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Iury Castro De Araujo

Ms. Doris
January 6, 2020
Was Alexander really "great?
Alexander III of Macedonia, also known as Alexander the Great, was the king of the
Macedonian Empire between 336 BC and 323 BC in the Hellenistic period of ancient Greek
history. Alexander succeeded his father from 336 BC and began a series of military campaigns,
which merge his power in Greece and won numerous of territories in Asia, extending his empire
to the banks of the Indus River. Alexander intended to penetrate further into the territory of
India, but his soldiers, both Greek and Macedonian, were tired of endless and difficult wars and
refused to continue. Unwilling in 325 BC, Alexander was forced to abandon his plans for new
conquests. Alexander stood out for his tactical Knowledge and the speed with which he crossed
large territories. Though brave and generous, it was cruel when the political situation demanded
it. He committed some acts he regretted, such as the murder of his friend Cleitus when he was
drunk. As a politician and leader, he had big plans. But the question is was Alexander the Great
really great? For some people he was the best man in power in this earth, but for others he is a
murderer because to get where he was with such power, he had to kill millions of people and
changes peoples culture. In my opinion he is great in the military political way. In person I don’t
think he would receive that honorable merit. He was a guy that didn’t control himself he didn’t
eat properly, in his table had everything but he ordered most for the guest that was his friends,
and he was abscessed with wine and alcohol he was always out of control getting drunk. Like I
mentioned before he kill his friend because he was drunk. So looking in his political and military
way he is the great but looking in a Christian character hi is not. With what I read and my
opinion he is not the great in a Christian aspect.

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