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Ann. occup. Hyg., Vol. 47, No. 3, pp.

241–252, 2003
© 2003 British Occupational Hygiene Society
Published by Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/annhyg/meg033

Occupational Health Conditions in Extreme

Maaltrostveien 40, 0786 Oslo, Norway

Received 17 May 2002; in final form 26 November 2002

The problems of work in extreme environments have been studied for many years. This paper
discusses various aspects of work in hot and cold environments and at high pressure.

Keywords: cold stress; heat stress; pressure

INTRODUCTION hobbling effect of bulky clothing and the slowing

down of ordinary simple functions because of snow
The ability to perform physical work depends on the
and ice. Heat, if intense, may greatly reduce endur-
ability of the muscle cell to transform chemically
ance because of the need for more of the circulating
bound energy in the food which we eat into mechan-
blood volume to be devoted to the transportation of
ical energy for muscular work (Fig. 1). This in turn
heat rather than to the transportation of oxygen, and
depends on the capacity of the service functions that
because of the effect of dehydration often accom-
deliver fuel and oxygen to the working muscle fibre,
panying heat exposure as a result of loss of body
i.e. on the nutritional state, nature and quality of the
fluids (sweating). High gas pressures, encountered in
food ingested, frequency of meals, oxygen uptake
including pulmonary ventilation, cardiac output and underwater operations in connection with modern
oxygen extraction and the nervous and hormonal offshore oil exploration, present new and rather
mechanisms that regulate these functions. unique problems for work physiologists. The drastic
Many of these functions depend on sex, age, body reduction in physical work capacity at high altitudes
dimensions and state of health. In addition, physical is one of the best studied problems concerning
performance is, to a significant extent, a function of environmental effects on physical work capacity. In
psychological factors, notably motivation, attitude to fact, significant muscle fibre atrophy has been noted
work and the will to mobilize one’s resources for the after only 5 days in space (Booth and Criswell, 1997).
accomplishment of the task in question. Several of Finally, the nature of the work to be performed,
these factors may be affected by training and adapta- apart from work intensity and duration, is of deci-
tion. sive importance when considering an individual’s
Physical performance may also, directly or indir- capacity to endure prolonged work stress. Since all
ectly, be greatly influenced by factors in the external life functions generally consist of rhythmic, dynamic
environment. Thus, air pollution may affect physical muscular work in which work and rest, muscle
performance directly by increasing airway resistance contraction and relaxation are interspersed at more or
and thereby pulmonary ventilation and indirectly by less regular, fairly short intervals, the ideal way to
causing ill health. The same applies to cigarette perform physical work is to perform it dynamically,
smoking. Alcohol may also have a negative effect with brief work periods interrupted by brief pauses.
on performance (Price and Hicks, 1979; Kahn and This routine will provide some rest during the actual
Cooper, 1990). Noise is a stress, which may not only work period, so the worker may avoid fatigue and
damage hearing but also cause an elevation of heart exhaustion. Similarly, the work position is also
rate and affect other physiological parameters that important in that working in a standing position may
reduce physical performance. Cold weather, if represent a greater circulatory strain than does
severe, may in itself reduce physical performance working in a sitting position. Conversely, working in
because of numbness of the hands or lowered body a standing position, which will permit the worker to
temperature (the opposite effect of a warm-up prior to move about and thereby vary the load on individual
an athletic competition). But it may also involve the muscle groups and facilitate circulation, may at times

242 K. Rodahl

be preferable. The working technique may be of stress in the working environment and the worker’s
major importance in conserving energy and in physiological reaction to it, in order to ensure optimal
providing varied use of different muscle groups. The conditions for health and productivity.
monotony of a working operation may be a stress for A comprehensive review of the thermal effects on
some individuals but a relief for others who can carry occupational conditions was made by Parsons (1993).
on the work more or less automatically while
thinking about something else. In any case, the tempo The effect of heat stress on heart rate
of work performance may be extremely important It is well known that heat stress may represent an
and impose stresses which, in some instances, may be additional load on the cardiovascular system. This is
unbearable or harmful to the individual. Finally, the evidenced by an elevated heart rate at the same work
work schedule, including shift work, is a problem load in a hot environment versus a room temperature
requiring increasing attention in modern industry. environment. The explanation is that, in the case of
For a review of military performance in hot, cold, the heat stress, our circulating blood volume, in addi-
high altitude and hyperbaric conditions, see Pandolf tion to having to transport oxygen, also has to serve
et al. (1988). as a cooling fluid. It therefore transports heat from
the interior of the body to the skin where it is dissi-
WORKING IN HEAT pated to the surrounding environment by conduction,
convection, radiation and sweat evaporation. This
The temperature of the environment is one of the requires an increase in speed of the blood circulation,
factors affecting human performance (see Fig. 1). At i.e. the cardiac output (minute volume) has to be
body temperatures substantially higher than the elevated. This can only be done by increasing the
optimal levels (36.5–37.5°C), both physical and stroke volume of the heart and/or increasing the heart
mental performance may deteriorate due to the rate. Since the possibility of increasing the stroke
complicated interplay of physiological and patho- volume of the heart is limited, a major increase in the
physiological processes. Prolonged heat stress may minute volume can only be achieved by an increase
lead to loss of body fluid (hypohydration), which in in the heart rate. Thus, the heart rate becomes an
itself impairs performance, especially endurance. In expression of the magnitude of the additional load
addition, prolonged heat strain may impair mental exerted on the cardiovascular system when the body
and psychomotor functions, thereby affecting perform- is exposed to a certain heat stress.
ance. It is, therefore, of considerable practical import- It is, therefore, to be expected that the heart rate
ance to be able to assess the magnitude of the thermal increases with increasing body temperature. In turn,

