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Bobrov 翻译:gpufo

Registration and study of the torsion radiation torsion fields (TF) and VNKICH carried converters
for electric double layer (EDL), converters based on semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs), and
also using biosensors: living organisms - plants, microorganisms (such as yeast) and t. d.
挠场辐射,挠场(挠场)和 VNKICH 的记录和研究使用双电层传感器(EDL),基于半导体集
成电路(IC)的传感器,还使用生物传感器:生物体 - 植物,微生物(如酵母) 等等。

Converters in the EDL

EDL 中的传感器
The double electric layer arising on the interface of the two phases, has unique sensory
properties. The sensitivity to the effects of DES physical factors - alternating magnetic field (AMF),
acoustic (sound, ultrasound) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR), is equal to or greater than the
sensitivity of all known natural (including biological) objects. Exposure to EMI at a frequency of
550 kHz and the VMF recorded at a power flux density of 10-12 W / m2 [1-5]. Reaction to sound
occurred at an intensity of 10-13 W / m 2 or below [6].
两相界面产生的双电层具有独特的感官特性。 对 DES 物理因素 - 交变磁场(AMF),声学
物体的灵敏度。 以 550kHz 的频率暴露于 EMI,VMF 以 10-12W / m 2 的功率通量密度记录
[1-5]。 对声音的反应发生在 10-13W / m 2 或更低的强度[6]。
DES responsible reaction to the impact of VNKICH [7], the effect of the torsion generator Akimova
[8] and found in 1997. The non-electromagnetic radiation component of masers [9]. DES reaction

dielectric constant in a layer of Gouy and its effective thickness. Described properties helped to
create converters ( "probes") for the registration of these factors.
在 1997 年发现 DES 对 VNKICH 的作用[7],Akimova 挠场发生器[8]的效应,能作出响应。主
要是非电磁辐射成分[9]。 DES 反应表现为电位的变化(图 1.1)解释了 Gouy 层中介电常数
值的变化及其有效厚度。 描述的属性有助于创建转换器( “探针”)来记录这些因素。
The potential of the electrical double layer is determined by the expression:
х 

х     е  , (1.1)
- Helmholtz layer thickness, 亥姆霍兹层厚度,
 - border capacity between the layers of the Helmholtz and Gouy, 亥姆霍兹和 Gouy 层之间
 –the thickness of the Gouy layer, Gouy 层的厚度,
х –current coordinate with the origin on the electrode surface. 电极表面上原点的当前坐标。
2-扩散层(Gouy 层),3-液相

For electrode asymmetrical systems (EAS) - transducers (sensors) on the electric double layer
(EDL), designed for detection of weak natural radiation, to meet a series of requirements, of
which the most important are: high sensitivity to the influence of factors, the high value of the
signal / noise ratio, stability over time, speed, protection from the harmful effects of
unauthorized physical environmental factors of natural, man-made and man-made. [1] The main
condition for the effective operation of such converters is the inequality parameters electrode
DES - their asymmetry.
对于电子对称系统(EAS) - 电双层(EDL)上的换能器(传感器) ,用于检测弱自然辐射,
以满足一系列要求,其中最重要的是:对影响因子的影响敏感度高 ,信号/噪声比的高值,
[1]这种转换器的有效运行的主要条件是不平等参数电极 DES - 它们的不对称性。
The degree of asymmetry defines, in particular, the sensitivity of the EAS. Its other
characteristics are highly dependent on the type of EAS - its construction, the electrode material,
the composition of the liquid phase etc.
非对称程度特别定义了 EAS 的敏感性。 其它特性高度依赖于 EAS 的类型 - 其结构,电极材
The condition of inequality parameters electrode DES is defined as follows. The electrode system
on the interface of the liquid and solid phase - on the surface of the electrodes - the potentials
emoved from the electrodes. As a
result, between the electrodes a potential difference is established:
不等式参数电极 DES 的条件定义如下。 液体和固相界面上的电极系统 - 在电极表面上,电
位为 DES 2 和1,并从电极中去除液相的相对体积。 结果,在电极之间建立了电位差:
U=2-1. (1.2)

The impact of environmental factors changes the potentials 1 and on the magnitude 2,1

2 and accordingly, causing a change in the potential difference of the electrode system on
the value U U:

环境影响因子的影响改变了电位1 和幅度2, 1 2,并因此导致电极系统的电位

差的变化值 U U:

(2+2) - (1+1) = (2 - 1) + (2- 1) = U + U, (1.3)

U where EAS is a reaction to the impact of external factors.

As follows from (1.3), a prerequisite for the registration of this reaction is the asymmetry EAS

12, ensuring inequality zero values U.

