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Epithelial tissue consists of three cell types; squamous, cuboidal and columnar.

The tissue is
one (simple) or more (stratified) cells thick. Skin is made of epithelial tissue. This tissue also
lines body cavities, the surfaces of blood vessels, and all organs. Epithelial tissue is separated
from underlying tissue by a basement membrane. This tissue protects the body, secretions,
excretions, absorption, and allows the body to sense the outside world.

Connective tissue supports, connects, binds, or separates other tissues or organs. It usually

has few cells, and they are embedded in a shapeless matrix along with collagen,
cartilaginous, fatty or elastic tissue. The most common cell in connective tissue is fibroblasts.
They produce fibers and amorphous ground substance for the connective tissue. Other cells
found are mast cells, plasma cells, macrophages, adipocytes and leukocytes.

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