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Britt Burton-Freeman, Amandeep Sandhu and Indika Edirisinghe

INTRODUCTION equilibrium such as flavylium cation (red), carbinol base

(colorless), chalcone (pale yellow/colorless), quinonoi-
Anthocyanins are the natural plant pigments impart- dal base (violet/blue), and anionic quinonoidal base
ing red, blue, and purple colors to fruits, flowers, leaves, (blue) (Brouillard and Lang, 1990; Oliveira et al., 2014).
and some vegetables. They not only provide attrac- The predominant structural forms of anthocyanins at
tive colors and aesthetic appeal to plants but also play different pH levels are shown in Figure 35.2. The high
an important role in pollination and seed dispersal. antioxidant activity of anthocyanins is due to their abil-
Anthocyanins are also used as natural colorants in foods ity to scavenge free radicals by donating a hydrogen
and beverages. atom from a hydroxyl group as well as to support an
Anthocyanins are categorized as flavonoids, which is unpaired electron (Miguel, 2011). Phenoxyl radicals gen-
one of the largest categories of phenolic compounds. The erated in this reaction stabilize through resonance and/
basic structure of anthocyanins is composed of flavylium or intramolecular hydrogen bonding (Kay, 2006).
cation (C6-C3-C6), which could be linked to different The evidence for human health benefits linked to con-
sugars or hydroxyl or methoxyl groups resulting in more sumption of dietary anthocyanins has been presented
than 635 anthocyanins identified so far (He and Giusti, over multiple experimental platforms and disease tar-
2010). The most common sugar attached to anthocyanins gets. Early reports suggested that the antioxidant prop-
is glucose, although rhamnose, xylose, galactose, arabi- erties of these compounds were responsible for their
nose, and rutinose have also been reported (Horbowicz health promoting effects; however, it is now appreci-
et al., 2008). Anthocyanins can be mono-, di-, or tri-gly- ated that anthocyanins work beyond their antioxidant
cosides, depending on the number of sugars attached. properties and likely influence an array of cell signaling
In addition, the sugar residues could also be acylated and gene expression pathways. The evolving science has
by aromatic/aliphatic acids (Böhm, 1994; Giusti et  al., been a driving force stimulating interest and research
1998). The aglycones of anthocyanins are called antho- in anthocyanin biological activity, including their bio-
cyanidins and a total of 19 anthocyanidins have been availability in humans, how they are metabolized, and
reported, among which the six major ones are cyani- whether their metabolites or parent compounds are
din, peonidin, delphinidin, pelargonidin, malvidin, and active in the human body, including whether they pres-
petunidin (Figure 35.1; Tanaka et  al., 2008). The color ent a safety risk if consumed in higher amounts, such as
and stability of anthocyanins are affected by their struc- a dietary supplement.
ture, pH, temperature, light, oxygen, enzymes, inter-
and intramolecular association with other compounds
such as ascorbic acids, metal ions, sugars, and proteins DIETARY SOURCES
(Francis, 1989). OF ANTHOCYANINS
Anthocyanins are particularly sensitive to pH exhibit-
ing a reversible change in color from red to blue when The primary sources of anthocyanins in the human
pH changes from acidic to basic. This phenomenon diet are fruits and vegetables, namely, berries (blueber-
could be explained by their existence in equilibrium in ries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, and others),
aqueous solution with pH between 1 and 8 with at least as well as red-skinned grapes, apples, and pears and
five different forms that interconvert via pH-dependent other purple/red-pigmented vegetables such as carrots,

DOI: 489 © 2012
2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
490 35. Anthocyanins

gels, and purified compounds. One of the advantages

of anthocyanin supplement products (and potentially
a disadvantage) is the ability to ingest high doses of
anthocyanins. Compared to delivery in their natural
food matrix, much higher doses can be ingested, pre-
senting potential safety issues. These issues are dis-
cussed in further detail later. A critical consideration
when purchasing anthocyanins as a supplement is
whether their chemistry activity and biological activ-
ity have been maintained. Anthocyanins are relatively
unstable compounds, particularly in high temperatures
and light. They are stable in acidic conditions (pH < 3)
and reduced water activity, such as in a freeze-dried
product. Even so, acidified and freeze-dried powders
should be stored at low temperatures in appropriate
packaging and preferably with little oxygen exposure
for maximum shelf-life (Hua et al., 2010).


