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' I From
[From Tubfday'k Daii.y.) [Fuom Wkonksday's Dah.v.1 lFnoX TuriB^i,AY'B Daily. J IFuom Pb i hat's Dah-t.J PLATES ON THE FLOOR.
SUNDAY. .8KPfRMB13<t 17. 1«W1
. .
IptU la OU Ubkjr Mirlwd
8A1,MAQII.VDI. SALMAGUNDI,.,. About a year ago the idea vrns sug-
DAILY IN DEL'KN DKiST. I. P. Woolverton. of Uuby Volley, jr*sfSd to the management .Trf- jUibby
District Court to-morrow. >. . .
r "5 .. .r- yrf .

AN EVt-.NINti PAFEU, was in town this forenoon.

Our town is lively this week. Jno Phillips, of Bullion, wo. in town -PiisdasWlNt Museum of placing brass "

1. II. Polite and R. EL Moore, ot Culver's I loot Beer at Mullet's.- * '.* plaWs on. -the floor.. of, the,.5>l«l prison
o\y. hdndatb n- A postnl from Dr. Mooro states that White
Rock, cam© down yesterday. Nearly everybody in town, took in to-dRy. .

Milwaukee b»x>r oa draft, with the name, rank and regiment of

he is nt Ely and baa all the work he the circus yesterday. J- U, Bradley went w*st on Not 4 Ji e*prl»on£rs, asd decdgiuiUng the spot
can do. There will be a horse rodeo at Yow- C. K. Mayer arrived from Olney, to-day. Koefer's. (Jo auil nam pits it. where they slept. /The suggestion, sa£s
ell's corral, on Ten Mile, on October L- D. Albeiti caiue in from Mound the Chicago Journal,' was carried out,
W. W. BOOHER. Henderson Green cam* up from Washington, yesterday morning. Ex-Oov. Adams is taking in the 'and now there are nearly three hundred
LK-*S£K ant KOITOB the Humboldt (louse last night and 1st.' J. C. Stroetor, u former resident of Iteuo Fair. Valley yesterday. .j ... plates nailed to this old flooring lu
remained in town to-di^y. Chan. McM asters and Ed. Todd, of Elko, is in town this week attending I>r. A. B. McKoo, of Tuscarora, is Mow jewelry constantly reoeivelkf various part* of the building, and tlu»y
flOBHOBUTION BATES. Sum Davis ha* quit ¦writing for tho Tnecarora, are in towo ready, for jury the District Court. in town to-day. Ostreicbcr's. '
i . form an interesting feature.. One benni ~

duty. I Davo Casper came down the name of lirigmdier Gerarul Neal
Oaroo^jr, ou« I$ 00 Examiner and now lies for the Chron¬ While you arc iu town attending Alien Fisher, of Wolla, wa» a pas¬ by Tusca; Dow, the. great temperance advocate of
Ou* oopy, «it uioiitKi C Oil icle. No school to-dny as tRe circus is the District Court drop into the In- senger for rorn yesterduy.
biml'u Portland, Me., and another designates
far uoy pnri'id u u»l»*r all month*, on* dollar the center of attraction for the boys tho west to-day.
Pa/ihle In 3t. Ismis(Mo.) Globe-Democrat: UKPKHOK!«T olliiv*. The leading question among tho Headquarters for tishing tacit io nt the spot wherjo Colonel Thomas E. Rose .

«r OiOtjtLu i-lnurm. .
and girls. J. A. McBrido and W. T. Hilt ro- people of Elko to-day is, Who Muller's. slept. Anotlirt' bears the hfttoeHil.
.Ifeind by c*r»l*r io Elko *1 A ctnt* * weak McMahon 's circus is the best that signed -.
oral W. II. Powell, of


visits our city and is always sure of J. R. Henry and Ed. A. Carville,

turued from their hunting trip last that uoto? Hon. A. Li. Fitzgerald loft for Eu¬ and there is also one f^r Captain

way. There are brass plates forGaljo-

ADVEKTIRING BATES. big houses. Mound Valley ranchers, took in the night loaded down with the spoils of Tho settle., jont of tho estate of reka ou No. 4 to day.

