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88 JOHN R.


globulins are precipitated directly from the blood Acknowledgments.-The authors wish to
serum for such later purification or separation into thank Dr. J. W. Williams and Dr. Gerson
sub-fractions as may be desired. The important Kegeles for their many helpful suggestions dur-
differences in conditions of separation are the im- ing the course of this work. It is a pleasure as
mediate adjustment of the serum to pH 7.7 and well to thank Mr. E. M. Hanson and Mrg. Alice
the use of a considerably greater dilution of the McGilvery for their technical assistance.
serum as fractionation begins. The new con-
ditions serve several very useful purposes. The Summary
sharpness of cleavage between P- and y-globulins A procedure for the fractionation of bovine
is markedly increased. The removal of the serum, which recovers approximately 85% of the
gamma globulin is simple and direct. Tendencies gamma globulins in normal serum, has been out-
toward denaturation are reduced. Actual yields lined. These y-globulins can be further separated
of y-globulin are now in excess of 85%. into fractions with varying electrophoretic mo-
As a result of the work described in this report bilities. The y1 and y2 sub-fractions are essen-
and in the companion article6 it may be predicted tially monodisperse as regards molecular kinetic
that practical and economical ethanol fractiona- behavior, but there are marked indications of
tion methods for the removal of antibody from electrophoretic inhomogeneity.
hyperimmune sera will be soon in operation. MADISON,



Decompositions of Di-t-Alkyl Peroxides. I. Kinetics

The di-t-alkyl peroxides have been reported, al- CH, + CII,COCHa ----f CH, +
most simultaneously by Milas and Surgenor' and CHI + CHaCOCHl+ CHaCOCHzCH, ( 5 )
George and Walsh,2 to undergo clean-cut decom- In the kinetic experiments to be described the
positions in the vapor phase to ketone and hydro- fraction of released methyl radicals which reacts
carbon which, for the di-t-butyl compound, can be substitutively (5-10%) is dependent on the ace-
represented by tone concentration as well as the surface. Some-
h what higher values (20%) are observed if the de-
(CH,)rCOOC(CH:)r -3 2(CH,)rCO (1) composition proceeds to completion or if acetone is
(CHdaCO +(CHdrCO 4- CHI (2) added.
CHI ----t CzHs (3) The reality of the t-butoxy radical is demon-
During the past few years we have investigated strated by the formation of t-butyl alcohol when
the preparation and properties of these compounds the decomposition is carried out in isopropylben-
in some detail,3 and in this paper we present the zene solution. The solvent is converted to 2,3-di-
results of a kinetic study of the pyrolyses of the methyl-2,3-diphenylb~tane.~
di-t-butyl and di-t-amyl derivatives. The re- Experimental
actions of the free radicals produced in these de- 1. Materials.-The di-t-butyl peroxide3 (n*% 1.3890),
compositionswith various compounds are reported redistilled under high vacuum, assayed at least 98% (re-
in a following paper.' duction by hydriodic acid') and gave negative tests for t -
In the studies of Milas and co-workers the va- butyl alcohol and hydroperoxide. Steam-distilled di-t-
amyl peroxidea was treated with bromine and vacuum dis-
porous peroxides were decomposed in the pres- tilled t o remove olefin. The resultant material (#*OD
ence of a large amount of glass surface. Under 1.4086) was also redistilled on the high vacuum line. The
such conditions, reactions of the alkyl radicals are nitrogen, oxygen and propylene were taken directly from
essentially limited to combinations with one an- commercial cylinders and the carbon dioxide sublimed from
Dry Ice. Nitric oxide was prepared according t o the
other and, in the case of di-t-butyl peroxide, method of Noyes.'
ethane and acetone are the sole products. How- 2. Rate Measurements.-The apparatus used for all
ever, if the decompositions are carried out in a rate measurements is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The tem-
large diameter, unpacked vessel, interaction of the perature of the oil-bath was measured by a thermometer
which was calibrated in position by comparison with a
alkyl radicals and the ketone becomes important. platinum resistance thermometer. The accuracy of the
Thus, methyl, ethyl and higher ketones and temperature readings is estimated as 0.04". The quartz
methane can also be formed spiral gage' and leads from the reaction vessel were heated
electrically t o prevent condensation. The degassed liquid
(1) Milas and Surgenor, THIS JOURNAL, 68, 205, 643 (1948).
(2) George and Walsh, Trass. Patuduy Soc., 49, 94 (1946); based (5) Kbarasch, McBay and Urry ( J . Org. Chem., 10, 401 (194s))
on data rupplied by W a t i c Petroleum Company. have previously demonstrated this free radical coupling reaction uaing
(3) Vaughan and Rust, U. S. 2,403,771, July 9, 1946; cf. also acetyl peroxide.
u r l i u patent#. ( 8 ) Norm, TEISJOURNAL, 47, 2170 (1925).
(4) Ruat, Seubold and Vaughan, Tar8 J O U ~ N A L , 70, 96 (1948). (7) Vaughn, Rev. Sci. Znsrrumrnfr. 18, 192 (1947).
Jan., 1948 KINETICS