U,其中 EAS 是对外部影响因子的影响产生的反应。
如(1.3)所示,记录该反应的先决条件是不对称性 EAS12,确保不等式零值U。

The EAS, which has a finite size, the external factor affects equally to both electrodes. Therefore,
the condition (1.3) can only be performed from a mismatch of one or more parameters of the
near-electrode ECT.
EAS 具有有限的尺寸,外部因素同样影响到两个电极。 因此,条件(1.3)只能由近电极 ECT

1.1.1 Types of asymmetric electrode systems (ES)

1.1.1 不对称电极系统(ES)的类型
ES Asymmetric consist of two, generally metal electrodes in contact with the polar liquid (for
example, double distilled water). The inequality in these parameters is achieved by the following
ES 不对称由两个通常与极性液体(例如双蒸水)接触的金属电极组成。 这些参数的不等式
1) stretching under fluid column electrodes one of [1,3, 4];
2) the use of vitrified electrode formed near-electrode geometry DEL [3, 4];
3) formation of the ionic composition of the electrode in the EDL "current sensors" [5, 6].
2)使用玻璃化电极形成近电极几何 DEL [3,4];
3)在 EDL“电流传感器”中形成电极的离子 [5,6]。
Method 1: The electrode system with an elongated column of liquid. The container with the
liquid to a depth of 5.2 mm is immersed metal, such as platinum electrode El.2 (Fig. 1.2). At a
distance of 5-20 mm from the surface of the liquid is lowered El.1 electrode of similar material.
After establishing contact with the liquid electrode El.1 micrometer lifted to a certain height hkr-
h, where hkr - liquid column height at which its separation from the electrode.
方法 1:具有细长柱状液体的电极系统。 具有 5.2mm 深度的液体的容器是浸入的金属,例
如铂电极 El.2(图 1.2) 。距离液体表面 5-20 毫米的距离下面的具有类似材料的 El.1 电极。在
与液体电极 El.1 用千分尺建立接触后提升到一定高度 hkr- h,其中 hkr - 液体柱与电极分离
With increasing h in DES, the problems El1 surface electrode, as a result of stretching the fluid
under the influence of its own weight there is a change of the dielectric constant of the medium,
which is one of two reasons, causing unlike DES capacity under the electrode El.1 from DES
capacity arising from the electrode surface El.2.
随着 DES 增加 h,El1 表面电极的问题是由于在自身重量的影响下拉伸流体的结果,介质的
介电常数发生变化,这是两个原因之一,导致不同的 DES 容量 电极 El.1 从 DES 电容产生的
电极表面 El.2。

图.1.2. 在装置的组成中电极系统
h - 液柱的高度; hkr - 临界高度
DCA - 直流放大器
Another reason is the difference in their geometry. As the influence of both factors will increase
the liquid column stretching. When h = hkr degree of asymmetry electrode ES DES and sensitivity
are maximized.
另一个原因是它们的几何差异。 由于这两个影响因子的影响都会增加液柱拉伸。 当 h = hkr,
电极的不对称度 ES DES 和灵敏度最大。

Method 2 ES with a vitrified electrode. Asymmetry is achieved by changing the geometry of the
EDL [3, 4]. For this purpose, one of the electrodes, except for its end face covered by glass
insulation. The flat end of the conductive electrode after cleaning is immersed in a liquid or
mounted on its surface.
方法 2 具有玻璃化电极的 ES。 通过改变 EDL 的几何形状来实现不对称[3,4]。 为此,其中
一个电极,除了其端面被玻璃绝缘覆盖。 清洁后的导电电极的平坦端浸入液体或安装在其
Method 3: "Current" electrode system. The "current" asymmetry electrode ES DES is achieved by
the formation of ion composition. The electrode system (ric. 1.3) in series in a closed circuit with
a source of EMF Eist and load resistor RL. When passing through the circuit current I at the ends
of the resistor appears a voltage drop U = I RL, which is fed to the inputs of the DC amplifier.
amperage circuit controls the ammeter A.
方法 3: “电流”电极系统。 通过形成离子组成来实现“电流”不对称电极 ES DES。 电极
系统(1.3)串联在带有 EMF 电源和负载电阻 RL 的闭路电路中。 当通过电路时,电阻端的
电流 I 出现一个电压降 U = I RL,它被馈送到直流放大器的输入端。 安培电路控制电流表 A.

