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NO. UDD.t75 MNJ 2014 Kdnataka Government Secrctanat,

Vikasa Soudha,
Bdgalore, Dared : 20.05.2015


In cxcrcise oflhe powem confered by section 69 ofthe Bdgalore

Developmcnt Authority Act 1976 (Kamalaka Acl 12 of 1976), the
Covcrnmcnt of Karnataka is hereby makes thc following rules tufiher to
amend the Ilangalore Developnenl Authorily ( llotmcnt of Sitcs) Rulcs,

l. Titlc and Commcnccmcn! (l) These rulcs may be called the Bmgalore

Devclopmcnr Authority (Allotmenrof Silcs) (Amcndment) rules, 201 5.

(2) Ihcy shall comc into lorce from tbe dale ofthe; publicalion in the

2. Substitution of rulc 5:- In the Bmgalorc Development Authoriry

(Allolmcnt of sitcs) ltulcs. 1984, for rulc 5, thc lollowjng s|all be

subslilulcd nancly:

" 5 Allotmcnt ofstrav sitesr (l) Notwilhslanding anylhing contained in

thcsc Nlcs. allotmcnt of slray sites shall be in accordmce with the
provisions bcreinalier provided.

(2) 1he Aulhorily shall allcasr oncc in a yca. causc to bc !rcparcd a lisr of
slray silcs. Biving dcLails of layouB and dimension of siles md olTer
any or all thc siLca iot allohcnt under this rule to pcrsons eligible for

(3) Due publicjly shau be siven in .especr of sites
offered for sllotunent
speciryjng rheir localion, numbe., i6r date for subnission
applic?tion and such other particulds as xhe CorMissioner
consrder necessary, by afiixing a notice on ft€ notice
board of the
office dd
web{ire of ihe Aurhoriry and any orher oflice a! ihe
Comhissioner may decide and by pubiication in not tess rhan
daily news papers published in ciry of Bangalore in Engtish and
Kamada, having wide circuladon inthe city.

(4) Sites shall bc allotlcd among differenl

ca.esories as follows:

Caregory Description

PersoN who ha"e *m speciai

recognilio, in rhe field ot An,
Painling, Sculptxre, Music, Dmce,
Dan4 liilms, Science, Litemrure,
tducation, Medicine, press dd
elcclrcnic media dd plblic
adminislra.ion at the Nationay

Ex-Mjlir&'y personnet or mitrt rr,

Ircedom fighleE who de resideds

Bsngalore Merropoliran area tor

SeNanrs who died whte on durv

Explatration: Fofthe pueosc ofcatcgory "G', " Persons in public
lifc" mcans de scning ihc public or availablc to
pcrsons who rhe
peoplc for scrvice as a whole and involved in thc atraire of the
Communily in different c.paciiies and includcs persons who are or
were elected or nominated to the Pnlimenr or the State Legislatue_

(5) Allotmcnl through auction under cat€sory'A' shall be nade only

(i) he is not a minor; dd

(ii) hc is a c'rizen oflndia.

(6) Allohrcnt ro dy person fallina under carcgories ,B, to .c, shall

bc made only il-
(i) he is notaminor,
(iD he is a domicile of Kamataka for not less than fiftefl

(iii) hc or uy ncnber of his family does not olrn a site or a

house in the Bangalore metopolilan @a md has nor been

allollcd a sile or house by the Bdgalorc Development

Authorily or any olher Authority within tbe Bangalole
Devclopneni Authority or any olher Authority within rhe
Bdgalore Meliopolitm e4 and
(iv) he salisfies the Authorit that h€ is in a reasonable position
to pui up a buildine on the site allotted, within a period of
tluee yeaE |rom the date ofheding ovcr possession ofthe
Provided lba1 rcquiremenl of filieen vees domicile nay be
rcla,1cd by thc Auihorily.

(i) in casc of pcrsons who dc domiciled in the siate of

Kmataka but N in the Armed forces of the Unio' dd
s€rving outsidethe state of Kdatal(a;
(ii) in rhe case of persons who are domiciied in the state of
Kamataka but have gone outsidc the statc tor emplolment,
brsincss. sludics or lraining and who bonafidc intend to
rcsidc in ihc Bmgalore Melropolitan area; dd
(iii) in the case of persons belongins to calecory 'B' dd ' C'
wirh fte priorpennission ofthe Govemmenl-

(7) Sites carmdked for disposal under catesory 'A' shall be allotied
by thc Authonty based on the resull ofauction'

(8)Sitcs 10 pqsons falling ubdc! caleEorics'B' 10 'lr (both

inclusivc) sbalL bc allottcd bv lhc Aulhoritv on thc

rccommcndalion of a comb ittce conslihttcd bv i!.

(9)ln rhe casc of pcrsons falling under calegorv 'G', the Authoriq
shall scrutinize ali applications received and submit th;iii'to the
Govement for apprcval dd after getting the apProval allol the
srtes to such persons.

(10) Value of sires 1o be allotted to PeBons falling under caresories

'B' to'C' shall be fi xcd ai ten potent above the curent value of
siles which arc allolled uder rule I I .

(11) Thc p.ovisions of rules 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 ard 15 shall apPlv for

rllotment made uder this nle in respecl ofcatego es'B'to'G'

By ordcr ud in lhe nme of the

Govcmor ofKamataka,

.ss/.r-e rr.-g<
Under S4retary to Government,
Urban Development Department

'Ihe Conpiler, Kamataka Gefle, Bangalore, with a request to Publish
rhe Nodficarion in thc Bxlra-ordinary Gettc and supplv 200 copies to the
Urban Dcvclopmcnl Deparhc.t, 4'h flooi. Vikasa Soudia md to the
Comissioncr. Bmgalore Development Authorilv, Bangalort.

Copv to:

The Chaimm, , Bdsalore Develogned Authoritv, Bdsalore.

(I )

(2)'fte CommissioDer, Bdgalore Development Authoritv, Brn*aloe

(3)Th€ Deputy Comissioner ( Land Acquisition), BusaLore DeveloPnent
Audrori$. Banq3lore.
/ft naq secrcrarr ro Comenr. Depannenr of Parlimcnr A ffairs &
Legislarion, Vidhda Soudha Bangalore.
(5)Ofiicc Copies/ S.G.F./ Spare Copies

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