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Chapter -2

Literature Survey

Hydrochloric acid is the most difficult of the common acids to handle from the standpoint

of corrosion and materials of construction. Extreme care is required in the selection of materials

to handle the acid by itself, even in relatively dilute concentrations, or in process solution

containing appreciable amount of hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric is very corrosive to the metal

steel. When aeration or oxidizing agents are also present, corrosive conditions may be very

rugged. Carbon steel, stainless steel and mild steel are generally avoided for

hydrochloric acid service. Rapid corrosion occurs at pH 4 or 5 or below, particularly if

appreciable solution velocities are involved. Inhibitors are required when Carbon steel,

stainless steel and mild steel equipments are cleaned by pickling with hydrochloric acid.

The inhibiting action exercised by organic compounds as the dissolution of metallic materials is

normally attributed to interactions by adsorption between the inhibitor and the metal surface,

although some authors consider that this phenomenon forms only the first stage of the inhibition

process proper. The species that are adsorbed physically by means of electrostatic or Vander

Waal’s interact rapidly with the electrode but are easily removed from the surface by immersion

of the metal and their alloys in a solution free from any corrosion inhibitor. The process of

chemisorptions involving change sharing or charge transfer, take place more slowly and with

high heat of adsorption.

A number of factors affects whether a chemical substance will act as corrosion inhibitor or

not. Among the large list a few are for example chain length, position and nature of functional

group, electronegativity, aromatic, aliphatic etc. There is a possibility of correlating structural

characteristics of chemical substance with the inhibitor properties of organic substance which is

justified by the fact that the different corrosion inhibitor shows different corrosion rate in

different medium and for different metal. Interactions of corrosion inhibitor with the surface of

metals are based on chemisorptions. The electron density of the organic inhibitor formulation

that can be defined as the reaction centre for the establishment of the adsorption bond with

metallic alloys is then obviously important since it is possible to assume a bond of the Lewis

acid- base type (donar-acceptor type), generally with the inhibitor as the electron donor and the

metal as the electron acceptor. The strength of this bond depends on the characteristics of both

the adsorbent (metallic alloys) and the adsorbate (corrosion inhibitor). Most organic inhibitor is

compounds with at least one polar function having atoms of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen. In

general, the polar function is regarded as the reaction centre for the establishment of the

chemisorptions process. The adsorption bond strength is determined by the electron density of

the atom acting as the reaction centre and by the polarizability of the function. The effectiveness

of the function atoms with respect to the adsorption process, when the stabilities of the

compounds are equal, can be taken as being in the following sequence Sulfur > Nitrogen >


The idea of electron density acquires particular importance in aromatic or heterocyclic

inhibitors whom structure may be affected the introduction of substituent’s in different positions

of the rings. The availability of electron pairs for the formation of chemisorption bonds can thus

be altered by regular and systematic variation of the molecular structure. The availability of

electron pairs for the formation of chemisorption bonds can thus be altered by regular and

systematic variation of the molecular structure.

Corrosion for Carbon steel, stainless steel and mild steel in acidic medium has been

studied and it has been observed that corrosion inhibitors act by way of adsorption. Inhibitors can

be used for any corrosion system. Inhibitors used in a corroding system should not interface with

properties of system. As the corrosion inhibitors protect the metal surface through adsorption, the

surfactants which can be assumed to have better adsorption capability can be used. There is a

growing need to achieve increasing quality standards, lowering of operating costs, meeting

regulations, maintaining system integrity and enhancing reliability. Therefore, there is an urgent

need for the development of new corrosion inhibitors which are cost effective, eco-friendly,

show better performance.

Mild steel is never used for hydrochloric acid service. Rapid corrosion occurs at pH 4 or 5

or below, particularly if appreciable solution velocities are involved. Inhibitors are required when

mild steel equipment is cleaned by pickling with hydrochloric acid. The inhibiting action

exercised by organic compounds as the dissolution of metallic materials is normally attributed to

interactions by adsorption between the inhibitor and the metal surface, although some authors

consider that this phenomenon forms only the first stage of the inhibition process proper. The

species that are adsorbed physically by means of electrostatic or Vander Waal’s interact rapidly

with the electrode but are easily removed from the surface by immersion of the mild steel in a

solution free from any inhibitor. The process of chemisorptions involving change sharing or

charge transfer, take place more slowly and with high heat of adsorption.

The possibility of correlating structural characteristics with the inhibitor properties of

organic substance is justified by the fact that the metal inhibitor. Interactions are based on
chemisorptions. The electron density of the organic function that can be defined as the reaction

centre for the establishment of the adsorption bond is then obviously important since it is

possible to assume a bond of the Lewis acid- base type, generally with the inhibitor as the

electron donor and the metal as the electron acceptor. The strength of this bond depends on the

characteristics of both the adsorbent and the adsorbate. Most organic inhibitor is compounds with

at least one polar function having atoms of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen. In general, the polar

function is regarded as the reaction centre for the establishment of the chemisorptions process.

The adsorption bond strength is determined by the electron density of the atom acting as the

reaction centre and by the polarizability of the function. The effectiveness of the function atoms

with respect to the adsorption process, when the stabilities of the compounds are equal, can be

taken as being in the following sequence Sulfur > Nitrogen > Oxygen1.