Fig. 1. Factors affecting physical performance.

Extreme environments 243

this is affected by the temperature of the environment 300 and 600 kpm/min (49 and 98 W/min) in front of
as well as the work rate. It is, therefore, not surprising a typical Soderberg pot, represents an additional load
that when recording the heart rate in workers oper- on the cardiovascular system of the order of 20–25
ating in the Soderberg pot room in an aluminium beats/min, corresponding to an ∼20% increase in the
production plant, it was, in some cases, observed that work load. This should be taken into account in order
the heart rate emulated the environmental tempera- to prevent undue fatigue in workers engaged in jobs
ture expressed in terms of the Botsball temperature involving excessive heat exposure.
measured with a wet globe thermometer (see Rodahl, During a series logging the physiological effects of
1989). In other words, they fluctuated synchro- intensive heat exposure in a glass factory (Rodahl
nously (for a description of the Botsball, see and Guthe, 1991; Rodahl and Guthe et al., 1991) it was observed that the heart rate reacted surprisingly
%207%20.htm). quickly to the ambient temperature and, more or less,
The next step is to determine what part of the oscillated synchronously with the temperature
increased heart rate is caused by the heat stress in the surrounding the subject. This very rapid increase in
workers operating in the pot room. In six subjects at the heart rate was not caused by physical activity
rest and at two different work loads on a cycle ergom- since the subject was standing quietly in front of the
eter at room temperature, a systematic registration of heat source. It can, therefore, only be caused by the
the heart rate was made in the laboratory (mean Bots- heat stress. This poses the question as to the physio-
ball temperature 15.4–16.4°C) and at a selected loca- logical mechanism behind the elevated heart rate.
tion in front of a Soderberg pot in the pot room (mean The answer to this would be essential in order to
Botsball temperature 22.0–23.1°C). Each subject was counteract the effect.
studied on two different days. The first day the subject There are a number of indications that the head,
was studied at normal room temperature in the labora- and especially the face, plays a key role in the body’s
tory in the morning. The subject rested in a sitting reaction to heat stress. Riggs et al. (1981) have shown
position for 15 min. This was followed by a 10 min in laboratory experiments that cooling the face in
cycle ergometer exercise at a load of 300 kpm/min physically active subjects caused a drop in heart rate
(49 W), then a 5 min rest in a sitting position and, without any changes in blood pressure or rectal
finally, a 10 min cycle ergometer exercise at a load of temperature.
600 kpm/min (98 W) followed by a 60 min rest at In connection with a study of divers and the so-
normal room temperature. The subject then went to a called diving reflex, it has been shown that cooling
selected place in front of a pot in the Soderberg pot the face causes a reduced heart rate (Kawakami et al.,
room, where he or she remained seated in a chair for 1967; Hurwitz and Furedy, 1986).The exact location
45 min in order for the body temperature to become of the specific receptors in the face that elicit the
adjusted to the prevailing ambient temperature. heart rate effect, however, is not clear.
Following this, the programme was identical to that In mammals, the diving reflex is elicited by
followed at room temperature in the laboratory. submerging the head. The sensory inputs are assumed
The second day, the same subject went through the to be caused by neural signals from the face, causing
programme in reverse order, i.e. he or she started in cessation of respiratory movements as well as vaso-
the pot room and finished in the laboratory. This was constriction and reduced heart rate (Dykes, 1974).
done in order to adjust for the possible effects of In a study of cardiac stress in glass bangle workers
circadian rhythm changes in body temperatures and in India, exposed to radiant heat of ∼46°C and
heart rate as a consequence of the different time of ambient temperatures of ∼38°C, Rastogi et al. (1990)
the day. observed a mean increase in pulse rate to 113
The mean difference in the heart rate in the labora- beats/min and a retarded recovery of the pulse rate
tory (room temperature) and in the pot room (heat after work. The authors recommended a series of
stress) was as shown in Table 1. revisions of the practices in the glass bangle industry
The results of this study show that the heat stress in order to reduce the level of environmental heat and
alone which faces the operator working at a rate of thermal radiation. In a study of subjects from the
same glass bangle factory, Kumar et al. (1991) found
impairment of the short-term memory. Extreme
thermal stress has also been recorded in boilermakers
Table 1. The mean difference in the heart rate in the laboratory during the repair of electrometallurgy furnaces
(room temperature) and in the pot room (heat stress)
(Chaurel et al., 1993).
Location Rest 300 kpm/min 600 kpm/min
(49 W) (98 W)
Heat strain in an aluminium plant
Pot room 79 119 140
A systematic assessment of the heat stress to which
Laboratory 74 100 115
some of the pot room operators were exposed, and
Difference 5 19 25
the effect of the exposure on the operators, was made
244 K. Rodahl