circus to-day. tho cliiibe, having killed four Ueer.V tains Flynn and Sawyer, 'two 15'nion Cap¬
tfllt be mad* u low .. I* c-iuMatrnt wilt Attention is called to the ad. of Mart Smith, A
E. Crane denies the report that a attention of decensed,
aound uuiiuim principal*. Apply at Ilia ul At Independence, Iowa, Saturday, occupied the practical optician, and all sights officers that were, held us hostages and
Mrs. Lynn in another column: Call tho District Court this fitted ut Ostroiclier's. condemned to be shot at one time in re¬
C a for Kriua.
anil examine her stock when in need Allerton broke the world's stallion number of horses and cattle recently afternoon. Mrs. Win. Mitchell Is spending a' taliation to the Federals, who. held n
of anything ih her line. record for a mile, inukiog thedistauce died nt his ranch below Steamboat
TUB WEEKLT INDEPENDENT. in 2.09'i. from a disease resembling diphtheria. E M. Baum. of Palisade. was up to- few days in town. nephew of General Leo and another
Ex Cougressainn Scott, of Erie, day sotting llp for the ^ ^ prominent young officer of .tho Con¬
Banjo, violin and guitar stntigs, a' federacy as prisoners o? *.«£r ^ndor U»
FmlliliwlfTtry Hun Jay, and .cm In any ad- Penn., author of tho Chinese Ex¬ tree The Jourual s(vys a seedling peach Louisville Courier-Journal;. llow »ly old rascal went ftuo assortment. at Mullor'a.
does President Harrison expect the week and committed m Ogden with
in Reno bears al>out two hun¬ to last . same sentence. A
dr. m Ipat-Viiiv paid), at U)e following ratea, clusion Act, died at Newport, It. I., compromise in this
p t, able In advanca:
yesterday morning nt 1 o'clo-k. dred pounds of luscious (teaches, head of tho housohuld to "lay' by for a winsome lifirabny J. W. Doreey went dowii td n*>no -piattcr was effected. Captain Francis
Iroch. of New York, also has n plate on

0 yir.-
8'i luOnlha
3 Ml Wilson Armstrong wants everybody eanh.
Boveral of which weigh half a pouud tho family" when ho is Constantly wi^ow
of Wiunemucca.
Itemombor that Sam Nousch-
to-day to visit tho Fair. V fc- the floor of the Gettysburg room thut '

Fur any uerlod under «lx uunttia. Klrt> to come to Deeth on the 9th -of Octo¬ taxed lo koop up some other man's
wundur, at Nye's old stand, will re¬ ,
t;allandsoo now jowelry al/'Os- tells where he slept: Ueside it uro four
curler iniiiilb. .

ber. (in and see tho races and take Misa Elfio Truett camo in from business? '
treicher's, next door to express oflicc.' other plates bearing the names of his
clock or j«Welry in

St. Louis Repub'io:. Mr. Harri u Hr*t classwatch,

pair your comrades, now dead.
Znterwl at the Elko. Vnrada, ?o*iolBca for
in the Grand Ball^ni-tiigiit, See his Mound Valley yoatorday. Miss maimer. Sam's charges County Assessor Kggers left yefetorf. shows where Colonel A., T).Another" plate ,

lr"i'inlMlnn thr.uuli tor mall* aa aaioad Truett has secured the Smith Creek of '

e!a«« mall "natter. ad. son's idea that he iB 'the ."Lord's are reasonable and he grantee* day Reno to tako in tho Fails.-, a ^uUlunapolis, used to Blb&p before his
Chicngo Odd Fellows are to erect a gratulate Miss Winter
school for the terra. Wo con¬ annoint«<l President, holding by satisfaction. .»>
Ellle ou her success in
...... For 4 choice Key West Cigar or escape through the tunilel. On the ..
31 story building. Tho structure, the school room. predeterminato divinn right,' \s itr- c. \V. O rover will remain La Elko night that Straight went out, he. wn*
Anything in the smoker's line,' £a t«r ¦secreted ,

|Fu»m Satuiioay's Dah,t.) 'ruin ground to dome; will be 50 1 feet,

and it is to be completed by the Fall
A man in Canton, Ohio got up in
inoruing, built the tire aud then
tenHely disgustiug to Messrs. Huston during the Winter.- Ho
and Dudley, liut tlioro is ad¬
».e front rooms
vantage iu it after all. For if Mr. house and as soonofas Mr. Pullman's
: hinted MuUer'a.
with n. couple of
Mrs. Van I^w iu the gaiTfctopmrtujea
R. M. Catlin and family;' of Turca-' donee in Richmond. In n few hpr

BAliMAOtrsDI of 1&T2.
fell dead. Wives, if you love your Harrison had thauked the Reliable he will take they are ready rora, came down by stage ye&terdoy. other plate will tell w litre General
T. T. Harris moved bis family into up his residence among Pavey, of nioomington, slept. This
AJ1 work in modern dentistry neat¬ well-lcnown
Wilson Armstrong, of Deeth, i« in town from Huntington Valley on take husbands, you vv ill read this and then Men with tho N'ecejsary Funds in old veterurt was confined in
Iiimii tiuluy. warning. Don't subject your Charge of Each Five, iustead of re¬ ly executed by Dr. C. F. Mooro, Elko one of the filthy dungeons of Libby for
t Jr-© liftmen, of Pleasant Valley, in
Saturday. '1 hey will reside hero dur¬ dear ones to such |>oril. Reno Journnl: -Colonel Hardin has Nevada. +
garding them merely ns instruments branded
suveral months. -