FIGURE 35.1  Structures of main anthocyanidins.
The health benefits of anthocyanins have been stud-
ied in a variety of models ranging from human epi-
potatoes, radishes, and cabbage to name a few. They are demiology and clinical trial intervention to screening
easily recognized due to their red-blue-purple pigmen- and mechanistic studies in animals and cell culture
tation. A few exceptions exist, including red tomatoes, models (Lila, 2004; Seeram, 2008; Burton-Freeman,
which are pigmented by lycopene, and beets, which are 2010; Blumberg et  al., 2013; Basu et  al., 2014; Joseph
pigmented by betalain. et  al., 2014). As mentioned, berries represent the pri-
Estimates of anthocyanin intake vary widely within mary source of dietary anthocyanins, although other
and between populations, as does the composition of sources also contribute. With recently populated public
anthocyanin intake, which is based on food and bever- databases assigning flavonoid content to foods, includ-
age selection. In France, anthocyanin intake is estimated ing anthocyanin content, epidemiological analyses have
to be ~57 mg/day (Perez-Jimenez et  al., 2010), and in revealed population-based diet–disease relationships
Finland an average of 47 mg/day of anthocyanins has specific to dietary anthocyanins. For example, dietary
been estimated (Ovaskainen et al., 2008). Wu et al. (2006) anthocyanin intake has been shown to be inversely asso-
estimated that the daily consumption of anthocyanins in ciated with cardiovascular events, including myocardial
the United States from fruits, vegetables, and beverages infarction and death from coronary heart disease and
was ~12.5 mg/day. Of the total anthocyanins consumed cardiovascular disease in multivariate models (Mink
per day, almost 70% was accounted for by fruit intake et al., 2007; McCullough et al., 2012; Cassidy et al., 2013).
(24 g fruit contributing ~8.7 mg anthocyanins). Apples These results may be explained in part by risk factor
(red delicious) dominated the percent of fruit intake, reduction: dietary anthocyanin intake has been reported
yet apples only contributed 8% of anthocyanin intake. to be significantly inversely associated with hyperten-
In contrast, berries comprised only ~13.5% of the fruit sion (Cassidy et  al., 2011; Jennings et  al., 2014), type 2
intake, but contributed ~56% of the fruit-derived antho- diabetes mellitus (T2DM) (Wedick et  al., 2012), insulin
cyanins. On average, berries (strawberries, blueberries, resistance, and markers of inflammation/C-reactive pro-
cranberries, raspberries, blackberries) provide approxi- tein (Jennings et  al., 2014). Epidemiological data link-
mately 86 mg anthocyanins per 100 g fruit, whereas the ing dietary anthocyanins in cancer risk reduction are
average anthocyanin content in the most commonly sparse and to date have shown relatively neutral effects
eaten fruits (apple, banana, grapes, melons) (Murphy (Zamora-Ros et al., 2013; Cassidy et al., 2014).
et  al., 2012) is approximately 8 mg per 100 g portion Evidence from randomized clinical trials (RCTs)
(Bhagwat et al., 2013). shows that dietary sources of anthocyanins, including
In addition to fruits and vegetables, anthocyanins are strawberries, cranberries, and blueberries, improve ath-
delivered through the diet as natural colorants (food and erogenic lipid profiles such as decreasing total and LDL
beverages). They are also available as dietary supple- cholesterol, increasing HDL cholesterol, and improving
ments in the form of powders, extracts, capsules, soft lipoprotein particle size patterns (Erlund et  al., 2008;

Anthocyanin Health Benefits 491





Ionized Quinonoidal Flavylium cation (red to Quinoidal base (blue)

base (blue) orange color) pH = 1 pH = 4
pH > 8

+H2O, –H+


Carbinol pseudobase
(colorless/pale yellow)
pH = 5




Chalcone (colorless)
pH = 6

FIGURE 35.2  Anthocyanin structural variation at different pH levels (R1=H or glycoside; R2 and R3=H or methyl group). Source: Adapted
from Miguel (2011).

Lee et al., 2008; Basu et al., 2010a,b, 2014; Zunino et al., tract (GIT) appear sensitive to mitigation by high berry
2012; Novotny et al., 2015). These data are supported by anthocyanin exposure (Chen et al., 2012); however, as in
anthocyanin supplementation studies showing similar all studies using nonpurified anthocyanin preparations,
improvements in blood lipid profiles (Qin et al., 2009; Zhu other components in berries may contribute to the effect,
et al., 2011, 2013; Hassellund et al., 2013). Improvements making it difficult to specify an anthocyanin-specific
in emerging CVD and diabetes risk factors have also anticancer effect in humans. Nonetheless, there is an
been reported with berry and anthocyanin supplemen- impressive preclinical literature of anthocyanins medi-
tation, including inflammation (as reviewed in Joseph ating physiological functions related to cancer suppres-
et  al., 2014), glycemic control, and improved insulin sion, suggesting potential anticancer benefits in humans
sensitivity (Stull et  al., 2010; Edirisinghe et  al., 2011a,b; that are not entirely recognized yet (Zhang et al., 2005;
Hidalgo et  al., 2014; Li et  al., 2015). Selected studies Wu et  al., 2007; Brown et  al., 2012; Hou, 2003; Stoner
have also indicated blood pressure–lowering effects with et al., 2007). Some of these effects are briefly described.
berry supplementation (Erlund et  al., 2008; Basu et  al., Anthocyanins show inhibitory effects on the growth
2010a,b; Dohadwala et  al., 2011), but not with antho- of some cancer cells (Kamei et  al., 1995; Koide et  al.,
cyanin supplementation (Hassellund et al., 2012, 2013). 1997) and also inhibit cell transformation (Hou et  al.,
Esophageal and other cancers of the gastrointestinal 2004). Pure anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich extracts

