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Q. How do I research and build supercaps?

A. To start, every homeworld starts with a supercap factory; make sure you have
enabled Supercapitals in the "Game Options" before starting a game. Due to
Rebellion limitations, you "build" your supercaps via an ability on the supercap
factory, instead of building supercaps like traditional ships. Once the ship is
"built" it will randomly hyperspace to a point on the planet; unfortunately this
point cannot be changed.

Now, as to what research is required, first research "Large Project Resourcing",

then the appropriate "Star Dreadnought Designs", and finally the corresponding ship
tech. Refer to the included image supercap_research.png for a example. With the
research done, you may now select the Supercap Factory and activate the build
ability, assuming you have the needed resources and ship slots.

Please note, you can only research one of your faction's two supercaps. Upon the
research of one, you will not be able to research the other. The exception to this
is the Alliance which can use both supercaps, so choose wisely.

Further, here are the unit caps for each supercap:

1 - Executor-class/Viscount-class/Koros Strohna
2 - Subjugator-class/Mandator II-class
4 - Geonosian SDN/MC80 'Home One'/MC80B/Praetor-class/Allegiance-class/Mediator-
class/Vnguro-ik V'alh

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