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Random Act
of Kindness:
Help someone with a chore!
Adjectives are words that are used to describe or give description to
people, places, and things. Complete the Adjective Challenges below!
List three List five List four
adjectives that adjectives that adjectives that
start with the describe a describe a
letter W! zombie! good friend!
Find the perimeter of the shapes below!
Remember: Perimeter is the distance around a figure.

Grab a piece of paper! Your challenge is to draw
the most creative picture you can! There is a
catch. Before you begin, draw a half circle in the
middle of your paper. This half circle must be
incorporated into your picture!
Random Act
of Kindness:
Draw a picture for someone!

Let’s make and inference! Look at the
picture on the right. Write down everything
you can observe about the picture. What are
the people doing? What time of day is it?
Where are they at? What else do you notice?

Using addition, fill in the blank
circles to make each side of the
rectangle total 22. There will be
more than one answer! Once you
have solved the entire rectangle,
try to use different numbers to
solve it again!
The leak proof bag science experiment will wow you!
To do this activity, you will need sharpened pencils,
a Ziploc bag, and water. Once you have gathered
your supplies, carefully poke the sharpened pencils
through the bag. Record your observations!
Wednesday Random Act of Kindness:
Call someone you miss!

Label the nouns, adjectives, and verbs in each of sentences below!
Joey loves vanilla ice cream with his warm cookies.
The slow crab climbed onto the girl’s stripped beach towel
The cold breeze made the children go into the big house to play.

Help! Sara’s calculator is broken. The only buttons
that work are 3, 5, +, -, and =. Can you help Sara
write equations in order to get the answers 1
through 20 using her broken calculator?
Example: 3+3+5=11 and 5+5-3=7

Using items from around your house, make a
roller coaster that a toy car or marble could
ride on. Use your imagination! Remember, in
order to work, the track will need to start on a
higher surface and end at a lower surface. Be
sure to use trial and error in order to figure out
what track design works best!
Random Act
of Kindness:
Write a thank you note!

Writing directions for others is very
important! Today’s challenge is to write out
the steps for making a Peanut Butter and Jelly
Sandwich. Be sure to use sequence words
like, “First, Then, and Next.” Remember: These
directions should be clear and easy to follow!

What measurement is the arrow pointing to? Record your
answer to the nearest quarter inch.

Using items from around your house, build a bridge
that your toys can ”drive” over and “walk” under. You
could use Legos, blocks, books, or even paper.
There are so many items that you could use! Just
look around. For an extra challenge, see how much
weight your bridge can hold!
Random Act
of Kindness:
Clean up without being asked!

Today, spend at least 20 minutes reading. You
can read ANYTHING! Grab a book, look through
a magazine, check a cereal box, or find your
favorite author reading on YouTube! If it is
nice, find a quiet spot outside! Take this time
to relax and enjoy reading.
Can you find the numbers Max is thinking of? Max is
thinking of two 2-digit numbers. They have the
same digits, only reversed. The difference
between the numbers is 18, while the sum of the
digits of each number is 10. Find the numbers!

It’s Free Draw Friday! Grab a piece of paper and
draw something AWESOME! Feel free to use pencils,
markers, crayons, or even pens. Be creative, and
don’t forget to add details. If you are having trouble
thinking of something to draw, look around your
house. Draw something or someone you see!

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