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5 Important Teamwork For Self and Organization

Saiful Farhan Mashor
Work together!

So let's look at some of the 'reasons' why you need to

work in a team. At least these five essential things you
need to know about the benefits of developing a

5 Important Teamwork Matters For Themselves

Tired, tired, never had time. These are the words that And The Company
always come out of your mouth when you can't finish
the job. Right? No, it's not enough to handle people. Increase Work Efficiency
But ego. I want to finish the job myself. Don't ask the
team directly. Watch out! Don't selfish, okay. Everyone on the team may have different thoughts. But
everyone should have a say in making things work better.
Do you want to know what can ease your burden and You also need to understand the goals within the group
ease your mind? Ahaaa… That's the point of teamwork. and have a clear vision for working together.
If people work and there is no cooperation from the
team, then the work never settles right? But if you have With good cooperation with each other, work efficiency
a great team, all the work that you are working on can will certainly increase. Everyone will perform the same
be easily accomplished. functions and responsibilities so that the work done in
the middle can be completed quickly.
If you're supposed to be independent of others, go
for it. But remember, don't bother other people either.
Over time, the workload of the other team is hard to
come by. Watch out.

If you want to know, this teamwork benefits and benefits Has Many Creative Ideas
you and your company. So you have to lower your ego
and maintain a friendly relationship with the team. If we always work alone, our minds will never grow. We
Avoid the attitude that people want to work. will be 'trapped' in our mind at the same level. Imagine

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if you had a mind blown while you were at work, you Forward the Company
would not find creative and innovative ideas. But other
times if you work in a team, you will be able to Collaboration between team members will improve
communicate with each other to exchange ideas and your company. Work productivity will increase as
discover ideas that you have never even thought about. everyone has time to work together according to their
skills.Not only that, a project you are working on will be
The creativity also arises due to team discussions. You completed quickly, and your company's future goals will
can also get the best idea of solving problems together. also be achieved if you work together. Agreed agree?
Isn't it great?

Workload Becomes Lighter

There are many things that can be solved if done

together. A great idea or work, it can be easy to get
it answered by some people. Although each person
is divided into his or her tasks, he or she complement
each other to achieve the same goal.

The best thing about having a team is that you can share
the workload and even help other members. Everyone
will play a role in helping each other and not only So, in conclusion, each of us should not be selfish. Some
selfishly but in the interests of mutual interest. many benefits and benefits come from working with
one another. Work can also be done quickly and quickly
Complete with each other in the face of difficult times because we have reached the same goal. Regardless of
Everyone on the team has their role. But we have to their interests, everyone has duties and roles that need
compliment and complement each other. Especially in to be addressed to maintain the company's reputation
front of difficult times. The benefits of this teamwork for those of you who are in business. Take good care of
are felt when they help each other. your team. Having a good team means your company
will continue to grow in the future.
Imagine if you were working on your own, you might
feel overwhelmed to get things done. And worst of all
if you make the wrong decision when you're stressed
out because there is no one to talk to and a place to
express your feelings to solve the problem. Right?

2 2 Humanotorial ISSUE 12
JULAI 2020

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