in town to-dny. ing the inter bo that tho children Hon. A. Li. of tho predeterininate will of Provi¬ 3,500 calves on his Humboldt W. W. Boohor loft this morning SIMULATED VIRTUE.
can school. Fitzgerald, of Eureka, and Oregon
II ir silvor \v:w t.'M in Now Vorlc prrived on No. 3 yesterday. The dence, Messrs. Huston and Dudley will foe* ranches this year. nn.] on a trip to Uono and San Francisco. HypuurUy u ¦ Social Th« Valu® of
The Coroner's jury that enquired Judge will might have been in tho cabiuet head of 1,500 boeves this Ho will be absent several days. Kluvatur.
into tho death of L»juis Orti/., hanged Court on thepreside in the District as
«t noon ynetenlny. flail. JI. J,hs stacked- about 4 500 When atrabilarious
tramp wiw slot at Paliando Inst
A ut Reno Friday night, found that lie Streoter vs.
trial of tho case of well as Mr. Wanamnker.
tons of hay. Joseph Rodger, Wostenholm and choleric interview withIlamlet, in his
his motlior in
night. No jurticulara. came to bis death at the hands of Cauipbell <t Mayer. The Circus. It in said that it will tike 812,000,000 .Sun Ou.'s tine |>ocket knives and the cabinet, imprudently advised her
Judge Talbot being dis<]ualiliod. Muller'a.
razors nt "Asuume a '
* not,*' viriuo it you have It or
L.«t lis all <lo otir fitting before the parties to the jury unknown. Tho Pioche llecord has McMr.hon's circus arrived early t" pay tho Bugar
bounty for Atho pres¬ he unwittingly laid 'down a general
lirst of OcUibcr und lion obey the Tn Rono Journal says: The Uni¬ on its 4lst Volume. The entered
» up¬
llecord is n yesterday morn ng and Kavo exhibi¬ ent year. This bounty paid to tho
is Mississippi tinn has contracted to rule of high value to individuals and tho
law. versity faculty will receive a new ad¬ tions in tho afternoon and evening. sugar producers in lieu of a tariff furnish the Gorman Government with community, sny6 John McElroy in tho
Several delegates to the Irrigation dition noon from the Kist; a Professor l'ioche bright newsy paper aud has stood by Tho performance iu the ring was not The |>eoplo pay the bounty to the oO,(XX.l,UOO feet of yellow pine lumber. Popular Science Monthly. volition pushed through Elko on oi Ihoorctical .Modi an km.
'hrougli all ot its dark day? very good, though some of the acts, government. Is it a tax? Watch and jewelry repairing' nt ferior Simulation of virtue, though far in¬
and now that tho clouds are lifting to tho real
No. -1 to-day. What is Hrown Koin^ to ilo? the llecord deserves the support of taken by thoiu6elves, vero excellent. Carson Appeal:- At Reno a man eh^irt notice and satisfaction guaran¬ next best thing to it,article, justas
Li ntill tho
."a. \V. Knnpp, Supt. of tho Salt President Harrison, on Sat lire Irv, tho people of Lincoln county. This circus is followed by as tough a UBed 10,000 gallons of water on his teed nt Oatreichei 's. " '

though much inferior, to marbW«.is

JiiIik Division of tlio C.I*., was iu appointed II»n. W. \V. Morrow, of lot of human beings as this reporter lawn last year. Wo have ofton won- The jjrynion have nearly hi I left greatly superior to dirty nakedness. yet
town this forenoon. Sun Francisco, United States District UOIHUNG TIIK WOMKN.
ever saw. All sorts of tricks and dered what boccmo of all tho water
in for their respautive hpuios nnd the allIt women is very desirable that all men and
tdiould stupd together oil
'l'ln* live tnen imprisoned in the Judtfrt for the Northern District of .Ninny n linuhm iro has boon skin games aro resorted to by them Keno. Nobody, of cours<>, ever sus¬ town I ins settled down to ita t usual
to transfer the nimble dollar from the pected the male he very highest piano of goodness;' but
Altn initio were rescued Thursday California, vioa Oh'don Hoffman, de¬ as well iid annoyed at the puzzled population of drink¬ quietness. the largest portion of tlicra do not
afternoon. They wi<re not hurt. ceased. lii^licr people's pockets to their oyn. One of ing it. For first cIiifs dontal work at- prices probably never will. It is unreasona¬

of class fruit jura thia year. our citizens, in buying ticket* of ad¬
A careful computation by tho within the reach of all call oijiDr. C. ble to expect that the mass of humanity
(Sivo ub this ilny our daily adjust¬ Do not forget that Sain NeuRch prices 'I'lio writer of this wuh recently visit- ,
mission, had 610 in gold t-toleu from American Agriculturist places the F. Moore, Elko, Nevadn. will bo steadily aligned on tho most ad-
* -