492 35. Anthocyanins

from fruits and vegetables have shown antiproliferative CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR
activity toward multiple cancer cell types in vitro. It is TARGETS OF ANTHOCYANINS
interesting to note that anthocyanins selectively inhibit
the growth of cancer cells with relatively little or no Anthocyanins, along with many flavonoid com-
effect on the growth of normal cells (Hakimuddin et al., pounds, have gained increasing attention over the years
2004). Apoptosis plays a key role in the development and due to their well-established in vitro antioxidant activity
growth regulation of normal cells, and is often dysregu- (Rice-Evans et  al., 1996) and potential for health ben-
lated in cancer cells. Effective chemopreventive agents efits. Because oxidative stress leading to damage and
are often strong inducers of apoptosis in cancer cells. dysfunction of cells and tissue is considered to be at the
Anthocyanin-rich extracts from various fruits/extracts core of aging and chronic diseases, anthocyanins/fla-
and several pure anthocyanins and anthocyanidins have vonoids antioxidant activity has been regarded as their
exhibited proapoptotic effects in multiple cell types in main biological activity in humans. However, this idea
vitro (Kamei et  al., 1995; Koide et  al., 1997). Likewise, has been challenged in recent years due to low bioavail-
angiogenesis is another important factor in cancer ability of many flavonoids, particularly of anthocyanins
development, and anthocyanins have been shown to (Manach et al., 2005). Anthocyanin bioavailability is gen-
inhibit angiogenesis in endothelial cells (Bagchi et  al., erally less than 1–2%, although 5% bioavailability has
2004) and other cells types (Huang et al., 2006; Rodrigo been reported when delivered as wine (Lapidot et  al.,
et  al., 2006). Anthocyanins have been tested in various 1998; McGhie et  al., 2003; Gonzalez-Barrio et  al., 2010;
animal models of cancer, including carcinogen-treated Banaszewski et  al., 2013). Concentrations of anthocya-
animals and animals with hereditable predisposition to nins and their conjugated metabolites in plasma after
cancer. Black raspberry powder and fractions therein oral ingestion are in the mid–high picomolar (pM) to
have been shown to inhibit esophageal tumorigenesis low–mid nanomolar (nM) range, well below what is
in N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine (NMBA)-treated rats considered the threshold for radical scavenging activity.
(Kang et  al., 2003) as well as to decrease tumor num- In contrast, classic antioxidant radical scavengers, such
ber in an azoxymethane (AOM)-induced model of colon as ascorbic acid and urate, circulate in micromolar (µM)
cancer in F344 rats (Harris et al., 2001). Promising results concentrations. Given these concentration differences
in the APC(Min) mouse model of intestinal cancer with and ranges in which anthocyanins circulate, alternative
tart cherry extract and bilberry have also been observed mechanisms are more likely to describe their bioactivity.
(Cooke et al., 2006). Recently, research has identified cellular targets where
Despite these and other anthocyanin-associated anthocyanins interact to activate, suppress, receive, and
health effects, anthocyanins and other polyphenols transmit information, resulting in downstream effects
remain to be fully understood because their bioavail- including gene expression to modulate physiology. The
ability appears to be relatively limited. With few excep- cascade of responses is presumed to be initiated by
tions, such as the case with dietary fiber, it is generally ligand–receptor interactions. Nuclear factor kappa light
assumed that to confer health benefits systemically, chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), activator pro-
compounds (of interest) must be absorbed and avail- tein-1 (AP-1), signal transducer and activator of transcrip-
able for use by cells. In a classic bioavailability/pharma- tion-1 (STAT-1), and octamer-binding protein (OCT-1) are
cokinetic paradigm, the compounds of interest would some of the transcription factors that are activated in
be the parent anthocyanin molecule and perhaps one cancer cells as well as other cells of the body under
or two metabolites after phase I and phase II metab- distress and disease conditions. Evidence suggests that
olism. However, it has become increasingly apparent metabolites of anthocyanins can reduce the activation
and appreciated that polyphenols, including anthocya- of these transcription factors (Forester and Waterhouse,
nins, are metabolized to a number of potentially bio- 2010; Forester et  al., 2014). NF-κB is a central mediator
logically active compounds generated from the human of inflammatory responses and, therefore, ROS genera-
and gut microbiome (Williamson and Clifford, 2010; tion in cell systems. Hence, attenuation of chronically
Cardona et al., 2013; Czank et al., 2013; de Ferrars et al., activated NF-κB activation can dramatically alter the
2014). Hence, although current literature still suggests inflammatory and oxidative stress status of the system,
limited bioavailability of anthocyanins, the landscape which has been linked to multiple chronic, noncommu-
is quickly evolving to indicate that our definition and nicable diseases, including the most pressing current
assessment of bioavailability may require adjustment diseases: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s
to fully describe and understand anthocyanin “total” disease, and some cancers (Hotamisligil, 2006; Lu et al.,
bioavailability, including metabolites formed and their 2006; Libby, 2007; Scrivo et  al., 2011). The effects of
relationship with health-associated effects (efficacy) and anthocyanin-rich foods and products on inflammation
potential safety concerns, together with specific cellular and inflammatory targets have been recently reviewed
targets sensitive to each metabolite. (Joseph et al., 2014).