Under the influence of bipolar potentials applied to the electrodes, they rush opposite sign ions
with different charges on the value generated by dissociation of water, the transition of its
components solid phase, and so on, forming a near-electrode ECT. The asymmetry of the DPP
caused by the different nature of the ionic composition of the quantitative and charge
characteristics. The reaction of this ES on the impact of the external factor is expressed by the
change in the average value flowing in it on the electrod
described ES is named "current."
相的过渡等引起相反的符号离子,形成近电极 ECT。由离子组成的不同性质引起的 DPP 的不
对称性定量和电荷特性。 该 ES 对外部因素影响的反应由其中流过其中的电极电流 I 值ΔI
的平均值的变化表示,由此将所述 ES 称为“电流”。

图.1.3. 本方法的不对称电极系统:
A.传感器结构:1 盖; 2 - 玻璃绝缘子; 3 - 铂金
电极; 4 - 外壳(第二电极)材料 - 不锈钢。
EAS 对物理影响因子的相应:1 - 传感器; 2 - 电阻
负载; 3 – 电动势源; 4 - 电流表; 5 - 直流放大器;
6 数据记录仪 7 - 屏蔽室
The effectiveness of the current sensor can be significantly improved through the creation of
specific conditions under which the system there is a self-oscillating electrode DES (AK), the
process is extremely sensitive to external factors [4]. Occurs in response to external stimuli
change the basic parameters of this process - the amplitude and frequency, the second
( "Frequency") component of the reaction of current sensors. AK-a phenomenon discovered in
1988 and described in detail in 1992, played a crucial role in subsequent studies, which resulted
in the discovery of quantum generators of torsion radiation component (Ch. 2), the discovery of
his own (characteristic) of the water field (Ch. 3 ) and proof of concept of me-field mechanism of
action of activated water on biological objects(Sec. 4).
通过创建具有自振荡电极 DES(AK)的系统的特定条件,可以显着改善电流传感器的有效性,
该过程对外部影响因子非常敏感[4]。响应外部刺激改变这个过程的基本参数 - 振幅和频率,
电流传感器反应的第二( “频率” )分量。 1988 年发现的 AK-一种现象,并在 1992 年详细描
述,在随后的研究中发挥了关键作用,导致发现挠场辐射成分的量子发生器(第 2 章),发
现了自己的(特征) water-field(第 3 章)和活化水对生物体的作用机理概念证明(第 4 节)。
The computerized g. 1992 complex comprising the four sensor DES has been established.
Provision computer processing and review of incoming information from them, the correlation
curves and curves averaging this data in real time. The use of computer technology greatly
expanded the use of sensors in ECT and increased the efficiency of their work in the study of
reaction to exposure to ultra-weak factors.
1992 年已经建立了包括四个传感器 DES 在内的电脑化复合体。 提供计算机处理和检查来自
它们的输入信息,相关曲线和曲线实时平均该数据。 使用计算机技术大大扩展了 ECT 中传
Fig. 1.4 shows the results of the use of the complex current sensors operating in the mode of
registration changes in the average value of the electrode current and recording changes
AK-effect process on the same factor.
图. 1.4 表示使用复合电流传感器的工作结果,在记录模式下,电极电流的平均值变化和记录
变化 AK 效应过程在同一因素上。

Fig. 1.4. Sensor Reaction to unactivated (A)

and activated (B) of water.
A: 1 - the arrival of the experimenter in the EP; 2 and 3 - the beginning and end of the exposure.
B: 1 - start, 2 - end of exposure
图.1.4. 传感器对未激活水的反应(A)
答:1 - 实验者到达 EP; 2 和 3 - 曝光的开始和结束。
B:1 - 开始,2 - 曝光结束
The presence of reaction to exposure to ultra-weak field of the characteristic non-activated water
can be measured by a change in the AK-process parameters in the "frequency" sensor, while the
reaction of "analog" of the sensor is only a minor largest average value of the electrode current
fluctuations. Increase the impact factor intensity (field characteristic of activated water) caused a
clear answer to both current sensors (Fig. 1.4b).
可以通过“频率”传感器中的 AK 过程参数的变化来测量暴露于特征非活化水的超弱磁场的
反应的存在,而传感器的“模拟”的反应仅为 电极电流波动小的最小平均值。 增加冲击因
子强度(活性水的场特性)对两个电流传感器都有明确的回答(图 1.4b) 。
Fig. 1.5 shows the electrode reaction system introduced in the AC mode, the impact on the
person associated with the change of its internal state. The operator was at a distance of 10 m
from the sensor in the adjacent room, behind the concrete wall thickness of 40 cm (Ch. 6, Fig.
6.14). The response clearly expressed the second component: as a result of the impact with the
exposure period of 5 minutes, AK has tripled, and the amplitude - more than twice.
图。 1.5 表示在 AC 模式下引入的电极反应体系,对与其内部状态变化有关的人的影响。 操
作员距离邻近房间传感器 10 米的距离,混凝土墙壁厚度为 40 厘米(第 6 章,图 6.14)
应明确表示第二部分:由于曝光时间为 5 分钟的影响,AK 增加了三倍,幅度超过两倍。

