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The basic aim of the creation of Pakistan was to implement Islamic laws in the
country under the light of Quran and sunnah. After the creation of Pakistan , the
people insisted the government that in their country Islam should be
implemented so that the aim of Pakistan is fulfilled. On that different steps were
taken in different times.

23 points of religious scholars:

Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani in the government and syed Abdul Aala
Maududi outside the government fought bravely against the rulers. They
presented 23 points in this context.

Objective resolution 1949:

The prime minister Liaqat Ali Khan presented this resolution in the assembly to
implement the islamic laws.later on some efforts were made for the promotion of
Islamic principles according to the Islamic clauses of the Objective Resolution.

Constitutions of Pakistan and the implementation of


Although Islamic clauses were therein all the three constitutions but no practical
efforts were made to do so. On that all the religious parties started a movement
known as Tehri-e-Nizam-e-Mustafa. Because of that administrative disturbances
created in the country and General Zia ul haq imposed the martial law in the
country in 1977. This martial law government tried ti satisfy the religious parties
by giving the implementation efforts a practical shape.
Efforts for the implementation of Islam after 1977:

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