Anthocyanin Bioavailability 493
Anthocyanins have been shown to stimulate the free fatty acid conditions, such as in prediabetes and
expression of tumor suppressor genes via demethylation diagnosed diabetes (unpublished results, personal com-
of promoters of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor munication, and Edirisinghe et al. 2011b).
2A (CDKN2A), secreted frizzled-related proteins 2 and These targets elicit additional or alternative actions
5 (SFRP2, SFRP5), and Wnt inhibitor factor -1 (WIF1) in other tissues as well. For example, in endothelial
(Wang et  al., 2013). Inhibitors of CDK activity, specifi- cells, anthocyanin-rich extracts were shown to increase
cally p21 and p27, also appear to be sensitive to anthocy- phosphorylation of the PI3/Akt pathway, leading to
anin and anthocyanidin molecules promoting cell cycle increased eNOS activity (Xu et  al., 2004; Edirisinghe
arrest and apoptosis in carcinoma cells. et  al., 2008, 2011a,b), which is relevant in vasodilation
The ability of anthocyanins to induce antioxidant as demonstrated in various ex vivo aorta models with
and detoxifying enzymes has potential implications in anthocyanin or anthocyanin-rich fruit extract treatment
cancer prevention as well as modifying cellular oxidant (Andriambeloson et al., 1998; Nakamura et al., 2002; Bell
status. Treatment of rat liver clone 9 cells with 50 μM and Gochenaur, 2006; Edirisinghe et al., 2008). Thrombin
anthocyanins (Shih et al., 2007) and noncancerous breast receptor activating peptide (TRAP) and vascular endo-
cells with 10–20 μg/mL anthocyanins (Singletary et  al., thelial growth factor (VEGF) have roles in thrombosis
2007) enhanced their antioxidant capacity by activating and angiogenesis and may be additional targets for
glutathione (GSH)-related enzymes, including glutathi- anthocyanins reducing cancer and atherosclerotic risk
one reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and (Rechner and Kroner, 2005; Oak et al., 2006).
glutathione S-transferase (GST), as well as the activity of It is also well recognized that anthocyanins, like other
NAD(P)H:quinone reductase. polyphenols, interact with drug-metabolizing enzymes,
Other molecular targets of anthocyanins include pro- including cytochrome P450 (CYP450) mono-oxygenases
tein kinases, many of which are ATP-binding kinases. (phase I) and phase II conjugation enzymes and presum-
The cellular stress kinases extracellular signal-regu- ably drug excretion transporters. Interaction of anthocya-
lated kinases (ERK), mitogen-activated protein kinases nins with these molecular targets might result in decreased
(MAPK), and c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) have been bioavailability of certain drugs with possible treatment
shown to be sensitive to anthocyanin treatment, result- failure or increased bioavailability with higher probability
ing in reduced activation and attenuation of downstream of adverse effects and toxicity (Rodriguez-Fragoso et al.,
cellular signaling networks associated with cancer, brain 2011). Based on these interactions and the growing evi-
aging, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular dis- dence of anthocyanin targets and activity in the human
ease, diabetes, and the processes that underlie them body, there may be good reason for their low bioavail-
such as chronic inflammation (Ghosh and Konishi, 2007; ability; either for safety purposes, because the first line
Seeram, 2008; Shukitt-Hale et al., 2008; Blumberg et al., of mammalian defense is at the level of absorption and
2013; Basu et al., 2014; Edirisinghe and Burton-Freeman, first-pass metabolism, or to ensure their uptake coincides
2014; Joseph et al., 2014; Rodriguez-Mateos et al., 2014; with cellular machinery to optimize their health benefits.
Sehitoglu et al., 2014).
Of particular interest are some of the metabolic traf-
ficking activities shown with anthocyanins. Molecular ANTHOCYANIN BIOAVAILABILITY
targets include enzymes (e.g., AMP-activated protein
kinase (AMPK), phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI3)-kinase, Bioavailability is a term that refers to the extent that
protein kinase B (Akt)), receptors and transporters (e.g., a substance reaches systemic circulation unchanged
insulin receptors, insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1, car- after a particular route of administration. Intravenous
nitine palmitoyl transferase I (CPT1)), and nuclear bind- administration confers 100% bioavailability. However,
ing proteins/transcription factors (i.e., PPARs) involved anthocyanins are ingested via the oral route; therefore,
in cellular energy metabolism (Tsuda et al., 2004; Tsuda, bioavailability will be governed by their ability to cross
2008; Seymour et al., 2011; Tulio et al., 2012; Park et al., the epithelial surface of the GIT, pass through the liver,
2015). AMPK appears to be an important target for non- and appear in systemic circulation. Anthocyanins are
insulin-mediated anthocyanin effects influencing glu- one of the few flavonoids that can be absorbed intact and
cose metabolism (Tsuda, 2008; Kurimoto et  al., 2013). can be measured in circulation as the parent compound.
Anthocyanin-mediated effects via insulin-dependent Bioavailability of the parent intact glycoside compounds
pathways appear to involve upregulation of insulin is remarkably low and is dependent on aglycone struc-
signaling molecules (Qin and Anderson, 2012) and ture and sugar moiety, but with most reports indicating
mediate phosphorylation patterns along the IRS-1 path- much less than 1% (Cao et al., 2001; McGhie et al., 2003;
way (enhanced Tyr, activation; reduced Ser, inhibitory) Wu et al., 2004; Prior and Wu, 2006; Banaszewski et al.,
enhancing Akt phosphorylation/activation that can be 2013). Nonetheless, an array of anthocyanin metabolites
disrupted under oxidative stress and hyperglycemic and have been detected in which the C6-C3-C6 structure is

