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Type of Paging

ATG Search supports two types of paging, normal paging and fast paging. The key
differences between them relate to the information you get back from the search
engine about the number of pages of results, and the navigation you can build
into your pages:

Normal paging is the default. In this mode, the search engine returns (in the form
handler’s pagesAvailable property), the total number of pages of results. You can
create links that enable the customer to go directly to any page.

Fast paging is specified by setting the fastPaging property of the search request to
true. In this mode, the search engine does not return information about the total
number of pages of results; pagesAvailable is set to the highest-numbered page
that has been rendered so far. You can enable customers to go to the next page
or to any page previously rendered.

For a single-partition index, normal paging is always enabled (the fastPaging

property is ignored). For a multi-partition index, you can choose between normal
paging and fast paging, but fast paging is recommended. Fast paging is much less
resource-intensive than normal paging. On multi-partition indexes, normal paging
can be very memory- and CPU-intensive, because results from the partitions must
be merged.

Example of Normal Paging

The following example renders a list of the page numbers of all pages of results.
Each page number is a link to the corresponding results page, except for the
current page number, which is displayed without a link. For example, if
pagesAvailable is 43 and the current page is page 10, this code will render the
integers from 1 to 43, and all of these except 10 will be links. If the user clicks 22,
for example, a request to display page 22 will be issued.

Example of Fast Paging

The following example renders a list of the page numbers of the results pages that
have been rendered so far. Each page number is a link to the corresponding
results page, except for the current page number, which is displayed without a
link. In addition, the example renders the word “next” as a link to the page
following the current one.

What is a batch job?

A batch job is a computer program or set of programs processed in batch mode.

This means that a sequence of commands to be executed by the operating system
is listed in a file (often called a batch file, command file, or shell script) and
submitted for execution as a single unit. The opposite of a batch job is interactive
processing, in which a user enters individual commands to be processed

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