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Q1. Which one of the following waves are used by the common TV remote control?

a) Radio waves b) Lasers c) Infrared waves d) Ultrasonic waves

Q2. Which gas is safe and an effective extinguisher for all confined fires?
a) Nitrogen dioxide b) Carbon dioxide c) Sulphur dioxide d) Nitrous Oxide
Q3. Which one of the following statements is incorrect about laser?
a) It is a technique for producing intense beams of light, ultraviolet or infrared radiation of different wavelength.
b) Even in diamond laser beam can drill a hole.
c) A variety of lasers have been made from solids like the ruby crystal and semi conducting materials, liquids and
d) All waves in laser, travel in phase.
Q4.Which one of the following elements the drum of a Photostat machine is made up of:
a) Aluminium b) Selenium c) Barium d) Caesium
Q5. Which bacteria is responsible for the formation of curd?
a) Lactic acid bacteria b) Lactobacillus Acidophillus
c) Lactobacillus aureus d) Bacillus radicicola
Q6. Which one of the following bacteria present in the soil produces a peculiar smell
if it rains on perched soil?
a) Streptomycetes b) Staphymycetes c) Diplomycetes d) Micrococcus
Q7. In poorly ventilated buildings which one of the following inert gases can be
a) Helium b) Neon c) Argon d) Radon
Q8. Honey is sweeter than cane sugar or corn syrup. Which one of the following
carbon sugars is responsible for this?
a) Dextrose b) Levulose c) Sucrose d) Fructose
Q9. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens?
a) Covex b) Concave c) Diverging d) None of these
Q10. For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the
pressure will _________?
a) none of these b) remains constant c) also decrease d) increase
Q11. The density of water is __________?
a) 2 g/cm3 b) 1 g/cm3 c) none of these d) 1.5 g/cm3
Q12. The most abundant element in the universe is __________.
a) Oxygen b) Silicon c) Carbon Dioxide d) Hydrogen
Q13. The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is __________?
a) Oxygen b) Carbon Dioxide c) Hydrogen d) Silicon
Q14. The SI unit of “pressure” is _________.
a) pascal b) henry c) joule d) tesla
Q15. An eclipse of the sun occurs when
a) The earth is between the sun and the moon
b) The sun is between the earth and the moon
c) The moon is between the sun and the earth
d) The earth casts its shadow on the moon
e) None of these
Q16. The ozone layer protects the earth from rays sent by the sun:
a) Ultraviolet rays b) Infrared rays c) Gamma rays d) radioactive rays e) None of these
Q17. The most abundant natural Iron oxides are
a) Magnetite and Pyrite b) Magnetite and Bauxite c) Hematite and Pyrite
d) Hematite and Magnetite e) Hematite and Bauxite
Q18. The magnet always points in the same direction, if move freely i.e. towards
north and south poles, because of:
a) Gravitational field b) Earth is a huge magnet c) None of these
d) A lot of metals deposits on north and south poles
e) Due to attraction of north pole and repulsion of Western pole
Q19. The speed of sound in dry air at 20 C is about
a) 130 meters per second b) 230 meters per second
c) 330 meters per second d) 430 meters per second e) None of these
Q20. The density of water is greatest at:
a) 32°C b) 0°C c) 4°C d) 100°C e) None of these
Q21. Ice can be changed to water by:
a) Adding more water molecules b) Changing the motion of the water molecules
c) Rearranging the atoms in water molecules
d) Destroying the atoms in water molecules e) None of these
Q22. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is:
a) -32°C b) -80°C c) -100°C d) -196°C e) None of these
Q23. Which one of the following is an alkali?
a) water b) vinegar c) lemon juice d) slaked lime e) None of these
Q24. Erythrocytes are also called as:
a) Red blood cells b) White blood cells c) Platelets d) Plasma e) None of these
Q25. Plants growing on other plants are called as:
a) Saprophytes b) Parasites c) Epiphytes d) Pathogens e) None of these.
Q26. In a DNA molecules, the rule for base pairing is:
a) Adenine always bound with thymine and cytosine with guanine
b) Adenine always bound with cytosine and thymine with guanine
c) Adenine always bound with guanine and cytosine with thymine
d) Adenine always bound with uralic and cytosine with guanine
e) None of these.
