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,7482 Vol.


has been reported by Burg and his co-workers,4for ments based on vapor density (obsd. = 120; theor. =
the trimeric P-dimethylphosphinoborane and the 122.5). The melting point of the solid was 0 to -1" as
compared to -9" reported b y Wiberg, Bolz and Buckheit2
trimeric As-dimethylarsinoborane it is very stable and -7 t o -8" reported by Schaeffer and Anderson.6 I t is
for a boron-nitrogen compound containing two believed t h a t the higher value of 0 to - 1O indicates greater
active hydrogens per boron. It is unaffected after purity of the sample studied and does not negate the char-
weeks in contact with nioist air and is hydrolyzed acterization of the borazene.
D . Properties of Trimeric N-Methylaminoborane.
only very slowly by cold water. The compound may be recrystallized from methyl or ethyl
The pyrolysis of methylamine-borane has been alcohol as long white fibrous needles. An analysis for
studied by a number of previous investigators5 but borori arid "active" hydrogen on this recrystallized material
this initial pyrolysis product never has been char- demonstrated t h a t the composition was unchanged. Iti
addition to the above solvents, the compound is very soluble
acterized. in acetone and liquid ammonia. It is moderately soluble in
Experimental benzene, ether and chloroform and is insoluble in carboti
tetrachloride, petroleum ether and water. T h e insolubility
A . Preparation of Trimeric N-Methylaminoborane .- in water may be primarily a wetting problem.
In a typical preparation, 3 mmoles of diborane \ ~ a $con- The density of the compound is 0.90 g./ml. as determined
densed with liquid nitrogen, together witli 3 small excess of by centrifuging a few crystals in a series of mixtures of carbori
:~nliydrousmethylamine (7 millimoles). The mixture was tetrachloride and kerosene. T h e crystals would reniaiii
then allowed to warm u p to room temperature over 3 period suspended in the mixture with a density of 0.90 g./ml.
of about three hours. A small amount of hydrogel1 wa5 A sample of the solid was allowed to stand exposed to the
Iiroduced iii this preparation of methylamine boririe. Air moist air of the laboratory for three weeks, during which
was then admitted t o the system and the tube was removed time no noticeable hydrolysis occurred. A portion placed
from the vacuuni line, stoppered with a calcium sulfate in cold water will float for hours b u t will disappear after
drying tube, and heated on a steam-bath for two hours. about a day. A 20% solution of hydrochloric acid must be
The liquitl in the tube changed into a cr heated to boiling to bring about rapid hydrolysis.
tlie first hour of heating. Tliis whitc solid was then placed E. X-Ray Power Diffraction Data for Trimeric N-Methyl-
in a clean tube, which was replaced on the vacuum liiie. aminoborane .-In Table I1 are listed the interplanar spac-
.4 beaker of boiling water was placed around the bottom of ings ( d values) and the relative line intensities found to be
t!ie tube and the trimeric ;\'-methylamino-boranf sublimed characteristic of the compound. The powder patterns were
uiider high vacuum. T h e product collected as a ring of fine taken with copper KU radiation in a cylindrical camera of
needles on the walls of the tube just above the surface of the 57.3 mm. diameter. The low absorbing glass capillaries
bath. The tube T T ~ Sremoved from the line a r i d broken on u i e d to hold the sample had a diameter of 0.2 m m . and a
c-ach side of the ring. T h e long white needles n-ere tlieii \v:ill thiclcne.;s of 0.01 m m .
scrxped from the walls; yield about 0.22 g. or 85%.
'The analysis of the product is sumlnarizcxi in Table 1. rr
ii J </ I J I
T.4131.~ r
.Ai)nl f u r :CITISNBHI),, (,' Ohsd. CUlCtl. 7 . 1 \'s 2 . 0 8 \7v 1.21) v\v
Carbori 38,OO 28.011 1 . 2 6 VS 2,29 W 1 .X8V\i.
