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FROM WASHINGTON. himself candidate for the To Cure
[Correspondence of the Alexandria Gazette.] uouoced The Western Floods.
as a
democratic nomination for Attorney At Newport News yesterday 1,200 Washington, April 3. St. Louis, Apl- 3..St. Louis is weak stomach, loss of appetite, flatul-nce, i-ater-
Washington, April 3. General of his State. head of cattle were shipped Europe.
to flood and the
The War Department has ordered An appropriation of $2 500 is pro- senate.
S. G. Whittle, of Pittsylvania The Senate was not in eession to-day. overflow threatened with a big to be destructive. brash, rising
of food, heartburn, nightmare, »tc
Major Gen. Wesley Merritt to command vided in the sundry civil bill, which has Judge is mentioned as a candidate for
is likely will tongue, offensive breath,
the Department of the East as successor passed the House and is now before county, house. River men declare that the water The jaundice, had complex-
to Gen. Ruger and Gen. Brooke to the Senate, for surveys, soundings and
the usual number he over ofthe leveehouses along before to-night. Dr. ion, liver-spots,
command the Department of the Mis¬ plans for the proposed bridge across of ItLoudoun is proposed by the chicken-fanciers of Rather more thanwere in their seats cellars maßy the river
souri at Chicago relieving Gen. Merritt. the Potomac at Arlington. It is be¬ to have a big show at Ham¬ Representatives front are already flooded,anand there is
The vacancy in the department of the lieved at the Capitol that the Senate ilton this fall.
to-day when the House reassembled immense short breath after,
after its three days recess. The expec¬ every evidence that be done. It is Dyspepsia talce L)r. Deane's Dys-
Platte at St Paul, caused by Gen. will concur, and if so that a bill will be Mr. William Alexander, living near tation that barely enough members to amount of damage will will
Brooke's removal, which has been de¬ pas3ed at the regular session of this Bellfair Mills, Stafford county, died move an adjournment for three days expected that the river tbe continue to
and thirty-two
* *J f,ep5'a p !i' 1
cf good Dourishing f !.
clined by Gen. Bliss, has been offered Congress making ample provision for suddenly Thursday night. and to carry it would remain in the rise for several days A pill after each meal.
to Gen. Coppinger and if he declines the construction of a handsome bridge Capt. Wm. D. Wren, a conductor on city was not realized. Too many of¬ feet mark of 1892 will be passed before
White wrapper if constipated, yellow if bowels are
will be given to General Shafter on his at the point mentioned, and that after the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, fices to which republican applicants are the crest of the flood is reached. The
loose, »sc. and soc. at druggists'. Send to for
to permit mem¬ situation at East St. Louis is more
us a

promotion.General Miles, commanding that, the building of Mount Vernon died in Richmond yesterday. eligible remain unfilled The water is already in free sample. .
Major has notified the command¬ avenue will not be long delayed. Mr. Thomas Jefferson Francis, a pop¬ bers to go home as yet. threatening. DR. J. A. DEANE t°-/J^Ksi'-f^ll_
the army, Mr. J. Hamilton Lewis (fusion), of on the banks and it is predicted the
of the department of the to-day that thoughNavy Department ular young citizen of Norfolk,
It is said at the died yes¬ the island,
ing general Mr. Theodore
Sec- Itoosevelt is non grata with Senator terday after an illness of only twelve Washington, appeared and was sworn rise will find its way over as
A Negro Victorious.
SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 3, 18' 7. east at Governor'shasIsland that the wh hours. in. the country slopes downward from that Oeange, N. J., April 3.Dr. George
retary of War designated fc he is with Secretary Long, and Mr. said sides
that certain proceed¬ point. The bottom lands on bothof St, Baylea, the President of the Board of
troops are to participate iu the cere¬ I'latt,
therefore be appointed Assistant at Capt. Isaac T. Gaine3 died Terry
recently ings in the course of the tariff debate of the river north and south
It IE not probable that the ex-Con¬ monies of the dedication of the Grant may his home in Paris, Texas. He was a laBt The Education,nieht was defeated for renomina-
Secretary of the Navy, notwithstanding Tuesday hadandbeen the occasion of Louis are already under water.which
nearly a rise is: "Heavy maries by F. Clarksonrepublican pri¬
in the
federates who may have contemplated Monument in New the York on the l'Tih. the former's threat to defeat his con¬
band and four
of the Judge W. H. Gaines, of certain
charges insinuations against forecast for every district tion last
Cuff, a negro
io the coming Orant proces¬ Among them are
firmation, which, in view of Mr. Roose¬ to the effect that through jealousy can contribute to
sion in New York can have conceived Fort troops of the Gth cavalry, stationed at velt's unpopularity, would very proba¬ Mrs. E. Mildred Chancellor, wife of him, and because of soreness over the defeat rain and thunderstorms." Reports re> coachman for Edward V. Z. Lane,
Myer; the two batteries foot, one Mr. S. A. Chancellor, died her home fai has a home in Harrison street, East
the idea of carrying with them the llag light battery of artillery and band from bly be executed without much diffi¬ at of Mr. McMillin in the contest for the ceived
at Silcott's Springs, Loudoun county, on complimentary vote for speaker by north as Dubuque, state that the flood Orange, and deals inYork.