3 c



I V0C.t
I 1
Fig. 1.-Apparatus for peroxide decompositions. Legend (see text) : A, reaction vessel; G, quartz spiral ptessure
gage; MI, gage manometer (equipped with vernier); Mz, input manometer; P, Toepler pump; 8,input stopcock for
peroxide and nitrogen; SI, stopcock for admitting di-l-amyl peroxide; TI, storage trap for di-t-butyl peroxide; TI,
product condensing traps.

peroxide was admitted to the capillary above SI(either by (after addition of Cellosolve t o furnish a high boiling resi-
distillation or through SZ)and nitrogen added, the pressure due) gave a fraction of b. p. 83-85 which was collected in
of which was registered by Ms. The nitrogen served to ether. Treatment of one third of the distillate with hydro-
force the peroxide into the reaction vessel when SI was gen chloride gas according t o the method of Dunston and
opened. The pressure increase during the decomposition Bossin yielded one gram of the hydrochloride [rn. p. 136-
was followed by using the gage as a null point instrument 137, lit.8 136; % C1 (Volhard) 20.8,calcd. for (CHI-
in conjunction with MI. The reaction was halted by NOH)s.HCl, 20.661. A second portion of the distillate
freezing the vapors into TZand pumping the residual gases was converted t o the benzoate derivative [m. p. 16%
into a sample bulb for analysis with a mass spectrometer. 168.5 (decornp.), lit.* 168.5 (decomp.); % N (Dumas)
Ketone was determined by adding an excess of hydroxyl- 9.29, 9.30; % C 64.40, 64.67; % H 4.80,5.02; theory
amine hydrochloride solution t o the contents of TZand 9.39, 64.42, 4.73, respectively]. Characteristic be-
titrating the liberated acid. haviors of formaldoxime-condensation to a white, in-
3. Flow Experiments.-The technique for these ex- soluble solid upon standing, and violet coloration with
periments is described in the following paper. In the cupric sulfatepotassium hydroxide solution-were also
subsequent paragraphs cc./min. refcrs t o cc. of vapor observed with the crude product.
(N.T.P.) per minute. Decomposition of Di-t-amyl Peroxide.-Di-t-amyl per-
Ketone Products of Di-t-butyl Peroxide.-Di-t-butyl oxide and nitrogen (ca. 100 cc./min. of each) were passed
peroxide (165 cc./min.) and nitrogen (25 cc./min.) were through the tube a t 235. The liquid product contained
passed through the unpacked Pyrex tube a t 225. The 87-88% acetone, 4 5 % methyl ethyl ketone (aqueous
liquid product was collected in a Dry Ice-cooled trap and azeotrope, b. p. 7 3 9 , and higher boiling ketones. The
fractionated. The distillation cuts obtained were (1) 56 gaseous products, separated by low temperature distilla-
(acetone), (2)79 (methyl ethyl ketone), (3)higher boil- tion, were as in Table 11.
ing carbonylic compounds.
Cc./min. --%~D-- M. p., C . Gas Cc./min.
Ketone N. T. P. Pound Lit. Deriv. Deriv. Mixed
Acetone 274 1.3589 1.3589 ......... .. .. ... n - G H IO 66.6
Methyl 91 1.3790 1.3788 p-Nitrophenyl- 128 128 9Ht 19.5
ethyl hydrazone CaHs 5.9
Literature value (Huntress and Mulliken, Identi6ca- CY& 5.2
tion of Pure Organic Compounds) was 128-129. CHI 4.3
Di-t-butyl Peroxide and Nitric Oxide.-A mixture of the C4Ha 1.4
peroxide (67 cc./min.), nitric oxide (175 cc./min.), and 4. Di-t-butyl Peroxide and Isopropylbenzene (liquid
nitrogen (50 cc./min.) was passed through the tube a t 225 phase) .-A solution of di-t-butyl peroxide (0.27mole) and
for one hundred and forty minutes, the liquid product be-
ing collected in ether cooled with Dry Ice. Distillation (8) W. R. Dunston and A. L. Bossi, J . Clem. Soc., 78, 262 (1898).



