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CHEMISTRY SSC-II (January 2016)

Time Allowed: 20mins Section-A (Marks 12)

Roll Number:_______________________

Q. 1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D, Each part carries 1 mark.

1. Which gas has highest percentage in the air?

a) O2
b) CO2
c) N2
d) O3

2. What is reddish brown gas?

a) NO
b) NO2
c) SO2
d) O3

3. The outermost layer of earth atmosphere is

a) The mesosphere
b) The stratosphere
c) The troposphere
d) The thermosphere

4. Percentage of sodium chloride in sea water is

a) 0.02
b) 3.4
c) 97
d) 2

5. The density of water is maximum at

a) 0OC
b) 4OC
c) 100OC
d) -4OC

6. Which salt does not cause the water to become hard?

a) Calcium hydrogen carbonate

b) Magnesium hydrogen carbonate
c) Magnesium sulphate
d) Sodium chloride
7. Which salt causes temporary hardness in water ?

a) Magnesium sulphate
b) Calcium sulphate
c) Both calcium sulphate and magnesium sulphate
d) Magnesium hydrogen carbonate

8. Which of the following is used as an anode in electrolytic refining of copper?

a) Pure copper
b) Impure copper
c) Copper sulphate
d) Electrolytic tank

9. Calcinations is the process in which sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated to get

sodium carbonate. Which is not obtained in this process?

a) CO2
b) CO
c) Na2CO3
d) H2O

10. Which of the following acids is found in butter?

a) Caproic acid
b) Palmitic acid
c) Stearic acid
d) Oleic acid

11. Which of the following is a water soluable vitamin?

a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamin K

12. The disease caused due to deficiency of Vitamin D is

a) Rickets
b) Hemolysis of red blood cells
c) Scurvy
d) Night blindness
CHEMISTRY SSC-I (January 2016)

Time Allowed: 2hrs 40mins Total Marks Section B and C: 53


Section-B (Marks 33)

Q. 2 Attempt any ELEVEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed 3 to 4
lines. (11x3=33)

1. Define a pollutant. Give some effects of SO 2 on human being.

2. What are water-borne diseases? List some common water-borne diseases.
3. What is slaked lime? How is it prepared?
4. Define carbohydrates? How do plants prepare carbohydrates?
5. What are enzymes? Write uses of some common enzymes.
6. Define concentration of an ore. Explain froth floatation process for concentration of an
7. What is a peptide bond?
8. Differentiate between stratosphere and troposphere?
9. In what ways the industrial wastes pollute water?
10. Find the percentage of nitrogen in ammonium sulphate.
11. What is solvay process? Draw flow sheet diagram for the process.
12. Describe the following with an example
1. Roasting 2. Smelting
13. What are lepids? Which compounds are included in lipids.
14. What is a dextrose sugar?
15. What is global warming? Write down its consequences.

Section-C (Marks 20)

Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (02x10=20)

Q3. a.) Define petroleum. Explain refining of petroleum by fractional distillation.

b.) What is an ore? Write down the common names and formula of ores of iron,
alluminium, mercury, chromium and copper.

Q4. a.) What is hard water? Write different methods to remove the hardness of water.

b.) What is ozone hole? Explain the role of CFCS in depletion of ozone layer.

Q5. a.) What are neuclic acids? Differentiate between DNA and RNA.

b.) What are vitamins? Why are the vitamins important for us?

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