The idea of electron density acquires particular importance in aromatic or heterocyclic

inhibitors whom structure may be affected the introduction of substituent’s in different positions

of the rings. The availability of electron pairs for the formation of chemisorption bonds can thus

be altered by regular and systematic variation of the molecular structure. The availability of

electron pairs for the formation of chemisorption bonds can thus be altered by regular and

systematic variation of the molecular structure.

Hackerman1 investigated the inhibiting properties of pyridine and its derivatives and found

that inhibition increases when the electron density of the nitrogen atom is increased. A

correlation between molecular structure and inhibition has been made by Hackerman2, who

developed a theory of adsorption based on numerous measurements carried out in the presence of

a series of secondary aliphatic amines and cyclic amines as inhibitors in an acid medium.

Hackerman3 concluded that the greater the percentage of π orbitals of the free electrons on the
nitrogen from the more effective is the inhibiting action. An analysis of the inhibiting action of

aromatic amines and thiols and their compounds has been made by Riggs,4 who interpreted the

results on the basis of electron densities and obtained results in harmony with the theoretical

assumptions Cycloaliphatic amines such as Cyclohexylamine and dicyclohexylamine shown

effectively to inhibit the corrosion of iron in aggressive atmospheres. On passing from

cyclohexylamine to derivatives mass highly substituted on the nitrogen atom with cycloaliphatic

nuclei or aliphatic chains, the inhibiting efficiency increases markedly because of the increase in

the electron density at the nitrogen due to the electron repelling effects of the substituent’s.

Aromatic amines such as aniline, di and triphenylamines, N, N-dimethyl and N, N-Diethyl

anilines, N, N-dimethyl and N, N-diethyl – o-toluidnines, N, N-dimethyl- and N, N diethyl – p-

toluidines and meta-N, N derivaties have shown that the inhibiting action of these compounds is

low. The introduction of alkyl substituents on the nitrogen atom or in the para partition of the

aromatic nucleus, in contrast to the meta-derivatives, improves the inhibiting efficiency in

accordance with theories about the activation of various positions in aromatic nuclei by


The influence exercised by the molecular weight of the additives on inhibition can be

evaluated objectively by studying the behaviour of a homologous series of organic substances

chemically stable in the medium under examination. In such a case it appears that at the same

molar concentration an increase in the length of the hydrocarbon chains of amines or imines

gives an increase in the inhibition efficiency which can be attributed to the inductive effect of the

methylene groups shown by a decrease of the ionization potential of the molecules of the free

base5. Whereas on studying the inhibition efficiency of homologous mercaptans, it was shown

that the inhibition increases on going from n-butyl mercaptan to n – decyl mercaptan6.
The correlation between molecular weights and inhibiting characteristics is particularly

apparent with substances capable of polymerization during inhibition mostly because of a

catholic reduction like acetylene compounds7 which give rise to a bond with the metal, break the

C ≡ C triple bond, permitting successive polymerization of the materials, Putilova8 explains this

polymerization by the change in the state of the additive with the formations of oily products and

by the results of analytical and structural determinations. The inhibition efficiency of

polyalkylamines9 shown the best inhibiting characteristics particularly for temperatures up to

90oC are obtained with products of higher mean molecular weight and with the derivatives of

monomers with lone-carbon aliphatic chains. Balezin et. al.10, formulated “Film theory of

protective activity” which explained the effective inhibition action by the formation of layer on

the metallic surface due to reaction between the metal, the inhibitor and the ions of the corrosive

medium. The film must be adherent, have a low or zero solubility and present of access the

solution components to the metal. The surface chemical compounds arising in this way are

distinguished from chemisorption bonds and from physical adsorption and it is due to the partial

electro chemical reactions of the corrosion process.

Antropov11 studied the behaviour of pyridine derivatives as inhibitors of the acid corrosion

of iron and found that the compounds examined are adsorbed on the metal surface in the form of

cations and not as neutral molecules. Many organic substances are of the cationic type and

develop their inhibiting activity as cations. The adsorption of the cations from solution of

sulfuric and perchloric acid into the surface of iron is weak, and the inhibiting effect is lone12.

Anionic substances are assumed to be adsorbed immediately on the surface of the iron from

solutions in sulfuric acid note give rise to a stimulation of the corrosion process because of an

unfavourable displacement of the adsorption potential13. In solutions containing halogen anions

chemisorbed on the metal surface the creation of dipoles oriented to the surface takes place with

the consequent possibility of the attachment of cationic type inhibitors to the dipole14. This could

explain the increase in the inhibiting action of quaternary compounds in acid solutions15.

The adsorption of organic inhibitors on the surface of a metal forms an indispensable

condition for their inhibiting action which is shown only in the range of potentials at which the

organic compounds are absorbed16. The mechanism of the inhibition depends on the nature of the

metal undergoing corrosion. The action of organic inhibitors chemisorbed on transition metals

having incomplete d-orbitals such as Iron, nickel, chromium etc17.

The use of organic inhibitors in acid solution is very common in view of the high rate of

corrosion shown by metallic materials in such media18. Certain parameters such as temperature,

pressure and rate of stirring may influence the efficiency of the inhibitors. The dependence of the

inhibition efficiency on the concentration of the additive is generally shown in an increase of

inhibiting power when the concentration is raised19. At higher concentrations, inhibition is

obtained because of the favorable change in the ratio of decomposed materials to inhibiting

materials and because of the increase in surface coverage. When the additives under

consideration are capable of forming soluble complexes with the ions of the metal, a stimulation

effect may appear at higher concentrations.