s 2.14


\ I

0 10 20 30 40
Time, min.
Fig. 2.-Reaction vessel for peroxide decompositions. Fig. 3.-Decomposition of di-t-butyl peroxide, 140-160 '.
Legend (see text): A, 500 cc. bulb; B, butt-sealed, heavy
wall tube for clamping; C, copper sheath, partially im- decomposition follows a first order expression.
mersed in oil-bath, for heating inlet line; D, inlet for liquid
Data for typical runs are given in Table 111. As
peroxide; E, lead to gage; F, lead to Toepler pump. the reaction approaches completion, a slight cur-
isopropylbenzene (1.44moles) was heated in an oil-bath at
vature is noticeable (Fig. 4) and upon complete
130" for thirty hours. The following products were decomposition, the total pressure of the products is
obtained: t-butyl alcohol (0.24 mole), methane (0.06 found to be slightly less than three times the initial
mole), 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-diphenylbutane(0.07 mole) (C, peroxide pressure. If the experimental ratio
90.65; H , 9.3; mol. wt., 242; theory C, 90.75; H , 9.25; (2.88) is used to calculate values for ( A - x ) , ad-
mol. wt., 238).
herence to the first order expression is indicated
Decomposition of Di-t-butyl Peroxide for virtually the entire reaction.lO We have pre-
ferred, however, to use equation (7) since during
Kinetic Order.-If the pyrolysis follows the the early stages of the reaction, where all rate meas-
over-all stoichiometries urements were made, the discrepancy between as-
(CHa)&OOC(CHa)a +2(CH:)2CO CnHs (6) + sumed and observed stoichiometries is within ex-
or perimental error (Table IV). The initial rate con-
CHsCOCHa CHaCOCaHs CH, + stant calculated in this manner is essentially in-
dependent of pressure over the range 50-380 mm.
the peroxide pressure, ( A - x ) , is related to P,the (Table V).
total pressure, by Homogeneity.-Although the fate of methyl
( A - X ) = A - (P - P0)/2 (719 radicals produced during the reaction is modified
where Pois the initial total pressure, obtained by a by the surface of the confining vessel, the de-
short extrapolation. The initial peroxide pres- composition itself is apparently homogeneous.
sure, A , is obtained from As shown in Table VI, the rate constant is not
A = Po - PN,
affected by the presence of Pyrex rod packing
(8) (2 mm. diameter) sufficient t o produce an eleven-
where PN*is the nitrogen pressure, obtained by fold change in surface-volume ratio of the vessel.
analysis of the product gases. log ( A - x ) as a Tests for a Chain Reaction.-A number of
function of time is illustrated in Fig. 3 from which well recognized chain inhibiting reagents have
it is clear that, a t least in the first 3040%, the (10) It should be mentioned that the apparent decrease in rate i.s
(9) Since the higher ketones are also probably formed by sub- not traceable to interaction with reaction products since addition of
stitutive methylation, their production should not alter the pressure a spent mixture does not influence the decomposition of a fresh
change during decompositipn. peroxide charge.
Jan., 1948 KINETICS