Hydrogen 14.03 14. 10 4.00 M S 2 . 2 7 \V 1.7: \X'
"Active" hydrogeii 1.85 4 , 7('1 3 ,45. M 2 19 a' 1 70 L7v
Boron 2 j .0 26. 23 3 . 0 6 \TV
S i t roge i i 32.78 32 66
Acknowledgment.-This research was conducted
B. Molecular Weight Determinations.-The molecular under Contract AF 33(616)-8 with the United
weight of tlie solid was estimated from tlie freezing point States Air Force, the sponsoring agency being the
depressions of benzene and nitrobenzene solutions using a Aeronautical Research Laboratory of the Wright
qtandard Beckmann apparatus. The results indicated
molecular weights of 121 and 111 for two trials in benzene Air Development Center, Air Research and De-
and 134 for nitrobenzene. velopment. Command.
The molecular weight mas also determined by thc vapor DEPARTMENT O F CHEMISTRY
pressure lowering of liquid ammonia solutions. The appara-
tus designed by Il.R . SchultzG was modified by using a large UNIVERSITY O F hltCHICAS
slusli bath of ethylene chloride as the constant temperature
medium. A molecular !wight of 127 was obtained.
,4trimer of CHaSHBH2has a calculated molecular weight
of 128.7. The System Ba(SOa)2-KN03;Characterization of
C , Decomposition into 1,3,5-Trimethylborazene.-A the Double Salt Ba(?JOa)z~ZKSOai
quantity, 0.2364 g., of ( C H I N H B H ~was
) ~ placed in an evac-
uated sealed tube and heated a t 200" for four hours. Cpon B Y h r E C E R 11.~ f A R K O \ V I T Z , JOHS E.RIWI A U D PACT. F.
opening the tube, 5.90 mmoles of hydrogen, identified bv 3 \VISTERSITZ
molecular weight of 2.1, was found. This gives a ratio of fly-
tlrogen per mole of starting material of 3.24. The 1,3,3- RECEIVEDMARCH 2, 1955
trimethylhornzeric was purified by vacuum condensation, t h e
portion collecting in a trap a t -4-5' being retained. A 74% The literature referring to the phase relationships
yicld w:i$ obtained based on the equation in the system Ba(N03)2-KN03 is contradictory.
Harkins and Clark2 characterized the system as
(C€liSIIBH2)3 +3Ha f ( C H S N B H ) ~ ( 2 ) being of a simple eutectic type on the basis of an
The 1,3,5-trimethylborazene produced was characterized investigation a t liquidus temperatures. Ricci3 in
by vapor pressure measurements over the temperature range replotting their data demonstrated indications for
50 to i s " , and by vapor phase molecular weight measure- the presence of the binary compounds I"Ba(NOs)?.
~~~. ~~ ~

( I ) A. B. Burg and R . I. Wagner, THISJOURNAL, 7 6 , 3872 (1053): (1) This work was performed under Contract N o . DAI-28-017-501-
1;. G . 4.Stone and A . R. Burg, i b i L , 76, 380 (1954). ORD-(P)-1?47, Project No. TU2-2hI Dept of Army Project I-~I.
(.i) H. I. Schlesinger, D . 11. Ritter and A. B. Burg, ibid.. 6 0 , 1926 517-OG-009. T h e support and permission t o publish are g r a t ? f u l l y
'1538); 13. \Tiberg, R. Hertwig a n d A . Bolz, Z . u n o y g . Chem., 256, acknowledged
177 11948); G. W. Schaeffer and IS. R . .4ndersun, T H I S J O U R N I L , 71, ( 2 ) W. D . H a r k i n s a n d Q I,, Cl.rrk. 'l'lirs . [ o I I I I N A I . , 37, 181G
2143 (1949); A . B. Burg and I-. C. Randolph, ibici., 7 1 , 3451 '10401. ( 1 91 3 ) .
(ij) n. R . Schultz, Ph.D. thesi.;. TJnivrrsity of Michigan. 19.-,4. ( 4 ) J . IC. Ricci, ihd , 6 9 , 1703 (1037).
