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The value of biodiversity

Alho, CJR.*
Pós-graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional,
Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da Região do Pantanal – UNIDERP,
Rua Ceará 333, CEP 79003-010, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil
Received April 15, 2008 – Accepted April 15, 2008 – Distributed November 30, 2008

In addition to its intrinsic value (nature working as it is; species are the product of a long history of continuing evolu-
tion by means of ecological processes, and so they have the right to continued existence), biodiversity also plays a
fundamental role as ecosystem services in the maintenance of natural ecological processes. The economic or utilitar-
ian values of biodiversity rely upon the dependence of man on biodiversity; products that nature can provide: wood,
food, fibers to make paper, resins, chemical organic products, genes as well as knowledge for biotechnology, including
medicine and cosmetic sub-products. It also encompasses ecosystem services, such as climate regulation, reproduc-
tive and feeding habitats for commercial fish, some organisms that can create soil fertility through complex cycles
and interactions, such as earthworms, termites and bacteria, in addition to fungi responsible for cycling nutrients like
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur and making them available to plant absorption. These services are the benefits that
people indirectly receive from natural ecosystem functions (air quality maintenance, regional climate, water quality,
nutrient cycling, reproductive habitats of commercial fish, etc.) with their related economic values.
Keywords: biodiversity value, conservation, fauna, flora, Pantanal.

Valor da biodiversidade

Além do valor intrínseco da biodiversidade (a natureza funcionando como ela é; as espécies são o produto de longa
história evolutiva continuada por meio de processos ecológicos e, desse modo, têm também direito à vida), a bio-
diversidade também desempenha papel fundamental como serviços do ecossistema, na manutenção de processos
ecológicos. O valor econômico ou utilitário da biodiversidade se apóia na dependência do homem sobre a biodi-
versidade, produtos que a natureza supre: madeira, fibras, resinas, produtos químicos orgânicos, genes, assim como
conhecimento para aplicação em biotecnologia, incluindo medicamentos e subprodutos cosméticos. Compreende
também os serviços ecossistêmicos, tais como a regulação do clima, hábitats alimentares e reprodutivos para a pesca
comercial, alguns organismos que contribuem para a fertilidade do solo por meio de ciclos interativos complexos,
com a participação de organismos do solo (minhocas, cupins, bactérias, fungos) que atuam na ciclagem de nitrogê-
nio, fósforo e enxofre, tornando-os disponíveis para serem absorvidos pelas plantas. Esses serviços são os benefícios
que recebemos indiretamente da função dos ecossistemas naturais - manutenção da qualidade do ar, clima regional,
qualidade de água, ciclagem de nutrientes, hábitats reprodutivos de peixes comerciais, com seus valores econômicos
Palavras-chave: conservação, fauna, flora, Pantanal, valor da biodiversidade.

1. Conceptual Range of Biodiversity

The term biodiversity or biological diversity refers to composed from these associations of species and genes.
the variety of life forms occurring in nature, as a result This array of life forms is the result of a dynamic proc-
of evolutionary history. The concept includes the variety ess of evolution throughout millions of years, from long
of organisms at all levels, from genetic variants belong- before man appeared as a species on Earth. Since the ap-
ing to the same species through arrays of different spe- pearance of man and especially in recent times, due to
cies; as well as the variety of ecosystems, encompassing present environmental degradation, the role of human be-
ecological communities in a given habitat and the physi- ings has been crucial in modifying ecological processes.
cal conditions under which they live (Wilson, 1992). It Because of this dynamic evolution, some species have
includes the present occurrence of different species of disappeared through extinction and ecosystems have be-
plants, animals and microorganisms, as well as the genes come more complex, such as the Brazilian biomes. Thus,
that different populations contain, and the ecosystems biodiversity increases when new genetic variation is pro-