Temperature, 154.6(9)' Temperature, 147.2(2)O-
Time, Total press., (A - x), k X 10'4 Time, Total press., (A - x), k X lO4b
mm. mm. mm. (sec. -1) min. mm. mm. sec. - 1
0 173.5 169.3 0 182.6 179.5
2 187.3 162.4 2 190.5 175.5
3 193.4 159.3 3.38 6 201.7 169.9
5 205.3 153.1 3.17 10 213.6 164.0
6 211.3 150.1 3.20 14 224.3 158.6
8 222.9 144.G 3.28 18 235.0 153.3
9 228.6 141.7 3.31 20 240.4
1.46 150.6
11 239.8 136.1 3.37 22 245.4
1.41 148.1
12 244.4 133.8 3.19 26 255.6
1.44 143.0
14 254.5 128.8 3.06 30 265.2
1.43 138.2
15 259.2 120.4 3.16 34 274.4
1.43 133.6
17 268.7 121.7 3.15 38 283.3
1.43 129.1
18 273.9 319.1 3.31 40 288.0
1.43 126.8
20 282.0 1!5.0 3.15 42 292.0
1.43 124.8
21 286.8 11.2.6 3.12 46 300.2
1.41 120.7
Av. 3.22 * 0.08 Av. 1.43 * 0.01
a Calculated for successive three-minute intervals. *
Calculated for successive twenty minutes intervals,
Per- -Product yields,o %-
oxide Total
Temp., press., k X 104, Re- Eth- Meth- paraf-
OC. (mm.) sc-1 tone ane ane fin
139.7(8) 163 0.589 A 0.007 99 2.00
163 .620 * .008 97 88 11 99
173 .506 di .007
Mean 0.60
147.2(2) 180 1.43 * 0.01
154.6(9) 168 3.22 A .18 97
169 3.22 * .08 97 1.80
Mean 3.22 x
159.8(3) 181 5.53 * 0.16 105 103 6 109 I
" T h e yields are based on the amount of peroxide de- v
composed, as calculated from the total pressure increase by 2
equation (7). 3 1.60
Temperature, 147.2(2)
Initial peroxide press., k X l?', 1.40
mm. sec. -
51.6 1.38 * 0.0
66.3 1.33 * .02
167 1.40 * .02
179 +
190 mm. N t 1.49 * .02 1.20
180 * 1.43 * 01
386 1 . 4 8 * .O1 50 100
150 200 250 300
Mean 1.41 Time, min.
been added in attempts to detect chain processes Fig. 4.-DecomPositiol1 of di-l-butyl peroxide, Ca. 90%
in the di-t-butyl peroxide decomposition. In the completion, temperature 147.2(2) O.
fist of these tests the peroxide and additive were ditions with both additives is shown by the iso-
Passed though a heated tube' and the unreacted lation of products derivable only from these
Peroxide collected and measured. From the re- sources. The formation of formaldoxime has been
sults, summarized in Table VII, it is clear that postulated previously11 but apparently this is the
neither nitric oxide nor Propylene appreciably first report of its isolation from a methyl radicd-
affectsthe decomposition That (11) For example, see Taylor and Bender, J . Cham. Phys., 9, 761
radicals react readily under the experimental con- (1941); Forsyth, Trans. Faraday sot., ST, 312 (1941).
Temperature, 147.2(2) '; peroxide pressure, 170-215
mm . from which it is seen that k1 and the experi-
-Product yields, %- mentally determined rate constant should be
S/V, k X 104, Ke- Eth- Meth- paraf- identical. In support of this, the calculated
V-1 cm.-l KC.-^ tone ane one fin
energy of activation, El, for (1) is in close agree-