this morning from points as
fertilizers at 145
under which they fought, but still, as the Washington Barracks, and the culty. Congressman Swanson,the President's of Virginia, Tuesday last, aged seventy-five years. democratic members, he had prevented situation is growing worse Liberty
hourlythe Missouri rivei overthrow was entirely unexpected, street, New Dr. Bayles's
they have no conceivable reason to be West Point cadets. After the conclu¬ of the guests at Wm. Milburn, farmer of Frederick the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Bailey) From points along
of ceremonies the troops
was one a
Mo., th( bo has been a member of the board for
ashamed of that flag, and as the G. A. sion the dinner at he White House last night, county, committed suicide yesterday from making closing speech the on the from Alton to Jeflerson City, and is one of the most
R. have proclaimed that they will and Washington
from Fort Myer, Fort McHenry and walk<d th< r<-iri the old Jeffereouian by blowing his head off with a shotgun. bill for the minority. He explained low-lauds are flooded and as the three years, men in town. His administra¬
Barracks will make style. Mr. iLiley, of Texas, was in¬ He had been mentally unbalanced for that he was not a supporter of Mr. Mc¬ tributaries to tbe river are pouring ir popularhas never been attacked. Dr. Bay-
never, no never ,march in processions a pra lice march from New York vited but did not go, because he doesn't some time. Millin in that contest; felt no soreness an immense volume of water the worst tion was so confident of election that
where "rebel flags" are displayed, and city to Philadelphia and camp of dress suits, though the Mrs. Arch Pope died suddenly at her over the result, and denounced the is yet to come.
as that organization will have charge
of in the vicinity of the latter approve informed him that he could home, near Winchester on Thursday, charges as utterly and entirely false. Memphis, Tenn., isApril 3..Consid¬ he had no printed ballots prepared.
city until after their participation in President desired Mr. Terry went exhaustively into erable apprehension still felt in the
the ceremonies, it is hardly probable the dedication of the Washington Mon¬ wear do
his usual frock coat if he of heart disease. She had been married
of of the de¬ flooded districts and effort is be¬ Circus Mum Shot.
that many who used to follow that flag ument chere on the 15th of May, when
to so. but three months. She was formally the history the progress every
Wichita, Kas. April 3..Joseph B.
of death will feel will their by rail. Secretary Bliss ha? issued an order that of¬ a Miss Lineburg. bate and was interrupted once or twice ing made to preserve the Missisaipp McMahon, owner of a circus, was shot
into the very jaws they return to posts ficial papers emanating from the office of the
a by
members who questioned the privi¬ levees. Attempts have been made by and fatally wounded
in parade from which The uecesssary orders to effect tbe Secretary of the Interior, or any information Postollice Inspector Wardle had of his statement. Finally Mr. Mississippians to cut tbe Arkansas yesterday by j. 1'.
like taking part not be given to the public in conference with Postmaster Ferguson lege
movement of the troops will be issued therefrom, shall the Cunningham, deputy sheriff of Taylor
its exclusion has been conspicuously ex¬
by Major General Merritt when he as¬ or through but the subordinate. ofliceB of the de> and Mayor Williams, of Winchester, Simpson asked the chair if the gentle¬
under rules
levee, and by Arkansans Guards
to cut
armed tc county, Texas. The shooting occured
hibited by totally
u unnecessary and sumes command at Governor's Island. partmcnt, '"such matters of public inter¬ yesterday, with a view of establishing man from Arkansas the Mississippi levee.
and in the office of the Manhattan Hotel,
ill-timed order. The proper and seem¬ The force will constitute the largest as¬ est as it may bo desirable to publish" are to
free delivery service of mail in that couldwhile occupy the floor in this desultory the teeth patrol the levees night whc and the trouble arose over the arrest >>:
bo given out in the secretary's office only. way the country was suffering day, and shoot down any persons
in which ex-Con¬ sembly of regulars for city. one of the circus performers Thursday
ly place parades is in the South, siderably larger than that at the inau¬
for many years, con¬
Miss Bessie Shield, of Ridgeford, N. tion.
for the enactment of necessary legisla¬ attempt to land on the dikes. Last
two men were killed at different on the charge of burniug the Windsor
federates participate of any President and will NEWS OF THE DAY. night Hotel, in Abilene, Texas, last month
where the flag which is ringed guration J., was seriously, and MissMary Wayt,
Speaker Reed (gravely). That would points in the Mississippi levees. They of McMahon's shots went wild
number more than 2,700 men. of Atlanta, Ga., painfully hurt in a ruu- upon the extent of the sulfer- crossed tha river with the intention ol All
round with so n:aoy cherished memo¬ President McKinley to day tele¬ The Mississippi river has again risen nway accident in Richmond yesterday. depend ing. blowing up the Mississippi levee. Each Both men claim to have shot in self-
ries is not denounced as a "disgraced graphed the Governors of Arkansas, in almost its entire cour. xuousands Misses Virginia M. Tyler and Ottie L. Mr. of dynamite. An ac¬ defence.
