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Natural Disasters

1. Focus on Vocabulary

1.1. Give the definitions to the following extreme weather events. Add
other words you know referring to the topic.

gale, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, flood (syn. deluge), heatwave, earthquake,

torrential rains, blizzard, drought
1.2. Explain the meaning of the word-combinations.
climate disruption, greenhouse emissions, weather front, earthquake registering 6.5
on the Richter scale, body-detecting dogs, aftermath of the earthquake, evacuee,
death toll, to claim lives

1.3. Translate into Russian/Belarusian paying special attention to the

italicized expressions.

1. Hundreds were missing yesterday in addition to the official death toll of at

least 600 after a week of torrential rains and floods in Mexico.
2. Dammed waters reached the bursting point threatening to flood nearby
3. Rescuers in Turkey scrambled to free thousands of people buried by an
earthquake that struck the industrial northwest of the country.
4. This is thought to be the worst loss of life in the week of flooding and
5. Troops were operating soup kitchens.
6. The tremor set off a fire at the country's biggest oil refinery.
7. The environmental agency spokesman said that the floods had been caused by
a combination of gale-force winds, low pressure and an equinox tide.
8. Agency workers were trying to shore up sea defenses at Medteny before the
high tide last night.
9. Flying debris claimed several lives.
10. Typhoon York left a trail of destruction as it scored a direct hit on Hong
Kong yesterday, killing at least one person and injuring 466 others.
11. British search and rescue teams working in the aftermath of the devastating
earthquake in the western Turkey pulled two survivors from the rubble.
12. The poor were hit hardest by Mexico’s deluge.

1.4. Choose the best variant and translate.

1. At least 180 people died and thousands were left homeless/roofless/alone as
the flood season opened in China, with the north-western Shaanxi province
the worst influenced/beaten/hit.
2. Food shortages/lacks/deficits grew worse in southern Africa, particularly in
Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia. Aridness/Drought, combined with
misgovernment and the confiscation of commercial farms in Zimbabwe, has
caused maize output to plunge and left millions in need of food aid.
3. A huge rescue operation/campaign/drive is underway, including army units
specially formed to deal with flood emergencies, but the number of dead is
expected to rise.
4. At least 150 people are related/reported/told dead, 266 are
missing/lacking/away and more than 110,000 need catastrophe/emergency aid
in Shaanxi province.
5. Up to 3,000 villagers are preparing to evacuate their northern Papua New
Guinea island after a volcano burst /broke out/erupted, raining acidic ash on
their homes.
6. Firefighters and other disaster/emergency/catastrophe workers were placed
on high mayday/alert/readiness.
7. The worst storms in 100 years hit/beat/attacked Chile this week, killing 11
and leaving thousands homeless.
8. A scope/scale/magnitude-5 quake can damage homes if it occurs close to the
earth's surface.
9. A wind-whipped wildfire prompted authorities to order the
evacuation/rescuing/removal of up to 40,000 people Monday from their
homes along the southwestern edge of the Denver metropolitan area.

1.5. Translate into Russian/Belarusian paying special attention to the

italicized expressions.

1. Southern Africa’s food crisis grew worse. Donors delivered emergency

rations to 2.6m people in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and estimated that
20m could need help by the end of the year.
2. Friday's earthquake struck just before noon and was focused about 30 miles
underground, about 50 miles north of Tokyo.
3. The area has seen a week of torrential rain, and in the worst affected area —
south of the city of Xian — close to half a metre of rain fell in two days, in
what is normally an arid part of China.
4. The flooding in Shaanxi alone has washed out 13 bridges, 30 kilometres of
highways and railway lines and has wrecked 29 hydropower stations, said a
spokeswoman for the Shaanxi provincial flood control centre.
5. China has been plagued by flooding for centuries, but major floods are
becoming more and more frequent — one reason is environmental

6. A wildfire in the Rocky Mountains now covers 100,000 acres and has led to
several communities being evacuated.
7. Nearly 920 firefighters are working in shifts tackling the 20-mile blaze in
Colorado's foothills.
8. In Calcutta, a wall collapsed in a storm killing two people and injuring 15
9. A strong earthquake has jolted Tokyo. There are no reports of serious damage
in the Japanese capital.

1.6. Translate into Russian/Belarusian using the vocabulary from the

previous exercises.

