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Competitive Exams: Pharmacy MCQs (Practice_Test 21 of 29)

Doorsteptutor material for IMO-Level-2 is prepared by world's top subject experts: Get full
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1. Adverse effect of terfenadine include

a. Ventricular tachycardia

b. bradycardia

c. hepatotoxicity

d. neurotoxicity

2. Metals and metalloids are detected by

a. Flame photometry

b. atomic absorption

c. fluorimetry

d. all of the above

3. Range of visible region is

a. 400 − 800 nm

b. 200 − 400 nm

c. 600 − 800 nm

d. 800 − 1800 nm

4. Krafft point is the point at which __________ of the surfactant equals cmc

a. Lipophilicity

b. hydrophilicity

c. solubility

d. none of the above

5. Chcl3 & naoh react to form 1, 2-dichloro acrbene. The type of reaction is

a. Sn1

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6/4/2020----Competitive Exams: Pharmacy MCQs (Practice_Test 21 of 29)- Examrace----Downloaded from'

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b. sn2

c. e1cb

d. none of the above

6. L-threose & l-erythrose are

a. Enantiomers

b. diastereomers

c. rotamers

d. epimers

7. The highest gold number is

a. Gelatin

b. albumin

c. acacia

d. tragacanth

8. Dielectric constant for mineral oils are

a. 0

b. 5

c. 30

d. 80

9. Internally cooled inheritable information carried by all living organisms is known as

a. Genotype

b. phenotype

c. metabotype

d. pharmacogenomics

10. Abc & slc are the superfamilies of

a. Enzymes

b. receptors

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6/4/2020----Competitive Exams: Pharmacy MCQs (Practice_Test 21 of 29)- Examrace----Downloaded from'

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c. carrier proteins

d. histones

11. The first metabolic studies (on benzoic acid) was carried out by

a. Alexander flemming

b. alexander ure

c. damagk

d. aldrich

12. Which one of the following is enzyme inhibitor

a. Grape fruit juice

b. apple juice

c. mango juice

d. none of the above

13. Causative organism of syphilis is

a. Trichuris trichuri

b. trichomonas dimanata

c. lechmenia donovanni

d. trypanosoma gambiens

14. For karl fischer reagent the solvent is

a. Water

b. ethanol

c. pyridine

d. pyrimidine

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