Louisiana and Mississippi asking for ..>( men are at work strengthening the Fleming were also in the carriage, but Simpson Terry started to respond to Mr. man had ofa can men leaped from the

and disgraceful rebel rag." information as to the exteut of the suf¬ levees. they escaped injury.
when the Speaker expressed complice the
the hope that "the gentleman from Ar boat when the levee guard arrived
The New York Chamber of Com¬ fering caused by the prevailing lloods. Up to yesterday the number of appli¬ Miss Julia Lock (nee Tebbs), of Lees- kansas will not answer the gentleman and started to swim to the Arkansas and republicans precipitated a
Telegrams had beeu pouring in ou the cations received at the State Depart¬
merce protests that the Dingley bill "id President and the War Department all ment for consulates and diplomatic ap¬ burg,
who married General McCook, of from Kansas because bis inquiry was shore. He was drowned, for no man riotDemocrats in Pittsburg, Pa., this morning, the result
the United States army, and after his addressed to the chair. (Laughter). The could swim in the Mississippi river cur of Thursdays city oletion. Fifty people be¬
likely to invite reaction harmful to he morning asking for assistance. It
pointments was 1,960. death Mr. Locke, of this State, an gentleman will confine himself to the rent at the point where the shooting came involved and knives and clubs were
business and to the best interests has been decided that emergency More than four hundred children eminent lawyer, died recently at Sterl¬ question as nearly as may be." occurred. used with telling elfect on both sides. The
appropriation of $2">U,000 for the repair suffering from contagious diseases were
of the country, and that it should of levies cannot be used for any other found in the public schools of New York were interred at Herndou. ing, after a short illness. Her remains When Mr. Terry had concluded Mr.
Th<; Oxford-Cambridge Bout Race.
police did not try to quell the disturbance,
but rushed in and used their clubs on tho
be carefully revised in the direction Dingley, who had been desirous during
purpose and tbe President thinks some¬ this week by medical inspectors.
of a reduction of the rate of duty thing should be done by the federal The large lumber plant of the Green- his remarks of getting the floor, did so, oarLONDON, April 3..The annual eight heads of private citizensMatters against whom they
asked race betweeu the crews of the had personal grudges. outbreak isfinally
proposed, to the end that a system of government to relieve the distressed Rev. Dr. Alexander Proud tit, for over leaf Johnston Lumber Company, of but before proceeding the gen¬
Universities of Oxford and Cambridge ed down, but another expected at
For some years past Congress eight years pastor of the Second Pres¬ Baltimore, just across the river from tleman from Texas (Mr. Bailey) if he any moment.
tarifl' taxation may be adopted that people. has been opposed to granting money byterianatChurcb, Baltimore, died yes¬ Norfolk, in Berkley, was burned to desired to respond to Mr. Terry. was rowed to-day over the Thames Two miners were blown to pieces in the
course of 41 miles fron Calumet, Mich., mine last night by a preni:i-
shall be reasonably permanent." There
assistance tu sufferers from terday his home in Springfield, O. the Mr.
ground yesterday evening, entailing tleman from Texas does not. Bailey (emphatically).The gen¬ championship Ox
for the
is no doubt that such will be the effect lloods and other causes, believiug that President McKinley last night gave a a loss of $70,000. Fourteen drykilns, Putney to Mortlake, and won by ture explosion of dynamite. They were pre¬
of the McKinley bill; various States should look out for dinner to the present and past mem¬ valued at about $20,000, and .T>0,000 Mr. Dingley then moved, and it was ford by three lengths. Tbe weathei paringin toa shaft blast 3,000 feet beneath the
when the dynamite explode
of the passage tbe feet of finely-dressed lumber, valued at agreed to, that when the House ad¬ was raw and damp and the wind blew face
but it is no leas certain that if the body their own people. Federal relief has bers of the ways and means committee in gnsts throughout the morning, bul W. G Harper, a florist of White Plains \.
been extended merely through the dis¬ of the House now in Congressional life. about $50,000 were consumed. journ if should be until Wednesday the usual crowds, nevertheless, wit Y.. and Samuel Smith, one of his employi
referred to be composed of men of ordi next.