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duced, a new species appears or an ecosystem increases itats have led to disruption of ecosystem services, and
in heterogeneous complexity. There is an intense inter- consequently to economic costs and social losses.
dependent relationship among the living forms of life in Even though ecological processes and services are
nature by means of ecological processes. important, there are, in addition, moral, philosophical
The concept of biodiversity considers three different and political arguments that emphasize the value of bio-
levels of the natural system: 1) diversity of species (the diversity. Thus, biodiversity has an intrinsic value be-
variety of living forms); 2) genetic diversity (the variety cause it is part of the natural world, and the conservation
of genetic information or codes contained in all distinct of species, genetic resources and ecosystems is important
populations of plants, animals and microorganisms of for the maintenance of natural ecological processes. In
the same species, such as differences between popula- addition, biodiversity performs a number of e­ cological
tions of the same species: for example, some primates services for us, which implies economic, aesthetic and
living on the left bank of large Amazonian rivers differ recreational values, representing arguments of human
genetically from those that live on the right bank; ge- interest or anthropocentric arguments.
netic diversity provides the basis of continuing adapta-
tion to changing conditions); and 3) ecosystem diversity 1.1. Intrinsic value
(the variety of habitats or different structural forms such Emphasizes the integrity of ecological communities,
as distinct phytophysiognomies occurring, for example, nature working as it is, as in representative portions of
within the Cerrado or the Pantanal biomes. natural ecosystems preserved in protected areas, national
Humans, as a biological species, are dependent on parks, biological reserves and other categories of conser-
nature for a supply of oxygen for respiration and other vation units. These protected areas – managed by man,
forms of sustenance such as food and health, which de- an important part of nature – emphasize the need to fa-
pend on biological cycles and processes of the natural cilitate continued evolution of life forms in their natural
system. Although we rely upon natural live resources habitats. There is an altruistic or non-humanistic value
derived from biodiversity for our daily needs, the value to support the intrinsic value of biodiversity: life forms
of biodiversity provides us more indirectly with many should be conserved simply because they exist: they are
other essential services, such as the hydrological cycle.
the product of a long history of continuing evolution by
For example, natural vegetation cover, mainly forest,
means of ecological processes, and so they have the right
acts in water catchments by regulating and stabilizing
to a continued existence. This ethical argument, stating
water runoff, buffering heavy rain and its effects such as
that the protection of biological integrity is morally good,
extreme floods and droughts.
is based on the fact that most biodiversity loss nowadays
Recent studies, for example, “The Large-Scale
is caused by human activities and disturbances, includ-
Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia -LBA”
ing, as a consequence, the recent extinction of species.
(LBA, 2008), an international research initiative con-
ducted from 1995-2005 and led by Brazil, have shown 1.2. Anthropocentric values
the importance of the Amazonian forest for the global Or economic or utilitarian values of biodiversity rely
climate and regional rain process. The forest helps to
upon the dependence of man on biodiversity; products
maintain rainfall by recycling water vapor at a steady rate
that nature can provide: wood, food, fibers to make pa-
back into the atmosphere and through the forest canopy’s
per, resins, chemical organic products, genes as well as
effect in promoting atmosphere turbulence. The forest
knowledge. These economic benefits can be direct or in-
also provides numerous micro-climates or micro-habi-
direct. Some benefits of biodiversity are represented in
tats for a great number of specialized species which are
forms of goods that can be directly valued by the market.
dependent on such micro-climates for their occurrence,
Extractive goods, such as the Brazil nut or ornamental
such as small frogs and many other forms of life.
Deforestation in the region has shown effects on ero- fish, can be harvested in the forest and sold. Biodiversity
sion, water quality, loss of habitats for wildlife, degrada- is widely valued as a genetic storehouse for biotechnol-
tion of aquatic habitats and loss of fishery, an increase in ogy, including medicine and cosmetic sub-products.
number of disease vectors (mosquitoes) and a surge of Other biodiversity benefits are classified as indirect
malaria cases in humans, as well as many environmental benefits, difficult to quantify in terms of market values,
disruptions. Poor people are the first to suffer the effects encompassing ecosystem services, such as climate regu-
of biodiversity degradation. Vegetation cover is an es- lation, reproductive and feeding habitats for commercial
sential part of biodiversity; it is important for the main- fish, and so on. Some organisms can create soil fertility
tenance of water and humidity levels and crucial for the through complex cycles and interactions, such as earth-
maintenance of the oxygen/carbon dioxide balance in the worms, termites and bacteria, in addition to fungi respon-
atmosphere. The role of biodiversity in natural systems sible for cycling nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and
is intrinsically complex, and environmental degradation sulfur and making them available to plant absorption.
can affect many other components of the ecosystem, in- Thus, ecosystem services are the benefits that people
cluding the loss of species harvested for food by human indirectly receive from natural ecosystems functions (air
beings. Biodiversity loss and degradation of natural hab- quality maintenance, regional climate, water quality, nu-