1. Немецкая полиция сообщает, что одна женщина сейчас считается

пропавшей без вести.
2. Спасательные и пожарные службы приведены в повышенную
3. На этой неделе в Чили прошли сильнейшие за последние 100 лет
шторма, в результате которых одиннадцать человек погибли и тысячи
остались без крова.
4. В столице Японии Токио произошло сильное землетрясение.
Информации о разрушениях пока не поступало.
5. Землетрясение силой в пять баллов может вызвать серьезные
разрушения в том случае, если оно происходит близко к поверхности.
6. Лесные пожары стали причиной приказа об эвакуации из пригородов
Денвера 40 тысяч человек, — сообщает Associated Press.

1.7. Read the four texts to follow and identify the natural disasters
discussed. Write out the words and phrases that helped you identify
the phenomena.

Zambia declares national food emergency

Zambia is declaring its food crisis a national disaster and is appealing for
urgent international aid to help the four million people threatened with starvation.
Poor rainfall has decimated the harvest and threatens to dry up village wells and
dams. This follows a 360,000 ton grain deficit from last year that was also blamed
on bad weather. Zambia's hunger crisis stems from a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that is affecting
many southern African farmers this year. In Malawi, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and
Swaziland, about 10 million people are on the brink of starvation, two UN food
agencies confirm.

Ananova 30th May 2002

Four Austrian skiers missing after _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in French Alps
Four skiers are missing after an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the French Alps. At least
two of the people missing after the snow fall near Chamonix are believed to be
Austrian. Authorities fear the skiers have been buried under blocks of ice. The four
were believed to be wearing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ beacons, devices that emit signals to
help rescuers pinpoint a buried skier's location. A fifth person who was with the
group was found by rescuers shortly after the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and was flown by
helicopter to a hospital in Chamonix with serious injuries. "There is an enormous
amount of wind and the sky is overcast," said Captain Blaise Agretsy, commander
of the High Mountain Squad in the eastern French resort city Chamonix.

Ananova 20th April 2002

Taiwan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ death toll reaches four

The number of people killed by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Taiwan has risen to

four. More than 200 people have been injured. The people were killed when two
cranes fell from the 60th floor of a building under construction in Taipei, police
say. State radio says a crane operator and three other building workers have been
killed. About 10 others have been hurt by steel rods and other objects that rained
down from the building site.

Ananova 31st March 2002

40,000 Evacuated by Denver _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A wind-whipped _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _prompted authorities to order the evacuation

of up to 40,000 people Monday from their homes along the southwestern edge of
the Denver metropolitan area. The 61,000-acre _ _ _ _ roared to within 10 miles of
residential neighborhoods. _ _ _ _fighters were pulled off the lines because it was
too dangerous, and a mandatory evacuation was ordered from homes near
Roxborough State Park, the U.S. Forest Service said. The _ _ _ _ was started by an
illegal camp_ _ _ _ Saturday in Pike National Forest 55 miles southwest of Denver.

AP 10th June 10 2002

1.8. Match the following words and word combinations with the
Russian sentences.

to collapse, to burst banks, to rescue from the rubble, emergency shelter, to rip off,
to be left homeless, in living memory, to be reported dead, gale warnings, official
death toll, rescue work, to declare (impose) a curfew, epicenter

1 . Спасательная бригада, работающая в эпицентре землетрясения,

вытащила из-под обломков 40-летнего мужчину.
2. По официальным данным, число погибших составляет более 2 тысяч
3. Лавина грязи накрыла школу, которая использовалась в качестве
аварийного укрытия.
4. Многие районы выглядели так, будто они подверглись бомбардировке:
оползни разрушили скоростные дороги, реки вышли из берегов.
5. Более сотни человек осталось без крова.
6. Полиция города объявила комендантский час с 7 вечера до 7 утра.
7. Спасательные работы продолжались всю ночь.
8. На побережье были установлены знаки, предупреждающие о
надвигающемся шторме.
9. Ветер ураганной силы сорвал крыши домов и обрушил на
побережье больше воды, чем все предыдущие штормы, которые все еще
живы в памяти людей.
10. По уточненным данным, в результате разрушительного землетрясения,
произошедшего на северо-западе китайской провинции Синьцзян,
погибли, как минимум, 257 человека, сотни получили ранения.
11. В селении, расположенном в непосредственной близости от эпицентра,
разрушены более 1000 домов. Сейсмологи утверждают, что за основным
ударом силой в 6,8 баллов по шкале Рихтера последовали еще несколько
толчков слабее. Самый сильный из них составил пять баллов.
12. Эксперты полагают, что количество жертв будет увеличиваться. В район
землетрясения прибывают дополнительные отряды спасателей из других

1.9. Translate the following news briefs paying attention to the

italicized parts.