tribution of tents and blankets by the The cabinet yesterday considered ex- Callie, the three-year old daughter of A message was roceived from the nessed the event, the river shores nein* were killed at Kensico to-day by beir.y
nary intelligence they knew at the tim* War Department. When the informa President Cleveland's order settiDg Mr. and Mrs. John Hough, of Hills- Senate the joint resolu¬ densely packed with spectators. All tracks by the Pittsfield express while cros-.:
they declared for the election of Mr. tion desired from the governors of the apart twenty-one forest reservations in boro', was fatally burned on Thursday. tion authorizing transmitting the of preparations having been completed of the Harlem railroad.
named has been received it is the west. The order will not be rescind¬ Her mother had left her for a few Navy to transport in suitable Secretary tne Gardner C Martin, aged 5'2 years.
McKiuley, that a high tarifl bill wouldas .States probable that the President will aäk ed, but may be materially modified. minutes, in order to bring some found water American ihe umpire at 2:24 o'clock exactlj Watortowu,
the signal to start by firing bit of over exertion N. Y., this morning as thi
be passed in case of his election, just to do from the spring, and returning, vessels which he shall
something. Already In gossiping circles it is asserted that the child's dress in flames. With the butions of the people of the United pistol. The oars of both crews fell al He had been practicing charter contri¬ gave in learning to ride a I
well as they know it now. Congress and had fa!:.--,
Mr. McKinley has consulted with Gen. Col. Fred. Grant and Mr. John A. Lo water in the bucket she States for the famine-stricken in India. most simultaneously and the boats shot ral times.
SENATOR Hoor says the present Sen¬ they Wilson, the Chief of Engineers, and gan are excessively chagrined at the the extinguished At the request of Mr. Grout it was ta¬ forward on their course. It was a good
are endeavoring to devise some failure to obtain the
places they wished flames, but the little girl died on ken from the Speaker's table for im¬ race from start to finish. Oxford sho! The Kentucky Senatorial Fi^lu.
ate compares moBt favorably with any plan whereby the sulleriug can he re- under the new administration. They Friday. mediate consideration. Hammersmith bridge nearly a length Frankfurt, Ky., April 3..By a*>
of its predecessors everyin attribute o I lieved. both wanted foreign missions. When No. 30 Southern passenger The matter of the cost of the pro¬ ahead of Cambridge. Cambridge put or only one vote was cast for each of the Sei
a legislative body. For some time pasit The details cf the President's little The inaugural committee in Wash¬ train arrived at Culpeper yesterday, posed transportation came up, but it a spurt and reduced the lead, but theii other torial candidates at lo-day's joint session, the
jauutnext week have not all been Thomas Jackson, a negro tramp from could not be members sitting still and failing to
it has been rumored that Mr. Hoai r
but it appears to be definitely ington yesterday decided to give the answered, because no es¬ efforts died away and Oxford graduallj answer to their names. Dr. Hunter i> at¬
had passed beyond the age of discretior1 settled that he will go on the United surplus funds the in hands of the treas¬ Thornhill, Orange county, who was timate had been received. increased their lead to the end. Ox tempting to make the democrats believe ihn;
urer, amounting to $7,3-14, to the cen» bummingoff to avoid
his way to VVashington, After debate the joint resolution was ford's time was 19 minutes and 4 sec he is going to withdraw and tho Huntei
and entered the realm of dotage, anc States dispatch boat Dolphin. He in¬ tennial jumped arrest.
inaugural relief fund to be used train pulled out and was in swift motion resolution When the passed; as was also the Senate onds. Her time in last
joint which the Oxford boat won by two Secretary year's race, managers have started a little boom tor e i
his remark referred to, added to his re tends to boof absent between the Cabinet in avail Carlisle, in orler to screen theii
mee'.ings Tuesday and Friday and purchasing fuel and clothing for the making immediately
Jackson tried to board it. He missed able the appropriation of $5,000 for the fifths of a length, was 20 minutes and 1 plans. They think that if they get Carlisle's
cent attack upon a street car conductor may start Tuesday afternoon. No desti¬ poor of the District. his and was dashed against the patrol system ol the District of Col um seconds. There was an American it name beforo tho joint session there will boa
who, in order to save him from a fall, nation has been agreed on but the choice The executive committee of the In¬ car grasp wheels. His left shoulder was bia. each boat. De Knoop, of New Col Hunter. stampede which will result in the election of
grasped his arm firmly, goes far to cor¬ lies between Norfolk, Virginia Beach, dianapolis monetary convention will es¬
tablish headquarters in Washington crushed,
and in his struggle to save The House adjourned until Wednes¬ lege, Oxford, rowed bow for his uuiver
roborate that rumor. The mere fact and Annapolis, and in *.he event the and will himself be threw his right hand beneath day next. sity. He is a resident of Albany. B
that such a sciolist as Mr. Hoar is a last named place is selected the party urge upon Congress the ap¬ the wheel, and three fingers were sever¬ H. Howell, No. 4 in the Cambridge Dili GOODS.