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Biodiversity value

trient cycling, reproductive habitats of commercial fish, standards of living, making these forest people proud,
etc.) with their related economic values. and helping them lead more fulfilled lives. Biodiversity
reinforces economic and social security; economic and
1.3. Aesthetic value
social values will in turn reinforce biodiversity conser-
This is expressed by humans seeking contact with vation by means of cultural instruments. On the one
nature, since natural and wild landscapes are aestheti- hand the value of provisioning services manifests itself
cally pleasing and provide opportunities to escape from through market prices; on the other, the importance of
large cities dominated by pollution and man-made land- biodiversity as part of the ecosystem that produces and
scapes. Ecotourism is an increasingly lucrative industry, regulates cultural services cannot be captured in finan-
be it bird watching in the Pantanal or floating among fish cial markets.
in Bonito. There is a sharp difference between private and so-
In addition to protection of water resources, other cial values of conserving biodiversity and ecosystem
ecosystem services are: soil formation and protection, services. Consider for example the soybean plantation
nutrient storage and cycling, pollution breakdown and in central Brazil. This activity will usually ignore the
absorption, contribution to climate stability, maintenance external benefits of conservation that accrue to society
of ecosystems and recovery from unpredictable events in general. The planters will pursue the maximum ben-
like severe floods and droughts. efits from intensive land use practices with subsequent
1.4. Mitigation and compensation values biodiversity loss caused by drastic conversion of natural
Conservation of biodiversity deals with many facets vegetation, leaching of excess nutrients and use of pes-
of human activities, including the environmental impacts ticides/herbicides, destruction of gallery forest, ignoring
resulting from the desire for socio-economic develop- the legislation for land use, decreasing water quality and
ment, encompassing a change from a reactive stance in so on. Consequently, private decision-makers focus only
the protection of nature to a proactive attitude, in order to on commercial agricultural productivity, without any
put development into the biological conservation frame- commitment to valuing the broader social benefits of
work, by means of applying measures to mitigate and conservation, or to valuing biodiversity for its indirect
compensate the impacts caused by man’s occupation of importance for society.
new frontiers. Biodiversity and ecosystem services have 1.6. Political value
different types of values, depending on human percep-
Biodiversity loss in terms of species, genes and eco-
tion. Use-values are usually related to direct, indirect
systems taking place today is threatening the concept
or optional use of biodiversity and its related services.
of sustained use of biological resources, and so it is un-
Many costs associated with impacts on biodiversity and
dermining progress toward a sustainable society. There
the level of related ecosystem services may take some
is a clear gap between the human desire for economic
time to become visible or may be apparent only at some
progress and nature’s carrying capacity for biological
geographical distance from where the impact or interfer-
exploitation and degradation. Biodiversity is also po-
ence occurred.
litically and strategically important for us since Brazil
1.5. Market valuation harbors about 30% of the world’s forest and Amazonia
There are different procedures to valuate the ben- is recognized as the largest continuous expanse of tropi-
efits generated by biodiversity in terms of market-based cal forest on Earth, with one-third of the species known
techniques. Usually market prices can be applied when by Science, which is a small fraction of its enormous
direct benefits of biodiversity are involved: that is, when biological diversity waiting to be revealed by further re-
the consumer purchases the biodiversity-derived good. search.
When biodiversity loss is involved, preventative or miti- The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was
gatory expenditure is applied. If a given ecosystem is signed by 150 government leaders at the 1992 Earth
under threat from a human activity, for example, the cost Summit, which took place in Rio de Janeiro. The CBD
of implementing a conservation unit, protecting the same currently includes 188 country-members or parties. The
ecosystem, may be used to estimate the benefit of that commitment is to look for sustainable use of biological
ecosystem’s continued survival and representation. The resources, recognizing that biodiversity is more than
idea is not strictly to estimate monetary value for biodi- plants, animals and microorganisms and their ecosys-
versity, but rather to provide alternatives to avoid loss. It tems. It also recognizes the human need for food secu-
is not always possible to be precise in these cases, since rity, medicines, fresh air and water, shelter, and a clean
the value relies on mitigation/compensation. It is about and healthy environment in which to live.
finding an alternative to reduce the impact on biodiver- Brazil is one of the signatories of the CBD and organ-
sity caused by human activity resulting from the drive ized the Eighth Meeting of the Parties to the Convention
towards economic development. on Biological Diversity, in Curitiba, March  2006.
Biodiversity also has social amenity value. For ex- The country has created programs in the Ministry
ample, considering the riverine fisherman, or a Brazil of the Environment and the Ministry of Science and
nut collector in the forest, biodiversity can improve their Technology to implement the commitments to biological