in an aluminium production plant in Norway (Nes et tures as high as 35°C and radiant temperatures
al., 1990). exceeding 60°C. The rectal temperature exceeded
The study was based on the combination of a 12-bit 38°C in all the subjects studied, in some cases with
Squirrel logger and standard temperature probes for peaks >39°C. The skin temperature oscillated with
skin and rectal temperature in addition to Botsball the radiant temperature, exceeding 40°C and, in some
and black ball thermometers. The study was cases, reached peaks close to the pain threshold.
performed in close collaboration with the engineers Next in terms of heat stress was gas manifold
of the plant laboratory. For a description of the changing, where in one case the skin temperature
Squirrel logger and the Botsball and black ball ther- under the foot reached ∼42°C. Then came jack
mometers, see Rodahl (1989). raising on the pre-baked pots. In one case, this
A total of eight operators, of whom two were involved continuous exposure for >2 h, causing a
women, took part in the study. Three of them were gradual rise in the rectal temperature from 37 to
engaged in gas manifold changing, three in burner >38°C in spite of a moderate Botsball temperature
cleaning, one in jack raising and one working in the rise from 15 to ∼25°C.
foundry. They were studied during a total of 38 work The fluid loss and hypohydration due to sweating
shifts, both during the winter and the summer. Each reflected, on the whole, the magnitude of the heat
subject was studied repeatedly during subsequent stress as evidenced by the Botsball and body tempera-
days in order to determine the reproducibility of the tures. The mean values showed that those who were
results. most exposed to heat stress also had the greatest fluid
The ambient heat stress was recorded by a Botsball loss by sweating. The fluid loss in the same subjects
thermometer mounted on top of the worker’s helmet. (examined both during summer and winter) showed a
This made it possible to measure the ambient heat significantly lower fluid loss during the winter (Nes
stress at the place where the operator was actually et al., 1990), but even in the winter the fluid loss
working. In addition, a small black ball thermometer, exceeded the level which, as a rule, may give symp-
measuring the radiant heat, was placed next to the toms of hypohydration with fatigue, reduced stamina
Botsball thermometer on the helmet. and reduced alertness.
The physiological reaction to the heat stress in In some of the subjects, a net deficiency in fluid
terms of body temperature was recorded, i.e. the skin
intake of 3.5 l during a work shift was recorded. This
temperature on the middle of the thigh as an indica-
represents a significant degree of hypohydration and
tion of mean skin temperature and the rectal temper-
emphasizes the need of the operators to drink water
ature as an expression of core temperature. This was
regularly during the work shift, regardless of whether
done with the aid of temperature sensors (supplied by
or not they feel thirsty. This is due to the feeling of
Grant Instruments Ltd) plugged into the temperature
thirst being a slow reacting indicator of the body’s
inputs of the 12-bit Squirrel logger. The logger was
state of fluid balance. In addition, sweat loss may be
shielded against the magnetic field in the pot room by
being kept in a fitted steel box and carried in a belt on significantly reduced by reducing each period of heat
the subjects’ back. The stored data was transferred exposure, to for example 20 min, interspersed by
to a personal computer and the results displayed frequent 10 min cooling-off periods in order to prevent
immediately after the observation period to those an excessive rise in the internal body temperature.
involved in the study. One advantage with this imme- The heat strain could be significantly reduced by
diate display of the results was that the subject could using heat-resistant and heat-reflective clothing,
see the effect of his different activities in terms of including reflective aprons. The need for effective
specific heat stress and the direct relationship protective garments is particularly stressed by the
between cause and effect. The fluid loss in terms of finding of the very high skin temperatures both on the
sweating was determined by weighing the subject on legs and under the foot soles. Some of our figures in
an accurate scale before and after the work shift. The these areas approached the level of activating pain
weight of food and fluid intake as well as the stool sensors in the skin. These findings merely confirmed
and urine output were taken into consideration. the experience of the operators, and may easily be
The results of this project showed convincingly remedied by using reflective shields in front of their
that heat stress was a major problem at this particular legs and heat-resistant insulating insoles and perhaps
aluminium plant. The results showed considerable even covering the boots with heat-reflective material,
differences in heat stress at the different plant opera- as well as using heat-resistant gloves or mittens.
tions, as well as variations in the heat stress from one For a detailed discussion of industrial heat stress,
day to the next and at different seasons of the year including industries producing steel, ferroalloys,
(Nes et al., 1990). From the observations made, it aluminium, magnesium and silicocarbide, as well as
was evident that burner cleaning represented by far studies of sailors on board ships operating in tropical
the most severe heat stress. It had Botsball tempera- waters, see Rodahl (1989).
Extreme environments 245