494 35. Anthocyanins

maintained (i.e., C6-C3-C6 structures that are deglyco- subject to phase I and phase II metabolism generating
sylated and absorbed or conjugated with glucuronide, oxidized or reduced products and/or sulfate, glucuro-
sulfate, or methyl groups), and still others have been nide, and/or methylated metabolites through the action
detected in which the backbone structure has been of sulfotransferases (SULTs), uridine-5-diphosphate
degraded or metabolized to simple phenolic acids due glucuronosyltransferases (UGT), and catechol-O-meth-
to chemical instability or microbial metabolism in the yltransferases (COMTs), respectively. Compared to other
GIT. C6-C3-C6 metabolites appear in plasma in nM con- flavonoids, anthocyanins do not appear to be extensively
centrations, whereas total phenolic acids may reach µM modified (Del Rio et al., 2013).
concentrations. The elimination of plasma anthocyanins Efflux transporters of the ATP-binding cassette fam-
is mainly through the kidney, excreted in urine follow- ily, including multi-drug resistance protein (MRP) and
ing first-order kinetics (Cao et  al., 2001; Carkeet et  al., P-glycoprotein (P-gp) at apical and basolateral surfaces,
2008; Hollands et al., 2008). The plethora of metabolites are thought to be responsible for some of the metabolites
generated from anthocyanins ingestion (i.e., including being transported back into the lumen of the small intes-
unmetabolized parent compounds, aglycones, phase tine as well as facilitating efflux into portal circulation.
I and phase II metabolites, conjugated products, and To what degree anthocyanins are subject to efflux back
microbial generated metabolites) suggests that total bio- into the intestinal lumen versus into portal circulation is
availability is much greater than previously recognized not well understood but may, at least in part, explain the
and further supports a new framework for assessing the low bioavailability of anthocyanins and other flavonoids.
“bioavailability” of anthocyanins and potentially other Once in the portal bloodstream, metabolites rapidly
plant secondary metabolites. reach the liver, where they can be further metabolized
(via phase I and phase II metabolism) prior to entry
into general/systemic circulation or recycled back to the
ANTHOCYANIN ABSORPTION, small intestine through bile excretion, where they may
DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, be reabsorbed, degraded, or continue through to the
AND EXCRETION lower bowel (Felgines et al., 2003, 2010; Talavera et al.,
2005). Either initially or via enterohepatic circulation,
Anthocyanins are primarily absorbed in the stomach anthocyanins as parent, metabolite, or degraded prod-
and the small intestine. Rapid appearance of anthocya- ucts reaching the colon are subject to colonic metabo-
nins in the blood is believed to be due to gastric absorp- lism, generating an even broader variety of metabolites
tion transported into portal circulation via the organic and kinetic profiles (de Ferrars et al., 2014).
anion carrier, bilitranslocase (Passamonti et  al., 2002, Most anthocyanins maintaining the C6-C3-C6
2003; Talavera et  al., 2005). Bilitranslocase has a higher structure will peak in systemic circulation within 1–4 h
affinity for parent anthocyanin glycosides than for their depending on aglycone-glycosidic chemistry as well as
aglycones, which likely explains the rapid uptake and gastrointestinal dynamics (i.e., gastric emptying, gut
detection of anthocyanin glycosides in plasma compared motility, viscosity of chyme, etc.) in response to food
to aglycone moieties (Passamonti et al., 2003). matrix and co-existing nutrient composition. For exam-
In the small intestine, anthocyanin absorption appears ple, strawberries ingested with dietary lipid in the form
to be mostly in the jejunum segment (Talavera et al., 2005). of cream has been shown to shift the absorption and
Anthocyanin glycosides are relatively polar hydrophilic clearance curve of pelargonidin-glucuronide to the right
compounds; therefore, absorption requires modification without reducing total bioavailability compared to eat-
or a transport mechanism. Lactate phlorizin hydrolase, a ing strawberries without cream (Mullen et al., 2008). In
brush border enzyme, can hydrolyze glycosides, forming rats fed black currants with water or with hydrated oat-
more hydrophobic anthocyanin aglycones to allow for meal, producing a viscous medium, total anthocyanin
passive diffusion into enterocytes (Kay, 2006). However, absorption was slowed and reduced in the oatmeal con-
passive diffusion as a mechanism for enterocyte uptake dition (Walton et al., 2009). In human subjects, consum-
has been challenged (Passamonti et  al., 2009). Instead, ing freeze-dried strawberry powder (12 g) prepared in a
it is expected that membrane transport mechanisms are water mixture with no other food resulted in significantly
the primary mechanisms for anthocyanins and possibly higher peak pelargonidin-glucuronide concentrations
other flavonoid compounds. Several glucose associated compared to when the same preparation was consumed
transporters (GLUT) have been suggested, including with a meal. However, for the unmetabolized compounds
the most often cited sodium-dependent glucose co- (pelargondin-3-O-glycoside and pelargonidin-3-O-rutin-
transporter (SGLT1) (Fernandes et  al., 2014). Intestinal soside) peak concentrations appeared approximately 1 h
bilitranslocase may be another mechanism for uptake earlier in the water-only condition compared to with the
(Passamonti et  al., 2009). Once across the wall of the meal condition. Peak plasma concentration did not dif-
enterocyte, anthocyanins are treated like xenobiotics fer between conditions for pelargondin-3-O-glycoside,

