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Isac Santos Andrade

Conversation and Grammar English

Mr. Schmittinger June 2nd, 2020

Date invitation

Dater: Hi, Isac. How´s it going ? I was think to go to the new restaurant at city center, they have some
especial meal. Do you want go with me ?

Isac: Hey, I am not so bad. This restaurant is the one near of the mall ?

Dater: Yes, exactly this one. I want to have a good time there and because of I would like to invite

Isac: Oh it is really cool, but I have some tasks to do int his week. I think I don´t have time to go there.
Thank you for invite me.

Dater: You always have something to do, in this case, I also have some stuffs to resolve, but we need
enjoy the life. If you can´t to go today we can mark another week. I know that you like Chinese food
and I like to spend time with you.

Isac: I appreciate that, I really like Chinese food. But… for now I don´t know when I can go out to
dinner. I hope that you can have the meal there with someone else. With Chinese food all the things
will be easier, so I am sure that you will enjoy.

Dater: Hum … yeah I know. I was searching for these type od restaurants. I think will be better with
you. You know more about the culture. I want ask you about tonight, do you have some plans?

Isac: Tonight ? Not really, I need to rest a little bit because today was a hard day at work.

Dater: Hum I understand.

Isac: So, see you. I have to go.

Dater: Ok. Bye have a nice, we keep in touch!

Isac: Good bye, see you.

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