In some industrial applications of corrosion inhibitors in an acid medium, substances with a

surface active effect are also added to the solution to increase the wettability of the metals

surface, together with foaming or antifoaming agents. Among the processes in which organic
inhibitors have found application in an acid medium are the pickling of ferrous materials,

descaling of stainless steels, cleaning of industrial apparatus and decontamination of nuclear

reactors. The pickling operation for removing rolling mill scale or rust formed in various ways

on iron and steel during their manufacture or an finished products are always carried out in the

presence of organic inhibitors to avoid severe direct attack on the metal. These processes use

dibenzyl sulfoxide, acetylenic alcohols, α and β-naphthylamines, thiourea derivatives, pyridine

and quinoline bases, hexamethylene tetramine and products of the condensation of aldehyde with

ammonia and amines.

Remarkable corrosion problems are also encountered in the distillation and refining

products. Among the main cause of attack are the hydrochloric acid produced by hydrolysis of

the chlorides initially present in the brines, certain lower aliphatic acids and in hydrogen

In hydrochloric acid mild steel is the most common metallic material being used for numerous
applications in a variety of industries as well as in daily life. Mild steel corrodes when it comes
in contact with aggressive environment but its use is steel the most common because of its low
cost and reasonably good strength. Corrosion commonly occurs at metal surfaces in the presence
of oxygen and moisture and involves two electrochemical reactions20. Oxidation takes place at
anodic site and reduction occurs at cathodic site. In acidic medium hydrogen evolution reaction
predominated, while in neutral medium reduction of oxygen and moisture, by complexing with
metal ions or by removing corrodants from the environment, some of the inhibitors facilitate
formation of passivating film on the metal surface. The selection of an appropriate inhibitor
depends not only upon its structure but also on environmental factors. The corrosion of mild steel
in hydrochloric acid was investigated by many researchers and it has been observed that
corrosion rate of steel is partially reasonably high. Corrosion inhibitors are added to the
corroding medium in small concentration to control the corrosion rate of mild steel.

Corrosion inhibitors may work as (i) passivator (ii) precipitator (film type) (iii) insoluble
complex film forming type and (iv) adsorption film type21-27 recently, work has been carried out
to develop polymers, which not only provide scale inhibition28-32.
Numerous surfactants as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel have been investigated by various
researchers, which may lead to a complete control on corrosion of metals. Hydrochloric acid is
one of the most commonly used acid in the pickling bath. The choice of the inhibitor depends on
the purpose of acid pickling. If the pickling is done to remove mill scale from hot rolled steel,
then the acid concentration, temperature, pickling time and the type of steel will decide the
selection of the inhibitor. In the case of pickling with HCl, up to 200 g/l are commonly used at a
temperature of 600 C and the pickling time of about 30 min. or so, which depends on the type of
steel and the still mill operating conditions. Inhibitors for effective protection must posses the
following requirements.

I. Effective inhibition of metal dissolution.

II. No over pickling in the presence of higher iron salt contact.
III. No delay of the pickling process.
IV. Effective at low inhibitor concentrations.
V. Effective at high temperatures.
VI. Thermal and chemical stability.
VII. Effective inhibition of hydrogen entry into the metal.
VIII. Good surfactant properties.
IX. Good foaming properties.

Inhibitors which are effective in HCl medium for iron and steel are generally nitrogen containing
compounds such as alkyl and aryl amines, saturated and unsaturated nitrogen ring compounds,
condensation products and aniline, toluidine with formaldehyde33 -40
and Ketones
41 42 43
(Cyclohexanone) , ethoxylated amines , nitrites, aldoximes, ketoximes and imidazoline
derivatives44-45. In case of N-alkylammonium compounds, the effectiveness of inhibition of acid
corrosion of steel generally increases with increasing n-alkyl chain length with maximum
efficiency at chain length of C10 - C12. Alkylamines46–47, benzylquinolinium and alkylbenzyl
quinolinium holides48-52, n- alkyltrimethyl ammonium, n- alkyl pyridinium, n-alkylbenzyl
pynidinium53-54, n-alkyl quinolinium55 and n-alkyl, isoquinolium halides56 with alkyl chain
length of C8 - C12 are highly effective inhibitors.

N-base compounds are mixed with a cetylenic compounds such as propargyl alcohol, I-hexyn –
3-ol and I-iodo-3-methyl-1-butyn-3-ol to improve the inhibitive effect . I-hexyn-3-ol may
be mixed with alkynol to improve the inhibitor effect. Among propargyl ethers and thioethers, 1-
phenoxy-2-butyn-4-ol61-64 and dipropargyl sulfide65-66 proved to be the best inhibitors an addition
of urotropin and potassium iodide to 1-phenoxy-2-butyn-4-ol showed synergism61. The
inhibitors effect of acetylenic compounds is noteworthy up to temperatures of 100oC. Thus
commercial inhibitor formulations for use at compounds. The remarkable inhibitive effect shown
by propargyl compounds is attributed is attributed to the iron complex catalyzed formations of
protective films with is favoured at high temperatures64,67. Sulphur containing compounds such
as mercaptans , thioethers, sulforium compounds, sulfoxides, thiocyanates, thioureas,
dithicarbamates, thiazoles and others have also been used in hydrochloric acid medium. However
use of some of these inhibitors can be deleterious69 because they produce H2S which favours
hydrogen entry into the carbon steel causing hydrogen embrittlement. Entry of hydrogen into the
metal due to H2S can be minimized by the addition of formaldehyde/ Addition of formaldehyde
is not necessary if quaternary ammonium salts are present, these inhibition metal dissolution as
well as hydrogen entry into the metal.