July 5, 1955 NOTES 3483

KN03and Ba(N03)2.2KN03. More recently, Prot- planar spacings and line intensities from the patterns ob-
senko and Bergman4 have reported the system as a tained from potassium nitrate, from barium nitrate and
from a stoichiometric mechanical mixture of the two simple
simple eutectic a t liquidus temperatures. The aque- salts,
ous ternary system a t 9.1, 21.1 and 35.0°6 and a t
Thermal Behavior.-Heating of potassium ni-
25.0 and 50.0°,6 however, shows the formation of the trate shows an endothermic break occurring at 1260
incongruently soluble, anhydrous double salt Ba- which was found to persist upon and re-
(N03)2'2KN03, which, though has never heating, This break corresponds to a reversible
been characterized. It is, therefore, the intent of
the present investigation to clarify the nature of the
crystallographic transition of potassium nitrate.8
Heating of barium nitrate to 3250 shows no indica-
Ba(N03)2-KN03 system' Pursuant to this' the tions of heat effects other than a smooth steady
complete phase diagram has been determined as
temperature rise.
as Some Of the properties Of the Heating of the double salt Ba(N03)2.2KN03
Ba(N03)2.2KN03. showed the occurrence of two endothermic proc-
Materials and Methods.-The barium nitrate and the esses, one at 2010 (at the 100,lminute heating
potassium nitrate were C.P. materials found to be 99.9
and 99.6% pure, respectively. Analysis was based on the rate) and the Other at 2s80* This behavior was
determination of barium through precipitation as barium consistently reproducible. There was no liquid
chromate and iodometric titration of the precipitate with formation observed a t the 201' break but liquid
standard thiosulfate solution, and on the gravimetric deter- was evident at the 2880 break. Cooling of the
mination of potassium by conversion to potassium sulfate.
Thermal analyses were performed by h a t i n g 20-g. after heating above either 201 Or 28so
samples a t a constant heating rate of 10°/minute in a small and subsequent thermal analysis showed a new
furnace. A chromel-alumel thermocouple used in con- behavior. The break a t 201' had disappeared
junction with an ice-bath constituted the temperature but now a break at 1260 was present, The break at
sensing element. E.m.f. readings were made every 30
seconds on a Leeds-Northrup Precision Potentiometer. 2880# remained*
The accuracy of the thermocouple was periodically checked The density of the double salt before heating was
against known temperature standards and a suitable determined to be 2.772. After fusion, the material
calibration curve was prepared. All such measurements had a density of 2.609. This latter value is in good
reported here have been corrected and are felt to be cor-
rect within plus or minus 3 '. agreement with the density calculated for a me-
The Preparation of Ba(N03)2.2KNOs.-254.9 g. of potas- chanical mixture of 56.03% barium nitrate and
sium nitrate and 117.6 g. of barium nitrate were dissolved 43.97% potassium nitrate.
in 627.4 g. of water, with stirring, a t 95 '. The complex was The Binary Sy&em.-hfixtures of barium nitrate
placed in a water-bath a t 25' (plus or minus 0.1 ") and equili-
brated with continuous, vigorous agitation. Equilibra- and potassium nitrate were prepared in
tion was checked by density determinations, which gave composition from 0 to 60 mole per cent. barium
the values 1.1738 and 1.1737 after 9.5 and after 24 hours of nitrate. The mixtures were fused to yield a clear
stirring, respectively. The saturated solution was found liquid and then cooled slowly with stirring to the
to contain 75.12% HzO, 3.06% Ba(N03)z and 21.82%
KX03 ( b y difference). These figures agree well with the first appearance Of (the liquidus temperature).
data from the 25.0" isotherm for the Ba(NOa)2-Kr\T03-Hz0 Stirring was done by means of a calibrated nitro-
system as obtained by Glasstone and Riggs. Filtration gen-filled mercury thermometer. All tempera-
of the double salt was performed by use of a filtering flask tures reported have been corrected, The data
and fritted glass funnel immersed in water at about 32".
The double salt was sucked dry from its mother liquor by Obtained are summarized in the second Of
aspiration for 1.5 hours. This gave an almost free-flowing Table 11. These results agree well with those of
material which was then dried overnight a t 110". Protsenko and Bergman and do indeed show the
Anal. Calcd. for Ba(N03)?.2KN03: Ba(Pi03)2, 56.36. non-existence of any double salts a t liquidus tem-
Found: Ba(N03)2, 56.03. peratures.