Anthocyanin Safety and Toxicology 495
whereas the meal enhanced pelargondin-3-O-rutinoside (Czank et al., 2013). Nearly half of the labeled anthocya-
absorption, resulting in higher peak concentrations com- nins were recovered as metabolites after elimination in
pared to the water-only condition (personal communica- urine, feces, and breath.
tion, unpublished results, A. Sandhu). Whether the shifts In humans, anthocyanin bioavailability is regarded
were due to an alteration of gastrointestinal function as limited and appears to decrease with increasing
in response to food/meal composition or anthocyanin bolus doses beyond a certain threshold. These thresh-
binding to food substituents (e.g., fiber, proteins) is not olds likely differ among anthocyanins based on struc-
clear. Lipids and viscous fibers are known to slow gastric tural differences, attached sugars, and human variance.
emptying and interfere with digestion, slowing absorp- Nonetheless, the current data suggest that C6-C3-C6
tion of nutrients. Aglycone chemistry and sugar moieties structures as well as their products broken down from
impact absorption kinetics of anthocyanins, and the sug- mammalian or microbial metabolism (phenolic metab-
gested interactions with coexiting foods/nutrients fur- olites) are managed such that excretion is rapid and
ther complicate the picture. Future work will need to circulating concentrations are relatively low. However,
determine whether these or other relevant alterations potency has not been addressed well. Several hormones
in absorption would be significant enough to impact in the body circulate in very low (pM) concentrations yet
anthocyanin-associated health outcomes. are potent biologically. Hence, evaluation of the safety
The impact of dose on anthocyanin bioavailability and toxicity of anthocyanins is prudent, not only because
has not been tested extensively in humans (Kurilich they are used as natural colorants in foods as food addi-
et  al., 2005; Carkeet et  al., 2008; Hollands et  al., 2008; tives but also because the evolving health food market
Banaszewski et al., 2013). Three of the four groups cited now includes a robust dietary supplements market that
assessed bioavailability of strawberry anthocyanins using is well supported by modern consumers.
fresh fruit, puree, or freeze-dried powder preparations up
to maximum doses of ~440 g fresh fruit equivalent and
~368  µmol anthocyanins (pelargonidin and cyanindin ANTHOCYANIN SAFETY AND
glycosides). Kurilich et  al (2005) investigated bioavail- TOXICOLOGY
ability of anthocyanins from two doses of purple car-
rots providing 357 and 714 µmol anthocyanins (cyanindin The consumption of anthocyanins is generally con-
glycosides, acylated and nonacylated). Urinary excretion sidered safe in humans because they have been con-
increased linearly, with increasing doses of strawberry sumed as part of regular diet for generations without
intake providing up to ~228 µmol anthocyanins (Carkeet any adverse health effects (Brouillard, 1982). This could
et  al., 2008; Hollands et  al., 2008). Feeding strawberries be associated with their low absorption and bioavailabil-
over four intake levels delivering 101–368 µmol straw- ity (Pojer et al., 2013). However, an increasing consumer
berry anthocyanins resulted in dose-related increases in trend toward dietary supplements to achieve health ben-
maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) and systemic efits of anthocyanins has raised concerns. Manufacturer
exposure as determined by area under the curve (AUC) recommended doses of these supplements are usually
analysis. However, after adjusting for dose, these pharma- much higher than the intake of anthocyanins from food.
cokinetic variables were reduced and overall bioavailabil- Moreover, there are no regulatory standards for dietary
ity decreased with increasing dose, suggesting possible supplements sold in the United States, which can result
saturation of absorptive mechanisms as dose increases in fraudulent/adulterated products (Lee, 2014). It is
(Banaszewski et  al., 2013). These data were confirmed also highly likely that individuals interested in using
in a second larger study by the same group (personal anthocyanins as a dietary supplement for health benefits
communication, submitted) and support findings by would also be using other supplements or conventional
Kurilich et al. (2013), who reported maximal absorption drugs. As discussed in this chapter, anthocyanins are
at 350 µmol or less for cyanidin-based anthocyanins. treated as xenobiotics and, thus, can modulate activities
Anthocyanins distribution as studied in rodents indi- or compete for various drug-metabolizing enzymes and
cates presence in digestive organs (stomach, jejunum) drug transporters (Bartikova et  al., 2013). This further
and liver, as well as in the brain and kidney, although enhances the risk of potential adverse effects and toxicity
proportions of anthocyanins metabolites appear to dif- due to drug–supplement interactions.
fer between organs (Talavera et  al., 2005; Kalt et  al., To date, there are no reports indicating adverse
2008). Radiolabeled (14C) anthocyanin administered health effects with ingestion of anthocyanins at usual
into animal models has also revealed deposition of the dietary intake levels. The safety and toxicity of antho-
metabolites in brain and bone tissues (Janle et al., 2010). cyanins have been studied, but much of the research
In humans, 13C-biolabeled cyanidin-3-glucosides were dates back to the 1990s and earlier. For example, bilberry
administered and labeled metabolite concentrations extract containing 36% anthocyanins was used to test
were measured using isotope ratio mass spectrometry the tolerability and safety of anthocyanins in animals