Fig. 1.5. Changing the AK-process as a result of

willful exposure of the operator with an exposure of 5 minutes
图。1.5。 改变 AK 过程的结果
暴露 5 分钟的操作人员的故意曝光
Fig. 1.6 shows an example of the registered reaction of three current sensors on the impact of
the left and right of TP induced generator Akimova. Match three reactions confirms the sensors
listed in the curve to the result of the correlation processing of signals at the outputs of the first
and second sensors, S / N ratio for the correlation curve exceeding a dozen times, is the ratio of
the signals at the outputs of the current sensors (Cree-tions 1-3).
图。 图 1.6 显示了三个电流传感器对 TP 感应发电机 Akimova 左右影响的注册反应的一个例
子。 匹配三个反应确认曲线中列出的传感器与第一和第二传感器的输出信号的相关处理结
果相关曲线的 S / N 比超过十几次,是信号在 电流传感器的输出(第 1-3 项)。
Fig. 1.6. The reaction of the sensor 1-3 on the impact of the right (R)
and left (L) TA. K - correlation curve for sensors 1 and 2.
The arrow facing the curve indicated by the beginning of the impact;
the curve - its ending. Direct line indicates a change
TP right exposure to the impact of the left
图。1.6。 传感器 1-3 的反应对右(R)
并左(L)TA。 传感器 1 和 2 的 K - 相关曲线。
曲线 - 它的结局。 直线表示更改
TP 正确暴露于左侧的影响
1.2. Converters in the semiconductor integrated chips
It was found that operational amplifiers (op-amp) in the semiconductor integrated circuits (IC)
under certain conditions, react to changes in the output potential as the thermal impact, and the
impact of a distant person. This change is due to the reaction of p-n (n-p) transitions included as
functional structural elements in the IC. Their individual contributions to the overall response to
the impact is not equal area. The magnitude of the reaction of each transition is due to its
function as a part of the OS, the operating mode (current-voltage specified parameters of the
feedback) and the distance from the input gain stage.
响以及遥远的人施加的影响做出了反应从而导致输出电位的变化。 这种变化是由于 IC 中作
为功能结构元件包含的 p-n(n-p)跃迁的反应。 他们单个对整体响应的贡献对于所施加的
影响并不平等。 每个转换的反应的大小是由于其作为 OS 的一部分的功能,操作模式(反
馈的电流 - 电压指定参数)以及与输入增益级的距离。
With regular use of DU voltage at its output is given by:
在其输出端通常使用 DU 电压给出:
Uвых.Σ_= Uвх.2 К2 – Uвх.1 К1 + Uсф. Ку.сф., (1.4)

where K1 and K2 - gains inverting and non-inverting arms, respectively;

Uvh.1 Uvh.2 and - the value of the test signal voltage at the inverting and non-inverting inputs;
Usf. - Common mode voltage noise on the input op amp;
Ku.sf.- gain of common-mode noise entering the IC inputs.
The third term in (1.4) - interference signal at the output of op-amp.
Between gain-phase interference Ku.sf. and its attenuation coefficient Kos.sf. there is a
其中 K1 和 K2 分别获得反相和正相臂;
Uvh.1 Uvh.2 和 - 反相和非反相输入端的测试信号电压值;
USF。 -运算放大器输入上的共模电压噪声;
Ku.sf.-共模噪声进入 IC 输入的增益。
(1.4)中的第三项 - 运算放大器输出端的干扰信号。
在增益相位干涉 Ku.sf. 及其衰减系数 Kos.sf. 之间有一个关系:
Ку.сф. = Ку./ Кос.сф. , (1.5)