Because of the incongruent solubility relations of the
double salt in the aqueous system, in which i t is stable as a TABLE I1
solid phase only in contact with solutions containing ex- LIQUIDUSCURVEOF THE SYSTEM B a ( I i 0 3 ) 2 - K S 0 3 ;RELA-
cess of potassium nitrate, the product is always contaminated TIVE MAGNITUDEOF ARRESTS IN THE SYSTEM
with some potassium nitrate deriving from the mother liquor. nlole Mole Liq-
The X-Ray Powder Pattern of Ba(N03)2.2KN03.-The 12Go 288' 3'% uidus 126' 288'
X-ray powder pattern of B a ( N 0 8 ) 2 . 2 K N 0 3differs in inter- Ba- LiquidFs ar- ar- Ba- temp., ar- ar-
(Nod2 temp., c. rest rest (NOa)r ' C . rest rest
TABLE I 0.00 335 7.5 0 . 0 33.33 433 4.0 9.0
X-RAY POWDERDATA FOR Ba(NOa)2.2KN03,"d" FOL- 5.00 319 7.0 8 . 0 35.00 443 1.0 ..
( q , STRONG; 10.OO 297 6.0 1 2 . 0 40.00 457 1.0 8.5
m, MEDIUM;w, WEAK;v, VERY) 12.68 286(eutectic) 6.0 1 3 . 0 45.00 479 3.0 5.0
15.00 309 6.0 1 2 . 0 50.00 489 2.0 ,.
5.84(m), 5.54(s), 4.12(w), 3.84(vw), 3.41(w), 3.32(vs), 20,00 354 5.0 1 1 . 5 55.00 503 1.0 7.0
3.22(m), 2.92(m), 2.82(s), 2.60(m), 2.46(m), 2.33(vvs), 25,00 387 5.0 11.0 60.00 517 1.0 6.0
2.20(m), 2.16(w), 2.15(w), 2.07(w), 1.94(s), 1.89(vvw), 30,00
415 4.0 1 0 . 0 100.00 596 0.0 0.0
1.85(m), 1.83(m), 1.76(m), 1.72(m), 1.67(m), 1.62(m),
1.59(m), 1.56(vvw), 1.51(w), 1.47(w), 1.43(m), 1.41(m), Heating curves were then run on the cooled
1.40(m), 1.37(m), 1.34(m), 1.32(vw) powdered mixtures of Table 11. Except for pure
(4) P . I. Protsenko and A. G. Bergman, J . Gen. Chem. ( U S S R ) , 21,
potassium nitrate and pure barium nitrate, each
1731 (1951). sample showed but two endothermic breaks,
( 5 ) A . Findlay, I . Morgan and I. P. Morris, J. Chein. S O C . , 106, 799 namely, a t 126' and a t 288'. Table 11 gives the
(1914). relative magnitude of each arrest. These conform
( G I S. Glasstone and E. J. Riggs, ibid.. 117, 2846 (1935).
(7) H. W. Foote, Amer. Chem. J.. 32, 251 (1904); W. K . Wa!l-
to the behavior anticipated for a simple binary
bridge, ibid., SO, 154 (1903). (8) R. G. Early and T. M. Lowry, J . Chem. SOC..
111, QG3 (1922).
eutectic system. Thus, the 12G" break corresponds The composite results obtained in the course of
to the potassium nitrate crystallographic transition this investigation are given in Fig. 1.
and the 288" break corresponds to the eutectic The double salt, then, is a stable solid phase in
temperature for the system. the binary system up to about 168", although it
The non-appearance of any evidence for the does not form at any measurable rate from the
existence of Ba(N03)2.2KNOd above the eutectic anhydrous salts even a t temperatures just below
temperature indicates that the double salt is stable this decomposition temperature. In the presence
only below the eutectic. Thus, the 201" break of water it forms very readily even a t room tem-
observed for the double salt must correspond to the perature, and its range of existence as a stable solid
decomposition into its simple component salts at phase in the aqueous system, making its appearance
the lO'/minute heating rate. It was found that a t about 16S', increases with falling temperature.
the apparent decomposition temperature varied D E P A R T M E N T O F C H E M I C A L EVGIVEERIYG
with the heating rate. At heating rates of 10, 5.3, DEPARTMENT O F CHEMISTRY
6.9, 5.6, 4.5, 3.2, 2.2 and 0.5'/minute, the corre- NE\\. YORKUNIVERSITY
sponding decomposition temperatures were 201, XL\VYORK33, SEW YORK
200, 198, 197, 196, 193, 194 and 187O, respectively.
