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An Obvious Sign Of Vitamin D

Diseases linked to vitamin D deficiency include cardiovascular
disease, diabetes and cancer.
Throbbing pains in the back or knees could be signs of vitamin D deficiency.

Aching bones are linked to vitamin D deficiency because it is vital to bone health.

Other possible signs of vitamin D deficiency include depression, feeling sleepy and a
lack of energy.

Some studies estimate that up to 70 percent of people could have a vitamin D


Much of the body’s vitamin D is produced in response to sunlight on the skin.

That is why levels are typically lower in the body through the winter months in
northern latitudes.

Getting outside for a 20-minute walk a few times a week can be enough for the body
to produce the required amounts of vitamin D.

Some of the best dietary sources of vitamin D are eggs, oily fish and mushrooms.

One study of postmenopausal women found very high levels of vitamin D deficiency.

The study’s authors recommend that:

“A healthy lifestyle should include exposure to the sun for 15 minutes three to four
times per week when the weather permits since 90% of vitamin D is synthesized
upon the skin having contact with sunlight.”
Many health problems could be linked to vitamin D deficiency, said Dr Faustino
Pérez-López, the study’s first author:

“We believe that many diseases can be aggravated by a chronic deficiency of

vitamin D.
Healthcare professionals should be aware that this is a common problem which
affects a large part of the population in Europe, even those who live in sunny
Vitamin D supports the mineral density of bones and aids neuromuscular function as
well as reducing the risk of fracture.

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