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Education speech ELC Edyth Chou TV1E

Did you know?

• Kids in Japan are the most independent of the lot. They travel to school alone, clean their own

• Kids in Finland do not start school until the age of 7, which is one of the oldest ages around
the world to start school.

• If all women had a primary education, there would be 1.7 million fewer malnourished

Do you know what I am talking about? It is education.

I think that education makes the world go around.

Proper education creates lots of ways to go ahead in the future.

A good education is a system that make student better.

A good education is when it could increase a child's creativity help them enjoy studying.

Not only this a good education helps them socialize or communicate with others.

It makes us strong and by increasing our knowledge and good position in the job.
And changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life

Each and every kid has their own dream of doing something different in life.

There is a story about a teacher: Roger, who lived in a village.

He was a teacher and wanted to set up a school in the village for children living there.

Nobody was willing to join and the parents thought that it was a waste of time.

The children also didn’t like to go to school as there was no fun in school.

Roger brought some parents and students from the city and motivated students by highlighting
the importance of education.

Most of the children joined the school.

After completion of education, some students went to cities for higher education.

 Some of them became great scientists and contributed their best to their village.

The village later became a city and people from other places came to this place for quality

So I think that education is important.


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