where Ku. - The gain of the op-amp based on the feedback input, and the coefficient of phase
noise suppression Kos.sf. brought into reference books, typically 60-80 dB.
When using the op-
common mode voltage.
这里 - 基于反馈输入的运算放大器的增益 Ku 和相位噪声抑制系数 Kos.sf. 引入参考书,通
常为 60-80 分贝。
在正常模式下使用运算放大器时,如果 Uvh.1 Uvh.2 = = 0,= Uvyh·USF·Ku.sf. 它是一个共
In general, it can occur not only through a summing voltage noise input to the op amp, but also
due to factors affecting the semiconductor IC as a whole or its individual members. This factor is,
for example, thermal - infrared electromagnetic radiation. If we assume that all stages op amp is
equally susceptible to the effects of heat, taking into account the equal distribution teplovo¬go
influencing factor for all p-n (n-p) transitions in the amount of IC, voltage changeΔUvyh.Σ of the
output op-amp should be determined mainly a reaction to the impact of this transition in the first
amplification stages. In this case, ΔUvyh.Σ can be roughly seen as the result of a gain voltage UTsf.
Given to the OC entry.
通常,不仅可以通过输入到运算放大器的求和电压噪声,而且还可能由于影响半导体 IC 整
体或其各个部件的影响因子而发生。 这个影响因子是例如热红外电磁辐射。 如果我们假设
所有级运算放大器同样容易受到热的影响,考虑到 IC 中所有 pn(np)转换的相等分布
teplovo-go 影响因子,输出运算放大器的电压变化ΔUvyh.Σ应该 主要是对第一级放大的这
种转变的影响作出反应。 在这种情况下,ΔUvyh.Σ可以大致看作是增益电压 UTsf 的结果。
考虑到 OC 条目。
OC reaction to the distant effects of person as well as on the thermal effect, expressed the
change in its output potential Uvyh.Σ an amount ΔUvyh.Σ. Thus, the OS on the IC with shorted
inputs can be regarded as chuvstvitel¬ny element - sensor, which responds to the impact of
infrared radiation and VNKICH. In this case, the value of ΔUvyh.Σ should not be considered as a
noise voltage, and as a useful signal at the output of the sensor.
OC 对人的远距离影响以及热效应有所反应,表示其输出电位的变化 Uvyh.Σ一个量ΔUvyh.
Σ。 因此,具有短路输入的 IC 上的 OS 可以被认为是响应于红外辐射和 VNKICH 的影响的元
件传感器。 在这种情况下,ΔUvyh.Σ的值不应被视为噪声电压,并且作为传感器输出端的
When using the op-amp as a radiation sensor investigated factor acts directly on the p-n (n-p)
structure neinvertiruemogo and inverted channels. Neinvertiruemy and inverting op amp inputs
are grounded, while the first two terms in the expression (1.4) vanish, and the value at the output
of op-amp ΔUvyh.Σ determined only by the intensity of the investigated factors affecting the OU.
当使用运算放大器作为辐射传感器时,调查影响因子直接作用于 p-n(n-p)结构
neinvertiruemogo 和反向通道。 Neinvertiruy 和反相运算放大器输入接地,而表达式(1.4)
中的前两项消失,运算放大器ΔUvyh.Σ的输出值仅由影响 OU 的所调查影响因子的强度决

From (1.5) shows that the value Ku.sf. DU increases with gain and reducing Kos.sf. Increase
Shelter gain is limited by the condition for the stability of its work. Therefore, the main problem
arising when using the OS as a sensor becomes a predetermined decrease in the value of the
passport Kos.sf. This problem, reverse the suppression of common mode interference is achieved
by the establishment of inequality values K1 and K2, for example, by establishing asymmetry
(inequality) EMF values bipolar power supply IC.
从(1.5)可以看出,Ku.sf. DU 随着增益而增加,并减少 Kos.sf. 增加防护增益受到其工作稳
定性的限制。 因此,当使用 OS 作为传感器时出现的主要问题成为通行 Kos.sf 值的预定降低。
通过建立不等式值 K1 和 K2,例如通过建立不对称(不等式)EMF 值双极性电源 IC,可以实

IC function as the sensor element does not change if one of its two inputs to apply the output
voltage with the same sensor element. At the same time terminating the sensor element can
simultaneously perform the function of the DC amplifier (DCA). With an increasing number of
sensor elements magnitude of the desired signal to noise ratio increases.
如果传感器元件的两个输入之一用相同的传感器元件施加输出电压, 则 IC 功能不会改变。同
时终止传感器元件可以同时执行直流放大器(DCA)的功能。 随着传感器元件数量的增加,
It is shown that with a detector composed of two series-connected OS and essentially
representing a DC amplifier (DCA) with the closed entrance, can be carried out biophysical studies
related to the influence of a distant person. Normal operation of the detector is only possible in
an isothermal mode.
结果表明,由两个串联连接的 OS 组成的检测器和基本上代表具有闭合入口的直流放大器
(DCA) ,可以进行与遥远的人远距离作用有关的生物物理学研究。 检测器的正常工作只能
Experiments have shown that reducing the magnitude of EMF bipolar power supply (3 - 4 times
the nominal value, but while maintaining the equality of their values) is not less than 20% of IC
K553UD1A acquire the ability to respond to the impact of a distant person.
实验表明,降低 EMF 双极性电源的幅度(标称值的 3-4 倍,但保持其值相等)不低于集成
电路的 20%K553UD1A 具有响应遥远的人远程影响的能力。