will probably return to Washington by pointment of a commission to investi¬ ed. It is thought Jackson will recover. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Val¬ boat, lives in New York city.
leader of his party in the Senate, is suf¬ rail. The President and Mrs. McKin¬ gate the subject of currency revision
ley Railroad..The decree of Judge
ficient of itself alone to show the sad ley, Mrs. Saxton, Mr. and Mrs. John and report not later than October 1st. A Flying Matinee..A very in¬ Foreiffn News.
deterioration that has taken place in Addison Porter, and a physician will The steamer J. F. C. Griggs of the teresting event will take place in Wash¬ Simonton, cf the United States District
the party. The President ex¬ Independent line, sunk in the Chatta« Court, which was issued Wilming¬ cruiser MariaApril
at Madrid, 3..The Spanish
that body and the low estate to which compose ington next Thursday afternoon at the Teresa has sailed loi
it has fallen. pects to be at the Cabinet meeting of hoochee river, near Columbia, Ala., ton, N. C, on Tnursday. for the sale of New York to be present at the dedica¬
Friday. Sherman made a statement Thursday The night. Five persons were isLafayette Square Opera House, which the Cape ends Fear and Yadkin Valley tion of the Grant mausoleum on 10tb, 11th and F Sts., N. W.
Thouoh the populists profess to bi¬ to Secretary drowned. accident was caused by styled flying
a matinee, and is ex¬
Railroad, a long legal controversy. April 27.
day of importance to Americans who a drift log striking the bull of the pected, among other things, to break As stated yesterday, the decree pro¬ Public enthusiasm here is running
as much opposed to a high tarifl'as the are active in Cuban matters. When steamer. An effort to drive the boat the record of railway speed between vides that after the very high over the news from Manila
lowest tarifl democrat could possibly asked about the reported intention of ashore failed, the water coming in so Philadelphia and The paying expenses
Washington. now proceeds shall be distributed as follows : of the Spanish victories in the Philip¬
be, none of them in the U. S. House of Julio Sanguilly, who had arrived at rapidly through the hole in her side Castle Square Opera Company, House in Fifty-five per cent, to series A bonds; pines. It is believed here that these
Girls' New Clothing.
Jacksonville with aides, to go to Cub*, that she sunk in a few minutes. playing at the Grand Opera 10 4-10 cent, to series B bonds; 19
Representatives voted against the Ding he replied: "I don't believe he will go. A great many democrats of the U. S. Philadelphia, will come to Washingtoo per cent, to series C bonds, and 6 G 10 inSpanish per successes
the islands.
have ended the war GIELS' SILK SHIRT WAISTS,
ley bill, and one actually voted for it. If he should be so foolish he would House of Representatives, who realize via Pennsylvania Railroadaton8:29Thürs percent, to the branches of the property Vienna, April 3..Johannes Brahms, Poiutod yoko, detachable stock and linen col¬
It is to be hoped that those in the U. S. have to take his life into his own they can do no good by remaining in day, leaving Philadelphia a. m. covered
by the consolidated mortgage. the noted German musician and com¬ lar.-; wbito, ro3o, green, plum, red, and blue,
Senate may manifest more sense as well hands. We should never interfere in Washington while the Senate is dispos¬ reaching Baltimore at 10:05 a, m., A majority of the whole amount of the poser, died here this morning, aged 04 with silk embroidered dots in
his behalf again but would have to let ing of the tariff bill, are preparing to re¬ where it will stop long enough to take bondholders have approved the Balti¬ years. colors. Sizes 8 to 18. $5.00 oach.
as consistency. Why the especial things take their course. I have his turn to their homes. Several have aboard a delegation of Baltimore news¬ more committee's
plan for reorganiza¬
paper men and a few invited guests, tion. It is expjeted that the Baltimore Ailsa and April
friends of the farmers and poor people written pledge not to take active part gone Nice, 3..The large raters
should not oppose with every means in in the insurrection in any way. So hns there already, and within a few days and proceeding thence tois scheduled Washington, committee will purchase the property race.threeBritannia sailed a thirty mile
Girls' 2-pieco Suits, of all-wool navy blue
will be comparatively few of them times round a ten-mile
their power a measure, the effect of Spain, and they could kill him without in the city unless some announcement whereattbe12:30 performance to at the sale and carry out the proposed for a prize of five thou¬ and faucy mixed cloths; lined skirt; stylish
which must be to lower the price of all »aoh ceremony. No, I think be would not bo is made in the meantime by the repub¬ begin sharp. The special train plan. An appeal is expected to be ask sand francs. The race was won by the doubio-breasted reefer with Empire back and
a fool." The pledge referred to licans that additional business is to be will consist of Pullman and dining car, ed by the New York committee, but Ailsa, which beat the Britannia by six box front; ribbon
the former have to sell and to raise the was made by Sanguilly in January just transacted. two coaches and two baggage cars. the New York people in all probability minutes. trimmings. $8.75 to
President and Mrs. McKinley and the will yield to the $11.75.