However, heating the double salt for 2 days at 16s"
brings about decomposition, whereas if it is niain- The Stability of Silver(1) Complexes of Some 3- and
tained a t 165' for 11 days the salt persists as deter- 4-Substituted Pyridines'
mined by the presence or absence of this decom- BY R. KENT~ I W R M A N FRED
position arrest in the heating curve. Hence, the RECEIVED
J A S r A R Y ti, 195.5
true or equilibrium decomposition temperature
lies between 163 and 168". The thermal analysis Pauling3 has explained the greater stability of
gives a temperature which corresponds to a rapid certain complexes of the transition elements coni-
rate of deconiposition and not the true equilibrium pared to those of other metals on the basis of double
temperature, a temperature a t which the rate is bonding. He suggested that the transition ele-
evidently quite slow. This particular case is ments can use for multiple bonding lower energy tl
therefore another instance of the uncertainty of orbital electrons which are not available to t h e
thermal analysis when applied to slow reactions. non-transition elements. Although there is a t
Sttempts at nucleation of the double salt with present no direct proof of such double bonding iii
admixtures of up t o 50 weight per cent. of the pre- complexes, several experimental observations have
viously decomposed material or by rapid heating of been rationalized on this basis.* The stability
the double salt t o 193' and then cooling did not constants of silver(1) complexes of some 3- and 4-
result in any change of the observed decomposition substituted pyridines are reported here and the re-
temperature. Rather the observed decomposition sults obtained are also consistent with the concept
temperature was that characteristic of the heating of n-bonding.
rate. Experimental
Attempts a t the thermal preparation of Ba(N03)?. Pyridine, a-picoline, 8-picoline and y-picoline were re-
2KN03 by the annealing of intimate stoichiometric distilled over barium oxide and the middle portions used in
mixtures of the component salts were not successful. these experiments. The physical constants of the amines
Tempering such mixtures at 147' for 15 days or at are liiteti in Tnhle I .
160' for 14 days did not yield any double Salt as TABLE I
:iscertained by thermal analysis.
I'rr\-src..~r C ' o r s i . ~
B.p. or m . p . . 'C

E 25
I I'yridiiie
115.0 11.5.2
127.5 128.0
*/-Picoline 1 4 2 . 8 -143.0
2-Methoxypyridine 142.5 143.0
, , ~ - 7 9( I n 111111.~
4-Methoxypyridiiie 72-72 ( 2 0 I I I I I I . )
P, 375 Methyl picolinic ester 108 I09 ( 2 2 ll1ll1.)
W SIethyl nicotinic ester io3--io1( 2 0 l l l l l l . ~
3 Methyl isonicotinic cster 100--102(20 111111,)
2 300 Sicotinamide S1.p.126--12'i
a Isonicotinamide b1.p.IF1~5-1~76
I 3-Cyanopyridine M.p. 48--49
w $?e5

8 3-Cyanopyridirie K p . 'is 79

( 1 ) This investigation wa3 supported by a grant-in-aid from t h e

KN0,t Ba(NO,)p + National Institutes of Health, Grant No. G-3239C2. Taken in part
I5O Ea(N0,12 2KN0, ea(rro,), ~ K N O ~ from a thesis submitted by R. Kent Murmann in partial fulfillment of
tlir requirements ior t h e P h . D . degree, Northwestern University, 1934.
75 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 (2) University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.
(3) I,. Pauling, "The Nature of t h e Chemical Bond,'' 211~1I(d .
MOLE PERCENT Ea (NO,),. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N. Y . , 1948, 11. 2.50,
( 4 ) J . C h a t t and R. A. Williams, J . Chern. S o r . , 3061 (1951); K S.
Icig 1 -Tlitl iy.;trin R . ~ ( U O A ) J - K S O I . Nylioliti ancl 1;. TI. Hur,tnll, ihid., 3.;70, 3579 (1962)

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