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1.- If you could add one thing to a desert landscape, what would it be and why?
If i could add one thing to a desert landscape, i'll choose some vegetation like
plants of cactus for give some of life to the landscape and and maybe one cave with
the minimal things to survive, especially filtered water and shade by keeper one
correct temperature. Only then, I could like an image of the desert because it
would make me want to be there.
2.- Talk about the questions.
2.1.- What is your ideal landscape?
My ideal landscape could be the beach in the afternoon, with a hammock and
some birds flying in the sky and wood fire nearby.
2.2.- If you wanted to get away from it all, which kind of place would you choose
and why?
I would choose a cottage or one garden with a lot of vegetation because i think that
the nature has a special energy and is probably that in this place there aren't good
signal. No call, any messages, just peace. For me, it would be great to live a few
days in that way.
3.- Write a tweet about your chosen place.
Hi guys, as you know, there are many places to spend pleasant and quiet moments
in times where you want to relax. In my case I enjoy spending a lot of time beside
nature in a country house or just a park with a lot of vegetation.
I consider that spending a few days in places like these makes a person more
relaxed and able to carry out their daily tasks with more serenity, generating fewer
stress situations caused by different aspects.
Furthermore, research carried out by scientist from the University of Oxford
recommends spending time in the countryside, especially in situations of
frustration or anxiety in the study or at work, and being able to stay calm in
adverse moments and of concern.
In conclusion, the moments beside nature help to live healthier. So I recommend
giving yourself a time of relaxation in places like these. Thanks for your attention.

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