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525426-12-8CO AID: 66627 | 29/03/2020

The brain's skills are strange and extraordinary. All thoughts, beliefs, memories,
behaviors, and moods arise within the mind. The brain is the place of idea and
intelligence, and the control part for the whole body.

The brain needs regular nourishment. It demands a considerable quantity and extreme
passing of blood and oxygen—approximately 20% of the blood flows from the heart. A
lack of blood pass to the brain for longer than about 10 seconds can reason for

Drugs enter the central nervous system (CNS) through brain capillaries and cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF). Although the brain takes approximately one-sixth of cardiac output, drug
insertion reduced due to the brain's permeability properties. Few lipid-soluble
medications (e.g., thiopental) penetrate the mind quickly, polar compounds do not. The
reason is the blood-brain barrier, which contains the endothelium of brain capillaries and
the astrocytic sheath. The endothelial cells of brain capillaries, which move are closely
connected than those of most capillaries, reduce the diffusion of water-soluble drugs. The
astrocytic sheath contains a layer of glial connective tissue cells (astrocytes) tightly to the
basement layer of the capillary endothelium. With ageing, the blood-brain barrier
becomes less active, providing expanded passage of compounds into the brain.

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