Failure to tolerate heat brain, which may lead to unconsciousness. If the

The vastly increasing number of participants in victim is placed in a horizontal position, preferably
long distance running races under hot conditions has with the legs elevated, he or she will quickly regain
led to a marked increase in heat casualties and heat consciousness. This type of heat collapse is one of the
illnesses, such as heat exhaustion, heat syncope and body’s built-in safety mechanisms.
heat stroke; often in combination with dehydration, Literature on acute and chronic occupational heat
especially in the case of marathon runners (Sutton, illness and the usefulness of the various heat stress
1984). It should be noted that brain function is partic- standards recommended by occupational health
ularly vulnerable to heat (Baker, 1982). Tolerance to authorities have been reviewed by Dukes-Dobos
elevated deep body temperature is extended if the (1981). Parsons (1999) has described the available
brain is kept cool (Carithers and Seagrave, 1976). international standards for the assessment of the risk
The most serious consequence of exposure to of thermal strain on clothed workers in hot environ-
intense heat is heat stroke, which may be fatal. It is ments. For advice about keeping athletes safe in hot
caused by a sudden collapse of temperature regula- weather see Sandor (1997) and Sparling and Millard-
tion leading to a marked rise in body heat. The rectal Stafford (1999).
temperature may be 41°C or higher. The skin is hot
and dry. There is tachycardia and hypotension, meta- Age
bolic acidosis, disseminated intravascular coagula- Davies (1981) has shown that thermal responses of
tion and occasionally renal failure. The victim is children are quantitatively different from young
confused or unconscious. This form of temperature adults, evaporative sweat loss being lower in children
regulatory failure is rare. The risk is higher in non- and skin temperature higher for the same environ-
acclimatized than in acclimatized individuals. Obese mental conditions than in young adults. It is generally
persons and older individuals are most susceptible. believed that children cannot tolerate hot environ-
The treatment is rapid cooling (for instance by ments as well as adults and that the greatest risk of
pouring cold water over the victim, the application of heat sickness for children is heat exhaustion, i.e.
ice packs, etc.) until the rectal temperature has cardiovascular instability (Armstrong and Maresh,
dropped below 39°C.
Since heat stroke is often associated with periph-
Although the experimental data are limited, earlier
eral circulatory collapse, the oral temperature of
evidence suggests that heat tolerance is reduced in
the victim may not necessarily be very high, while
older individuals (Robinson, 1963; Leithead and
the rectal temperature always is. This emphasizes the
Lind, 1964; Lind et al., 1970). They start to sweat
importance of measuring rectal temperature in long
later than do young individuals. Following heat
distance runners who collapse (Sutton, 1984).
exposure, it takes longer for their body temperature to
Another type of temperature regulation failure is
return to normal levels. Older people react with a
the so-called anhidrotic heat exhaustion. The victim
higher peripheral blood f1ow, but their maximal
may have a body temperature of 38–40°C and may
capacity is probably lower. In one study, it was found
sweat very little or not at all. He or she feels very
tired, may be out of breath and has tachycardia. The that 70% of all individuals who suffered heat stroke
main trouble is reduced sweat production. When the were over 60 yr of age (Minard and Copman, 1963).
patient stops exercising and is removed to a cool On the other hand, Davies (1979) observed no
place, this condition rapidly improves. evidence for differences in thermoregulatory func-
A third type of serious disturbance due to heat tion which could be ascribed to sex or age in his 1 h
exposure is excessive loss of fluid and salt, usually treadmill exercise experiments on subjects 18–65 yr
because of failure to replace fluid and salts lost of age in a moderate environment. Furthermore,
through sweating. After several weeks’ exposure, the studies by Drinkwater et al. (1982) revealed that in
patient may eventually experience cramps, the so- healthy older women, ageing does not diminish the
called miner’s cramps, which in rare cases may be functional capacity of the sweating mechanism to
fatal. Intravenous administration of NaCl will cope with heat stress while resting.
promptly relieve the cramps. On the basis of a review of the literature on heat
Heat syncope is a less serious affliction due to heat tolerance, Pandolf (1997) concluded that the work
exposure. This is primarily caused by an unfavour- heat tolerance of habitually active and aerobically
able blood distribution. A large proportion of the trained middle-aged men is the same as, or better
blood volume is distributed to the peripheral vessels, than, younger individuals. On the other hand, the
especially in the lower extremities, as the result of elderly may be more susceptible to hypo- or hyper-
prolonged standing, or by a reduction in blood thermia than young adults (Anderson et al., 1996).
volume due to dehydration. The result is a fall in For a discussion of ageing and heat tolerance, see
blood pressure and inadequate oxygen supply to the Pandolf (1991).
246 K. Rodahl

