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you should consider.

20 Ways to Use Social Media for Social Good

 Contact the companies and banks where you know fraud occurred.
 Place fraud alerts and get your credit reports.
 Report identity theft to the FTC.
 Use the social web to develop contacts within similar organizations in order to create
awareness and transfer helpful information.
 You've got the facts, statistics, research, and institutional knowledge already, so provide
this knowledge as content to share.
 Let the passion for your cause come out and highlight the stories that tug at heartstrings.
Use pictures, videos, and a narrative to tell the human stories that inspire.
 Use your social presence to create new relationships and strengthen existing ones. Share
updates about your programs, mission, and events to show donors how their funds are
 Coordinate your social media outreach with your events and promotions.
 Once you've created your campaign and call to action, make it easy for people to donate.
Get the essentials (name, address, email, and payment info) and let them be on their way.
 Connect and develop relationships with social media leaders to further spread your
message and have a supportive voice.
 Spread positive messages to gather interest. Sharing positive volunteer experiences might
encourage others to learn more about you or share your message.
 Thank your community. Whether it's a donation, a comment on your blog or a helpful
recommendation, it's important to acknowledge the kind gesture.
 Dissect your social media data to find insights that benefit your community. Use data to
uncover areas in need and find ways to get involved.
 Promote your events. Attract a larger following by sharing your message on the social
 Share messages about others more than messages about yourself. Retweet other
organizations' posts, share web content relevant to your industry and post kind words and
 Use social media to uncover the language of your constituents. Use that knowledge to
shape the content and messaging you use to communicate.
 Use social media to reveal data about your audience. This includes market demographics,
relevant conversations, where they spend time on social media channels.
 Use social media to gather feedback via surveys and polls. Ask questions and
crowdsource new ideas.
 Describe your social media objectives specific to the results you want. Go deeper than
"increase brand awareness" to "increase brand awareness by 10% in the next six months
via a targeted social media campaign."
 Ensure your social media goals are measurable. Having a specific objective will clearly
show whether results were met.
 Set achievable social media goals. Your goal of 90% customer satisfaction may be
plausible so consider what's feasible when setting your objectives.
 Ensure you have the resources for your social media plan. Get the tools and staff in place
to meet your objectives.

Get specific with your social media objectives with a time frame. This makes them real

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