Unpacked 0.61 1.41 O.0lo 9s' I . .. 99+b
ment with the experimental value. Since (1) is
Packed 2.07 1.42 .01 103 94 6 100
Packed 6.96 1.49 -02 102 90 13 103 postulated as a unimolecular dissociation re-
6Average of four runs. b Estimated from the data of action, E1 may be taken equal to the energy of dis-
Table IV. sociation.13 The latter value has been calculated
from the heat of combustion of the peroxide and
nitric oxide combination. Formaldoxime is prob- other thermochemical data."
ably further attacked by methyl radicals since The combustion heats for the peroxide and
when an excess of peroxide is used, a complex prod- t-butyl alcohol lead to the equation
uct is obtained. The reaction products with
propylene are discussed in detail in the succeeding
DOQ (in peroxide) = ~ D o - E DE-E - - 69.6
TABLE VI1 The value of DO-Hin t-butyl alcohol is computed
Temperature, 209-210'; flow rates, 100 cc./min.
CdHio(g) + '/dlz(g) -+ GHoOH(g); A", p -45,6;
AE -45.3.
(N.T.P.), peroxide, 200 cc./min. (N.T.P.), additive; 686.3 640.7
residence time, 2.5-2.6 minutes.
DO-E = Do-H + '/,DoQ (in oxygen) DOQ - 45.3 =
105.2 kcal./mole
Additive dec.. % Product
Nitrogen 95 Hence E1 = D-0 (in peroxide) = 39 kcal./
Nitric oxide 94 mole. 15
Propylene 95 The data of Table IV, plotted in the con-
C4B, C4Hl0, CeHu, etc.
ventional manner in Fig. 5, yield an experimental
In a closed system oxygen causes a slight accel- activation energy of 39.1 * 0.5 kcal./mole.
eration in the rate of pressure increase, but appar- Calculation of the pre-exponential factor ives,
ently the velocity of decomposition is not affected for the rate constant k = 3.2 X 1016(s4gJwfET).
The entropy of activation is the abnormally
since the production of ketone is virtually un-
changed (Table VIII). high16 value 14.5 E.U.a t 160'. +
Decomposition of Di-t-amyl Peroxide
TABLE VI11 Milas and Surgenor' have shown that the de-
DECOMPOSITION OF DI-~BTJTYL PEROXIDE. EFFECT OF composition of di-t-amyl peroxide over glass wool
OXYGEN yields, mainly, n-butane and acetone with small
Temperature, 147.2(2) O; reaction time, 47 min. amounts of ethane, propane and methyl ethyl ke-
O.Ygen (13) Glasstone, Laidler and Eyring, "The Theory of R a e Proc-
Peroxide, Oxygen, consumed, Ketone roduced, mm.
mm. mm. mm. Founi! Cslcd.0 esses," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N.Y., 1941.
170.1 41.4 37.2 113 112 of cornbustion -
(14) (a) Data from this Laboratory: Di-I-butyl peroxide: heat
1273 kcal./mole for (1) 25'; heat of vaporira-
6 Assuming the rate constant (1.41 X 10-4 sec.-l) at
this temperature for an oxygen-free system. 629.4 kcal./moIe for (s) 25': heat of fusion
heat of vaporization
tion 9 9.6 kcal./mole. &Butyl alcohol: heat of combustion