Hydroxyethane-1, 1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP), sodium molybdate, and zinc icons have been
investigated in different concentrations of chloride ion and the corrosion rate (mpy) of the carbon
steel was observed at different temperatures by Mosayebi and co-workers 69. It was observed that
the corrosion rate is increased with increase in the temperature or chloride ion concentration is
increased, while the corrosion rate decreases if the concentration of HEDP or molybdate is
increased. Further, it was observed that when concentration of the chloride ion is more than 1200
ppm and the temperature is greater than or equal to 42.5oC, the combination of HEDP+
molybdate and zinc chemical formulation can not control the corrosion in industrial cooling
water system (CWS). Ultimately, a formulation consisting of HEDP, 2-phosphono butane-1,2,4-
tricaboxylic acid, tolytriazole, zinc and polymeric compounds has been developed and tested in
an industrial cooling water systems.

Bohnsack et al.70 mentioned that inhibition can be distinguished according to the characteristics
of the protective layers formed at corroding substrates. Interface inhibition occurs when the
inhibitors is adsorbed on the substrate metal and forms a monomolecular layer. This type of
inhibition is primarily adsorbed in system exhibiting a bare metal surface in contact with the
corroding medium. Membrane inhibition presumes a thicker layer between the corroding
substance and the electrolyte. Such layers generally consists of corrosion products and or
inhibitors and are also observed when dissolved substrate in the electrolyte cause secondary
reactions resulting in the formation of precipitation on the metal substrate. The membrane or film
serves as purpose of a physical barrier to inward and outward mass transport, as well as an
electronic insulator which minimize the rate of corrosion. Species containing metal ions such as
chromates and zinc ion are used for preventing general and pitting corrosion71. Bahadur showed
that combinations of chromates, borates and hexa meta phosphare with a ratio of 5:40:45 can
protect carbon steel against corrosion even in the presence of chloride and sulphates ions.72
Sastr73 mentioned that polyhosphates are very effective in controlling galvanic corrosion due to
contact between dissimilar metals and 10-15ppm may be sufficient for controlling corrosion in
recirculating water 74. However, polyphosphates are made more effective by addition of divalent
metal ions. Boffardi suggested that calcium ions lie between the polyphosphates chain and form
cationic complex. A large number of these connected complexes form a colloidal suspension,
which may act as a barrier against penetration of oxygen to the metal surface. Also, addition of
zinc ions to polyphophates, while making no remarkable change to their general behaviour,
considerably accelerates the formation and repair of the protective film. Anodic inhibitors are
usually sensitive to pH and the concentration of chloride ions in the feed water and generally
have a minimum critical concentration below which local corrosion will be facilitated. On the
other hand, cathodic corrosion inhibitors act mainly through precipitation and the formation of an
insoluble film (insulator), which separates the cathodic part of the metal surface from the
aqueous medium. Cathodic corrosion inhibitors are usually less effective than anodic corrosion

Jefferied and Brucher76 showed that by adding, 6 ppm of molybdate to phosphate inhibitors, the
rate of pitting corrosion would be reduced without any change in the rate of general corrosion.
Mustafa et al.77 also observed that if the pH value decreases to less than 6, the molybdate would
polymerize to hepta or octa-molybdate. This forms complex compounds with iron ions, which in
turn will accelerate corrosion. Rajenderan and co-workers, in a laboratory study, found that a
formulation containing of 300ppm I-hydroxyethane-1, 1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP), 50ppm
polyacrylamide (PAA), and 50ppm zinc ions in the presence of 60ppm chloride ions in the
aqueous media, inhibited corrosion of carbon steel with a 95% efficiency 78. They also found that
the protective film formed contains Zn(OH)2, PAA-Fe2++ HEDP complexes. Some researchers
have reported that formulations consisting of PAA (50ppm) + Zn2+ (50ppm) shows synergistic
effect while in contrast a formulation consisting of 300 ppm adenosine monophoshate and 50
ppm polyacrylamide (PAA) shows antagonistic effect79. Furthermore, a formulation consisting
300 ppm AMP, 50 ppm Zn2+, and 50 ppm PAA shows nearly 98.00 % corrosion inhibition
efficiency and 99.9% biocidal efficiency. The protective film formed consists of Fe2+ - PAA,
Fe2+ - AMP complexes and Zn(OH)2. It has been shown that a formulation 80
containing 50ppm
AMP, 300 molybdate and 50ppm Zn+2 has a corrosion efficiency of 96% and the formulation 81

containing 50 ppm HEDP, 300ppm molybdate and 10ppm Zn2+ has 97% corrosion inhibition
efficiency. Also formulation containing the sodium salt of phenyl phosphonic acid and zinc ions
in the presence of chloride ions has 95% efficiency for inhibition of corrosion of carbon steel 82.
It has been reported that the corrosion rate of carbon steel in the presence of HEDP will decrease
to 57µm per year and in the presence of 2-phosphonobutane-1,2, 4-tricarboxylic acid (PBTC)
decreases to 105 µm per year 70
. The addition of polymeric compounds will result in a further
decrease of corrosion rate.

