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16 June 2020

Justice, The World and Wheel of Fortune

People around you are plotting something about you. You are the target of calculations which aim to
destabilize you. If you are not careful you could find yourself in a difficult situation. You need keep you
on your toes and keep your eyes open in order to find out who these people are and why they are acting
like this. It is possible that in the professional environment they are trying to put you down out of
jealousy; no doubt you make some people envious.

Look at the positive side: if people envy you it must be because your life is better than theirs. You
probably have many assets that you're not necessarily aware of. Don't bother yourself about those who
would like to have what you have. Instead worry about continuing to cultivate your strengths. Your
personality is valuable, it is the fruit of your past, just the right mix of all those sometimes difficult
experiences you have lived through. The fact that someone is trying to do you down shouldn't change
you. Stay strong, be yourself.

With time you will understand that you can become untouchable. Just ignore the negative people and
move forward by being sure of your assets. In this way you will have enormous force and you will no
longer have limits in your life. Good people will appreciate you for what you're worth, and the wrong
people will no longer part of the people around you: you will have won the battle. If you listen to the
lesson the cards are giving you today, you will accomplish new things in your life, things that are still
only dreams today.

The cards show that you are someone who is always thinking about other people. You have this need to
be loved and accepted, sometimes even admired. From the outside, you seem to be completely in
control of yourself and your environment, but deep down you sometimes have doubts and question

June could be a month full of revelations, with some pleasant surprises in store. The cards suggest a
break with the past and the present and something new in the future. They evoke a prosperous period
during which the fates could finally be smiling on you. If you would like to know more about this, just fill
in your e-mail address below. Then I can send you a free, personalised tarot card draw to help you see
things more clearly.

The Tower, The High Priestress and The Hierophant

These days, you use discretion in how you understand things. The cards show that you have learned
from your mistakes and now you are looking at the future in a new way. You are an intuitive person,
blessed with a lot of inspiration. Socially, these qualities allow you to be heard and understood by the
people you hang out with. The cards also show that in the coming days, a person close to you could
abuse your trust and try to harm you. It is a malicious man who is going through a difficult situation and
has a really irritating tendency to constantly compare himself to you. Fortunately, the cards are
protecting you from this negative energy and this should enable you to anticipate the situation to avoid
problems in your personal life.

In June 2020, you have to be vigilant in order to take advantage of all the opportunities highlighted in
your draw. It is true that in some situations life gives us a second chance that we have to seize. It is in
this particular climate that you have to make important decisions. But be careful not to act in haste; the
cards evoke your potential and show that with the necessary distance you can accomplish great things.
Your draw is also showing happy times with people close to you. It is true that some people are very
important but the way life is means you don't get to see them often enough. This is why you must make
the most of the periods of generosity, sharing and happiness that you have with the people around you.
These are people you trust, and whose uniqueness gives you everything you need today.

The Sun, Death and The Star

The cards suggest new challenges in your life, but to reach them you will have to apply your full
potential. There is one particular barrier that you are unable to cross, and that slows you down
considerably in your daily life. Do you know what it is? When you think about it, you seem resigned to
the idea of taking this step. This is a big job, but you have the potential to get there; you mustn't doubt
it. Life is full of events which follow one after the other. It is true that some seem more manageable than
others, simply because they happen in a natural way. Here it is your responsibility to do everything
possible to achieve your goals and move forward in your life plan.

By doing this, the cards show that you are destined for a bright future. First of all there are the
considerable advances you can make on a personal level. You'll earn the appreciation of the people
around you, and everything will seem easier thereafter. There is also this unshakable bond you have
with a woman. This person will illuminate your life and in the long term, she should allow you to benefit
from all the love you deserve. The cards highlight an enduring link and show that in the future, nothing
seems to oppose your emotional fulfillment. The three cards you have chosen are the guarantee of a
happy and fulfilling future alongside someone who means a lot to you.

The missing card : The Empress

The Empress represents power and authority. She’s an ambitious and independent person who seeks
material comfort above all. At her worst, she embodies excessive capitalism and success at any cost, and
she sometimes loses herself in her own material pursuits.

By not picking the Empress, you put spirit before matter. You seek spiritual fulfillment above all, and
you’re primarily interested in intellectual balance rather than a purely material situation. In your eyes,
success comes through sharing, and this worldview allows you to fully restore in the moments spent
with your loves ones.

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