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once or twice, He had subjected his elders 10 severe blames.

Later, he would engage himself in

an ordinary but, a respected Profession m a place other than his birth place and will improve
therein with the Ccxi~r.llion of the Government VIPs. He will also get some help from his binh
Though his good periods commence from 22 ~ they will not reap better benefits till his
age 24 Yl. Because of some blnmes. he will have to undertake unnecessary travels during his 22-
13'~yc:ar. He would' attain steady Progress and acquires many types of Experiences from his
25 111 yc:nr.
Some Health troubles will be there to h i.r; Mother in tu s age 16-]7. There will be some
fraudulent Inc.! dents as well us change of place to his Fulher in his 17111 year.
Some improvements in Profession are there during his 25*26* year, His Mmriagc will
take place in his 26-~1?'' ·c::n I 'liens will ~e some financial troubles due 10 Loss of Money in his
27* year.
Some: of his enemies creates SCI buck in his Professional field also, shoulder him to
undue blames. This will be remedied by conducting "SIU CH.A.1.~DH.AK£SH\\~\RI JA.l't\ &
HOMA". His debts and difficuhies will be cleared by other's Co-operation.
Native should have to conduct .. i'\A \·1\ G RA HA HOMA & JAPA" to overc<_)me the
grief and IOnnentation of his Mother and Sister :ll the age of his 29.
He will g~t a Prestigious Status ·an his Professional Sphere at his 3Qd' year. Thcr~fter,
there will be likelihood of changein Ills Place and Profession. He would get Progress in Financial
Sphere.Besides this. special types of side Income also owing to the good luck of his Wife. He
would also going to gcr a House and Landed Property for which he will get others Co-operntion,
A good period of Peace and Happiness in his filmil.\ and Progress in respect of his Progeny will
prevail steadily and continuously up to his age 31.
JO l-:'13etlce of Nadi A~trol~·
In the mt:anwhik. there will be union offi.iends und relatives. Journey and visiting onioly
places, By this time. the Position and Standards of his Brother and Blood Relatives will
Somewhere during his 33'Jyl.'ar. there will be change tn Professional Sphere and hts Colleagues
and higher Officials will try to poster him This would be remedied by the Prayers and
Oblation of Mars and Dragon Tuil.
Progress Jtl Profession and Statue will also be obtained dunng his 34 year. He would
likely to get wrath und blame through Lady.
There will he avenues of improvements in Domestic Sphere, special types of Name and
Fume in the society nnd ulso overall Progress. Besides this. Prosperity of his Progcn~·. visiting_ of
lovely places is there in the same period
Once og<tin. there would be union of fnends and relatives Sacred task will be continued
tn lite family, There will be Progress to his Progeny in Education. One of his Progeny will be
expert in Education and Art und would likely to settle in Foreign Land.
Disgusting incidents in Professional Sphere, disputes in family. Legal d"mund~ in Land and
Money matters will likely lo arise in his 37* year due to malefic effects ofMai's and Saturn In
the meantime there will be unnecessary toss of Money and Ill-health.
As a result of past trials and dTorts.Successwill wm very easily and will also get valuable
things tn his 38"' year. He will have tt> face complications tn hts Business due to Medintership in
his 39'h year. Mennwhile. there will be troubles of Til-health to his Wife and unnecessary
which were more than his Income.
Progress of his Progeny in Education as ~-ell ;'1$ in Faririly affairs w ill likely to takes place i
ht.s 40u. year.
During his 41" year, he would get high Status in his Profession and various avenues of
financial improvements. He would also get avenue of side income through his personal
By conducting POOJA to God "SRI SOMESHWAR:\ ''.gradual and steady
Progress will also l:lc attained.
He may involve himself in some secret friendship in his 4:!.:>.lyear. By this, h~ \''ill have to
undertake traveling, some blames and also expenses.
There seems to be some change in Place and also incur some debts in his age 42-43.
During his -14-4.5''' )o ear, he will get good Luck from many ways and will enjoy House.
to. ·c'lll~:.'- Name and F.lrnc especially administrative Power.
There v,!ll tx likely rth:Nasc in House. Land and also enough side Income and good
hr.:k to his Progeny dunng hr; -lo'Jl )"Cl:l'
:'l..<rnt:tof Nodi Astro1o~:J.' 31
Some bad periods will affect elders. Some Mental Worries, Til-health due ro e.'ICI!'l" of
Heal will lakes place during 47* ~·em. But. by the advice ofDoctors and Divine Grace the
above bad period$ \\ ill be tided over.
During h•s48"' year, some suJJr.n •mprO\'Cmcms in financial Sphere. Peace and Happiness
tn famd>. Union ofFriends und Relatives in the House. Conduction of Sacred lll~k etc .. wIll
takes place
AI his 49* year. his assistance will subject hun to blames. Besides lhl!'. there will be
disputes in House and about Landed Matter.:'.
Espedully. notive's youngest Son and Brother had lo f~celegal disputes. As il result,
lots of debts have to be incurred
Aguin. dunng his 50-51. Native will have change of Place, Some Progress lOadrninistrati
ve sphere and good periods will continue up to his age 54•.ifl
During his 56-57* _YC:Ir, he will have to suffer from gas troubles besides, excess of Heat
and Phlegm .As a remcdical measure. he must undertake "SETHU-BATH'' and will be relieved
from Ayurvedic MediCine

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