Спасательные работы в Северной Осетии приостановлены до

6.30 утра
По состоянию на 23.00 субботы в Северной Осетии на месте схода
ледника в Кобанском ущелье спасено и эвакуировано из зоны бедствия 26
человек. В настоящее время в связи с угрозой дальнейшего схода ледового
потока и наступлением темноты поисково-спасательные работы в ущелье
приостановлены до 6.30 утра. На месте работает лишь техника,
расчищающая дорогу Гизель—Кармадон и мобильные группы, задача
которых — отслеживать поведение сели и накопление воды.

В Гватемале селевым потоком смыто 60 домов

Оползень разрушил шестьдесят домов в поселке Эль Порвенир на западе
Гватемалы. Как заявил представитель экстренных служб, развернувших
спасательную операцию на месте трагедии, уже найдено 27 тел погибших.
Большая часть из них — дети. Еще одиннадцать человек считаются
пропавшими без вести. Как минимум 14 человек госпитализировано с
тяжелыми травмами. Непосредственной причиной селя стали идущие
около двух недель в этой местности тропические дожди.
На Сахалине произошло землетрясение
На юге Сахалина произошло землетрясение, — сообщает "Интерфакс".
Жертв и разрушений нет. Эпицентр землетрясения, сила которого достигала
4,7 балла, находился в горах, в 25 километрах от северо-западнее города
Макаров и более чем в 200 километрах севернее Южно-Сахалинска. Первые
толчки были зарегистрированы в воскресенье в 3.36 по местному времени.
Самые сильные толчки ощущались в городе Углегорск и поселке Горное
Макаровского района. Кроме того, менее сильные, трехбалльные толчки
были зарегистрированы в городах Поронайск, Макаров, и поселках
Вахрушев, Ильинское, Туманово.

2. Focus on Texts
2.1. Read the following article and complete the exercises that follow.

333 confirmed dead in Mexico floods

TEZIUTLAN, Mexico — It did not even have a name, the storm responsible
for what the president called Mexico’s worst disaster of the decade. Its winds never
reached the tropical-storm speed that would have earned it more than a number.
But Tropical Depression No. 11 was deadlier than any hurricane in the region
this year.
So far, officials have confirmed 333 deaths. But by all accounts the true
number of dead is higher. Unofficial counts by local newspapers — based on
unconfirmed accounts from local officials and witnesses — ran as high as 600.
The full scale of the disaster is only slowly becoming apparent. A series of
weather fronts, capped by the tropical depression in the Gulf of Mexico, dumped

heavy rain on much of eastern, southern and central Mexico for a week or more. In
much of the region, it continues to rain.
Washed-out bridges and roads isolated hundreds of communities. Landslides
destroyed or damaged houses in dozens of towns and villages. People were carried
away by floodwaters.
Even large cities, such as the Tabasco state capital of Villahermosa, were so
gravely flooded that streets became canals for boats ferrying furniture from
inundated houses.
In Tenango, 100 miles northeast of Mexico City, a foot-wide crack appeared
in the face of a turn-of-the-century, U.S.-built dam, which towers 70 feet above the
Authorities evacuated 3,000 residents and brought in a fleet of dump trucks to
pile gravel and rock mixed with lime in front of the dam. They worked into the
night Sunday.
“The engineers thought it was going to break,” said evacuee Jose Luis
Gonzalez, 40.
In Teziutlan, where the largest number of deaths have been recorded, rain fell
for 60 hours without a break — 30 inches in all, three-quarters of what New York
gets in an entire year.
The rain forced closure of schools and most of the 480 clothing factories that
make blue jeans and other goods for U.S. export.
So the residents of La Aurora, a poor neighborhood built under a cliffside
cemetery, were huddled at home rather than at work or school when the mudslide
rolled over their houses.
The rain had been pounding for three days when Dario Padilla left his house
and made the sodden trek to a shop to buy tortillas.
He was on his way back, with about 100 yards to go, when he saw the hillside
above his neighborhood collapse in an avalanche of mud. Within seconds his
house, the houses of two relatives and about 25 other neighbors’ homes were
His wife, his stepchildren and several grandchildren were among those killed.
“It took all my family in one blow,” said the 55-year-old retired postal worker,
his voice breaking as he watched ambulances carry victims to the morgue and a
series of funeral processions trudge into the cemetery next door.
“I went in but I sank in the mud. Some neighbors pulled me out,” he said.
By Sunday morning, rescue workers had pulled the corpses of 15 people from
the ruins of Padilla's house and his relatives' two homes.
The victims included his wife, five of his stepchildren and several
grandchildren and in-laws. Every member of his household was apparently killed.
On Sunday, hundreds of soldiers, policemen, firefighters and body-detecting
dogs were still slopping through mud made even more sodden by more heavy rain.
They scraped mud away from toppled concrete walls, then attacked the walls with
clanging picks and sledgehammers until the sick-sweet smell of decaying flesh told
them they were close to yet another victim.