Sex sion was significantly reduced by intermediate levels

The available evidence shows that women require of heat stress in the third hour. A multiplication task
evaporative cooling in both hot wet and hot dry envir- was performed significantly more slowly in the heat
onments (Shapiro et al., 1981). Women have a lower by male subjects, showing a minimum of 28°C.
tissue conductance in the cold and a higher tissue Recognition memory showed a maximum at 26°C,
conductance in heat than do men. This fact indicates decreasing significantly at temperatures below and
a greater variation in the peripheral reaction to above.
climatic stress in women. It appears that this fact is of
no importance for the performance of work, however. WORKING IN THE COLD
From studies of active men versus active women
during acclimatization to dry heat, Horstman and Physiologically speaking, working in the cold is
Christensen (1982) concluded that active women primarily a matter of maintaining thermal balance,
performed exercise of equal relative intensity in dry since both energy metabolism and neuromuscular
heat as well as active men. Ventilatory, metabolic functions are temperature dependent. Body tempera-
and cardiovascular differences between the sexes ture is also subject to variations due to circadian
were minimal. Frye and Kamon (1983) observed no rhythms. While local acclimatization to cold is well
differences in sweating efficiency between the sexes established, and may be of considerable practical
in dry heat, but the women maintained a significantly benefit, general acclimatization to cold, if in fact a
higher sweating efficiency than the men in humid reality, is at best of limited practical value compared
heat. In both environments, the men recruited a signifi- to know-how, experience and environmental protec-
cantly lower percentage of their available sweat tion.
glands than did the women. In a study in Finland, Anttonen and Virokannas
Physical fitness is an important factor to be consid- (1994) showed that in outdoor work in the winter,
ered when men and women are compared in the cold stress frequently reduced working ability by
heat. When fitness levels are similar, the previously some 70%, at least for a short period. Virokannas
reported sex-related differences in response to an (1996) has shown that the most common problem
acute heat exposure seem to disappear (Avellini et during light outdoor work in the cold is cooling of the
al., 1980; Nielsen, 1980). extremities and the face.
For a review of the effect of chemical protective Some of the major problems associated with the
clothing on work tolerance in the heat, see White et performance of physical work in the cold are conse-
al. (1991). quences of the hobbling effect of the protective
clothing, as well as the obstructive effects of snow
Mental work capacity and ice and the chilling effect of wind.
An evaluation of mental or intellectual perform- Contrary to coal mines in the rest of the world, the
ance during exposure to heat or cold is hampered by temperature in the Spitsbergen coal mines is quite
subjective variations and lack of suitable objective low, due to the permafrost. Because of the geological
testing methods. As a rule, a deterioration is observed conditions (almost horizontal sedimentary layers and
when the room temperature exceeds 30–35°C if the coal seams only 70–110 cm thick) the miners have to
individual is acclimatized to heat. For the unacclima- work lying on the ground. In order to get to the coal
tized, clothed individual, the upper limit for optimal face, the workers have to crawl several hundred
function is ∼25°C. The observed deterioration in yards. The work is performed in a lying, half-sitting
performance capacity refers to precise manipulation or squatting position for two sessions of ∼3 h each in
requiring dexterity and coordination, ability to each shift period. The temperature in the mine is 2 to
observe irregular, faint optical signs, the ability to –4°C all the year round, and the workers have always
remain alert during prolonged, monotonous tasks and complained of finding it difficult to keep their feet
the ability to make quick decisions. During a 3 h warm.
drilling operation, the best results were achieved at In collaboration with the health department of the
29°C, but at a room temperature of 33°C the perform- mining company, the actual work stress was assessed
ance was reduced to 75%, at 35.5°C to 50% and at in four of the miners (Alm and Rodahl, 1979). They
37°C to 25%. A high level of motivation may to some were studied for 24 h periods, both during work in the
extent counteract the detrimental effect of the climate mine and during time off and sleep. The study
(Pepler, 1963). For a review of task performance in included: (i) assessment of maximal work capacity
the heat, see Ramsey (1995). based on the recording of the heart rate during
Wyon et al. (1979) examined the effect of moderate submaximal cycle ergometer exercise; (ii) assess-
heat stress (up to 29°C) on mental performance in 17- ment of physical work load based on the continuous
yr-old boys and girls. They were subject to rising air recording of heart rate with the aid of a shielded
temperature conditions, typical of occupied class- Oxford Medilog miniature portable magnetic tape
rooms, in the range 20–29°C. Sentence comprehen- recorder; (iii) assessment of thermal stress based on
Extreme environments 247