496 35. Anthocyanins

by Morazzoni and Bombardelli (1996). No toxic effects by Morazzoni and Bombardelli (1996), bilberry extracts
were observed in rats and mice at LD50 over 2,000 mg/ showed no teratogenic effects or mutagenic activity in
kg body weight (bw) and in dogs at 3,000 mg/kg bw. different mutagenesis assays. Similarly, purified cyani-
However, marked discoloration of urine and feces was din and delphinidin and extracts of GSKE tested neg-
observed. A 6-month study conducted on animals in ative for mutagenic activity in the Ames assay using
which rats (dose: 125 to 500 mg/kg bw) and dogs (dose: different strains of Salmonella with or without metabolic
80 to 320 mg/kg bw) were fed anthocyanins every day activation (Brown and Dietrich, 1979; EFSA, 2013).
showed no mortalities or toxic effects. Clinical safety was Genotoxic evaluation using the in vitro Comet assays in
confirmed in a postmarketing surveillance human study mammalian cells with up to 10 μM delphinidin, malvidin,
with more than 2,000 patients suffering from venous and pelargonidin, and peonidin did not result in increased
retinal microcirculation disorders. Most patients (69.5%) DNA strand breaks. However, in another study, doses
consumed a dose of 115 mg/day of anthocyanins from of ≥50 μM (~17.5  g/mL) delphinidin, cyanidin, mal-
bilberry extract for 1 to 2 months, with only 4% of people vidin, pelargonidin, and peonidin did induce a small,
reporting side effects that were mainly gastrointestinal but significant, increase in strand breaks in HT29 cells.
(gastric pain, pyrosis, and nausea) and related to the skin Pelargonidin (doses ≤2 μM) was found to be nongeno-
and the nervous system (Eandi, 1987). However, high toxic in a micronucleus test in HL-60 cells. Overall, in
doses of bilberry anthocyanins (>100 mg/day) should most in vitro assays, anthocyanins tested at low doses
be taken cautiously by hemorrhagic patients and those were not genotoxic. Some evidence of genotoxicity was
prescribed warfarin or other antiplatelet drugs due provided by a single in vitro study using pure anthocyani-
to interaction of anthocyanins with antiplatelet drugs dins (aglycone). However, in a negative guideline, bone
(Pulliero et al., 1989). Pourrat et al. (1967) reported that marrow micronucleus test at a limited dose was consid-
anthocyanins can produce sedative effects in animals at ered to exclude in vivo genotoxicity of GSKE (EFSA, 2013).
oral doses of 500 mg/kg bw. They also observed diuretic Studies of the toxicological properties of anthocya-
effects in rabbits when administered a dose of 25 mg/kg nins have mainly used fruit extracts, which contain
bw intravenously. No adverse effect was noted in blood several anthocyanins. Therefore, conclusions cannot be
pressure of rabbits consuming an oral dose of 6 g/kg bw drawn for specific anthocyanins, but may be made for
of anthocyanin glycosides. anthocyanins in general. From a food additive stand-
There are limited toxicological studies evaluating point, anthocyanin exposure is expected to be far greater
anthocyanin effects on fertility/reproduction, teratoge- than for usual dietary intake exposure (EFSA, 2013).
nicity, and mutagenicity. A two-generation reproduction However, dietary supplement usage has the potential
study was conducted in rats (Sprague-Dawley) with an to increase intake to even higher levels than potentially
18-week observation period, during which rats were fed encountered through usual dietary intake, including
a grape skin extract (GSKE) preparation containing 3% exposure of anthocyanins as a food additive. To date,
anthocyanins. The test groups received 7.5 or 15% of regulatory reviews of the available data indicate that it
the GSKE in their diet (equivalent to 112 and 225 mg is inadequate to establish a numerical acceptable daily
anthocyanins/kg bw per day based on an assumed 3% intake (ADI) for anthocyanins (for purposes of food
anthocyanin content in GSKE). There was no differ- additive safety) (EFSA, 2013), although Joint FAO/WHO
ence in the reproductive performance of the control and Expert Committee on Food Additives published an ADI
test groups. However, a decrease in body and organ of 0–2.5 mg/kg/bw per day in 1982 based on the work
(liver, adrenal, and thyroid) weight of the offspring was of Cox and Babish (1978). Dietary reference intakes for
observed in first-generation pups after the 15% dose anthocyanins have not been established, which would
and at the 7.5% dose in second-generation pups, which include a tolerable upper intake level (UL). Despite the
could be related to decreased food intake. However, no lack of evidence to make specific recommendations for
compound-related histological effects were observed safety, the general consensus suggests that anthocyanins
(Cox and Babish, 1978; EFSA, 2013) despite decreases in are safe for human ingestion as usually consumed in
organ weights of the liver, adrenal, and thyroid in the the diet. As with all dietary supplement usage, caution
15% group of first-generation rats. No teratogenic activ- should be exercised to minimize potential safety risk.
ity of anthocyanin glycosides from extract of currants,
blueberries, and elderberries was observed in mice, rats,
and rabbits at 1.5, 3, and 9 g/kg bw dose levels over CONCLUDING REMARKS AND
three successive generations (Pourrat et  al., 1967). The FUTURE DIRECTIONS
same extract when administered intravenously or intra-
peritoneally at extremely high doses of 25 g/kg bw in Anthocyanins are natural plant pigments that have
mice and 20 g/kg bw in rats resulted in sedation, convul- beneficial effects for the plant as well as for humans and
sions, and finally death (Pourrat et al., 1967). In a study animals. Dietary sources of anthocyanins are generally