Salts of gluconates 83 were evaluated by immersion tests under stagnant and dynamic conditions
at different temperatures for inhibition efficiency. The results indicated that zinc gluconate
inhibits corrosion excellently and gave about 90-95% inhibition efficiency in concentration range
300-500 ppm. High inhibition efficiency is attributed to chemisporption of the molecule on the
metallic substrate.

Several studies on the use of phosphonic acids as corrosion inhibitors have been reported in the
literature.84-94. According to Sekine and Hirakawa 84
, the effectiveness of HEDP as a corrosion
inhibitor was shown at low concentrations and high temperatures. HEDP was considered to
inhibit the corrosion of SS41 steel by chemical adsorption isotherm isotherm at concentrations
>50ppm HEDP. AT concentrations >50ppm, the iron complex of HEDP was produced and the
inhibition effect was inversely proportional to the concentration. Moreover, since HEDP was
difficult to decompose, it was recognized to have excellent stability. The efficiency of HEDP as
a scale-preventive agent and the stability of HEDP from its decomposition test has been reported
by Good. 95.

The synergistic effect of phosphonic acid with Zn2+ ion as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in
low chloride media have been reported in literature by several authors96-100. These authors have
discussed the use of aminotrimethylene phosphonic acid (ATMP), 2-carboxy ethyl phosphonic
101 102
acid (2-CEPA) , I-hydroxyethane-K, I-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) and citrate ethylene
diamine phosphonic acid (CEDPA)103 with Zn2+ ions as corrosion inhibitor in aqueous medium.
US-VIS-NIR spectra have revealed that this synergistic effect is due to the formation of Fe2+-
phosphonic acid complex on the metal surface. The synergistic effect of HEDP and Zn2+ion on
the inhibition of corrosion of carbon steel in neutral aqueous environment containing 60ppm CI-
has been evaluated by Rajendran et al . The mutual influence of this inhibitor system and the
biocide, N-ethyl –N, N, N-trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) has also been studied. Again it
was observed that due to the shift of the electron cloud density from the oxygen atom to Fe2+
there is a formation of Fe2+- HEDP complex as it was thought that the oxygen atom of the a
phosphonic acid is co-ordinated to ferrous ions 105-109.
Evan110, Drane111 and Ulhig112 studied the effect of aggressive ions like chloride, sulphate and
nitrite towards the corrosion of mild steel (most widely used steel) in nearly neutral aqueous
medium and found that chloride ions are most corrosive to mild steel. Nitrite ions provide some
corrosion protection to mild steel when used a sodium salt. Sodium nitrite has been found to be
an effective anodic inhibitor for corrosion of carbon steel in aqueous solution by Sanyal and
Sanyal113. The corrosion of carbon steel is reduced due to the formation of a passive film114 and
the potential of steel is ennobled as the concentration of nitrite is increased in aqueous solution
Chromate73, 115-116 have been extensively used as inhibitors for carbon steel in aqueous medium.
The protective effect of chromate is again due to the formation of passive film on metal surface.
Chromate ions act as anodic inhibitor and maintain their excellent inhibitive effect over the
temperature range from 30 oC to 80oC. Its increased efficiency at higher temperature is of
interest and may be attributed to increased chemisorption117-119 of the chromate enabling the
formation of a protective oxide film120-122. However, strict water pollution rules have now
banned the use of chromates as inhibitors in cooling water systems.

A number of investigations on inhibition effects of carbohydrates on iron or steel corrosion in

aerated neutral cooling water have been carried out. They are not oxidizing agents but they
promote the formation of a passive film on the iron surface by the reaction of dissolved oxygen
or by forming sparingly soluble compounds124. If an inhibitor reacts with ferric or ferrous ions to
form a sparingly soluble chelate compound, a deposited layer of the compound covers the iron
surface, resulting in a high inhibition effect on iron corrosion124-130. Yamamoto and coworkers131
have investigated the inhibition effects of sodium 3-n-octyl mercapton propionate on corrosion
of iron in an aerated neutral aqueous solution by electrochemical polarization and impedence
techniques. This inhibitor mainly suppressed the anodic reaction of iron corrosions. The XPS
measurement of the surface film revealed that the film mainly comprised of ferric and ferrous
oxides containing sodium chloride and a slight amount of the inhibitor.
The inhibitive effect of thioureas and its derivatives on the corrosion of carbon steel specimens
in chloride media has been studied extensively132-134, Welded carbons steel corrodes faster than
unwelded carbon steel in chloride environments.135-136.

Lovchev137-138 and Lovhev et al.139 reported the efficiency of some reducing agents in inhibition
of corrosion of carbon steel. The presence of ascorbic acid (>0.05m) in corroding media like
brackish water, influences the formation of the usual corrosion species like, β, α-FeOOH and
ferrihydrite and retards the rate of rust formation.140.