ment in the way tb«« protectoil infant wander, at Nye's old et mid, has Ilia inn " farmer's family when tho sub¬ his open hand by the ticket seller. corn vanccd standards of morality, especial¬
riiidnra tho Ixird'a prayer now-iiiluys. diploma from the Watch Kcpairini; ject of cruiniuc fruit came up. crop of lri'Jl at 2,000,000,000 According to tho Contra! Nevrtdnn ly when those standards are
The Democrat* of Nebrasku held School of Geneva, Switzerland, and good wife bail sent to h Tlio Having his wife and family with him nshels;
he made no fuss about it r\t tho time
tho wheat orop 500,000,000 tho circus outfit worked tho short ward as rapidly as they have pushed for¬
been in tho
their State Convention on tho 19th is a first claa8 mechanic. Take your neighboring bushels; and oats 022,000,000 busli- change racket in Hattlo Mountain more recent centuries. UtliicVis a con¬
city Ui buy n supply of jura for tier but at the close of tho afternoon per¬ eis. Tho aggregate crop of 3,122,000 the name as hero. r-' ; stantly developing science. What wa*
nn 1 adopted n plat form favoring the watches, clocks and jewelry to liiui if large crop of fruit und tomatoes. To formance he met tho party in t,be t»00 bushels'is 28.3

a high grade of
morality in the
drug ptore and proceeded to take the than last year's, and 14.7 per cent, Got rid of llios, insects antf ftthor teenth century would be a very eigh¬
fr<>o coinage of silver. yon want them repaired. per cent, greater
her surprise a considerable higher ordi¬
,Mr H nine's "dieeretion judgement DISTRICT COL' I IT. price was charged, and the merchant, 110 out of his hide. Fri«nds pre¬ higher than the average of the eleven night buga by uaiug tho best." insoot nary 0110 to-day; just as tho man who,
rind .«ileiioe" ii» a now unme for what being n friend, warned her that the vailed on the injured citizen to swear preceding years. Powder and Fly Paper, at Muller'a. * in our colonial times, would havo been
linen Quay and bin hciielimcn wore Hon. A. L. Fitzukiiai.o, Prodding. price was likely to go still higher. out a warrant for potit larceny against T. F. Hrennnn and family, wl|0 hftve regarded as liCat aud cleanly in hia per¬
J. W. JMorrow, tho gentlemanlv been visiting friends hero for the past son, would seem a good deal of a sloven
wont to call addition, divibion und i No one i i the family knew that a the thief and lutvo him dealt with ac¬ to-day. Then, as now, men and
ctlenco. Sept. 22, 1801. truat hud been for.ned not long ago railroad agent, has our thanka for it
cording to law. This course was copy of a Danish paper publishod in few dnys, left yestorday for "their would assumo to be much cleaner,women mur-
Do not send yriur w.itclr, clock or Homer Warren CuL^o Co. va. Stof- and had put up the price- of these taken, but whilo the District Attor¬ Chicago. Wo have found it home r.t Ft..'Ilulleck. >r V nlly and physically, than they really
fitini llattibli J uilgmcnt fur plain- jars; and when the writer .informed ney was making out the papers My. very in¬ |
For a lino /pair of boots prtilioeh were, and by sheer force of persistcnco
jo-velry n way to t»« repaired when it liir by default.

tho<n of thili fact tlwy had another McMuhon soot thorp word to come to teresting. We are unnblo ^however, call on E. Ogull, whoro you jvill.gol.' and habit became really cleaner than
<. in lie done cheaper and butter '

by ollr. limited kncrtVlodgo of the .they at fl^st pretended to bo. Persons

Sam NouhoIi w.iuder, at Nye's old
«tnr» I.
Homer Warren Cattle Co. vs. Stef- lesson in tho offacta of our high pro¬
fnin liartolumotf- Juiiginoiilfor (tliiin- tective tarilT on the farmers' pocket.
his car and ho would settle the mat¬
ter. This was done and the money language, Ui fully grasp. tho' Hlen'ning
of this word Jordhruk'sutstallnings-
fair treatment and fit gunrariteed. * with, the bump of
A. cablegram recoived at/tWo,,^N;ivy ly>v.dPyeJopcd constantly forgo tohigh-'
tho ,
tilT by default. I ho tariir on glass jars for fruit is was paid over and the matter was
Department- from <.Ad<niral...BaLknap front on lines Which they think Will'
If you are n 'reo oingt, man how Homer Witrren Caltlo C'-o. fB. Stef- 40 jior cent, on the best kinds and etill hyggnadon or this littlo
dropped. Our neighbors down the Iradgnrdsiitstalliiingsbjggnnden. fellow
announces the arrival of
'¦win tl>ein the esteem of their fellows,