easy to identify due to their red, blue, or purple color. Basu, A., Betts, N.M., Nguyen, A., et al., 2014. Freeze-dried strawber-
Examples include berries and red-skinned grapes, ries lower serum cholesterol and lipid peroxidation in adults with
abdominal adiposity and elevated serum lipids. J. Nutr. 144 (6),
apples, and pears and various vegetables such as rad- 830–837.
ishes and red/purple cabbage. Anthocyanins may also Basu, A., Du, M., Leyva, M.J., et  al., 2010a. Blueberries decrease car-
be ingested through their use as a food additive and as diovascular risk factors in obese men and women with metabolic
dietary supplements, procured as anthocyanin-rich fruit syndrome. J. Nutr. 140 (9), 1582–1587.
extracts, powders, and purified compounds. The bio- Basu, A., Fu, D.X., Wilkinson, M., et al., 2010b. Strawberries decrease
atherosclerotic markers in subjects with metabolic syndrome.
availability of anthocyanins is considered to be limited; Nutr. Res. 30 (7), 462–469.
however, recent advances in targeted and nontargeted Basu, A., Nguyen, A., Betts, N.M., et  al., 2014. Strawberry as a func-
instrumentation have enhanced our detection capability, tional food: an evidence-based review. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr.
indicating that anthocyanin metabolism can be exten- 54 (6), 790–806.
sive, is complex, and that the full portfolio of antho- Bell, D.R., Gochenaur, K., 2006. Direct vasoactive and vasoprotective
properties of anthocyanin-rich extracts. J. Appl. Physiol. (1985)
cyanin metabolites are probably yet to be measured or 100 (4), 1164–1170.
characterized. Nonetheless, it is clear that anthocyanin Bhagwat, S., Haytowitz, D.B., Holden, J.M. (Ret.), 2013. USDA
intake is associated with various health benefits as dem- Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods, Release 3.1.
onstrated in a number of study designs ranging from U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
human epidemiology and clinical trial intervention to Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page: http://www.ars.usda.
gov/nutrientdata/flav. Accessed on April 2014.
screening and mechanistic studies in animals and cell Blumberg, J.B., Camesano, T.A., Cassidy, A., et  al., 2013. Cranberries
culture models. Anthocyanin molecular targets include and their bioactive constituents in human health. Adv. Nutr. 4 (6),
transporters and receptors, second messenger signaling 618–632.
molecules and kinase enzymes, transcription factors, Böhm, H., 1994. G. Mazza und E. Miniati: Anthocyanins in Fruits,
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logical concerns are relatively low. To date, there are pp. 1–40.
no reports indicating adverse health effects with con- Brouillard, R., Lang, J., 1990. The hemiacetal–cis-chalcone equilibrium
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