Polyvinyl alcohol is a water soluble synthesis resin extensively used in a variety of industries as
corrosion inhibitor141. Molybdates142-143 are anodic inhibitors, commonly used due to their low
order of toxicity. They can replace heavy metal inhibitors but higher cost of molybdate restricts
its wide applicability alone and hence is used with other inhibitors like polyvinyl alcohol to give
synergistic effect144-145. This effect of molybdate makes it a better inhibitor for carbon steel
corrosion in cooling water and when addition of a small amount of polyvinyl alcohol is made it
gives more noticeable results at elevated temperatures146. Inhibition effect of chromate and
molybdate ions on the corrosion of some steels in Ca(OH)2 containing sodium chloride was
studied by Hegazy and El-Egamy147. It was observed that potassium chromate and sodium
molybdate enhance the passivity of some reinforcing steels containing V and Ti in Ca(OH)2
solutions. At low addition levels, potassium chromate is more efficient than sodium molybdate.
The anticorrosive and protective of Ca(OH)2 solution in the presence of corrosion activators
(chlorides) has been studied for carbon steel by Alkolzin148. The existing literature data
concerning the inhibitive properties of Ca(OH)2 and the mechanism of its protective action
are contradictory.

Sodium benzoate has been tested for steel as an effective corrosion inhibitor in different
corrosive environments153-155. Benzotriazole and their derivatives156 were tested as corrosion
inhibitor and proved to be a good corrosion inhibitors and a very high Percentage Corrosion
Inhibition Efficiency (PCIE) for different metals and their alloys in different corrosive
environment. Benzotriazole was also tested for a number of different metallic alloys and has
been found as specific corrosion inhibitors for different metals like Copper157 in acidic solution
and for Carbon Steel (CS) and Cast Iron (CI)158 in aqueous solution. Other research group have
also tested the influence of BTA, BIA and IA as corrosion inhibitor for different metallic alloys.
Subramanyam and Mayanna159 research group investigated the effect of BTA, benzimidazole
(BIA) and imidazole (IA) indivedually on the corrosion of CS in alkaline medium. Rate of
corrosion was found to depend on the nature and concentration of the corrosion inhibitor.
Corrosion rate increases with the increase in concentration of corrosion inhibitors. Same
concentration dependency was observed for all the three investigated corrosion inhibitors. But in
a very low concentration like 1 x 10-5M, the rate of corrosion inhibition was found to be higher
with BIA or IA than with BTA. It has been shown that Iron forms stable complexes with
BTA,160, BIA161 and IA162. It is also true that BTA is less effective for ferrous metals in
controlling corrosion when used alone whereas the synergistic effects have been demonstrated
for the corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in mixtures of BTA with molybdate163 and sodium
sebacate164. Similar results have been reported for cast iron using benzoate165 or amines166 plus
BTA. In the absence of other inhibitors, amines do not provide complete protection of ferrous
metals in neutral media 167-168 except at very high concentrations. But the inhibiting properties of
mixtures of BTA with methanol amine (MEOA) or triethanol amine (TEOA) get improved
considerably due to the formation of a passive film. The process by which the passive film
becomes more stable could be related to a number of factors but usually the action of amines169-
and azoles172 is associated with their ability to form dative bonds with the metal due to lone
pair of electrons at the nitrogen atoms. The better protection obtained with MEOA can be
understood by considering that the displacement of the excess negative charge from the nitrogen
atom to the alcohol group is less pronounced than in TEOA, thus guaranteeing a stronger
adsorption. The beneficial effect of BTA is accompanied by an increase in the pitting

The development of new corrosion inhibitors of the non-toxic type which do not contain heavy
metals and organic phosphates has recently been regarded as important and such organic
corrosion inhibitors are being sought. The corrosion of metal can be inhibited by adsorption of
inhibitor on the metal surface. When the nitrogen atom exists as – NH2 or – NH – and the oxygen
atom as – OH, then such organic compounds can act as corrosion inhibitor174.
Some, nitrogen containing organic compounds have been tried as corrosion inhibitors for carbon
steel in alkaline environment175. A study of nitrogen containing compounds like hydrazine (H),
phenyl hydrazine (PH) and 2, 4, dinitrophenyl hydrazine (2,4 DNP) was also made to see their
inhibition effects on the corrosion behaviour of carbon steel in alkaline water176. The rate of
corrosion was found to depend on the nature and concentration of the corrosion inhibitors. The
corrosion rate was found to be increased with an increase in temperature, both in the presence
and absence of corrosion inhibitors but the degree of corrosion protection of inhibitors increases
with increase in temperature is upto a certain extent/temperature becomes a subject of interest.
As a result of the dissolution of iron (oxidation of iron to Fe2+) in aqueous alkaline medium177
the existence of oxide layer on the corroding surface can be expected. As the inhibitors used
contain more than one nitrogen atoms attached to the phenyl or substituted phenyl 1 moiety
(except hydrazine), hydrazine and its compounds form tetragonal complexes of the type FeX2
(N2H4)2 which contain bridging and bidentate hydrazine groups178. It was observed during the
polarization studies179 , that a shift in corrosion potential towards a less noble direction proves
that the anodic process is being supressed more than the cathodic process. The Frumkin
adsorption fits the system very well with negative ∆G of inhibitor. Pitting corrosion on a metal
surface can occur only in solutions containing aggressive anion (Cl, Br and I). Breakdown of
passivity by halide ions occur locally creating micro anodic sites surrounded by large cathodic
area of passive metal. High current densities at the anode cause high rates of metal penetration
accompanied by cathodic protection in the surrounding areas resulting in pitting type of
corrosion180. Comparatively little work has been published on the measurements of such
currents. However, Streicher181 proposed a procedure for the evaluation of the penetrating power
of various anion through the passivating film by maintaining a constant potential difference
between two similar electrodes immersed in an inhibiting solution and measuring the resulting
current when a corrosive anion was added to the solution. Retardation of pitting corrosion of
three steel samples by high molecular weight compounds gelatin, polyvinyl alcohol and soluble
starch was studied by Abou-Shabha182.