price of every thing they and the latter before his pardon by the Queen regent Baltimore plan, as London, April 3..A dispatch from
cabinet officers and tneir wives have they are paying interest and getting Madrid declares thot Gen. Sanguilly
have to buy, is what the populists can of Spain and was signed volun¬ FOREIGN NEWS. been invited to occupy boxes at this nothing but the pleasure of participat¬ ]hs written to Premier Canovas with Misses'Empire Jackets, of pretty all-wool
tell better than any body else. tarily in Spanish and English
and handed to Consul General A report that Gen. Ruiz Rivera, the performance. After the performance ing in the paying of the receiver's rafereuce topeaco negotiations with the mixed cloths; lay-down collar; trimmed with
The result of last fall's election Lee. The Spanish copy went to the insurgent leader, had been shot is offi¬ the company will go direct to the Balti¬ salary. Cuban rebels. plain cloth and braid, Sires 4 to 3 4. Each
made it certain that a republican .Spanish authorities and the one in En¬ cially denied at Havana. It is announced more and Potomac depot, where they
at -1:18, reaching Philadelphia Dissolved..In Norfolk hisHon. Cecil Rhodes started to-day on $5.75.
glish now on Secretary Sherman's desk that his trial is in progress. will leave Injunction return to South Africa.
would succeed Capt. W. H. Fowle as is as follows: Julio Sanguilly, It is claimed by the Spaniards that in their stage costumes in time to give yesterday Judge Hughes, of the Federal M isses' Kcefor Jackets, of tine all-wool navy
collector of internal revenue for this an American "I, citizen confined at recent victories of their forces over the their performance at the home theatre down the Fire and Loss of Life. bluo cloth; doubio-breasted; Empire back;
district. Of all the applicants for the Cabana Fortress, Havana, do hereby insurgents in the Philippine Islands the same evening. Court, handed an opinion in
sacredly affirm the United States
Seaboard Air Line and Southern Rail Chattanooga, Tenn., April 3..The broad sailor collar, handsomely trimmed with
place, appointment of none would to have practically ended the uprising, way rate war case, dissolving the in¬ Richardson building, one of the largest while braid. Sizes 4 to 14. Each $6.75.
have been more satisfactory to the and to Spain that if I am released by Awpul Confessions..A dispatch which he granted last fall in this city, was totally destroyed by Third iloor.
the latter government, I will leave and Great confidence is said to exist in from Charleston, W. Va., says: Wylie junction against the rate cutting that then ob¬ fire at 3:30 o'clock this morning. The
democrats of Alexandria than that of remain away from Cuba, and will not military circles in Constantinople over tained between those two systems. In fire companies could do little except
the successful one, Mr. Agnew, for aid directly or indirectly the present the issue of a war with Greece, the
though he is a pronounced republican, insurrection against the government of Turkish army having been efficiently and Ohio Railroad
I hereby promise that mobilized under the. direction of Ger¬
man who
has confessed
blew up the
that he was the
big Chesapeake confess an inclination
bridge Mor¬
the opinion he says : "I must save adjoining buildings. Boyd Ewing,
to the opinion one of the wealthiest citizens, in at¬
Boys' New Clothing.
Boys' New and Pretty Combination Suits,
he is not a black republican, and has should Spain, Iand do so at any time time I will man officers. ris creek during the big coal
strike two that on a proper bill with proper par¬ tempting to escape, dropped from the
made ofall-wool cheviots. The kind usually
ruinous sixth story and killed. S. M.
years ago, doing thousands of dollars' ties,
merited and receives the respect of the not claim the protection of the United a court may put a stop to a was
a Patton, a prominent architect, was sold for $2.75 and $.'{.25, with ono pair of
severe¬ rate war, but this case goes off on
entire community. -*-
States government. I certify that this Eloi'kd and Wehk Arrested.. worth of property damage and In this (piestion of jurisdiction. I make no burned to death in bed. Several other trousers. Sizes 4 to 15. $2.50 for suit and
While the spirit of religious proscrip¬ pledge is given of my own free will John P.