At the town’s cathedral, the regional bishop, Monsignor Lorenzo Cardenas
Aregullin, led a Mass for the victims of the disaster, and read a message of
condolence from Pope John Paul II.
“Why does God conserve our lives?” the bishop asked. “So we can be human.
So we can help (the victims) however we can.”
Outside the cathedral, residents complained that government help had been
late in coming. When neighbors were pulling bodies from the muck on Tuesday,
they said, radio stations were reporting that there were no apparent problems in the
region. The military, which is leading the rescue effort, didn’t arrive until Thursday
Many have urged President Ernesto Zedillo to call for foreign aid, but Zedillo
has said: “The Mexicans can do it alone.”
He toured the stricken areas Friday and Saturday and pledged to send more
civilian and military personnel to help the victims throughout states along the Gulf
of Mexico.
“We won’t fail you,” he promised Saturday night.
Washington Post. 1999. 20 June.

2.2. Suggest the Russian/Belarusian equivalents.

officials have confirmed 333 deaths; unofficial counts by local newspapers […] ran
as high as 600; a series of weather fronts […] dumped heavy rain; washed-out
bridges and roads; the rain forced closure of schools; mudslide; rescue workers;
body-detecting dogs; to lead the rescue effort; to call for foreign aid; to tour the
stricken area

2.3. Read the following article and find the English equivalents to the
following Russian expressions in the text. Reproduce the article using
the phrases.

ранним утром; сорвать крыши; обрушить воду; проливные дожди; как

сообщается, семь человек погибло; оставаться без крова; кошмарные
последствия; испытывать судьбу; объявить комендантский час

In the dark early hours of yesterday morning Hurricane Floyd gave a terrifying
reminder of why they call this corner of the country Cape Fear.
The vast wheeling storm — which had grown to the size of Britain and France
combined — had sent 3m Americans fleeing inland as it stroked the coasts of
Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
When it finally came ashore at Sam it was weakening and its winds were
dipping below 100mph, but it was still potent enough to rip roofs off barns and
dump more water on this tip of North Carolina than any storm in living memory.
Seven people were reported dead yesterday afternoon, mostly from car
accidents in the downpour. Tens of thousands were made homeless.
“It was roaring and raining so hard I couldn't hear anything else,” said Robert
James, a tobacco farmer in the small settlement of Boiling Spring Lakes. He did
not even hear Floyd cut his farmhouse in two.
As he spoke the floodwater was gathering at his feet, spluttering out of the
drains along the road to Cape Fear. Earlier in the morning the state governor,
James Hunt, declared the flood the worst in North Carolina's history and warned of
the dangers of venturing out in Floyd’s uncertain aftermath.
Further north the storm had reached as far as Maine and closed schools and
airports in Washington and New York as it drenched the east coast.
Just across the interstate highway from Robert James’s farm, seven people
who had taken refuge up the steps of the Town Creek church the previous night
had managed to escape the waters.
Paula Calkins sat on the front porch yesterday with her son Jeremy, looking
helplessly across the newly formed lake. Shouting to a journalist on the other side,
she said the flood had stopped rising at dawn, at the moment the water touched the
foot of the crucifix hanging on the church’s eastern wall.
The Calkins were not willing to tempt fate by wading through the water, which
Mr. James warned was teeming with venomous snakes.
A little further down Route 17 a rattlesnake could be seen on the edge of a
shallow pond covering the road, half squashed by a passing car but still writhing
furiously. Everywhere along the Carolinas’ coast the floodwater had driven
wildlife into human habitats.
Yesterday Hurricane Floyd gave the old southern city a wide berth of about
100 miles, but it still brought trees crashing down on to roads.
The city’s police declared a curfew from 7pm until 7am yesterday morning,
partly in an attempt to prevent looting.
Washington Post, 24 August 1999

