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1. What is Sovereignty? How is it recognized & acquired?

 Sovereignty is the process in which a state or country has supreme power over the
region making its own laws and rules. It has full right and power of a governing body
over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In Political
theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some

Sovereign state recognition signifies the decision of a sovereign state to treat

another entity as being a sovereign state. Recognition can be either expressed or
implied and is usually retroactive in its effects. It does not necessarily signify a desire
to establish or maintain diplomatic relations.

There are various methods for acquisition of Sovereignty which are recognized by
international law as lawful methods by which a state may acquire sovereignty. The
first process of acquisition of sovereignty is-
1. Accretion - Accretion refers to the physical expansion of the existing territory
through geographical processes.
2. Cession - A state may acquire sovereignty over territory if that sovereignty is
transferred to it by another state. It is usually done by treaty between the
3. Conquest- In the case of United states the US supreme Court, speaking
through Mr. Justice Clifford, said Power to acquire territory either by
conquest or treaty is vested by the Constitution in the United states.
Conquered territory is merely held as a mere military occupation until the
fate of the nation from which it is conquered is determined.

2. Define National Interest. What are the methods to secure & promote national

 National interest is the interest of a nation as a whole held to be an independent

entity separate from the interests of subordinate areas or groups and also of the
other nations or super national groups. It is the guide for any states Foreign Policy.

The following are the methods to secure & promote national interest-

1. Diplomacy- Diplomacy has been regarded as a means for securing the

national interest for a long time and it still constitutes the most effective
means for this purpose.
2. Propaganda- Propaganda means the art of convincing others to accept the
desired course of action. As Frankel says “Propaganda is systematic attempt
to affect the minds, emotions and actions of a given group for a specific
public purpose.” Almost every regime seeks to maximize its national
interests by resorting to technique of propaganda.
3. Alliances and Treaties- In order to protect and promote their national
interest, almost every state enter into alliances and treaties. Famous military
alliances like NATO and Warsaw pact were entered into by countries to
protect their interests.
4. Economic Aid and Loan – The division of world into the rich and poor has
made the latter more vulnerable. The rich countries often use economic aid
and loans to promote their interests vice versa the poor states.
5. Coercive Measures- Some of the important coercive measures of national
interest are as follows; Intervention, embargoes, boycotts, non-intercourse,
reprisals etc. Though war and aggression are regarded as illegal means , most
often nations resort to war as a means securing national interest.

3. Define Power. What are the types of Power?

Power is the capacity of an individual to influence the activity of other individuals.
Power can be seen as evil or unjust. This sort of primitive exercise of power is
historically endemic to humans; however, as social beings, the same concept is seen
as good as something inherited or given for exercising humanistic objectives that will
help move, and empower others as well.

The following are the various types of power-

1. Hard Power- it is the power of coercion. It is enforceability of a state. It is

asking other states to behave the way you wanted to just because you
have materialistic advantages.
2. Soft Power- It is the power of attraction. IT is getting others to want the
outcomes that you want. Soft power is associated with the culture or
non-materialistic things.
3. Smart Power – It is the effective combination of both. Hilary doctrine is
based on the smart power. Smart power is like having a sword.
4. Fast Power- It is propounded by john chipman. In this post globalization
age, since everything is dominated by speed, survival of the fast is the
new mantra.
4. Define Security and approaches to Security?

 Security is the security measures taken by states and international organizations,

such as the United Nations, European Union, and others, to ensure mutual survival
and safety. These measures include military action and diplomatic agreements such
as treaties and conventions. International and national securities are invariably
linked. International security is national security or state security in the global arena.
Traditional approaches to international security usually focus on state actors and
their military capacities to protect national security. However, over the last decades
the definition of security has extended to cope with the 21st century globalized
international community, its rapid technological developments and global treats that
emerged from the process.

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