- 1.8 kcnl./mole;
9.7 kcal./mole; (b) Rossini. 1. &search
It should be noted that the major gaseous oxi- -
N a f l . Bur. Standards, 18, 357 (1935): Isobutane; heat of combus-

tion 686.3 kcal./mole for (9) 25'; (c) Baughan and Polanyi,
dation product of methyl radicals at this tempera- Trans. Faraday Soc., 89, 19 (1943): DOQ in I-butyl Qlcohol 85.0
ture is carbon monoxide, in contrast to the formal- kcal./mole. DC-E in isohutane (for the I-hydrogen) 86.0
kcal./mole; (d) W. A. Noyes, Jr., and P. A. Leighton, "The
dehyde and methanol reported for the reaction a t
O0.l4 A test for aldehyde with Schiff reagent on
the liquid roduct was negative. -
N. Y.. 1941, pp. 134-135: DH-E in hydrogen
Do+ in oxygen (normal atoms)
Photochemistry of Gases,'' Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York,
4.464 e. v./mole.
5.11 e. v./mole.
M e c d s m and Activation Energy.-A sum- (15) Pauling ("The Nature of the Chemical Bond," Cornell
University Preu (1939)) estimated Do- in hydrogen peroxide M
mary of all data presented above leads to the 34.9 kcal./mole while Skinner (Trans. Faraday Sac., 41, 645-662
conclusion that the decomposition of di-t- (1945)) g i v a the much higher value 52 kcal./mole. However,
butyl peroxide is a homogeneous, first order, non- r m n f l y Glockler and Matlack, ( J . Chum. Phyr., 14, 504 (1946))
chain rocess. The suggested mechanism (equa- using methods similar to those of Skinner, reported that the latter's
value is much too high and that 34.9 is the better figure.
tions &), (2) and (3)) yields the rate equation (16) For example, the activation entropies for the decomposition
(12) Bat- and Spence, Tars JOURNAL, 68, 1689 (1931); ala0 of nitrogen pentoxide and dimethyl ether are, reapectively, -2.6 m d
Ttanr. Faraday Sac., S7, 468 (1931). +2.5 E. u.

the first third of the reaction. No hydrocarbon

yields are given because of difficulty in recovering
the butane quantitatively.)

J 3.8 ( A - x ) calculated from equation (7) ; peroxide pres-

sure, 150-70 mm.
Temp., Rate constant Ketone yield,a
I OC. k X 104,sec-1 %
132.2(2) 0.721 * 0.15 97
.759 * .14 95
3.4 .683 * .13 98
Mean 0.72 97
13G.7(4) 1.15 * 0.02 95
2.30 2.34 2.38 2.42 142.2(4) 2.11 * 0.04
l/T("K.) X loJ. 2.15 f .04
Fig. 5.-Decomposition of di-t-butyl peroxide, effect of 2.38 * .17 (?) 96
temperature. 2.20 =t .04
2.18 * .07 99
tone. With a larger bore, unpacked tube we find,
in addition, small amounts of ethylene, ?ethane Mean of four 2.16 97
and unidentified higher ketones. These addi- 149.7(3) 4.69 =t 0.09 106
tional products are attributed to free radical proc- 4.96 * .09 92
esses in the gas phase, the ethylene (and perhaps Mean 4 . 8 99
some methane) being ascribed to disproportiona- a See footnote Table IV.
tion reactions and the rest to alkyl radical attack
on the primary ketone products. However, with this peroxide the rate constant is
Kinetic Order.-Since all products except not pressure independent, regardless of whether it
ethylene are derivable from processes which is calculated by use of equation (7) or the empirical
should give rise to a three-fold pressure increase, equation
the instantaneous values of the di-t-amyl per-
oxide pressure were also calculated from equation
(7). A typical experiment is illustrated in Table
IX and the summarized data for the decompo-
sition a t 132-150' are given in Table X and Fig. 6.
(As before, the rate constants and ketone yields 2.20
were computed from measurements taken during
RUN 2.10
Teiiipcr;rturc, 142.2(4)
Time, Total press., A - x, k X 104,"
min. mm. mm. sec. - 1
0 165.6 157.4 H
2 173.5 153.4 I 2.12
4 182.8 148.8 3.
6 190.8 144.8
s, 198.3 141.0
10 205.7 137.3 2.28
12 212,4 134.0 2.25
14 218.8 130.8 2.15
16 226.9 127.2 2.16
18 232.8 123.4 2.17
20 238. J 121.1 2.09 2 04
22 244.6 117.9 2.14
24 250.6 114.9 2.16
26 256.2 112.1 2.11
28 261.6 109.4 2.06 2.00 I
30 267.4 106.5 2.14 0 10 20 30 40
Av. 2.15 * 0.04 Time, min.
a Calculated for ten-minute intervals. Fig. 6.-Decomposition of di-l-amyl peroxide. 130-150 '.
E. VAUGHAN Vol. 70