2.4. Read the article and complete the exercises that follow.

Etna's plume traced from space

Mount Etna continued to spew molten lava and a giant plume of smoke on
Thursday in one of the most spectacular eruptions of recent years. Images from
NASA's Terra satellite reveals that the plume now extends hundreds of miles to the
south, carrying ash to North Africa.
Local villages were also rocked by earthquakes, caused by magma shifting
below the volcano. A thousand people have fled their homes and the Italian
government has declared a state of emergency in the area.
Lava has surged down the north and south sides of the mountain and
emergency workers dug channels to divert the northern flow from the town of
Linguaglossa. Magma has been thrown up to 150 metres into the air and ash has
rained down on Catania, Sicily's second largest town.

But the two main lava flows produced by the volcano have begun to slow,
raising hopes that the worst of the eruption may be over.
The first eruptions occurred on Sunday, accompanied by earthquakes. The
strongest tremors were felt in the town of Santa Venerina, southeast of Etna, on
Tuesday, and measured 4.4 on the Richter scale. By co-incidence, a large
earthquake struck the town of San Giuliano di Puglia, hundreds of miles away in
southern Italy, on Thursday.
Etna is Europe's most volatile volcano and is almost constantly active. The
last activity was felt in July and August 2001 and the last major eruption was in
1992. Etna exhibits two kinds of eruptive activity: explosive eruptions from three
summit craters and smaller eruptions from fissures on the mountain's flanks.


2.5. Suggest the English equivalents to the following Russian


извергать кипящую лаву; столб дома; извержение; пепел; покидать дома;

вводить чрезвычайное положение; лава хлынула вниз по северному склону
вулкана; толчки (при землетрясении); трещины в склоне горы

2.6. Insert prepositions and particles where necessary, then read the
text and check your answers.

1. Local villages were also rocked … earthquakes, caused … magma shifting …

the volcano.
2. A thousand people have fled … their homes and the Italian government has
declared a state … emergency … the area.
3. Magma has been thrown … … 150 metres into the air and ash has rained …
… Catania, Sicily's second largest town.
4. The two main lava flows produced … the volcano have begun to slow, raising
hopes that the worst … the eruption may be ….
5. The strongest tremors … measured 4.4 … the Richter scale.

2.7. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is the current eruption referred to as “one of the most spectacular

eruptions of recent years”?
2. Why has the government declared a state of emergency? What other steps do
you think the government may undertake to control the situation?
3. What have you learnt about Mount Etna from the text? What else can you say
about this volcano?

3. Focus on Rendering and Translation

3.1. Render the following article into English.
Турецкое эхо
Может ли наука предупредить о грозящем землетрясении?
По словам начальника Центра мониторинга и прогнозирования
чрезвычайных ситуаций МЧС РФ Михаила Шахраманьяна, вероятность того,
что вслед за мощным землетрясением в Турции через несколько месяцев про-
изойдет не менее сильное на Тайване, была крайне мала. И все же это
случилось. Какова причина? Не исключено, что высокая сейсмическая
энергия, сосредоточившаяся в зоне Турции, Ирана, Кавказа, не полностью
реализовалась во время землетрясений в Турции и Греции и выплеснулась на
Тайване. Эту версию подтверждает ведущий научный сотрудник Института
физики Земли, кандидат физико-математических наук Алексей Завьялов,
утверждающий, что подобная статистика взаимосвязи мощных стихийных
событий существует.
Может ли наука сказать, что ожидает планету в ближайшее время? Как
выясняется, минимальный период времени, на который сегодня выдается
прогноз, — 10 лет.
— Более близкого прогноза пока никто из серьезных ученых дать не
может, — говорит Завьялов. — Конечно, есть определенные версии, однако
обнародовать их вряд ли кто-то решится. Ведь это очень ответственное дело,
затрагивающее жизнь десятков тысяч людей, а точных методов, поз-
воляющих с высокой степенью достоверности предсказывать даты
землетрясений, не существует. Согласно научным данным, на территории
России выявлено несколько зон, которые в течение ближайших 10 лет будут
особо опасны в смысле сейсмоактивности. Это побережье Байкала, южная и
северная часть Камчатки и Авачинская бухта, Южные Курилы, юг Дагестана
и Чечни, север Сахалина. Кстати, специалисты пока не определились с
мощью главного сокрушительного толчка. По данным сейсмической службы
США, он был силой 7,6 балла по шкале Рихтера, а тайваньские власти
приводят данные 7,3 балла.
Зато нет сомнений в том, что очаг землетрясения находился в курортном
районе в уезде Наньтоу в 145 километрах к юго-западу от Тайбэя, где
произошли основные разрушения. Там уничтожены жилые дома, школы и
гостиницы, взорвался крупный спиртовой завод, рухнули четыре моста. Сам
Тайбэй пострадал заметно меньше, однако в городе от подземного толчка
буквально «сложилась» 12-этажная гостиница, заполненная постояльцами.
Жизнь во многих районах острова, включая Тайбэй, практически
парализована: не работают даже светофоры на улицах. Закрыты
государственные учреждения, школы и биржи, на острове полностью встал
железнодорожный транспорт.
К счастью, не пострадал ни один из сотни с лишним граждан России,
находящихся на Тайване. Сотрудники действующего там неофициального
представительства РФ, так называемой «Московско-Тайбэйской комиссии»,
пытаются сейчас поддерживать связь с каждым из соотечественников на
острове. Дело это не лишнее, поскольку повторные толчки на Тайване
Известия. 1999. 17 сентября.