Fig. 1.7a shows the results of two strong-willed actions (BB) man on the IC type K553UD1A, and
Fig. 1.7B - a block diagram of the installation.
The output of the IC is turned on integrating circuit RC. Meals OC carried by two types of batteries
3336 ( "Planet").
图 1.7a 显示了型号为 K553UD1A 的 IC 两个强烈意念的人导致的动作(BB)结果,图 1.7B 是
IC 的输出接通积分电路 RC。 电源由两种类型的电池 3336(“行星” )供给。

Fig. 1.7. A - MS response to willful exposure

B - circuit of the operational amplifier
图 1.7。 A - MS 对意念影响的响应
IC with power supplies were made of steel sheet metal thickness 1mm cell size
rum 400 • 480 • 500 mm, shielding the object from external static and low-frequency electric
fields, ions, convection air flow and light (except infrared) radiation. The time constant of the
integrating RC-circuit, included in the output of the IC, was 3.75 cek.
带电源的 IC 整体采用厚度为 1mm 的钢金属板制成
尺寸 400 · 480 · 500 mm,屏蔽物体外部静电和低频电场,离子,对流气流和光(红外
除外)辐射。包含在 IC 的输出部分的集成 RC 电路的时间常数, ,为 3.75 秒。

Fig. 1.7B shows a sensor circuit in the IC as part of the installation to register the response to the
impact of external factors. The output of the IC is turned on integrating circuit RC.
The voltage output from the IC with screened kabe¬lya was applied to the input of DCA, which
was known in advance that it does not respond to the impact of a distant person. After
amplification, this voltage is applied to one input of a two-channel recorder TZ-4221 (CSSR).
Shielding the camera, an electronic circuit inside it, DCA and the registrar were grounded.
Calibration osuschestvlya-It familiarizes calibration by applying voltage to the non-inverting IMS
图 1.7B 显示了 IC 中的传感器电路,作为组成的一部分,用于记录对外部影响因子影响的响
应。 IC 的输出接通积分电路 RC。
来自筛选的 kabelya 的 IC 的电压输出被应用于 DCA 的输入,DCA 预先已知其不响应远程人
施加的影响。 放大后,该电压被施加到双通道记录器 TZ-4221(CSSR)的一个输入端。 屏
蔽摄像机,及其内部的电子电路,DCA 和数据记录器接地。 校准 osuschestvlya - 通过向
正相 IMS 输入施加电压来熟悉校准。

After the release of all the equipment on the regime, in the absence of people made check
background level IC output potential. After some time, the operator entered the room and,
sitting in the 0.5 meter from ekra¬niruyuschey cameras started willful impact. Home forceful
impact of explosives indicated by an arrow facing the curve; the end of the curve.
Fig. 1.7A, the value of ER on volitional impact statement is twice the level of IC noise: it exceeded
12 - 14 mV at the voltage noise of the order of 6 -7 mV. potential changes coincide with the
beginning and the end of the first BB and BB to the beginning of the second, but the reaction to
the end of the second exposure is absent.
在所有设备发布后,在没有人的情况下检查背景水平的 IC 输出电势。 一段时间后,意念操
作人员进入房间,坐在距离 ekraniruyuschey 摄像机 0.5 米的位置开始有意念影响。在强烈的
影响后,箭头指向曲线; 曲线的尽头。
图 1.7A, 影响声明的 ER 值是 IC 噪声水平的两倍:在-6 -7 mV 的电压噪声下超过 12 - 14 mV。
电势变化与第一个 BB 和 BB 的开始和结束一致,到第二个开始,但是没有第二次施加影响
Fig. 1.8 shows the results of two experiments with two series-connected IC type K553UD1A
pre-selected on the basis of sensitivity to the effects of strong-willed person. Food sources of
EMF was ± 4,5 V. The inputs of the first op-amp was shorted. At the output of the second IMS
enabled integrating RC-circuit with a time constant of 3.75 seconds. For synchronous recording of
both the OC reaction, the signal output from the first IC (curve1) was applied to one input of the
registrar TZ-4221 through an additional DCA, do not respond to the impact of a distant person.
The output signal of the second IC (curve 2) is fed to the second input recorder without further
图 1.8 显示了基于对强烈意念人员的影响的敏感性预选的两个串联 IC 型 K553UD1A 的两个实
验的结果。 EMF 的电源为±4.5V。第一运算放大器的输入短路。 在第二个 IMS 使能的积分
RC 电路的输出时间常数为 3.75 秒。 对于 OC 反应的同步记录,通过额外的 DCA 将来自第一
IC(曲线 1)的信号输出应用于数据记录仪 TZ-4221 的一个输入,不响应远距离人员的影响。
第二个 IC 的输出信号(曲线 2)被进一步放大到第二个输入数据记录仪。