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conservation. The conflict that still exists between priori- 600 species, including 350 species of snakes. With about
tizing economic and social development programs and 1,500 species, Brazilian birds comprise one of the richest
prioritizing practical measures to protect biodiversity avifauna in the world. Our mammalian fauna, with about
tends to favor the former, but some progress has been 530 recorded species, is also one of the most diverse in
made in overcoming this difficulty. Some Convention the world. The number of fish species reaches 3,000.
recommendations have been achieved by means of im- Because of this, our need for conservation efforts is criti-
plementation of specific programs such as “Diretrizes e cal (Lewinshon and Prado, 2006).
Prioridades do Plano de Ação Para Implementação da The scientific value of biodiversity is relevant because
Política Nacional da Biodiversidade” [Guidelines and our self-interest in biological resources supports econom-
Priorities for the Action Plan to Implement the National ic and social benefits, such as wood, pharmaceuticals,
Policy for Biodiversity] (MMA, 2006). cosmetics, and ecosystems services. It implies a poten-
The CBD recommends that parties must cooperate tial value, our need for portions of the biodiversity about
with one another to achieve conservation and sustainable which we still do not know, which may be unpredictable.
use of biodiversity. International cooperation has been an Our lack of scientific knowledge leaves an enormous gap
important instrument to support programs in Brazil. The between the current realized values of biodiversity and its
Global Environment Facility, supported by the seven potential future value. This gap is particularly wide for
largest industrial economies (Canada, France, Germany, the new field of biotechnology for food, medicines, cos-
Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and United States – G-7) metics, ornamental fish and plants, and other culturally
has played a key role in financing programs to enable and ecologically important fields. For example, a high
developing and mega-diverse countries, such as Brazil, percentage of all existing drugs on the market are derived
to implement the CBD, the principal mechanism for ad- from biodiversity. However, there are political concerns
vancing the conservation of biodiversity. The GEF has and conflicts of interest in bioprospecting, including the
emphasized the importance, value and benefits of biodi- argument that local people will not receive a sufficient
versity. It has recognized the need for capacity building, portion of the profits from drugs or cosmetics (or any ge-
technology transfer and sharing of knowledge to enable netic resource) developed from biodiversity found within
developing countries to implement the CBD. their traditional area of cultural occupation.
The present trend in biodiversity loss threatens our
1.7. Scientific value
opportunities for biotechnology, wood, medicines, en-
The risk of biodiversity loss is evident if we continue ergy, water supply, climate quality, with interference in
to experience the current trend for predatory and unregu- essential ecological functions, all representing important
lated exploitation of living natural resources. Biodiversity values for human society.
has value for Science, and this value transcends merely Scientific studies on biodiversity are critical elements
subjective arguments. Brazil has a significant importance in achieving the recommendations of the CBD, particular-
in biodiversity conservation due to the magnitude of its ly concerning the knowledge and magnitude of biodiver-
biological diversity. The Pantanal is a wetland system sity, scientific collections for taxonomic reference, species
with a variety of ecosystems due to the seasonal flood- distribution, endemism and biogeography trends and pat-
ing, and is recognized as one of the most important bio- terns, ecosystem functions, endangered species and criti-
diversity biomes (Alho and Gonçalves, 2005). Science cal habitats, conservation practices, and many other rel-
is the instrument to accomplish the task of finding and evant topics. The scientific value of biodiversity motivates
understanding the forces that govern biodiversity struc- a great potential and challenge for increasing knowledge
ture and functions. and scientific investigation in Ecology, ranging from basic
It is well recognized that Brazil is important in the biodiversity inventories to intellectual instruments needed
scientific value of biodiversity because of the size of its to generate technological innovations in Biotechnology.
territory, the diversity of its biomes, the size of its river
system, the concept of a megadiverse country, and the References
biodiversity hotspots identified, with a large and continu-
ous continental biota. The estimated size of known or ALHO, CJR. and GONÇALVES, HC., 2005. Biodiversidade
recorded Brazilian biota is around 200,000 species, rep- do Pantanal. Ecologia e Conservação. Campo Grande: Editora
UNIDERP. 142 p. ISBN: 858739294-8.
resenting about 10% of the world’s known number of spe-
LBA - Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia,
cies. These numbers may increase dramatically consider-
2008. [abril/2008]. Available from: <
ing that the Neotropics constitutes, so far, one of the least lba/?lg=eng>.
studied regions. There are over 55,000 species of flora
LEWINSHON, TM and PRADO, PI., 2006. How many species are
(without fungi species), representing nearly 20% of the there in Brazil? Conservation Biology, vol. 19, no. 3, p. 619‑624.
world’s flora. Brazilian biomes hold an immense number MMA – Ministério do Meio Ambiente, 2006. Diretrizes e Prioridades
of terrestrial invertebrates, including 26,000 Lepidoptera, do Plano de Ação para Implantação da Política Nacional da
12,000 Hymenoptera, 30,000 Coleoptera and so on. The Biodiversidade. Biodiversidade 22. Brasília: MMA. 80 p.
number of amphibians (765 species) makes the coun- WILSON, EO., 1992. The Diversity of Life. New York: W.W.Norton
try a leader in this taxon’s diversity. Reptiles comprise & Company. 424 p.

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