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Summit 1 Video Script

UNIT 1 Angelique: I would say talkative, not shy,

optimistic. I try to be optimistic. I think . . .
On-the-Street Interviews: I think that’s probably what comes off the most .
I’m very outgoing . . . . . is that I smile all the time. I try to, and it just
helps . . . make you happier anyway, so, yeah,
Interviewer: How would you describe your I’m generally a happy person. I try to stay upbeat
personality? Are you talkative or quiet? and not let that much get me down, and I’m very
Friendly or shy? Old-fashioned, serious, talkative. I like to meet new people. I love the
hardworking, romantic, fun? Are you basically city because you get to meet so many new
an optimist or a pessimist? people. Just walking down the street you meet
Catherine: Oh, wow! I’m very talkative. I’m pretty new people and friends, and things like that. So,
open with people. Gregarious, I guess, some yeah, pretty outgoing in general.
people would describe me as. I’m very honest. I Interviewer: And do you think other people see
will basically talk to anybody about anything, if you that way, too?
they ask me. Yeah, I am a romantic. I can be shy. Angelique: Yeah. I really do. I probably see myself
Takes me a little while to get comfortable in new a little bit differently than other people see me,
surroundings. But then once I’m comfortable, I but only in terms of, ’cause I know my full self
kind of open up and I’m OK. I’m pretty easy to and people just see what they see, you know.
talk to. I have people sit down next to me on the But I think it’s generally outgoing is what
subway and will tell me their life story, and I everybody would say.
don’t even know them. I have that effect. San: I am very outgoing. I’m . . . fun. I’m very
Interviewer: How do you think other people sarcastic. And . . . gosh . . . I’m . . . sometimes
see you? I can be introverted. I think I have a lot of
Catherine: They see me a little bit differently, I qualities that an outgoing person would have,
think, than I do. They see me a little more but I also have qualities that maybe a shy
confident than I feel inside. But overall, no, I person would have, so it kind of balances me
think they see me as a very sincere, trustworthy out. Sometimes it depends on the environment;
person. sometimes I’m off the wall, other times I’m a
little more reserved.

Summit 1, Second Edition

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