continuous recording of rectal and skin temperature depend on the speed of the cooling. In rapid cooling,
by the same Medilog recorder; (iv) assessment of the the ice crystals formed may break the cells and cause
general stress response, based on the analysis of tissue destruction and necrosis. In slow cooling, ice
urinary catecholamine elimination. crystals are formed in the tissues, but since solutes
The estimated physical work load in the mine, are excluded in the freezing process, the osmotic
which was quite similar for all four subjects, corres- pressure in the extracellular fluid increases, pulling
ponded, on average, to ∼30–40% of their maximal fluid out of the cell, with exudate formation as a
work capacity. This is considerably higher than work result. This in itself will cause cell damage, augmented
loads commonly encountered in most industries, by the concomitant vasoconstriction with increased
where they seldom exceed 25% of the maximal work venous pressure, reduced capillary blood flow, blood
capacity. It is evident that this type of mining opera- cell aggregation, thrombosis and necrosis.
tion may impose some rather unique types of stress, The treatment of local cold injury consists of local
as in the case when, at the onset of the work shift, the re-warming in the case of first degree frostbite, blis-
miner crawls along the narrow passage, dragging a ters (second degree frostbite) should be left intact,
box containing 50 kg of dynamite tied to his leg, and third degree frostbite requires hospitalization. At
causing his heart rate to approach 165 beat/min. The any rate, the patient should be brought into shelter,
work load of these coalminers is comparable to that tight clothing should be loosened and the patient should
of coastal fishermen. The levels of urinary catechol- be kept warm, given hot drinks and, if possible, made
amine elimination of the fishermen equalled those to be active in order to produce internal heat. The
observed in the coal miners.
treatment should be kept up until the return of normal
The rectal temperature ranged from 37.5 to 38.5°C colour and feeling in the affected parts, and the
during work. In spite of the high rectal temperature, patient should be kept under surveillance. If normal
the skin temperature of the thigh dropped in two of functions are not restored within 30 min the patient
the subjects to ∼28°C. Thus, our observation supported
should be hospitalized.
the miner’s complaints of cold feet, a problem which
Local cold injury to the eyes, i.e. transitory
under existing circumstances could only be remedied
epithelial damage to the cornea with the formation of
by using properly insulated trousers and boots.
corneal edema and blurred vision, has been observed
For a review of different methods to evaluate the
in cross-country skiers competing at very low
need for occupational cold protective clothing and the
temperatures (Kolstad and Opsahl, 1969). Similar
thermal insulation of textile materials and clothing, see
afflictions have been reported among early aviators,
Anttonen (1993).
racing cyclists, speed skaters and natives of the
Attempts have been made to develop a simple
Arctic. (for references see Kolstad and Opsahl,
index to describe and predict cold strain (Moran et
1969). In skiers, this particular type of injury is
al., 1999; Castellani et al., 2001). The IREQ method
usually seen only during competitive ski races, not
(insulation required), which is generally used for the
calculation of clothing insulation in the cold, has during training. It is especially apt to occur during
been descibed by Holmèr (1992) and evaluated by long distance races at temperatures below –15°C
Griefahn (2000). For further reading on the subject of combined with wind. The symptoms usually develop
assessment of cold exposure, see Holmèr (2001). For toward the end of the race and consist of impaired or
a review of mental performance in cold environ- blurred vision evidently caused by pathological
ments, see Palinkas (2001). For further reading on the changes in the lower segment of the cornea.
effect of ageing on human cold tolerance, see Young According to Kolstad and Opsahl (1969), who first
(1991) and the reviews from a symposium on the described this phenomenon, the cause may be an
different aspects of ageing in the International impaired blinking reflex and an incomplete closure of
Journal of Circumpolar Health; 59(3–4): 149–284, the eyelids during blinking due to a lowering of the
2000. surface temperature of the cornea. As a result of the
reduced blinking, the thin tear film, covering the
Cold injury cornea and nourishing it, will not be maintained. This
Cold injury may be inflicted in common winter may explain the observed degeneration of the epithe-
sports such as skiing and skating and in long distance lium of the unprotected part of the cornea. The
runners competing in cold, windy conditions. Local damage is transitory, however, and will usually heal
cold injury may occur in the exposed parts of the completely within 24 h. A possible prevention may
body such as the face, hands and feet, either due to be achieved by protecting the eyelids and the cornea
the freezing of tissue and formation of ice crystals, by wearing suitable headgear, perhaps in combina-
i.e. frostbite, or by vasoconstriction causing depriva- tion with the use of contact lenses.
tion of the blood circulation to the exposed parts, For a comprehensive review of cold injuries, see
leading to ischemic cold injury. The pathological the various articles in the International Journal of
consequences of the freezing may, to some extent, Circumpolar Health; 59(2): 2000.
248 K. Rodahl

