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10th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES-2018)

01-03 February 2018

Charles University
Top Hotel Praha Congress Centre
Prague, Czech Republic
E-mail:, Web:


16 January 2018
Paper ID: 28298

Dear Guillermo Castilla Cebrian; Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain

I am pleased to inform you that your abstract titled “An in-depth research of Flipped Learning used to teach statistics in
higher education” to the 10th World Conference on Educational Sciences after the peer review, has been selected for
virtual presentation.

Because of the abstract's originality, when the full paper is submitted, it will be considered for special issues which
details are given below:

 Selected full papers will be published in supporting Thomson Reuters Web of Science (SSCI or ESCI) or SCOPUS
indexed journals as Special Issues.
 The Remain accepted full papers will be published by International Leading Publishers and also submitted to
SCOPUS, EBSCO, and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index – CPCI (Web of Science) for evaluation
for inclusion in the list.

Please note that the registration at the conference of at least one author of the paper is a strict condition of
publication of paper. The conference registration has been started. Please visit this address to apply for registration
and accommodation to benefit from early opportunities

If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us, preferably by e-mail, quoting your Paper
ID 28298 in all correspondence.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Steven M. Ross

Honorary President
Johns Hopkins University

Organized by Near East University, University of Kyrenia, Academic World Education and Research Center & Association for Human, Science, Natura,
Education and Technology

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