ton at Vokohama, Japan. tb^Cbarles

can you longer support the ltepulili- and the latter follow with unequal
fain llartolnmen--Judguiotit for plain- higher on tho cheaper prudes, llo- road would do well to keep their oyea .
can party when it declare* in nenrly Austin Advocato:.Wm. Schuichetto steps, flrstsliowing outward
all of ita State pliilforaih that it is op-
tilT by default.
Albert Kelloy v*. Kugono Ooavrol
sidec this, glass jars are very* expen¬
sive thing* to pack and ship, Uuiug
open and be on their guard while
this show is in thoir town. showed us yesterday a box of the Mm. J. II Sr»nguinet, of Mound conformity to better ideas andrespect and
V.'.lloy, left to-day for MineVillo; New- and then making them mora or less of

j«red to free silver? Judgment by default* very liable to break in handling; and
in est green gi.gos and pl.ra3 froln
realities in their
Tho tariff barons hnvo a new word

Aibert Kelley vs. {.fugeno Gesvrot. the new law makes no allowance for Martin's- orchard, at Birch cre.-K. York, to which place she hns' been
I at °
TheStnU« Fair.
ftir the re< I notion of tho wages of Judgment by default. glasa broken in shipment from abroad, Mr Martin has a young orchard of summoned by tho serious illness of A BRAVE FRENCHMAN.
their o in ploy us. They call it an "ail Tlio Reno Journal nays tlint the 100 or more trees of the various her mother. *:v .> r-
John Kano vs. Chna. Lampmnn . unless tho part broken is aa much us tirst clay of tlio Stuto Fair was n of fruit, such as apples, Destruction of tli* "'rlpat* rhlladolphla
jiistniotil" now. A by any other Judgment entered in accordance with one-tenth of tho whole. |H.ars, apri¬ Tho Silver State chargoa that the
Mould smell <ih sweet. grand success. Canny Scott, entorod cots, plums, etc., now growing at hi.* posters and dodgers used. fo advertise l>y Llvut* Drrutur.
n line htipulatioii of parties. (Jndcr these circumstances it is not by tlio Northern Stable.-*, won tho first resilience, where hut a few years ngo the State Fair, woro printed in Ohio. Ninety years ago. says the Chicago
There will bo a U. S. Civil Sorvice Mary A. Moore vs. C. II. Wall singular that our inijiorts of glass
race, a iinln da»h in 1:44 with Wild Ihero was nothing but nagobrush and Thin does not spoak well for tho News, the paslia of Tripoli declared war
crimination for tho railway mail, .Judgment by default. fruit jars are so inconsiderable that Oats second and KilgaritT tliird. alkali. Board of Directors.
against tho United Stated on account of
departmental and Indian Service, held James A Douglass vs. C. 11. Wall- they are not separately named in the fancied grievances. He felt slighted be¬
/.alvidar won tho socond race, a tlvo- Va. Chroniclo:. Ex:Govomor Jew- cause this government had presented the
i-t the Carson P Mtollice, commencing Judgment by default. government rep >rta, The domestic eighths in do dash for two-year-olds, A llAHehallor Killed.
ett Adamshns driven a band of 8S0 bey of Algiers with a flnc frigate and
at !» a. ii. on Koptember '24, 1801. September 23. manufacturers, therefore, liuvo tho in 1 :0Ci* s and tho third race, one-six¬ Last Sunday IJ.|ph IJ. Stanley was had sent hint none. Tlio pasha
I'. II. Kennedy, who was neut to tho J. C. Streoter vb. Mayor and Cnmp- market entirely to themselves, nnd teenth of a milo dash, was won by accidentally killed in a baseball game
boof steers from White Pine to A until) hostilities against tlio Americanbegau
lii'tano Asylum from Virginia n short Ih»I1 Jury secured aiul ease on trial. being few in number they can easily for sate. If not sold they; will be chant marine, and for its protcctiou a
Dolmar in 1:51. m Carson. He was at tho bat, when
driven to the Sink of Carhop.
t me since, died yesterday. A cousin Sept. 23. combino and force trust prices upon At tho grounds tho entries havo not Charles Ertle pitched a ball, striking squadron was sent to the Mediterranean.
of .1. .conned arrived here to take John A. Oroohn, n native of tier- the people. The Slu-ehan Sisters havo received Decatur had command of the schooner .

nil been tuade, but Captain Marzen, Stanley in the nook. Tho latter Norfolk of eighteen guns, but wan aft¬
< oarge of the body.-- many, was admitted to citizonship. l'iio high protection Riven these a flno assortment of ladies' apd oliil
(Ueno Journal. J. C. Htreoter vs. Mayer it Camp¬ men is entirely uncalled for. Tho Now
of Lovelocks, is thoro with his Hum¬ dropped on his knees, arose and
(Iron's hats, trimmed and uiitfimmed,
erward transferred to the Enterprise. .

