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Animal Migrations

Eco-Meet Study Guide

Helpful Hints:

This study guide will focus on animal migration. The Eco-Meet test may consist of multiple
choice, true/false, fill in the blank, matching, label a diagram, short answer, or identification
using pictures. Anything in this study guide has the potential to be on the test. Pay close
attention to words in bold, diagrams, and charts – it’s easy to pull questions from that

What is Migration?

Animal migration is the regular movement of animals from one region to another. Usually
migrations are seasonal, but examples will show that is not always the case. Migration is
different from an animal’s general wandering in that migration usually has these three features:

1. Migration is… movement of a greater distance than the animal normally travels
within its home range.

2. Migration is… movement that is purposeful and directional.

3. Migration is… movement that has a defined beginning and end.

This study guide will focus only on animal migration. It is interesting, however, to note that by
other definitions of migration plant seeds, entire habitats, humans, and even genes can

Types of Migration

Scientists classify migrating animals into two groups based on their reason for migrating. The
terms obligate migration and facultative migration are used to describe why a species
migrates. We will go into further detail about why animals migrate in the next section. Use the
table below to understand the difference between these two types of migration.

Obligate Migration Facultative Migration

Individuals in these species “choose” to

migrate or not. Their “choice” depends on
Individuals in these species MUST migrate
resource availability.
each year for survival.
These migrations are usually done to find a
These migrations tend to be very consistent
great quantity of resources, even though
year to year in both their timing and their
resources in the current location have not run
path. These are almost always complete
out. Partial migrations are typical in this case,
migrations. The longest migrations are usually
and interruptive migrations are facultative as
obligate migrations.
well. Facultative migrations are usually
shorter in distance.

Four additional terms classify migrations based on the different ways animals behave.
Complete migration, partial migration, differential migration, and interruptive migration are
all terms to describe which or when individuals within the species migrate. Use the visuals
below to understand these terms.

Complete Differential Interruptive

Partial Migration
Migration Migration Migration

These species have

different migration
These species do not
patterns for different
migrate at all some
SOME individuals of GROUPS. Young
years, but some or all
ALL individuals of these species will Herring Gulls migrate
may migrate other
these species make migrate when the a shorter distance
the migration every time comes, and than older gulls. Male
Blue jays are an
year, as is the case for some will not, as is American Kestrels
example of this, as
the Arctic Tern. the case for the migrate a shorter
they will suddenly all
American Robin. distance and at a
migrate if food runs
different time than
out in their area.
female American

Why Animals Migrate

For a wild animal trying to survive, long-distance travel is energy-expensive and dangerous! We
would expect creatures who do not have to migrate to survive better than creatures who do.
This has led scientists to conclude that migrations only evolve in a species if the benefits of the
new location outweigh the high costs of getting there.

The motivation for migration is different for different species. The three most common reasons
for animal migration are:

1. …To move between sites that offer different necessary resources: sites for feeding,
sites for breeding, sites for hibernation, etc.

2. …To avoid seasonal environmental conditions such as droughts, floods, or freezing


3. …To follow the availability of their food source. This can tie in with seasonal
conditions, as food sources (plants or prey) may be scarce seasonally.

How they Navigate

How wild animals navigate during migration is a question that has fascinated humans for a long
time! Some species are able to migrate vast distances (even across the world!) and they do not
use a map, compass, or GPS device. In fact, some species are able to navigate through
migration even though no living individual of that species has made the migration before!
(Monarch butterflies are an excellent example of this. Read more about them on page 11).
Clearly, the animals are navigating. But how?

Scientists studying migration have found a number of different ways creatures navigate. Each
species uses different skills and techniques to find their way, and most species are limited and
cannot use all the methods listed below. However, most species have been found to have
multiple navigation skills, so that they can use different clues as they get closer to their
destination or as conditions change. For example, a species that primarily uses the sun ‘s
position to navigate might turn to using the magnetic field to navigate if the day is cloudy.