3.2. Render the following article into English.

Тайфун в Японии: город Нагоя затоплен, 5 человек погибли
В центральной Японии в результате проливных дождей, вызванных
тайфуном Саомай, затоплен город Нагоя, передает CNN. По меньшей мере
пять человек погибли, более трех десятков получили различной тяжести
травмы, несколько числятся пропавшими без вести.
Власти приняли решение срочно эвакуировать почти полмиллиона
человек. Ранее предполагалось, что эвакуировать придется около 200 тысяч
жителей пострадавшего от тайфуна района, однако ситуация продолжает
Ливни сопровождаются сильным ветром, порывы которого достигают
скорости 160 километров в час. Грязевые потоки порой сносят целые дома и
спасателям потом приходится часами под проливным дождем разбирать
Электроснабжение в центральной части острова Хонсю прервано.
Остановлено движение пассажирских поездов. Движение на основных
автомагистралях в центральной Японии также остановлено.
По прогнозам метеорологов, улучшения обстановки в среду не
произойдет. Проливные дожди в центральной части острова Хонсю
продолжатся еще, как минимум, двое суток.
Известия. 2002. 5 мая.

Render the following article into English.

Итальянский остров Стромболи стал необитаемым
Вечером во вторник все жители итальянского острова Стромболи,
расположенного неподалеку от Сицилии, переехали на материк. Как
сообщает Reuters, власти Италии начали частичную эвакуацию жителей
после того, как на остров обрушилась гигантская волна, вызванная
извержением вулкана. Несколько домов в прибрежной зоне были разрушены,
три человека получили ранения.
Службы спасения предложили всем жителям покинуть остров. Почти
треть населения Стромболи переправилась на материк сразу же, однако
многие пожилые люди не захотели оставлять свои дома. После того, как
власти оповестили граждан об угрозе повторной волны и закрыли остров для
любых посещений, оттуда уехали последние жители.
Как сообщили агентству представители служб спасения, на Стромболи
постоянно проживают 450 человек, однако с понедельника по среду были
эвакуированы всего около 300 человек — многие уехали с острова на
новогодние праздники еще до начала извержения.
Опасность нового извержения и возникновения новой волны
сохраняется. Район патрулируют спасательные катера и вертолеты.

3.4. Render the following article into English.

Павадак у Мексіцы: больш за 600 чалавек загінула
У Мексіцы другі тыдзень працягваюцца праліўныя дажджы. Па
афіцыйных даных на 10 кастрычніка, колькасць загінуўшых у выніку разгула
стыхіі складае 277 чалавек (пры гэтым афіцыйная статыстыка ўлічвае толькі
знойдзеныя трупы). Гэта самае страшнае бедства, якое абрушылася на
Мексіку за апошняе дзесяцігоддзе.
Па звестках са штатаў Веракрус, Пуэбла, Оахака, Идальга і Табаска,
якія пацярпелі найбольш, можна сцвярджаць, што толькі ў гэтых штатах у
выніку стыхійнага бедства загінула ад 400 да 500 чалавек. Сюды ўключаны
даныя пра ахвяр, засыпаных апоўзнямі і абваламі, а таксама тых, хто зніклі
без звестак. Associated Press паведамляе, што можна гаварыць пра больш чым
600 загінуўшых.
Міністэрства ўнутраных спраў Мексікі прызнае, што колькасць ахвяр
стыхіі перавышае 265 тысяч чалавек. Па даных амерыканскага Чырвонага
Крыжа, колькасць ахвяр паводкаў дасягае 700 тысяч.
Каля 10 тысяч салдат і афіцэраў узброеных сіл Мексікі праводзяць
выратавальныя работы і аказваюць дапамогу пацярпеўшым у выніку
паводкаў у розных раёнах рэспублікі.
Мексіканскія сіноптыкі прадказваюць, што ў найбліжэйшыя суткі ў
шэрагу штатаў краіны захаваецца надзвычай неспрыяльная метэаралагічная
Звязда. 1999. 24 чэрвеня.