Warren Montgomery, of Woodland, boldt hord of shorthorns, and Tom started to run, hut stopped, saying: In the winter of 180S-4 tliq frigate Phil¬
C ;l., killetl himself and hi* young bell.Tim following jurors woro sworn ^ ork Tribune, tho leading high tariff Herman, of Wndsworth, with his Kun tho bases for me." and pitched f.\pcy feathers and ribbon^, Also a adelphia ran aground on a reef off Tri¬
wife i,t. that place on tho 17th instant. to try tlio ease; viz: Dim 1 1 ill, (J. M. j- urnnl in this country, Iihs made tho Cleveland bays. The stock exhibit forward on his face, dying |. Ulreo nice assortment of gloves.,;! Call und poli aijdi, was captured- b^, the enemy.
Vincent, II. W. Brown, Jos. Ilonnen, claim that plait? glassware can bo boo tlieni. ? The Tripoli lans snoeoeilcn iA "getting
Tho imitue assigned is, that the wife's will be g >od this year nod by tho minutes. her afloat and into tho h'aflitor. De¬
purenta were opposed to the marriage. J. U. Ilradloy, W. S. Hillmnn, II. Van made horo us cheaply us in Europe. middle of the week tho stalls will be Stanley was twonty years of age A tramp was shot and eerinusly. catur heard of the
Oreilen, 11. Voigt, Win. Oriflltli, I). Moreover, it is known that tho manu¬ wounded nt llfownwe, Monday, hv u misfortune that had
< !ov. (Jam pistil mnilo his llrnt npcecli tilled. and had from birth a still neck. Dr befallen tho frigate and volunteered to
in tli" Ohio campaign lit Sidney on .McKonnoy, Stevo Korgu.son and (Joo. facturers of nil kinds of glassware Thoro is already a magnificent be¬ Onion pronounced the suddenness of brnkoman on a freight train. Tho destroy her. lie had captured the ketch
Hto I'ati. He turned the Overman. hnvo been making enormous profits ginning. There aro many improve¬ tho blow on this weak spot as the tramp wns trying to steal u ride nud Mastico, which he renamed tho In¬
light on The evidence being nil. in tlio enso for years past. A gentleman having ments on last year in the way of con¬ uuuso of donth. on boing put olT n quarrel ensued trepid and made, uso of ,in carrying out
M'-Kiniey's speech at Niles and gave was Hubmitted to the jury without the most intimate relations with tho veniences. Tho spneo has all boon 'J lie dacensoil, who was an orphan, with tlio iiIhjvo result. his daring scheme. Concealing a num¬
the gallant Major many hard nuts to 'jL'.- <. ber of men below the decks, ho stood
crsck. argument st about 10:30 r. m. glassware trade recently miule, in u taken and by tho middle of tho week was nn industrious ytung man, and nt When your oycs «ot weak mid pniu boluiy into the harbor of Tripoli on tho
Sept. 21. confidential way, some startling state¬ tho l'avilion will bo tho center of at¬ tho time of his death was in tho em¬ you while rending, to Moljur nnd l-lth of February, 1804. He had given
\fitlvn(o lottor rtcoivml fmm '1. E. Tlio jury oniric Into Cour* .. Ml V> ments concerning the profits which traction. *'¦ ploy of tho Carson News. His funoral get you a pair of good specs or eye .lis ship the appcuraiice of a vessel in
.Mayor, for uorly of th'm county, now a. m. and rendered n verdict n tuv> r ..o ninnufacturers have been making took plnco at 3 o'clock Monday after¬ glustioB. A good lit guurniitood or no listross, and he# warlike character wan
loiMbtWit Qinny» WuxtiiiiKlon, j»tiUvH of defendant Campbell. Tho only pur|>o9c, therefore, which noon, and was attended by nearly all pay. A full assortment uf, colored
aot nur.peetcrt. The Philadelphia was
th:it. Itu I* ulon# uicoly. llo Tlio Court 0*cUBod the jurors for the present high duties on glass jars Campaign Cries.
glasses for «un or biio.w. * incliin'd right under th'6 guns of the
oxpt'Hn to brtTfi Eilttt'*ltoxt tvook to the term. . can serv.q is to compel our women to
Tho shibboleth of tho Pennsylvania Chronicle.young men of Carson.-! Virginia |
Tho following from tho HiJverStoto
'orts,but Decatur sailed Ap to her with-
>ut hesitation. An soon a» tlio two vo¬
nttoinl thn iJiAtriet (Jour'.
*.*, "T' ^ Cattc. ~ .
pny tribute to a rich nnd powerful Democracy in their campaign this Hhould bo heeded by our people: As ids were alongside Decatur and his
notion Coiirion.Tho full of snow
Toimdny riitfht' ntti|i|»od tlio train nt
An Impossible
"So this is your grandsou, oh, Kns-
qi .