Skills Used in Navigation:

 Position of the Sun: Some species can determine the direction they are moving in by
looking at the position of the sun in the sky.
 Earth’s Magnetic Field: Some species can sense the magnetic fields created by the
Earth’s north and south poles and distorted by landforms. These animals use the
magnetic fields almost as car lanes, knowing the direction they are traveling by their
position in the magnetic field.
 Position of the Stars: Some species have been shown to use the stars and constellations
to navigate. Experiments done inside planetariums have shown that changing the
orientation of the starry sky will change the direction these species try to go.
 Smells: Some species use scent to recognize familiar places.
 Landmarks: Some species use visual clues such as rivers, mountains, or even smaller
landmarks to find their way.

Figure 1: Example of Navigating during Migration. Notice that the animal uses different skills at
different points on its journey. Having multiple navigation skills helps to ensure a species will be
successful in migration.

Animal Migrations

Though not all animals migrate, those that do include species of birds, mammals, reptiles,
amphibians, fish, insects, and crustaceans. Migrating species vary in their reason for migrating,
their types of migration, the distances traveled, and their navigation skills.

On the following pages, we will explore migrating animals in each of 6 animal groups: birds,
mammals, reptiles & amphibians, fish, insects, and marine animals.

Migrating BIRDS

Birds are the poster-animals for migration! While some birds go on famous migrations, some
birds do not migrate at all. Only about 1,800 bird species migrate, of the nearly 10,000 bird
species of the world. The great horned owl, for instance, maintains a year-round territory for
hunting and breeding and does not move unless that territory is lost to another owl.

Many birds migrate north to south, often following their food to different climates. It is
interesting to note, however, that some migrations follow an east to west pattern (see
Mediterranean Flyway and East African Flyway, Figure 2).

Flyways are major migration paths used in common by many species of birds. Flyways take
advantage of easy-to-navigate landmarks (see Mississippi Flyway, Figure 3), direct routes
between popular bird destinations (see the Pacific Americas Flyway, Figure 2), and prevailing
winds that make flying long distances easier (see West Pacific Flyway, Figure 2).

Figure 2: Map of the major bird migration flyways of the world. Do not worry about memorizing
these flyways. Know that there are several main flyways and that not all follow a simple North-
South migration.

Figure 3: Map of the North American
Flyways. Notice the Mississippi Flyway
is used by almost all migrating birds of
Illinois. From a bird’s-eye-view, the
Mississippi River is a clear landmark
for navigating north/south.

Illinois is a pass-through state for

many migrating birds in the spring and
fall. Those seasons bring an
abundance of migrating songbirds,
warblers, and ducks, and are an
excellent time to go bird watching in

Migrating MAMMALS

While many mammals live a mobile lifestyle, only certain species have true migrations. (Look
back at page 1 to define migration). Mule deer, found in the Rocky Mountains region, migrate
to different habitats to access seasonal food sources. Whitetail deer, on the other hand, roam
throughout the year within a home territory.

Mammal migrations are usually confined to one continent, since these creatures are typically
terrestrial. Walking migrations are exhausting and slow, so mammal migrations tend to be
short distances. Bats and Marine mammals are the exception, as they are not confined to
walking. Marine mammals will be considered in the final group of animals: migrating marine


Migration is mostly facultative for amphibians and reptiles: not all individuals choose to make
the trip. In this case, however, the “choice” is simply a matter of their habitat and the resources
it offers. Reptiles and amphibians need to feed, lay eggs, and hibernate (or estivate, which is
basically hibernation in hot weather). Individuals who happen to live in an area that meets all
those needs may not have to migrate. However, since most reptiles and amphibians keep very
small home ranges, most individuals will have to migrate to meet their needs.

Both reptiles and amphibians tend to have very

short-distance migrations. They are not large or fast- The Shawnee National Forest is
moving animals, so shorter distances make sense.
famous for its twice-yearly snake
The exception is definitely be sea turtles, who travel
vast distances in migration. (Sea turtles will be migration. The park’s famous “Snake
covered separately in the “marine animals” group.) Road” is closed in spring and fall, to
Amphibian migrations are usually very short protect migrating snakes from being
distances – just a matter of 20-500 meters! run over.
However, certain frogs (in Europe) have been
recorded migrating as far as 9 miles.
Amphibians of a single species usually migrate all at once and move at night.

