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2541612: Architectural Design Analysis and Methodology
Hein Min Thaung
Student ID: 6278005625


Social behavior study is the examination of the problems from a community and
to make improvement or encouragement for better living environment through designs.
There are different way of approaches to research methodology and to decide the
research design and setting, it will start with questions what to find out, what design will
give useful information to solve problems and what setting will use the resource
effectively? The approach for social study can be done based on research design, setting
and set of methods can evaluate qualitative or quantitative data collection for the choice
of methodology and methods.
At the start of our study, we might not have clear perception on research
approaches and begin with the reconnaissance task to seek general view on the problems
or diagnostic phase to describe further discovery. In doing so, theories can assist to make
decision. Diagnostic studies base upon logical thinking and approaches to the clear and
trustworthy data from the community to be studied. To extract precise measurement
upon a community or social situation, the researcher can use descriptive studies, to make
comparison between one or more characteristics and relations in a defined group and
theoretical studies, testing hypotheses by utilizing comprehensive theories. Another
method of action research study is to set a physical change in the study site to investigate
the reaction and movement pattern from the users of the site.
The research designs are the strategies for an investigator to evaluate the findings
to the problems in effective way and to prevent from diversion. The case study design is
to make understanding of a problem based upon knowledge from the same case or from
other similar problems. From this study, a researcher can do experiments to test the
consequences from actions and differences. There is also multiple way of approaches for
the case study from observation to participation with the community to get sufficient data
to make comparison. The survey method is one of the most effective method for the social
study projects to listen the voices which are the cultural behaviors of the users from the
site and can bring the insider view for the researcher. The experiment method is similar
to the scientific research in laboratory. The observer makes some changes on the physical
environment of the site and measure the changes and make comparison between before
and after. The experimental methods for social study have different settings like natural
setting, most appropriate for diagnostic studies, contrived setting, to make planning and
controlling research environment to invite people and gather data from them and that
methods can do along with surveying. For research-based design projects, the methods
from this chapter can provide some helpful methods for the social design researcher.

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