Hypothermia performance. In general, the lowest performance is

Clinically speaking, hypothermia is a condition observed early in the morning (about 4 a.m.). Thus,
usually characterized by body temperatures below the delay in answering calls by switchboard operators
35°C. on night shift was twice as long between 2 and 4 a.m.
During the initial stages of hypothermia, the as during the daytime (Colquhoun, 1971). A similar
patient shivers, then gradually he or she becomes relationship may exist also in the case of athletic
disoriented, apathetic, hallucinatory or may become performance. Thus, Rodahl et al. (1976), studying the
aggressive, excited or even euphoric. As the rectal performance of top swimmers who competed under
temperature gradually drops below 34°C, the patient comparable conditions early in the morning and late
may appear distant and stuperous, he or she may be in the evening, found that the swimmers performed
unconscious, respiration is shallow and the pulse is significantly better in the evening than in the morning
weak. Cardiac arythmia may develop. There is loss of (P < 0.001).
reflexes and the pupils are dilated. Finally, the patient These findings show that circadian rhythms must
reaches the paralytic stage as the rectal temperature be considered when interpreting the results from
drops below 30°C. The skin is cold, no pulse can be prolonged physiological experiments and when
detected, the pupils are dilated, there are no reflexes performing fitness tests in athletes at different times
and no heart sounds. of the day.
If the patient cannot be brought to hospital safely
and the treatment must be performed under field Shift work
conditions, slow re-warming should be applied The fact that human beings are ‘day animals’ and
(0.5°C/h). The danger of rapid re-warming in the that some of their basic physiological functions
field is a further drop in deep body temperature due to which are associated with their performance capaci-
the return of cool venous blood from the skin and ties are subject to circadian rhythm changes suggests
extremities to the core. This temperature drop may be that humans may not ideally be suited for night work.
fatal due to cardiac arythmia (ventricular fibrillation), Nonetheless, shift work has been practiced for gener-
which requires defibrillation. ations in one form or another. Yet, little precise infor-
It should be kept in mind that even at more mation is available as to what effect shift work has on
moderate degrees of body cooling, the muscle physiological functions or physical performance, and
temperature may be significantly lowered, causing there is no general agreement as to what type of shift
muscular weakness, impaired neuromuscular func- work or work schedule is to be preferred. Most of the
tion and reduced endurance. This may be the under- available information refers to clinical, social or
lying cause of some of the fatal accidents among psychological aspects of shift work.
climbers and cross-country skiers. A review of the literature indicates that the health
For an extensive study on cold and muscle of shift workers in general is good in spite of such
performance, see Oksa (1998). complaints as loss of sleep, disturbance of appetite
and digestion and a high rate of stomach ulcers
(Fujita et al., 1993). The social and domestic effects
of shift work represent greater problems than do the
In human beings, a variety of physiological func- physiological effects (Alward and Monk, 1990). The
tions, such as heart rate, oxygen uptake, rectal results of studies pertaining to the effects on produc-
temperature and urinary excretion of potassium and tivity are conflicting, as are results concerning acci-
catecholamines, show distinct rhythmic changes in dent rates. Absenteeism because of illness appears to
the course of a 24 h period, with the values falling to be lower among shift workers than among day
their lowest during the night (low dip around 4 a.m.) workers. It has been suggested that the physiological
and rising during the day, reaching their peak in the and biological effects are probably related to circa-
afternoon (Smolander et al., 1993). This phenom- dian rhythms rather than to work schedule. To what
enon is known as circadian rhythms, and is thought to extent such circadian rhythms are related to health,
be regulated by several separately operating bio- performance and a feeling of well-being is still undeter-
logical clocks. It occurs in most individuals, although mined. According to Harma et al. (1990), physiolog-
there are apparently a few exceptions; some individ- ical adjustment to night work is not influenced by
uals show reversed rhythms, the rectal temperature, age.
for example, being highest at night (Folk, 1974). For Systematic studies of men engaged in rotating shift
a review of the basic aspects of mammalian circadian work and in continuous night work (Vokac and
rhythms, see Illnerova (1991). Rodahl, 1974; Vokac et al., 1975) indicate that shift
These rhythmic changes in physiological functions work does represent a physiological strain on the
have been found to be associated with changes in organism. It causes a desynchronization between
performance. This relationship appears to exist functions such as body temperature and the bio-
especially in the case of rectal temperature and logical clocks governing these functions. These
Extreme environments 249