Oftentimes reptiles & amphibians must cross roads during migration. You may notice times in
the spring and fall when turtles seem to be common on roads. Help them out by not running
them over. If you move a turtle off the road, be sure to place it on the side it was trying to get
to, as it is on migration!

Migrating FISH

Fish also contain migrating species, including salmon, lamprey, sharks, tunas, and eels. Their
migrations are usually related to feeding and reproducing, but scientists still do not completely
understand fish migrations. One theory even suggests that fish migrate to spread out from their
own young, whom they usually eat if they encounter!

While several hundred species of fish migrate thousands of miles across vast oceans, most fish
migrations shorter distances and contained to a single river, lake and stream, or other aquatic
area. Scientists have found some species of fish navigate by magnetic fields and by smell.

Some species are obligate migrants and some are facultative migrants. There are several
examples of differential migration in fish – usually in species whose newly hatched young start
life in migration. For example, the longfin eel is born in the open ocean. Young eels find their
way to freshwater rivers and streams where they live their entire lives (up to 100 years!), then
migrate back to the ocean at the end of their lives to reproduce. Their migrations can span
thousands of miles and take years.

Migrating INSECTS

The smallest animals are not excluded from migration! A variety of insect species migrate to
meet their survival needs. They include species of butterflies, moths, dragonflies, locusts, and
beetles. While some of the migrations are short-distanced, strong fliers have been able to take
on longer migrations. The wandering glider dragonfly completes an incredible non-stop
migration across the Indian Ocean, between India and Africa.

Even though they are not insects, it is interesting to note that earthworms also migrate. In this
case it is a vertical migration of only about 6 feet! Earthworms dig deep underground to ride
out winter, and migrate back to the surface to feed in spring.


In Earth’s vast oceans, some of the longest animal migrations are possible! Sea turtles, whales,
dolphins, porpoises, sharks, tuna, and seals are some of the large marine migrants. Some are
obligate and some are facultative. Some are complete and some are partial. Northern fur seals
undergo differential migration: after the breeding season in Alaska male seals stay in the
Alaskan waters while females migrate nearly 3,000 miles south to southern California for

While true migrations normally occur on a seasonal or annual cycle, some ocean animals
participate in daily diel vertical migrations. Such species include the most numerous creature in
the world: zooplankton. The migrants move upwards in the ocean during the night to feed
closer to the surface where food is abundant while under the protection night brings from heat
and predators. They migrate downwards in to deeper waters each day to rest in relative safety.

Example Migrations

The table below explores ten migratory animals, from a variety of animal groups. Be sure to
study this table for the test. While you will not be expected to memorize the table or the
distances traveled, the test may contain questions based on general information given here.

Distance &
Species Photo Notes
Flocks may migrate up to
1,000 miles north into
Canada for food through Migration is partial and
Canada Goose
the winter, and return as facultative.
far south as Texas for
summer breeding.
Migration is complete
and obligate, though
some individuals may not
These birds migrate up travel as far as others. An
to 900 miles each way. incredible, non-stop
They winter in Central portion of the journey is
America where food is the 500-mile flight over
plentiful, and migrate to the Gulf of Mexico! Even
North America for more impressive, female
breeding season. hummingbirds return
annually to nest in the
very same location/yard
they were born in.
When vast herds of
bison roamed the Great
Plains, they migrated Herds of as many as 4
about 300 miles north million bison used to
and south across North roam the Great Plains.
America to follow the
seasonal grass growth.
Part of the Serengeti
“Great Migration,” The “Great Migration” is a
zebras migrate about massive movement of 1.5
300 miles each way million wildebeests and
Zebras across the Serengeti of hundreds of thousands of
central Africa. They zebra, elephants, gazelles,
migrate to reach and other large
watering holes during mammals.
the yearly dry season.