where n is the observed ratio of final to initial pres- TABLE XI1

sure. The values of n, obtained by completely DECOMPOSITIONOF D 1 - l - m ~PEROXIDE.
decomposing the peroxide at ca. 150, are given REACTOR SURFACE: VOLUMERATIO
in Table XI, together with the rate "constants" Temperature, 142.2(4)O; pressure, 150-170 mm.
calculated therefrom. S/V, Initial rate constant Ketone
Vessel rm. -1 k X 104, sec.-l yield, %
TABLEXI Unpacked 0.61 2.16 * 0.03 97
OF DI-~-AMYLPEROXIDE. EFFECTOF Packed 7.0 2.14 * .02 101
Temp., Peroxide press., k X 1:'. ments of any single process. Presumably, how-
OC. mm. sec. - ever, a closer approximation to the activation
136,7(4) 46.6 1.06 energy for scission of the oxygen-oxygen bond
149.2 1.15 could be obtained from low pressure data where
339 1.34 effects of higher order processes would be mini-
352 1.34 mized. Extrapolation to zero pressure of the
142.4(4) 155 2.16 values (for n = 3) in Table X I yields E = 41
360 2.41 kcal./mole. Hence, it is probable that the true
149.7(3) 41.1 5.02 4.43 for n = 3.19
value of El is between 37 and 41 kcal./mole.
55.0 4.93 4.56for n = 3.12 Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to thank
155 5.04 4.84 for n = 3.06 Messrs. F. H. Seubold and E. R. Bell for their
184 257 COS 5.12 assistance in performing the flow experiments.
They also are indebted to Dr. D. P. Stevenson
339 5.61
of the Physics Department and to Messrs. W. R.
Furthermore, in the higher pressure runs, a Keeler and V. Lantz of the Analytical Depart-
definite falling off of the rate is noticeable before ment of this Company for supplying the mass
the decomposition is 30% complete. These re- spectrometric and calorimetric data. '
sults probably indicate that the principal mode of
decomposition is first order but that a higher order Summary
process is also occurring. 1. The vapor phase decomposition of di-t-
Homogeneity.-No appreciable diference in butyl peroxide a t 140-160' is a homogeneous, first
rate was observed when the pyrolysis was car- order, non-chain reaction, the rate constant for
ried out in the packed vessel (Table XII). It is
concluded, therefore, that the decomposition
which is given by k = 3.2 X 101s(e-seJw'ar
The rate-determining step is the scission of the
takes place only in the gas phase. oxygen-xygen bond and the experimental acti-
Activation Energy.-Since the decomposition vation energy closely approximates the calculated
of di-t-amyl peroxide is not strictly first order, strength of this bond.
the over-all activation energy, 37 kg.-cal./mole 2. The decomposition proceeds through the
(Fig. 7), does not represent the energy require- formation of t-butoxy and methyl radicals. The
primary reaction product of the latter and nitric
oxide has been identified as formaldoxime.
3. The principal decomposition products are
4.00 ethane and acetone. However, some methyl radi-
cals react with acetone to yield methane and
methyl ethyl and higher ketones. A small frac-
tion of the peroxide may decompose in another
9 manner.
Q 4. The pyrolysis of di-t-amyl peroxide at 130-
73.60 150' is a homogeneous, approximately first order
reaction. The over-all activation energy is 37
kcal./mole and that for the initial step is estitnated
as 3 7 4 1 kcal./mole. The predominant products
are n-butane and acetone, but methane, ethane,
ethylene, propane and methyl ethyl and higher
3.20 ketones are also found in small amounts. All
2.35 2.39 2.43 2.47 products can be accounted for by the intermediate
lJT("K.)X 10s. formation of t-amyloxy, ethyl and methyl radicals.
Fig. 7.-Decomposition of di-t-amyl peroxide, effect of CALIFORNIA

temperature. (17) Original manuscript received September 26, 1946.

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