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Part b

Use the phrases of the last page to make sentences. Write your sentences on the
clipboard and send them to your instructor by e-mail.

1. Some street backs cars

2. The my parents home
3. A 3 room apartment
4. A 255 page book


 Which apartment do you like better, the 4-room or the 5-room?

I like better the 4-room
 Why do you prefer that neighbourhood?
In order to visit my parents
 What do you want wooden floors for?
In order to feel hot
 Do you want a screened patio or a pool?
I want a pool
 Would not you prefer a lake-front unit? The view is nicer. They are also more
I dont want lake-front

Writing - Which one is the best?

1. Are there two apartments or three apartments for rent in the newspaper?
There are three apartments for rent in the newspaper.

2. Do Peter and Jaime prefer an expensive and uncomfortable apartment or an

inexpensive and comfortable one? (and)
They prefer an inexpensive, comfortable apartment and an apartment near the shops

3. Do they wish for an apartment without parking included or with parking included?
They wish for an apartment with parking included

4. Do they or do they want an apartment near the main highway? (because) Do they
want a quiet place or a noisy place to live?
They want an apartment far the main highway because want a quiet place

5. Is a good view important or not important for them? (but) Do they like apartments
with trees or without trees?
For them is a good view important but without trees

6. Are apartments with a good view cheap or expensive?

The apartments with a good view are expensive
Unit 1.2 Present progressive (future meaning)


Lets talk about plans!!!!!

Answer the following questions about your plans and someone elses plans for the future.
Save your answers on an audio file and send them to your instructors by mail. Use the
Present progressive.

Part A.

1. What are you doing next Thanksgiving?

I am gathering with my family

2. When are you going on vacation?

I am going on vacation in 3 month

3. Are you getting a new job?

Yes, I am getting a new job

4. Are you getting married soon?

No, I am not getting married soon

5. Which countries are you visiting next years?

I am visiting next years Mexico and US.

6. Are you attending any concerts next month?

No, I am not attending any concerts next month

Part B.

The next thanksgiving my parents gathering with my aunt in Santander

 My Carolina sister going on vacation to San Andrés at 2 month.

 My Sorange sister is getting a new job
 My Carlos friend not getting married soon.
 My husband visiting next years Mexico and US.
 My uncle attending concert next month

Unit 1.3 Wh question (request) with modal verbs. Archivo

YOU: Start a conversation.

Yes, what can I do for you?

Ask directions to get to one of the buildings in


Yes, of course, to get to one of the building in

POLICEMAN Lambuland you need you can walk to the end of the
: block and turn right. In the block is a baker’s shop.
Turn right and the Lambuland is halfway up

YOU: Thank the Police Officer. Say Good-by.

Dialogue 2: Giving Directions

YOU: Ask how you may help him/her.

TOURIST: I need to get to the Post Office

YOU: Give direction 1. (see the next tourists reply) (in red)

TOURIST: Ok. So I have to go straight until the end of the block.

YOU:  Give direction 2. (see the next tourists reply) (in blue)

Hmmm, lets see if I’ve got it. I turn left at the end of the
TOURIST: block, walk two blocks and turn right. The Post office is
halfway up the street on the left.

Say no. Correct the tourist by saying the Post Office is on

the right hand side, not the left.

TOURIST:  I’ve got it! Thank you wery much, Sir. 

YOU: Say no problem or you’re welcome

Unit 1.4 Ing form as adjectives, subjects and objects.

YOU: Oh. God! - I hate to live in a small town. I dont like.

Yes, it is. There are not enough things to do.

There are not enough malls, either parks and the meal here
is not delicious.

It lacks a good movie theater, too.

Complain about how different living here is from living in

a big city.

FRIEND Yeah. But we live here now. So, wed better get used to it.
: Dont you think?

I Agree with you. I think we can cook, look movie in TV

and to listen music.
Off line
My hometown is Bogotá in the neighboorhood Estancia. In Bogotá we can to visit
Monserrate Hill, some Museums as the National museum, gold museum and planetary.
Also have the highest tower (Colpatria), tourists neigboorhoods as The Macarena y The

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