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By Nandan Bapat

As we reach 50 days of lockdown, it is important to take care of ourselves as well as our vehicles so
that there is no compromise in the performance the next time we take them out for a ride. Here are
some tips for you to become a doctor to your vehicles!

1. The car should be park covered- It is necessary to cover the vehicles to prevent direct
sunlight that might damage the car paint.
2. Make sure there are no food items in the cabin of the car
3. Avoid parking the car on a graded road surface because the hand brakes might get jammed
over the time.
4. Disconnect the battery, and start the car once in 3-4 days if possible and let it idle.
5. The tyres are the most affect parts. If kept idle for a long period of time, a flat spot is created
on the contact patch of the tyre and also, the air pressure is reduced. To counter this, just
move your vehicle forwards and backwards.
6. Keep the 2 wheeler on the central stand so that the tyre contact is avoided.
7. Lubricate the chains, springs and cables.
8. CHECK!!
 Engine oil
 Coolant level
 Brake fluid
 Tire pressure

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