Q27. If an alkali is slowly added to an acidic solution, the pH of the acidic solution
a) Increase b) Decrease c) Increase to 7 and then decrease
d) Decrease to 7 and then increase e) Will remain same
Q28. What amount of fats give the energy of 9.3 K calories
a) 0.5 grams b) 1 gram c) 2 gram d) 4.1 gram
Q29. Plutonium is used as
a) Source of light energy b) Source of Chemical energy c) Fuel for Nuclear fission
d) Fuel for Nuclear fusion e) None of these
Q30. The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is
a) Water b) minerals c) glucose d) salts
Q31. The gas, commonly known as “laughing gas”, is
a) Nitrous Oxide b) Carbon Dioxide c) Sulfur Dioxide d) Sodium Oxide
Q32. The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is_______?
a) 13% b) 3.9% c) 30% d) 0.039%
Q33. In general, wind speed of 105–137 caused_______?
a) severe damage b) considerable damage c) minor or no damage d) extreme damage
Q34. Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of __________ in the atmosphere?
a) Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide b) Sulfur and Charcoal
c) Sulfur Dioxide and Potassium Nitrate d) Nitrogen Oxide and Potassium Nitrate
Q35. About 50% of the Earth’s crust, including the waters on the Earth and
atmosphere, is?
a)Clay b) Oxygen c) Silicon d) Carbon Dioxide
Q36. The fourth state of matter is?
a) Plasma b)Water c) Vapours d)Salts
Q37. The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its __________
a) Electron b) Neutron c) Proton d) Positron
Q38. The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt
(Sodium Chloride) in __________ of sea water.
a) 10 kg b) 1 kg c) 1 gram d) 10 grams
Q39. The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is?
a) Mars b) Jupiter c) Mercury d) Venus
Q40. The Great Spot is on the planet __________?
a) Jupiter b) Mars c) Saturn d) Venus
Q41. 1 light year = ?
a) 9.5×10power6 km b) 9.5×10power9 km c) 9.5×10power12 km d) 9.5×101power8 km
( ^ = power, e.g; ^6)
Q42. The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that save the Earth from many Comets
and Asteroids.
a) Saturn b) Mars c) Uranus d) Jupiter
Q43. The planets visible to us without using a telescope are __________?
a) 5 b) 3 c) 6 d) 4
Q44. According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago.
a) 40 – 50 b) 20 – 30 c) 10 – 20 d)30 – 40
Q45. Biosensor is used to measure?
a) Blood glucose level b) The body pH value c) Salinity in Urine d) Amount of hemoglobin
Q46. Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?
a) E = mc2 b) E = cm2 c) M = ce2 d) M = ec2
Q47. The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?
a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen c) Carbon d) Nitrogen
Q48. What is Dry Ice?
a) Solid Nitrogen b) Solid Oxygen c) Solid Carbon Dioxide d) Solid Hydrogen
Q 49. Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth?
a) Iron b) zinc c) iodine d) copper
Q50. Digestion of food is completed in the __________?
a) small intestine b) Liver c)stomach d)large intestine
Q51. The most densest substance on the Earth is __________.
a) Steel b) Osmium c) Copper d) Platinum
Q52. A camera uses a __________ to form an image.
a) none of these b) condenser lens c) convex lens d) concave lens
Q53. Which from the following is NOT a conductor?
a) Silicon b) Aluminium c) Graphite d) All are conductors
Q54. Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the __________?
a) Gain of Protons b) Gain of Electrons c) Loss of Protons d) Loss of Electrons
Q55. In general, Comets have __________ orbits
a) Parabolic b) Highly elliptical c)Elliptical d) Circular
Q56. In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?
a) Water in a lake b) River water c) Sea water d) Canal water
Q57. During winter in cold countries, the __________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy
a) Salt b) Water c) Carbon dioxide d) Chlorine
Q58. The fluid part of blood is known as __________?
a) Plasma b) None of these c) Platelets d) Blood cells
Q59. Sound waves are _________ waves.
a) Electromagnetic b) Transverse c) Longitudinal d) none of these
Q60. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is __________?
a) Xylometer b) Pyrometer c) Seismograph d) Pyroscope
Q61. 1 nanometer = ?
a) 10-power12 meter b) 10-power9 meter c) 10-power6 meter d) 10-power3 meter
Q62. Gun powder is:
a) Element b) Compound c) Mixture d) Amalgam
Q63. The most famous genetic disease that is associated with Queen Victoria and
circulated among European royalty was:
a) Colour blindness b) Haemophilia c) Austrian lip d) Down’s syndrome
Q64. Fear of enclosed spaces is known as :
a) Hydrophobia b) Claustrophobia c) Kleptophobia d) Heliophobia
Q65. The normal pH of blood is :
a) > 7 b) < 7 c) 9 d) 7
Q66 . --------------------------- are the vertices of the triangle of science.
a) Hypothesis, theory, law b) Hypothesis, experiment, procedure
c) Theory, principle, law d) Law, experiment, observation.