In the first experiment (Fig. 1.8A), the quantity of noise at the output of the first IC was 8.6 mV,
while the magnitude of impact reaction volitional 5-6 mV (Fig. 1.8A-1) and commensurate with
the magnitude of the noise, and second output IC is of the order of 25-30 mV and the noise value
exceeds a 2 - 3 fold (Figure 1.8A-2.).
在第一个实验(图 1.8A)中,第一个 IC 输出的噪声量为 8.6 mV,而施加影响后响应的幅度
为 5-6 mV(图 1.8A-1) ,与量程相当 的噪声,第二输出 IC 为 25-30mV,噪声值超过 2.3 倍
(图 1.8A-2) 。
In the second experiment (Fig. 1.8) is also clearly visible reaction
breakers: the output of the second IC, its value is about 25-
30 mV and the amount of noise exceeds a 2 - 3 fold (Figure 1.8B-2.).
在第二个实验(图 1.8)中也是清晰可见的反应
第二个 IC 的输出,其值约为 25-
30 mV,超过噪声量 2 - 3 倍(图 1.8B-2)

Fig. 1.8. The response to the impact of the strong-willed

output detector IC with two
series-connected chips
图 1.8 两个串联芯片检测器 IC
The reaction at the output of the IC, arising in response to the impact of a distant person with
equal values of EMF bipolar power supplies, can be improved by adjusting their size.
Detectors in the IC used in the experiments carried out at research VNKICH properties (Ch. 6).
通过调整其尺寸可以提高响应于具有相同值的 EMF 双极电源的远距离的人的影响而产生的
IC 输出的反应。在研究 VNKICH 属性实验中使用的 IC 类型检测器(第 6 章) 。
1.3 Biological detectors
1.3 生物检测器
We have considered two types of converters that can be used for registration of TF. If certain
conditions are met for each of these systems, their reaction may be adequate to external
influence. This means that at certain parameters of the systems themselves and certain
environmental conditions (e.g., subject temperature) these systems can be used as sensors. One
of these (yet unfulfilled) conditions, common to both types of systems is the availability of the
necessary calibration unit. With regard to the biological detectors, as that can be used by plants
or micro-organisms, their reaction to the impact of external factors, is associated with changes in
life and has a complex (for microorganisms irreversible) character.
我们考虑了可以用于挠场测量的两种类型的转换器。 如果满足这些系统的某些条件,它们
的反应可能适合外部影响。 这意味着在系统本身的某些参数和某些环境条件(例如,受试
者温度)下,这些系统可以用作传感器。 这两种类型的系统中常见的(尚未实现的)条件
之一是必要的校准单元的可用性。 对于生物检测器,由于植物或微生物可以使用它们对外

When using plants as biological detector a reaction that occurs in response to the radiation
coming from the man, it can be expressed in a change in the electric potential, the occurrence of
or a change in trend potential direction change in the electrical activity (change in the spectral
composition of the fluctuations of the electric potential, the occurrence of self-oscillation and
change their parameters - frequency or amplitude) the occurrence of impulse activity, etc). The
reaction may comprise one, several or all of these components. There may be any combination
动的趋势潜在方向变化的发生或变化中表达(在 电场波动的频谱组成,自振荡的发生以及
其参数 - 频率或振幅的变化)脉冲活动的发生等)
。 反应可以包括这些组分中的一种,几
种或全部。 可以是它们的组合。

In all cases the response might be the nature of the trace: each of these elements, which arose as
a result of exposure can persist for long periods after cessation of exposure. There are frequent
cases of "delayed" reaction that occurs immediately after the cessation of exposure or shortly
after it. It is often a reaction to the termination of the impact on the value exceeds the response
to its beginning.
的这些元素中的每一个都可能在停止接触后长时间持续。 常见的“延迟”反应发生在停止
接触后或不久之后立即发生。 通常施加影响终止后的反应数值要超过了开始时候的响应。