It in time for ^tloh things to stop»

year is ''Thou shalt not steall" In
Ohio lt'tflWiuld be' "Tho'u shalt not
I'lio Itono Journal h^h Hint tbo at-
u.)ld weather hua comiuouued and
stoves are l»eiu« put up, too much
men rushed on lxxirtl J,hq frigate, drove
the panic-stricken, prow overboard and
then tset the phip pn tiro. As upon as
Oloiihrook 'l'lio full lighter IU8?" and these monopolists must not fancy lie!" If this could bo elTecluidly np- temlnnco tlio second oriro cannot bo tnk^n in_j!eoing that
pliod to Sherman mul McKinley they and Hint overfilling .day
wan to ,, v. as lar»<t» this >vaa done tho- Americau* juiuped
tint wont nr»d south. l'nrtioa who "Ynsir. He's n lino boy, too. that the people are going to permit nt ,ifio Fair stovepipes nro in u ftafo coifditwn. , Into their little \wsol pud inudo their
tliorn won no vnow on I<oiu1h his classes at wihool." this tariff H|K>liution forever, The would Ik« dumb as oysters from this grounds paused off
en mo ovor hkv
timo forth. Thdy' have told lies emo^thlv. Tlio B. T. M. 0i>! has just recoiVed escape without ; losing a tnau, though
tin* hfwl to I'lnourvllln. "Indeed I Como hero, boy. Hup- people sro patient, hut oncb aroused Tlio milo ami repeal. rami was a lino lino of llsh hooks, reels, silk they were made tlio target of ltl rapid-
I to your llnliiuK Imlwoon now nnd poHoyou had two dozen watermolons, they are terrible in their wratb. . enough about tho benefits tho people won by Miiokoy, ont-orod by R I'. liuorf, jointed Unhing polt>», fish bask- firing guns. The' I'hiladciphia'Was com¬
tint firpt of October hb it in not lawful unit another boy took llv« of them, [Exchange. derive from tho MoKlnley tnritT and Lane in two nlruuht bouts; timo 0:fi0 pletely destroyed. Atlinirtil Nelson, of
how ninny would there Ihj lofty" tho injury that would result to thorn iiiul0:l9. Tlio ljeno Htnko raoo waa eta, nud llsh records which (hoy will the Uritish uuvy, prOnO'Onced Decatur's
to I)hIi In liny ittroiun of this Btnto *oll cheap. All lovers of tingling feat the most daring act of the ago.
¦n the event of the free coinage of won
lifter tliiil (Into nnd boforo tlio tlrnt "I guoth tf I dona git n hollo' two Can You HcAt It?
silver to consign them both to very Almntit; by Novadu, proxaod cloBely by iliould call and boo thorn bofore it is vA TivtlMt Wurniun.
day of April. How Iho trout in tlio dozen watormillions, they ain't no boy Mr. William Smiloy, of Htnr Valley, timo *2;« <». \oo Into. A..
llghtnlng-rojl jn an who Is canvass¬
warm seats in purgatory, if political Tbo exhibit of live stock in fully tip
Humboldt rivor will milTor botwi-on un dis yero airth 'uJd git llvo of 'om," Just how nn alterative medio! no ing the couutry districts of Ueorgla
replied tho youngnter.. I Harper's dropped
into tho Ikdki<kni>kmt ofllco liars trying to convince tho |>eoplo to that of past yon.. Tlio
n »w and tlio Unit of (Mobor!
yesterday and informed us thnt from that their interests aro identical with iH flint tilling up ami will be tbo paviliion cletintieB tho pystcm in an opoti quea- gives the people Uiist terrible warn¬
Uuznr. ing to iriditco them to blty his ruun:
H«no Journal: Captain Jo Mar/en, 12 acres of land lie, last week, ihroslicd those of monopolists over warn warm of attraction during tlie hist eontor lion; bill that Ayor'a Bnraaparilln "An old tnr.n dofart In tho country tc
of IxivoIovUh, in dotorminoU tlmt sacks of oats averaging 100 0>a. seats, and tho Chroniulo hopes they (lie Fair. itiuliUi of does produce a r/idiad change in tho fused to ha'/o uu rod his dwelling. Ills
IMiln'l Know lllni. each. This is a yield of I7.'ll}^ bush¬ blood in well utUutod oil ad sideft. It wife ond crown daughter Rtood on his
lltimbcldt nliall Ik> ropromtntod in tlio do.. Virginia Chronicle. i-j ever} whore considered the best front porch ond cri«d for a
rod. As 1 mounted my wagonlightning-
livo Monk exhibit at tint Htata l-'iilr. Whfn Judge Oooloy began to rontl els of .'12 His. each or at tho rato of