Q67. Pythagoras regarded sun,earth,& moon as ------------.
a) Traingles b) Squares c) Spheres d) Oval
Q68. Dispersion of white light into seven different colors was showed by ---------
a) Galileo Galilei b) Issac newton c) Al.haitham d) Ibne sina
Q69. Who for the first time point out that the path of a projectile would a parabola :
a) Issac Newton b) Thomas Edison c) Al-razi d) Galileo Galilei
Q70. Analytical solutions to Quadratic equations were introduced by ---------
a) Al-Khawarzimi b) Al-haitham c) Isasac Newton d) Pythagoras
Q71. Theory on Geological formation of metals was given by …………….
a) Jabir ibn hayyan b) Al-Razi c) Al-biruni d) Plato
Q72. --------------------------- is known as “Father of Pediatrics”.
a) Al-Razi b) Ibn-e-sina c) Al-Haitham d) Aristotle
Q73. “ Light travels faster than sound” It was discovered for the first time by ----------
a) Al-Biruni b) Al-Razi c) Al-Haitham d) Issac Newton
Q74. The branch of science which deals with the nature of sound, its production,
transmission and effects is called ...................
a) Acoustics b) Aeronautics c) Mechanics d) Physics
Q75. The science of motion and propulsion of rockets,missiles and projectiles is
a) Acoustics b) Ballistics c) Thermodynamics d) Histology
Q76. Study of energy production in living bodies is called .........................
a) Biology b) Biomechanics c) Bioenergetics d) Aerodynamics
Q77. The study of Deterioration of environment by activity of living things is called
a) Biofouling b) Bioremediation c) Biomechanics d) Physics
Q78. The science of getting exact copies of desired living organisms,organs,genes or
molecules is known as
a) Copying b) Reproduction c) Cloning d) Biocopying
Q79. The study of creation of the Universe is called ...................
a) Astronomy b) Cosmogony c) Geology d) Geophysics
Q80. The study of genetics of cell is called ....................
a) Cytogenetics b) Genetic engineering c) Cytology d) Cellular biology
Q81. ........................ showed that the space between galaxies is increasing and the
universe is expanding.
a) Issac newton b) A. Einstein c) Plato d) Edwin Hubble
Q82. According to big Bang theory, Universe came into existance about ...... years ago.
a) 15-20 billion b) 5-6 billion c) 15-20 million d) 50-60 billion
Q83. Our galaxy is ----------------------- in shape.
a) Spherical b) Elliptical c) Spiral d) irregular
Q84. The study of rearing fine and intelligent human beings through genetics is
a) Eugenics b) Biotechnology c) Cloning d) Geneology
Q85. Branch of mathematics dealing with measurement of surface of earth is called
a) Geology b) Topology c) Geo mathematics d) Geodesy
Q86. Use of Sun bath for the treatment of diseases is called .......................
a) Sun therapy b) Solar therapy c) Heliotherapy d) Radiation therapy
Q87. Scientific cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers and shrubs is called
a) Agronomy b) Botany c) Horticulture d) Entomology
Q88. Scientific study of birds is called .............................
a) Ornithology b) Avian biology c) Poultry science d) Zoology
Q89. Pulsar is a neutron star which produces regular pulses of ....................... radiation.
a) Gamma b) Electromagnetic c) Microwave d) Ultraviolet
Q90. Globular clusters of the stars contain ------------------ stars.
a) Few hundred b) Several thousand c) more than one million d) ten millions
Q91. Largest unit of the universe is believed to be ..........................
a) Galaxy b) Stars c) Super clusters d) Solar system
Q92. Lunar eclipses are of ------------ types.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) None of the above
Q93. Solar eclipse can occur only at -----------------.
a) Full moon b) New moon c) Summer season d) Non of the above
Q94. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is concerned with …………………………..
a) Energy production b) Protein synthesis c) Removal of wastes d) Non of the above
Q95. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is concerned with …………………………
a) Protein synthesis b) Energy production c) Lipids synthesis d) Non of the above
Q96. ---------------------- are the power houses of the cell.
a) Golgi apparatus b) Lysosomes c) Nucleus d) Mitochondria
Q97. Fundamental unit of heredity is --------------------
a) DNA b) Chromosome c) Gene d) Cell
Q98. The average normal heartbeat of an adult is about _________ times per minute.
a) 62 b) 72 c) 82 d)92
Q99. The Moon takes __________ days to orbit round the Earth.
a) 26.3 b) 27.3 c) 28.3 d) 29.3
Q100. Which of the following is Renewable Energy Recource ?
a) Fossil fuels b) Nuclear fuels c) Biofuels d) All are Non-renewable resources

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