEs in UK in resolving

the research problem and sometimes it may not the real impact of the population.

Research Proposal

4. Time Table

Key Activities Time-scale Resources required

Research title, planning and 2 weeks MS word software, Google

preparation of proposal. scholar service

literature Review 2 weeks MS word software, Google

scholar service

Perform primary research and 3 weeks Email software, and people

gathering secondary data support in conducting one to one

Primary and secondary data 3 weeks MS word software


Research Proposal

Make conclusions and 2 weeks MS word software


MS word software

Finalising research project 1week


Figure 2: Time Table for the research

Research Proposal

Gantt chart

Research Proposal


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Research Proposal

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Research Proposal

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