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The Hindu senior secondary school,Indra nagar, Chennai -20

Class:IV - Mathematics

Worksheet-1 ( Number and Number Names )


1) Fill in the blanks by observing the pattern :

a) 5532 ,5542, 5552 ,--------------,--------------,-------------,---------------.

b) 4566, 5566, 6566 ,----------------,--------------,------------,---------------.

c) 5297, 5298, 5299, ----------------,------------,--------------,---------------.

2) Write the number name for :

a) 7563

b) 9085

c) 4399

3) Write the numeral for:

a) Two thousand forty five.

b) Six thousand nine hundred ninety nine.

c) Nine thousand fifty five.

4) Write the place value of digit :

a) 2 in 3826

b) 3 in 4320

c) 8 in 8642

5) Write the expanded form for :

a) 4039

b) 8635

c) 9098

6) Write the successor for :

a) 7863

b) 6499

c) 7999

7) Write the predecessor for :

a) 4000

b) 3940

c) 8959

8)Find the face value for :

a) 2 in 5823

b) 8 in 7852

c) 5 in 6500

9) Rearrange in ascending order :

a) 9697,9677,9600,9690.

b) 5055 , 5505 , 5500 , 5005

c) 6985 , 6895, 6598 , 62963

10) Rearrange in descending order :

a) 2903,2913,2967,2513.

b) 8989 , 9898 , 8999 , 9989

c) 2040 , 2030, 2182 , 2532


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