Atkinson, the
ly injuring several persons. ruling on that point." persons sleeping in the building had extra trousers.
aud without compulsiou on the part of seventeen-year- crime he implicated Flody Buster, an-
narrow escapes. The building contain
tion seems to be increasing in this pro¬ anyone." If Sanguilly makes any at' old son of Governor Wm. Y. Atkinson, another member of the notorious Mont¬ COURT OF APPEALS. ed four stores and about a hundred of¬ BOYS' NEW SPBING SAILOR SUITS,
fessed land liberty, that of religious tempt carry
of to out his reported inten¬ eloped from Atlanta, Ga., yesterday, rested. gomery gang, and Buster has been ar¬
fices. The building next door was de¬ Of attractive all-wool fabrics, prettily braided,
frreedom seems to be advancing in tion of will leaving for Cuba the United With Miss Ada Byrd. Sims vs. Sims, executor, and others, stroyed and the others damaged. Loss 12 distinct styles. Sizes '.I to 10. Prices
who is in jail at Fay- argued and submitted.
residence lives etteville, Lewis,
be powerless to stop him Clark
autocratic Germany, where the Reich¬ States unless he goes with an armed expedi¬ theNear the ofgovernor's the county Beat of Fayette Bacon's administrator vs. Bacon's about half a million dollars. $2.25 to $3.75 the Suit.
stag, yesterday, adopted a resolution in family
tion, but grave fears are expressed at bright young daughter, Ada. twelve the Mr. C, P. Byrd, whose county, has confessed that he was in trustee, and others,
until Monday next.
argued and con¬
Albert Fink, former commissioner of the
/»vor of the complete abrogation of the the State Department that the depart¬ years of age, caught the attention of murdering business and has offered tinued The next be called Trunk Line Association, aud accounted at
are Hud- ono timo tto beat
New Brownie Suits in bluu Choviot and
law restricting the priviliges of the ure of Sanguilly at this time might seal the to guide the officers to a place where cases 'o
governor's son. The love making there are three otber bodies secreted, gins vs. Simons, No. S2 and Walker vs. this country, died to-day at a private sani¬ plete the Brownie Suit. Sizes 3 to 8. $5.00.
all aiound railwayman in light effects. Coat, vest, and trousers com¬
the fate of other Americans imprisoned between
Jesuits. The provision relating to iu Cuba whose pardon by the Queen re¬ ended the couple was to have been but the officers believe he is Tyler, No. S3. tarium near Sing Sing, N. Y., whither ho was
personal liberty in the Constitution has gent under similar conditions is now the parents by marriage a month ago, but trying to get to Montgomery simply in the all build¬
taken some since on account of mental fail¬ Values up to $7.50.
been and is being grossly travestical. found it out and locked the hope of being released by other mem¬ General strikes will be cailod on consequent mi diabotls. Ho was born in
being sought. in Chicago whore olectrical contractors Gormnny in 1827.
kept attempt to finis-h the work they have in hand That tired fooling, which is ext<ericncod somely SerRcs
young people in their rooms. ings Blue and light Covert Cloths, hand
Some of the in the case of bers of the He will be in
An kfkort is being made in Georgia Senator Heitfeldpapers of Idaho, who defeat Yesterday morning young Atkinson Fayettevillegang. til! guards can be placed with non-union men. by
braided with white and black wide-
learned that Miss Ada was at the home in Montgomery and the exact strength so many people living in Malarial distric.s, ami narrow braid. 8ixes 3 to 8. $:} 50.
to induce the labors unions in that State ed Mr. Dubois, and whose election will, of a relat'"" the whither he can bo cured by taking Grove's Tastulops Value $5.00.
to join the American federation t f it is said, be investigated, have
been went t ^jined her. They were mar country, of the gang pan be discovered. Beware of Ointment* for Catarrh that < hill Tonic, 50 cents. Ia as
Contain Mercury, pleasant as Lem¬
labor; but as that organization admit received. money
In them it is charged that
was used to elect Mr. Heitfeld, ricd aud went to Rome, Ga., on a wed¬ Double Hanging..The two Blanc as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of GROVE'S.
on Syrup. To get the genuine ask for Now Shirt Waists of Percales and Outing
white and black mem alike to its mem¬ and that it was supplied out of Mr. ding trip. smell and completely
executed at Lafayette, tem when entering it through fhu mucous derange the whole sys¬ Grove's Tasteless Cloth. Same grades of percale as used in tho
bership, the success of the eflbrt is not Hanna's famous election fund. When the governor heard of the brothers were Chill Tonic
Malarial Liver Tonic and Blood Purifier.
is a perfect
Re¬ 50c Shirt Waists. All sizes. Special price,
at all probable.The fact that a white man Congressmen Walker and Yost, the and eiopement he had the couple arrested, La., yesterday evening in the presence surfaces. Snch articles should novor be usod moves Biliousness without purging. As pleas¬ 25c each.
they are now held apart by the ol .'1,000 spectators. Alexis and Ernest cians, eicept on proscriptions fromwillreputable physi¬ ant as Lomou 3yrup. It is as largo as any
has to work with his bauds doesn't two republican members of the Virginia sneritl of Floyd county. The governor Blanc murdered Simon Begnaud, a to tho good you can possibly dcrivo from as tho damage they do is ten told dollar tonic and retails for 50 cents. To get Third floor.