3.5. Render the following article into English.

«Майсей» уратуе Венецыю
Адзін з прыгажэйшых гарадоў Еўропы будуць ратаваць ад затапленняў
з дапамогай мабільных дамбаў.
Грандыёзны праект атрымаў назву «Майсей». На закладку першага
каменя пабудовы прыехаў прэм’ер-міністр Італіі Сільвіо Берлусконі. Ён
паведаміў венецыянцам, што, калі ўсё пойдзе згодна з планам, работы будуць
завершаны да 2011 года. Тады Венецыю можна будзе лічыць выратаванай ад
Канструкцыя будзе ўяўляць сабой рухомыя бар'еры. Вясной і летам
яны будуць ляжаць на дне мора. Але калі ўзровень вады катастрафічна
паднімецца, то пад ціскам паветра, якое будзе падавацца насосамі, бар'еры
пачнуць ўсплываць. Пры неабходнасці створаная дамба можа дасягаць у
даўжыню болей за 1,5 кіламетра. Будаўніцтва абыйдзецца прыкладна ў 7
мільярдаў даляраў.
Самую вялікую шкоду гораду-музею наносіць «аква альта», ці «высокая
вада», якая затапляе венецыянскія плошчы ўвосень і зімой. За апошнія сто
гадоў Венецыя апусцілася ў ваду на 23 сатыметра. У 1973 годзе унікальны
горад быў абвешчаны зонай нацыянальнага інтарэсу.
Як заўсёды бывае, хутка знайшліся і незадаволеныя. Эколагі
занепакоіліся тым, што металічныя дамбы могуць парушыць экасістэму
венецыянскай марской лагуны. Таму перад пачаткам урачыстай цырымоніі
пачатку будаўніцтва дамбы «зялёныя» ў знак пратэсту выплылі на
дэманстрацыю на лодках.