The inhibition effect of tetra-N-butyl ammonium iodide (TBA)183 on mild steel in H2SO4 has
been studied and found that percentage inhibition increases with concentration of inhibitor.
Different organic compounds containing hetero atoms like oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur have
been tested as corrosion inhibitor for different metals . Long chain amines are found to be
effective corrosion inhibitors for steel corrosion in acidic medium194-196. Several nitrogen
containing organic compounds have also been tested as corrosion inhibitor for metal in acidic
solution . It has been shown that organic compound containing multiple bonds or those
with hetero atoms with high electron density such as nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are effective
inhibitor in acidic medium202-203. The corrosion inhibition is a surface process which involves
adsorption of the organic compounds on metal surface. The adsorption depends mainly on the
electronic structure of the molecule203. The inhibition efficiency of organic compounds depends
on mode of interaction with the metal surface and molecular structure.

1-phynyl-3methylpyrazol-5-one and its derivatives have attracted a lot of interest which motivate
researchers to study their commercial importance as analgesic, antihistaminic, antifungal and
photochemical agents204-205. These organic derivatives have continued to be the subject of
extensive investigations still today as extraction and chelating agents of metal ions in aqueous

The adsorption of the surfactants on meal surface can markedly change the corrosion resisting
property of the metal212-216, so the study of relations between the adsorption and corrosion
inhibition is of great importance. Gemini surfactants, which contains two hydrophilic groups and
two hydrophobic groups in the molecule, are about 3 orders of magnitude more efficiency at
reducing surface tension and more than 2 orders of magnitude more efficient at forming micelles
than conventional surfactants. Some investigations use the Gemini surfactants as inhibitor of
metal corrosion217-218.
Some investigators observed the maximum inhibition efficiencies of cationic surfactants around
and above critical surfactants around the inhibition efficiencies of quaternary ammonium salts
were found to increase with the increase in concentration219 and it is closely related with the
chain length of alkyl groups as well as the presence of quaternary ammonium compounds. Hoar
and Holday220 reported that adsorption of quinoline on mild steel from 5% H2SO4 fits the
Langmuir equation. Riggs and Hurd221 also reported that adsorption of quaternary amines with
polar head groups used as corrosion inhibitor for steel in HCl followed the Langmuir isotherm.
Benzo(F) quinoline, benzo(h) quinoline and acridine were studied by Rudresh and Mayana222 as
corrosion inhibitor for zinc in HCl solution. The use of purine and some qunolines as corrosion
inhibitors for Zinc and Carbon steel in HCl and HClO4 solutions was studied by Abdel-Aal et.
al.223-224. The adsorption of the quinolines was found to follows the Temkin isotherm.

Some investigators studied the Heterocyclic anils225 as corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in
formic and acidic acid solutions. The selection of an appropriate inhibitor depends not only upon
its structure but also an environmental factors. Use of volatile corrosion inhibitor is an effective
method to prevent atmospheric corrosion226-228. The volatile corrosion inhibitors are used to
protect metallic articles and equipments in enclosed atmosphere. The protection of metal is due
to the inhibitors volatizing into the atmosphere surrounding the metal parts and modifying the
atmosphere230. Volatile corrosion inhibitors function by forming a bond on the metal surface and
by forming a barrier layer of aggressive ions229.

Most of the commercial inhibitors formulations are found to include aldehydes and amines as
essential ingradients231-232. Turbina et al233 have observed that condensation products of
carbonyls and amines which are known as anils as schiff’s bases give higher inhibition
efficiency than that for constituents carbonyls and amines Desai and co-workers234 have studied
few Schiff’s bases derived from aromatic aldehydes and amines as corrosion inhibitors for mild
steel in HCl. They found that the inhibition efficiency for the investigated Schiff’s bases is much
greater than that for corresponding amine and aldehydes. These observations have actually led
to the synthesis of a few anils by condensing a few substituted iminotriazoles and
salicylaldehydes with a view to evaluate their inhibiting properties on the corrosion of mild steel.
The inhibition efficiency for all the inhibitors was found to the greater than that for the
corresponding amines and salicyladehyde235.