change the character of his blood, and for Congressional delegation, being sent counsel to annul the mar¬ merchant at Scott, La., about a year them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by You run no risk. All tbe genuine ask for GROVE'S.
after¬ has employed
by the President
blood the, world over, is thicker than noon, had a long talkyesterday with him just riage. the
He went to Rome lajt night for ago. The boys were both under 20 F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no Grove's
purpose of taking his home. years of age and were born and well and is taken internally, acting di¬ tho manufacturersChill
druggists guarantee-
Tonic to do all that Co Carts and Baby Carriages
water._ before he took his evening drive, dur¬ The son
young man says he will never con- educated* in France. They became rectly upon In
the blocd and mucous surfaces of claim for it.
Warranted no cttre, no pay. There are 8how many improvements on last season's
Mr. Hermann, commissioner of the ing which he told them plainly that
though they had recommended" Mr. sept to leave his girl wife, and she says tramps and determined to imitate tho system. buying Kail's Catarrh Cure
many imitations. To get the genuine atk goods. The prices are lower and tho values
land office, as stated in the Gazette Heleman of AUegbany county, he had she will cling to him. Jesse James and get a fortune and re¬ tornally, be sure you get tho genuine It is taken in- for GROVE'S. are intrinsically better than over before.
and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Malaria
The bride's grandmother, Mrs. turn to Paris. produces Weakness, Gonoral De GO
yesterday, has flouted the civil service determined Alexandria
to appoint Mr. Agnew of
as collector of internal rev¬ Bryan, the authoress, married at four¬ They got into Begnaud's store when Cheney Sold by
& Co. Testimonials free.
all druggists. Price 75c. per bottlo. tion bility, Biliousnoss, Loss of Appetite, Indiges¬ $2.ft5 each. OtherCARTS. styles up to $7.50.
law, and now Mr. Gage, Secretary enue for upper district of
of teen. Her mother was married at thir¬ he was alone, forced him to open his Hall's Family Pills are the best and Constipation. Grove's Tastoless Chill
the Treasury, has given it another di¬ the placethe now filled by Captain W. h!
Virginia, teen. bound
safe, about and gagged him and ob¬
Tonic removes the cause which produces
these troubles. Try it and you will bo de¬ WHITNEY CARRIAGES.
rect blow, by reinstating employees Fowle, who has held it ever tained $3,000. Then they forced For Dedication of Grant Monument. 50 cents. To get the Genuine ask
since Geu his tho dedication o'. tho Grant Monument¬ lighted. GROVE'S. $4 05 and $6.95 each. Other carriages up
discharged during the administration Fitzbugh Lee left it to go to Cuba. In bucklin's arnica salve. him to sit on bed and while help¬ al Tomb, April U7th, the Pennsylvania Bail- for
Lock habt, Texas. Oct., 15,1880. to $75..Third floor.
of that department by Mr. Carlisle. his talk with the two Virginia repuhli. The Best Salve in the world for lessly pinioned
stabbed him to death. road
weeks Company will sell tickets to Now York, Paris Medicine Co. Paris. Tenn.:
can Congressmen the President was
Cuts.Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt The spent several 2(ith, good to return until April 29th Dear airä:.Ship us as soon as
The civil service law and free institu- very mild mannered and intimated
that Tever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Rheum, in New Orleans and made a tour of April inclusive, at the rate of a fare and a third for Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. poesible My
lions are naturally incompatible. though he had not complied with their Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Hands, Europe. returned After squandering their the round trip. Tickets for military com¬ want GROVE'S Tastoless Chill tonic and will customers ANDRIA.
Erup¬ a full panies in uniform, numbering fifty or more not have any other. In our experience of
"The report recently published this coun- be their time
rtry to the effect that the Crown Prince of of
Japan is dead and that Prince Arisugawa will
the case

be as
large as
to, it
would tions, and
next, and that their alice my required. It is guaranteed
Piles,toor no confession. they and

perfect satisfaction money refunded. Tbe Portland Paper Company's mills at trip. The parado on thiscapita
traovlingon one ticket, will be sold at the jver 20 years in the drug bu3iness, wo have
rate of a single fare per for the round' lever sold any medicine which gave such
occasion will bo thp juivorsal satisfaction. Yours, respectfully,
Woodward &Lothrop7
ioth, nth& FSts., n. w.,
L>e heir apparont to the Japanese throne is People from the Danville, Virginia, Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Gilbertvillp, Maine, woro destroyed by Are grandest military demonstration since the j. 8. Beowne & Co,
©ntieely unfounded. district here to-day, say that A. J. En; est L. Allen this morning. Loss $75,000. For sale by C G. LENNON« ' Washington, D. C.

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