llo Ii,i>« enUrvil Durham*, with law in Miuhignn ho renlly didn't look H4W bushels to tho acre. Tho laud OOO DnnmKO Hull. remedy for blood disoidors. I said t-»
hint: 'Old than, iulcssthun thirty days
liko n man Hint would bcconio one of upon which tliis enonnoiu crop grow H now Their Pi-lends. Tbo Knlerpriio n.iyfl: draco Ina- Vu. UhronL'los.lV'Uo in ovorrun
|)':di(*roen t lint would mnUe tho Now von will rcjfret this.' And, gentlemen,
York "Four Kundrod" «roon with tho most famous of American jurists. was Hummer fallowed Inst your and The colored voters of Now Vorlt l>ellii and Ida linnip(<>rr. ml not clfil-' with bunco sleerere, th roe -yard uioii- it la thotruth* that In
Just twenty -ulno
onvy. Hin preceptor romurkod to him one plowed onco this Spring. Tho crop City havo organized the "Hoswoll I*. dron of Join: 0. mid Helen Hampton, to slurp* and other lunjiibura of tho (iay.sliroin that tlml^'rtlVIfghtuing f>'U
On that old inftu's hoitsc, demolished tho
Arrrot«(l* for Crtttlfl BtcnltiiR.
dny that lio hud been reading for u was irrigated but once. Too grain Flower Colotrd Association," and who met their death iu thn collision sporting fraternity. An honest Coin- hoi».\ klllod hU wife and daughter, au<l
yenr; that although he had pu sued was sown with. a drill and grew bo pledged their support to that gentle¬ bolweeU tho steamer City of Cheslor stock minor in compelled to glance in
com) letcly pat?ily*sd 1dm "
Nown aumvH from (lonon tlmt Polw his studien diligently it wrfh evident largo and heavy that it hud to be cut
that nothing would como of il. Final¬ one way with tlio header.
man for Governor. Tho association
has already n membership of ovor five
and the steamship Ocean loon Aiitfilflt tho mirror, occasionally while ihoro to
o»liiblish his identity.
Millioh, tho woll known (Waon V«l- 18H8, have brought anil for $50,000
loy ranchor, lin» boon Hrro.>tod for ly tlio gentlouinn in whoso olllcu lie This immense yield is tint another hundred. Among the members aro damiiKos iitfairtst the Occidental and Itlieuiuntisni is enushd byfn poison¬
oottln ulculinx, nnd that tlio Dou^'laa
county Grand Jury Iuih returned nix
dintinut Indiotucntfl nuiiiiiHt him for
tint olTonoo. A funny thin# in con-
whs rending unid: "Thorn its, you have ovulence of what tho soil of Nevada
worked diligently, nnd I havowntehed will do under fnvorablo conditions
you carefully for n year. I am con¬ and ought to go n long ways towards
vinced that you will never imiko a disabusing tlio minds of thoso who
men who have heretofore been promi¬
nent Republicans. Another rooiety
known as tho "Colored Legion," litis
aleo doclarcd for Flower, who seems
Oriental Slcnnmhlp Company, .James
MoOftll, Muster of tbo' Ocoanlo, and
Tnoman Wallace, Master of Iho
Cheater. In Iho complaint It in al¬
ous Hold in tho blood and yield* to
Ayer's Pills. Mnny whiuli soem
chronic and hoiieless luivt>..boou com
piotrly cured by this mcdU'iue. It
of' men
R'lBiiy. Qutcliiv, Permanently
tfaio «.f oy|l»N«tvgn»ni«»,
'.b« ro«!ilts.«(
l»iSllllv. bs>1 it
fioni i-oflr (tiottwUKr
ovorwciii, ou. » j"
noction with thn indictment li tlm lawyer, nnd I adviso y hi to go to believe that, our land will produce to bo a great favorite with the colored leged thai the collision resulted from will cont but little totry whutelTect ¦tirvnyia, rtc»ok>twtiit. and tnoo worry,
tivtu to <!Vf-r
.jrgxt oml 1'irtwiii v>f (bo
fuol thai Millioh id n uiomlmr of tho work at something olno.". J Eatnr- nothing but horned toads, tarantulas, people of New York City.. (Itano the cnreleaenoaH of tbo Captions of tho i'ilm inny have III your cuoo. Wo rojtlu«1«. lumotltv.o inijm'v&aior'f>ia>j.!d, ¦?al'ir*l
M lu f'oli.iu
Otkud Jury. ((Jamon Tribuno, rattle snakes and sagebrush. Jouruul. tbo vuusclu. itai«)**tbt*. i,«0 t»fcri".v*f. MfW ti
priso. predict success. ,,
MhI <1 ItOlcJ'. lie."* A <?<<.¦>*.
rrik iriKuioAL oo., aurPAig, m. t.

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