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(iv) applications made include;miscellaneous applications that arise from civil suits and miscellaneous

causes for civil suits . in criminal matters, have the criminal procedure application rules , Bail applications
, unconditional release.

(v) types of rulings and judgements 9

2.5 recommendations;

I recommend that the universities should avail copies of most of the documents used in court to
students so that they can be well acquitted with them before they do practice and also the court process
for instance steps the case goes through until judgement time.

2.6 general conclusion about the field attachment;

Despite the few challenges encountered like weather changes ,braggant officers who didn’t
want rto disclose the information being sought, the field has been a good experience to me because I
have been exposed to real practice , new people which is not the case at university because most of the
work is theorical.


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