These small bats
summer and breed in
the northern U.S. and
Not all bats migrate.
Canada, and find food
Red Bats Some hibernate, like the
through the winter
little brown bat in Illinois.
almost 1,000 miles away
in the southernmost

Amazingly, salmon have

When only a few inches been found to navigate
long, salmon leave their back to the exact same
river of birth and head to stream they themselves
the open ocean. After were born in. Scientists
Salmon several years, they believe they use the
(multiple species)
return to freshwater to Earth’s magnetic field to
spawn and lay eggs. navigate in the ocean,
Their return journey is and their sense of smell
around 1,000 miles. to locate their exact
location of birth.
It is fascinating to realize
that no monarch lives to
Migration is complete
see the full migration. It
and obligate. Monarchs
takes several generations
reproduce and feed in
of monarchs to achieve
the United States and
Monarch the migration in either
Canada, and hibernate in
direction. Scientists are
Mexico. Their migration
still trying to figure out
one-way can be up to
how later generations of
3,000 miles!
monarchs know where
and when to migrate.
From their summer The migration described
feeding grounds in to the left is taken by only
Alaska, both male and about a third of the
female humpbacks world’s humpback
migrate around 2,500 whales. Two other
miles to Hawaii to find populations follow
winter food, to give different migration routes
birth, and to rear their in different parts of the
calves. world’s oceans.

Seas turtles migrate Scientists are still
between nesting areas studying just how sea
and feeding areas. They turtles navigate back to
hatch from nests on a the very beach they were
beach but spend 20-50 born on. So far, it is
years foraging in the believed they are using a
Green Sea ocean before they are combination of clues
Turtle old enough to migrate from electromagnetic
back to their place of fields, ocean currents,
birth to mate and lay and water composition to
eggs. The migration to find their way.
their breeding grounds
can be thousands of Green sea turtles are
miles. globally endangered.
Red crabs migrate to
reproduce. They spend 120 million red crabs of
most of the year in moist Christmas Island migrate
rainforests inland, but all at once each fall. They
must mate and lay eggs leave the forests and
in ocean shallows. Both head for the shores of
Red Crab males and females their small island home,
migrate to the ocean near Australia. The
each fall, and migrate migration blankets the
back after eggs have whole island and has
been laid. Migration in become a tourist
either direction ranges attraction.
from 3-10 miles.

Super Migrations

Arctic Tern Caribou
Elephant Seal
22,000 miles 700 miles
13,000 miles
each year each year
each year

Longest Longest Longest

Migration of Land Ocean
any Animal Migration Migration

Dangers of Migrations

Migrations only evolve in a species if the benefits of the new location outweigh the high costs
of getting there. Unfortunately, the costs of migration are getting higher all the time. Migrating
animals require extra calories to fuel their travel, and must overcome countless obstacles on
their journey. No matter what the species of animal, migration is never easy.

Some of the common dangers encountered on animal migrations are:

Lack of safe places to rest and recover along the way.

Lack of food along the migration route.

Predators on the migration route.

Human hunters waiting along the migration route. (As occurs with ducks).

Pollution encountered in watering holes or food found along the route.

Fences, dams, roads, and even whole cities that block the path.

Moving obstacles such as windmills, cars, and boats along the way.

Unfamiliar dangers such as house cats and electric lines.

To experience the difficulty of migration for yourself, try your luck in Audubon’s fun bird
migration game online: .

Studying Migrations

More and more migrating animals are under threat. Over half of all migratory birds in the world
are in decline. Scientists hope that by studing animal migrations, we can better understand how
to help these species. In order to protect animals, we must not only protect their home range
but also their migration routes.

How You can Help

There are simple ways you can help migrating animals! Encourage adults to brake for migrating
animals on the road. Put out bird feeders and water, especially in the spring and fall when
migrations are at their peak. Don’t let cats hunt outdoors, if possible. Together we can help
preserve the species who make amazing migrations!


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