Consider this possibility by the example of the result of the experiment with an inactivated cactus
(Fig. 1.9). Cactus, devoid of light and water for 12 days, was in a shielding chamber. By the
beginning of the experiment the electrical activity on the surface of a cactus, manifested in the
form of short and infrequent bursts of potential - pulses with an amplitude of about 100 mV and
a pulse repetition rate of about 1 pulse / minute.
通过使用灭活的仙人掌的实验结果的实例来考虑这种可能性(图 1.9) 。没有光和水的仙人掌
12 天在屏蔽室内。 实验开始时,仙人掌表面的电活动表现为振幅为约 100 mV,脉冲重复
频率约为 1 脉冲/分钟的短脉冲和偶发脉冲。

The impact of the first kind to be made on a cactus without Naru-sheniya dark mode with the lid
closed chamber by supplying him with the help of a steel plate rod ploscha-
Dew 50x50 mm (position 1-2, 3-4, 6-7 and 8-9). The impact of the second kind with the energy
pumping (position 5) consisted of a series of short inclusions (lasting from 15 to 45) of the
incandescent light bulb flashlight 0.04 watts, which was at a distance of 5 cm from the cactus.
第一类的影响,在没有 Naru-sheniya 黑暗模式的仙人掌上,盖子关闭室由供应他的钢板杆尺
寸 50x50 毫米(位置 1-2,3-4,6-7 和 8-9)
。 能量泵送(第 5 位)的第二种影响包括白炽灯
泡手电筒的一系列短夹杂物(持续 15 至 45)0.04 瓦,距离仙人掌 5 厘米。

Fig. 1.9. Changes in the electrical activity on the surface of a cactus,

arising as a result of summing up to the surface of the steel
plate and light exposure. The numbers in the circles (position 5)
denotes the duration of light exposure
图 1.9。 仙人掌表面电活动的变化,
总结钢板表面及曝光的结果。 圆圈中的数字(位置 5)
Nine-effects on cactus by summing the steel plate (positions 1-2) caused a change in the
potential value (potential offset) on the surface of a cactus 1 mV and led to the cessation of
electrical activity. After 2-3 minutes after exposure to the restoration of the inter-electrode
potential difference, which was followed by the emergence of long-term trend potential of the
order of 3.5 mV / h.
通过对钢板(1-2 位置)进行总结,对仙人掌产生的九个影响导致仙人掌表面 1mV 的电位值
(电位偏移)发生变化,导致电活动停止。 在暴露于电极间电位差的恢复 2-3 分钟后,出
现 3.5 mV / h 量级的长期趋势电位。
Restoration of electrical activity after the first impact occurred over an hour. The reaction that
occurred as a result of following these three influences, was weaker, and the restoration of
impulse activity took place quickly, which is especially clearly manifested at the recent exposure
(position 6-7 and 8-9), carried out after a series of short-duration light effects from 16 to 45 .
第一次施加影响后电气活动恢复一小时。 由于遵循这三种影响而产生的反应较弱,脉冲活
动的恢复迅速发生,特别明显表现在最近曝光(第 6-7 和 8-9 号)后,进行了 系列短时光
效应从 16 到 45。
As a result, light influences the electrical activity, on the other hand, rose sharply, which resulted
(after approximately 5 minutes after the last exposure to light) significant abrupt increase in the
pulse repetition rate.
结果,光影响电活动,另一方面,急剧上升,这导致(最后一次暴露于光后大约 5 分钟)脉

By the nature of reactions to the effects of it can be concluded that they all lead to a change in
physical and chemical processes at the tissue (possibly organism) level. Negligible energy by
pumping light exposure led to the inclusion of photosynthesis and a sharp acceleration of
enzymatic processes.
化学过程的变化。 通过泵浦曝光引起的微不足道的能量导致包含光合作用和酶过程的急剧
Based on these experimental results it can be concluded that the biological sensor systems
(transducers) can be calibrated and can not perform the function of the sensor. They can be used
as an indicator of the TP (VNKICH), and to quantify the "intensity" of the acting factor (more
precisely, its biological activity), you must use the method of comparing the state of the test
sample with a control sample condition, not exposed to the test factor. The use of this technique
with the participation of microorganisms, such as yeast cells, is extremely convenient because of
the rapid flow of processes, and is used by us for several years, mainly in the study of the
problems associated with the introduction of TP in application areas - in medicine, biotechnology
and food production.
传感器的功能。 它们可以用作 TF(VNKICH)的指示器,并且定量化影响因子的“强度” (更
准确地说是其生物学活性) ,您必须使用比较测试样品的状态与对照的方法 样品条件,不暴
露于测试因素。 使用这种技术与微生物(如酵母细胞)的参与是非常方便的,因为过程的
快速流动,并被我们使用了几年,主要是研究与引入 TF 相关的问题 应用领域 - 医药,生


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