studies show that there are considerable individual pressure is normal, to the surface through sea where
differences in the reaction to shift work, supporting the air pressure is higher. For a more comprehensive
the general experience that not everyone is equally review of the subject, see Lambertsen (1967), Behnke
suited for such work (some individuals consistently (1971, 1978), Fagraeus (1974), Halsey (1982) and
show relatively high values for urinary catecho- Ross et al. (1997).
lamine elimination during shift work, whereas others For every 10 m (33 ft) of seawater the diver
have consistently low values). As judged by the descends, an additional pressure of 1 atm is acting
catecholamine excretion, the greatest strain occurs upon his or her body. Small changes in sea depth thus
when the worker, after several free days, starts work bring about great pressure changes. The body may
on night shift. The results of these studies indicate tolerate high pressures as long as the pressure is the
that it is preferable, from a physiological standpoint, same inside and outside the body. When diving with
to distribute the free days more evenly throughout the a snorkel connected to the mouth, one maintains the
entire shift cycle, i.e. alternate between work and free atmospheric pressure in the lungs, while the surface
time regularly instead of assigning several consecu- of the thorax, in addition, is exposed to the pressure
tive free days. of the water. At a depth of about 1 m the pressure
The study of continuous night work shows that at difference becomes so great that the inspiratory
the onset, body temperature and work pulse fell in the muscles no longer have the strength to overcome the
course of the night as if the subject was sleeping, external pressure, and normal breathing becomes
although he was working. It takes several weeks for impossible. For this reason, a snorkel system does not
this normal rhythm to revert (i.e. for an increase in permit diving to depths exceeding ∼1 m. At greater
body temperature in the course of night work). In depths, a breathing apparatus has to be used in which
view of this, it would appear unrealistic to keep shift the pressure in the system corresponds to that
workers on continuous night work for prolonged prevailing at the depth in question. If there is over-
periods in order to obtain the benefit of the reverted pressure in the system, the lung tissues may be
physiological reactions, since such a reversion takes damaged, with haemorrhaging as a consequence.
too long to occur and is lost when interrupted by a As the pressure increases, more gases can be taken
single day. up by the diver’s body and dissolved in the various
Recently bright light has been used to adjust the tissues. At a depth of 10 m, twice as much gas will be
biological clock following changes of circadian dissolved in the blood and tissues as at the sea
rhythms during shift work (Wetterberg, 1994; surface. This is apt to give the diver trouble, mainly
Eastman et al., 1995). because of the nitrogen.
Disturbances in circadian rhythms may give rise to The problem with nitrogen is that it diffuses into
considerable problems for those who have to travel various tissues of the body very slowly, and once
by air from one continent to another in order to dissolved, it also leaves the body very slowly when
conduct business, to take part in political negotiations the pressure is once more reduced to normal atmos-
or to participate in athletic competitions. It is an open pheric pressure. This is especially bad when the pres-
question whether the indisposition or functional sure is suddenly reduced from several atmospheres,
disturbances experienced after such intercontinental as may be the case during submarine escape or deep
flights are in fact due to disturbed circadian rhythms, sea diving. Then the nitrogen is released from the
to loss of sleep or to both. It is a common experience, tissues in the form of insoluble gas bubbles. These
however, that by being able to sleep during such bubbles congregate in the small blood vessels, where
travel, if necessary by using sleep-inducing drugs, the they obstruct the flow of blood. This, then, gives rise
individual can maintain a reasonable functional to symptoms such as pains in the muscles and joints,
capacity in spite of the rapid shifts from one time to and even paralysis may develop if the bubbles
another. (For further references see Rutenfranz and become trapped in the brain. These symptoms are
Colquhoun, 1978, 1979.) According to Shinkai et al. known as the bends. Obviously, the severity of the
(1993), salivary cortisol appears to be an excellent symptoms depends on the magnitude of the pressure,
measure for monitoring circadian rhythm variation in which relates to the depth to which the person has
adrenal activity in healthy individuals during shift descended under water, the length of time spent at
work. that depth and the speed of ascent to the surface.
The bends can be avoided to a large extent by a
HIGH GAS PRESSURES slow return to normal pressure so as to allow time for
the tissues to get rid of their excess nitrogen without
Although humans can become acclimatized to low the formation of bubbles. Another way to avoid the
air pressures, there is no way to become biologically bends is to prevent the formation of nitrogen bubbles
acclimatized to high air pressures, such as those by replacing atmospheric nitrogen by helium, which
encountered in deep sea diving or when a submarine is less easily dissolved in the body. This is done by
crew tries to escape from inside the craft, where the having the diver breathe a helium–oxygen gas
250 K. Rodahl

mixture. Another advantage of this method is that it is substituting helium, with a lower density, for
more apt to prevent so-called nitrogen narcosis, nitrogen, pulmonary ventilation increases and oxygen
which occurs when air is breathed at 3 atm or more, uptake may be higher than the maximum measured
when there is an onset of euphoria and impaired under normal atmospheric conditions (Fagraeus,
mental activity with lack of ability to concentrate. 1974).
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