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Influenced by the Modern Jazz with lots of accents rock, "AMBER" self-taught pianist Omar El Ouaer is a
project of original compositions that departs in a distinctive way of shots. "This is not the merger although it
remains fed Tunisian jazz common and particular influences musicians," says Omar El Ouaer.
This project is far from the clichés. The group will consist of a piano, a bass and drums, which are the original
instruments of jazz ensembles. "This is not fusion but really a creation of Tunisian jazz nourished common
and particular influences musicians," says Omar El Ouaer. "I am in constant search of a particular sound in
this project. Tunisian song inspires me a lot etje think the greatest singers as "Saliha", "Naama" and many
others have done much to create a Tunisian song, rich in harmonies, rhythms and melodies. Myself with
other artists, we try to revisit and rearrange this rich repertoire to achieve a sound borrowing a
fraîchemodernité and create a purely Tunisian music. "
Notre rapport au monde est le reflet de notre rapport à nous même. Selon cet adage la musique du disque
témoigne et invite à explorer l'intérieur pour mieux être en accord avec l'extérieur selon l'idée que l'écologie
est intérieure avant d'être extérieure. On y traverse à l'écoute des paysages sonores, des mondes sauvages
comme venus des profondeurs de l'Humain. On y redécouvre que l'imagination, la floraison des possibles
sommeillent en nous. Les sonorités du Panoramic Project aux timbres cuivrés et telluriques nous
accompagnent vers le naturel, l'organique de notre jardin intérieur, elles nous invitent à retrouver le lien avec
cette nature authentique, afin de la respecter, de la sauvegarder.
Omar el Ouaer Piano
_ He made the discovery of the internship or co belgotunisienne
he fol of jazz classes with renowned musicians from the Belgian
scene as Jean Louis Rassinfosse Pierre Vaiana Erik Vermulen
Ivan pauduart. He also attended a closed three-week internship in
Belgium of the Association of Hortence Monday, where he is af
met several musicians, Jozef Dumoulin, Fabrice Allman, and
many others. On the other hand, he joined the Association of the
Tunis jazz club in 2011 he played several concerts in quartet
formation, trio and quintet with talented musicians such as jazz
HediFehem Tunisian Mehdi Azaiz, Neffaallem Mohamed Ali
kamoun currently he performs with his own project '' Another
perspective '' in quartet and recording his album in progress. He
presented w ith the
project in the Sousse Museums National Festival and also the
cultural center ausii Agora jazz International has Fesitival
Carthage and also the International Festival of Hammamet. Omar
al Ouaer lectures of "Piano Jazz" as a contractual teacher at the
Higher Institute of Music in Tunis. Omar al Ouaer is also the
Artistic Director Of Jazz THE RESIDENCE CLUB

Recording AMBER
American Cooperative
school of Tunis

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Concert /Flayers Paris Recording Session
Press kit

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