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I’m next in line for the throne? Excellent.

I’m sure I lived

my life waiting for this happen. Being a King or Emperor is a
dream come true for many I’m sure. But do I, in fact, deserve it?
Will I be a leader the people will love? Or will I be yet
another despot in the annals of history? Better yet, am I a
figurehead doing nothing but handing power to my regents? Am
I someone whose name isn’t known throughout more than half
of the nation? I could be in a situation like every other Yang Di-
Pertuan Agong, where my purpose is to sit there, hand out titles,
swear in governments only for myself to be swapped out in 5
years. Or I could be in control of something greater, like the
monarch of the United Kingdom. What is my worth? What am I
“deserving” of? Does my competency as a leader matter here?
Could I have been a co-regent? Helping my mother or
father like Sesostris I and Amenemhet, perhaps then has the
people seen valid proof of what I’m deserving, or not deserving,
of. I’m sure if I did a good job, the people would praise me as a
leader as well as my ancestors who will bless me as a successor.
Am I here out of unfairness? Did I have an elder sister who
was more capable? Is my succession the result of absolute
primogeniture? It could have, meaning I’m here not because of
adequacy, but cultural customs. If that’s the case, I’d want to
change that. But either way, no, I’m not deserving of the throne.
Imagine that I’m to be a successor doomed to face conflict.
My predecessor was horrible, left me with a nation in debt and
in chaos. Is someone going to form a coup or revolution and
overthrow me? Is the reason why I’m here due to my
predecessor’s abdication due to incompetency? If I could
somehow solve everything I’d say I’m very deserving.
Otherwise, I am just awaiting a beheading.
Am I wise enough to rule? Would customs say that I am
“of age”? I might end up like most Chinese child emperors.
Unable to rule and letting power slip into the hands of eunuchs
or a relative of mine. Is someone going to “rule” instead of
me… I mean… rule for me? If that is so, It matters not if I’m
deserving of it at all. I wouldn’t be old enough to rule anyway!
How was I selected? Did my parents love me so much that
my competence as successor did not matter? Do I have any
siblings, relatives, who could have been a far better option?
Maybe I am next in line thanks to my skill, I may not be the
eldest, but perhaps I am far more achieving than my elder
sibling. If I did end up here thanks to the former, then no, I’m
far from “deserving”. The latter however, I would be so
deserving that I cannot say no!
Being a leader is indeed a dream for many. The fact that I
am next in line to one brings up one conclusive question, “What
kind of throne am I the heir of? A literal throne, where rulers
and great people reside, living a legacy of pride? Or a “throne”,
where people go to attend to their business?”
But am I deserving of a throne? Regardless of all the
scenarios above that I could be in, many people wouldn’t look
and straight away say yes, and so would I. Because in reality,
who would actually ask themselves if they deserved the throne?
If you are next in line like I am, I know and you know that you
would not care if you were deserving or not, for the power is
right there, in your grasp, regardless of what any other mere
citizen would think about you.
So I will answer the question without any hesitation like
any other proud man in history,
“Do you deserve it?”
“Yes, of course. For how could I ever not?”

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