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# New Practical Chinese Reader 5 - Lesson 56

# Published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2005 - ISBN

# Version 1.0
# Paul Denisowski (
杂交 [zájiāo] /to hybridize, to cross/
水稻 [shuǐdào] /paddy, rice/
奖 [jiǎng] /award, prize/
授予 [shòuyǔ] /to award, to confer/
工程院 [gōngchéngyuàn] /academy of engineering/
工程 [gōngchéng] /engineering, project/
院士 [yuànshì] /academician/
采访 [cǎifǎng] /to gather news, to interview/
意识 [yìshí] /to be conscious of, consciousness/
知识分子 [zhīshi fènzǐ] /intellectual, the intelligentsia/
观察 [guānchá] /to observe, to watch/
曾经 [céngjīng] /at one time, ever, once/
曾 [céng] /ever/
一生 [yìshēng] /lifetime, all one's life/
好 [hào] /to like, to love, to be fond of/
果实 [guǒshí] /fruit/
吸引 [xīyǐn] /to attract, to draw/
印象 [yìnxiàng] /impresion/
[jìyì] /memory/
(农)作物 [(nóng)zuòwù] /crop/
遗传 [yíchuán] /heredity, inheritance; to inherit/
育种 [yùzhǒng] /to breed/
十分 [shífēn] /fully, utterly, extremely/
业余 [yèyú] /spare-time, after-work/
学说 [xuéshuō] /doctrine, theory/
成果 [chéngguǒ] /fruit, achievement, gain/
穗子 [suìzi] /ear of grain, spike/
扫帚 [sàozhou] /broom/
颗粒 [kēlì] /granule (anything small and roundish), grain/
花生 [huāshēng] /peanut/
哪怕 [nǎpà] /even if/
增产 [zēngchǎn] /to increase production/
成 [chéng] /one tenth/
下决心 [xià juéxīn] /to decide, to make up one's mind/
决心 [juéxīn] /to determine; decision, determination/
功 [gōng] /to attack, to study/
难关 [nánguān] /difficulty/
粗壮 [cūzhuàng] /thick and strong/
粗 [cū] /wide, thick, coarse/
壮 [zhuàng] /strong, able-bodied/
秧苗 [yāngmiào] /seedling, rice shoot/
野生 [yěshēng] /wild, undomesticated/
野 [yě] /wild, uncultivatd, rude/
种子 [zhǒngzi] /seed/
纯种 [chúnzhǒng] /thoroughbred, purebred/
纯 [chún] /pure, unmixed, simple/
产生 [chǎnshēng] /to produce, to bring, to come into being/
分化 [fēnhuà] /to differentiate, to become divided, differnetiation/
天然 [tiānrán] /natural/
打破 [dǎpò] /to break, to smash/
优势 [yōushì] /predominance, superiority/
促使 [cùshǐ] /to urge, to impel/
培育 [péiyù] /to breed, to cultivate/
革命性 [gémìngxìng] /revolutionary spirit/
革命 [gémìng] /to revolt; revolution/
产量 [chǎnliàng] /output, yield/
亩 [mǔ] /mu (unit of area ~ 0.16 acre)/
公斤 [gōngjīn] /kilogram/
以上 [yǐshàng] /above, more than, over/
品质 [pǐnzhì] /character, quality/
养活 [yǎnghuó] /to support, to feed, to raise/
项目 [xiàngmù] /item, project/
超级 [chāojí] /super/
目标 [mùbiāo] /aim, goal/
亩产 [mǔchǎn] /production of one mu/
候鸟 [hòuniǎo] /migratory bird/
寒冷 [hánlěng] /cold, frigid/
飞 [fēi] /to fly/
温暖 [wēnnuǎn] /warm/
播种 [bō zhǒng] /to sow seeds, to sow/
收获 [shōuhuò] /to harvest, to gain/
至少 [zhìshǎo] /at least/
坚信 [jiānxìn] /to firmly believe/
荣誉 [róngyù] /honor, credit/
袁隆平 [Yuán Lóngpíng] /Yuan Longping (name of a Chinese scientist)/
东南大学 [Dōngnán Dàxué] /Southeast University/
西南农业学院 [Xīnán Nóngyè Xuéyuàn] /Southwest Agriculture Institute/
安江农校 [Ānjiāng Nóngxiào] /Anjiang Agricultural School/
讲座 [jiǎngzuò] /lecture, course of lectures/
回顾 [huígù] /to look back, to review/
灵感 [línggǎn] /inspiration/
诙谐 [huīxié] /humorous, jocular/
负负得正 [fù fù dé zhèng] /a negative times a negative makes a positive/
负 [fù] /negative number/
正 [zhèng] /positive number/
捕捉 [bǔzhuō] /to hunt, to catch, to seize/
不懈 [búxiè] /untiring, unremitting/
思索 [sīsuǒ] /to ponder, to think deeply/
前奏 [qiánzòu] /prelude/
下降 [xiàjiàng] /to descend, to drop/
权威 [quánwēi] /authority/
人均 [rénjūn] /per capita/
单产 [dānchǎn] /per unit area yield/
熟 [shú] /ripe, cooked, familar/
玉米 [yùmǐ] /maize, corn/
施 [shī] /to use, to apply, to bestow/
化肥 [huàféi] /chemical fertilizer/
潜力 [qiánlì] /potential, potentialities/
贡献 [gòngxiàn] /to contribute, to dedicate; contribution/
示范 [shìfàn] /to set an example, to demonstrate/
真诚 [zhēnchéng] /sincere, genuine, true/
赞美 [zànměi] /to praise/
皮肤 [pífū] /skin/
怀疑 [huáiyí] /to doubt, suspicion/
保养 [bǎoyǎng] /to take good care of one's health; to maintain/
任何 [rènhé] /any/
照 [zhào] /to photograph, to reflect, to mirror/
接待 [jiēdài] /to receive, to admit/
# end

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