3.6 Render the following article into English.

Як выжыць ва ўмовах клiматычнага «экстрыму»?
Праблемы ўздзеяння на здароўе людзей экстрэмальных фактараў
надвор’я абмяркоўвалiся ў Маскве, на Сусветнай канферэнцыi па змяненнi
клiмату на планеце. Сваю iнфармацыю калегам прадаставiла Еўрапейскае
бюро Сусветнай арганiзацыi аховы здароўя, спецыялiсты якога
ажыццяўляюць навуковыя даследаваннi ў рамках праграмы «Глабальныя
змяненнi i здароўе чалавека».
Як сцвярджаюць навукоўцы, апошнiя дзесяцiгоддзi на Зямлi аказалiся
самымi цёплымi за апошнiя дзве тысячы гадоў. Так, за перыяд з 1976 па 1999
год максiмальная сярэднясутачная тэмпература на большасцi тэрыторый
Еўрапейскага кантынента павышалася ў летнiя месяцы больш чым на
0,3 градуса па Цэльсiю кожнае дзесяцiгоддзе. Асаблiва «гарачым» выдалася
сёлетняе лета, калi ў Еўропе былi пабiтыя ўсе папярэднiя рэкорды тэмператур
(у Лондане, напрыклад, слупок тэрмометра перасягнуў адзнаку ў 38 градусаў
па Цэльсiю), прычым перажыць працяглую спякоту змаглi далёка не ўсе
Паводле папярэднiх даных, прадастаўленых французскiмі ўладамi, у
перыяд з 1 па 15 жнiўня ў краiне было зарэгiстравана сярод насельнiцтва
11435 дадатковых смяротных выпадкаў. У Партугалii ў перыяд з 30 лiпеня па
12 жнiўня — 1316 смяротных выпадкаў, непасрэдна звязаных са спякотай. А
ў Iталii ў перыяд з 15 лiпеня па 16 жнiўня ва ўзроставай групе старэй за 65
гадоў было зарэгiстравана 4175 дадатковых смяротных выпадкаў, г.зн. на
14 працэнтаў больш, чым у папярэднiм годзе. Трэба адзначыць, што менавiта
людзей, якiя ўжо перасягнулi 65-гадовы парог i дзяцей да 4 гадоў медыкi
лiчаць самай уразлiвай для высокiх тэмператур групай. Вельмi цяжка
прыходзiцца i жыхарам буйных гарадоў, якiя, у адрозненне ад вяскоўцаў,
падвяргаюцца цеплавому стрэсу не толькi ўдзень, але i ўначы (гарады за
начныя гадзiны астыць проста не паспяваюць).
Як зазначаецца ў справаздачы, падрыхтаванай да канферэнцыi
Еўрапейскiм бюро Сусветнай арганiзацыi аховы здароўя, фактычныя даныя,
якiмi яны валодаюць, сведчаць аб тым, што дзяржаўныя службы i органы
аховы здароўя еўрапейскiх краiн пакуль што недаацэньваюць небяспеку
спякоты для здароўя людзей. У многiх гарадах свету, калi тэмпература i
вiльготнасць паветра наблiжаюцца да парогавага ўзроўню, метэаралагiчныя
службы папярэджваюць аб гэтым насельнiцтва. Разам з тым праведзенае ў
Еўрапейскiм рэгiёне абследаванне ўстанавiла, што толькi два еўрапейскiя
гарады маюць падобныя сiстэмы папярэджання: Лiсабон i Рым. Аналагiчныя
сiстэмы папярэджання распрацоўваюцца ў Барселоне, Будапешце, Лондане i
Улiчваючы тую акалiчнасць, што большую частку свайго часу
еўрапейцы праводзяць у памяшканнях, навукоўцамi былi праведзены
спецыяльныя даследаваннi, якiя ўстанавiлi, што ва ўмераным клiмаце
аптымальны тэмпературны рэжым у памяшканнях вагаецца ад 18 да 24
градусаў. I менавiта на гэтыя даныя павiнны абапiрацца будаўнiкi пры
праектаваннi ў жыллёвых грамадскiх будынках вентыляцыйных сiстэм,
iнакш ад цеплавых удараў людзi i далей будуць гiнуць непасрэдна на сваiх
працоўных месцах цi ў сваiх ложках.
У тым, што рэальная колькасць ахвяр спякоты намнога вышэйшая за
афiцыйную статыстыку, навукоўцы не сумняваюцца: смерць, якая наступае ў
вынiку цеплавога удару, не заўсёды граматна iдэнтыфiкуецца ў бальнiчных
установах, нярэдка прычыны вострай сардэчнай недастатковасцi цi трамбозу
сасудаў проста застаюцца па-за ўвагай медыкаў i канстатуюцца толькi iх
Яшчэ адна навала, ад якой пакутуе ў апошнiя гады Еўропа, гэта
шматлiкiя разбуральныя паводкi. У перыяд з 1975 па 2001 год у Еўрапейскiм
рэгiёне адбылося 238 паводак плюс 15 буйных паводак — у 2002 годзе. На
працягу апошняга дзесяцiгоддзя ад «вялiкай вады» ў Еўропе загiнулi 1940
чалавек i 417000 чалавек пазбавiлiся жылля. Медыцынскiя ж наступствы
гэтага экстрэмальнага фактару надвор’я самыя разнастайныя: гэта i траўмы, i
сардэчныя прыступы, i ўспышкi iнфекцыйных захворванняў, i псiхiчныя
расстройствы. Прычым, як адзначаюць медыкi, праблемы псiхiчнага
характару могуць назiрацца ў людзей, якiя аказалiся ў эпiцэнтры паводкi, не
толькi праз месяцы, але i праз некалькi гадоў пасля перажытага стрэсу.
Самае сумнае, i ў гэтым сыходзяцца меркаваннi большасцi спецыялiстаў,
заключаецца ў тым, што ў блiжэйшыя дзесяцiгоддзi клiмат на нашай планеце
будзе пагаршацца: еўрапейцаў будзе ўсё часцей залiваць вадой, i ўсё часцей
мы будзем пакутаваць ад засухi. Засушлiвыя перыяды будуць усё больш
працяглымi, а паводкi — усё больш разбуральнымi i будуць ахоплiваць усё
большыя тэрыторыi...


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