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dear coffee, it has been many years. i still remember the day we first met.

introduced me to you, and you were so foreign. i had no idea then why so many people liked
you, i had no idea how to appreciate you. my encounter with you left a bitter taste in my
mouth, yet i somehow had this hunch that we'd begin to understand each other better. as days
passed and i went through my darkest, most trying times, there were many occasions where
people betrayed me, abandoned me, threw me away because they didn't see the good in me.
but throughout it all, you always stayed by my side, supporting me silently, giving me the
warmth i require. whenever I am with you, it is like having my emotional batteries recharged
with joy. your smell radiates into me. your zestiness sends little shivers through my body.
your presence pleases my mind and pours peace on my soul, although you occasionally cause
my heart to flutter non stop and make me have sleepless nights. thank you for making me feel
so alive all the time. i will continue to grind you, make you wet, before i make you enter my
mouth, and feel your warm, moist body against mine.

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