The mechanism of the action of inhibitors in acid solution has been studied extensively 236-238. It
is generally believed that these compounds are adsorbed on the clean metal surface and prevent
further dissolution of metal through blocking of either cathodic or anodic reactions or both,.
Another group of organic inhibitors, which have been the focus of attention in recent year, are
those organic compounds capable of forming insoluble complexes or chelates, with metallic ions
present on the surface of the metal. Chelates are coordination compounds, which are produced by
the reaction between an organic molecule and a metal cation. The metal ion may still be located
in the lattice on the metallic surface, or it may have already been dissolved in the solvent layer in
contact with the metal. M.R. Arshadi and Cowerkers239 have studied the inhibitions effect of 3, 5
bis (2-phyridil) –4-amino 1, 2, 4 triazole and 1-10 phenathrolin as corrosion of mild steel in acid
Lot of interest has been generated in the study of organic compounds as corrosion inhibitors,
owing to their usefulness in several industries, during the pickling of metals, cleaning of boilers,
acidification of oil well etc.240 HCl and H2SO4 are widely used in the pickling of steel and
ferrous alloys. Most of the well known acid inhibitors are organic compounds containing
Nitrogen Sulfur and Oxygen atoms. The influence of organic compounds containing Nitrogen on
the corrosion of carbon steel in acidic solution have been investigated by several workers241-244.
The presence of a hetro atom in an organic compound with unsaturated bonds causes adsorption
on the metal surface Hurdry reducing metal dissolution. The presence of an hydroxyl group can
increase the solubility of the inhibitor, leading to higher inhibition efficiency245.

In most inhibition studies the formation of donor acceptor surface complexes between free or π
electrons of an inhibitor and vacant d-orbitals of a metal were postulated246. Roze feld et. al.247
have studied the inhibiting action of amines, monoethanolamines diethnolamines and
triethanolamines and their mixtures with potassium chromate on the corrosion of steel in sodium
chloride solutions. Various inorganic acids ethanolamine salts could protect efficiently steel,
iron, nickel aluminium and other metals and alloys . Alkanolamine salts, triethanolamine
oleiate, tetratriethanolamine monooliate, tetratriethanolamine, trifoliate and tetratriethanolamine
tetraolliate established their performance in sodium chrloride containing solutions and the
efficiency exceeded 95%249. S.T. Keera250 studied the inhibition of corrosion of carbon steel in
acid solution by tetratriethanolamine trioleiate.

Compounds containing both Sulfur and nitrogen were found to be better inhibitor than those
containing either atom alone251. As the thiourca molecule contain one sulfur and its derivative
are likely the potential corrosion inhibitors252. Thiourea and its derivatives have been extensively
investigated as corrosion inhibitors in acidic media253-255. These are polar molecules with sulfur
atom having a permanent negative charge whereas the nitrogen atom has a positive charge. As
the molecule approaches the electrode surface, the electric field of the double layer increases the
polarization of the molecule and induces additional charges on both the sulfur and nitrogen
atoms, a condition than enhances the adsorption of the molecule255. Desai et al256 reported the
use of phenyl thiourea, diphenyl thiourea, o- and p-toyl thiourea as inhibitors for the corrosion of
mild steel in HCl solution.

Environment friendly inhibitors have attracted the attention of researchers. Non-toxic natural
products such as tannins257-259 have been used as inhibitors. Extract of plants such as cerum
petroselinum, lupine, doum and orange shells have been used as corrosion and scale inhibitors260
Pamegranate261, Swertia au-gustifolia262 and Azadiracta a indica263 have shown good inhibition
activity. E. Khamis and co-workers studied the synergistic action of vinyl triphenyl phosphonium
tromide with various anions as corrosion of steel.

Corrosion for mild steel in acidic medium has been studied and it has been observed that
inhibitors act by way of adsorption. Inhibitors can be used for any corrosion system. Inhibitors
used in a corroding system should not interface with properties of system. As the corrosion
inhibitors protect the metal surface through adsorption, the surfactants which can be assumed to
have better adsorption capability can be used. There is a growing need to achieve increasing
quality standards, lowering of operating costs, meeting regulations, maintaining system integrity
and enhancing reliability. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of new
corrosion inhibitors which are cost effective, eco-friendly, show better performance.

2.7 Objectives of the Present Work :

Out of various alloys of iron, Carbon steel and mild steel are the most common metallic material
being used for numerous applications in a variety of industries as well as in daily life because of
its easy availability and cost effective nature. Carbon steel and mild steel corrodes heavily when
it comes in contact with corrosive environment but its use is still the most reasonably good
mechanical strength. Stainless steel is used extensively in making utensils, sinks and others
kitchen wares appliances. Corrosion causes loss of metals and their alloys either due to leakage
of heat exchangers pipe lines, thinning of metal seats etc. As the corrosion inhibitors protect the
metal and their alloys surface through adsorption, the surfactants which can be assumed to have
better adsorption capability were used as corrosion inhibitor in the present work. Surfactants with
high molecular weights alkyl groups were used as inhibitors. In the present work, the corrosion
characteristics of Carbon steel, mild steel and stainless steel in 1.0 M hydrochloric acid solution
will be investigated at different temperatures and different concentrations of surfactant as
corrosion inhibitors. Weight loss in mg, Corrosion rate (mpy) and Percentage Corrosion
Inhibition Efficiency (PCIE) were found out for all the investigated surfactant molecule as
corrosion inhibitors at different concentrations and at different temperatures. Inhibitors are added
to system, which in turn add to the cost of operations. So, it is necessary to find surfactant as
corrosion inhibitors which are easily available, cost effective and environment friendly, which
reduce the cost while keeping the problem of corrosion under control.

The main objectives of the present work were:-

1. To study the corrosion rate of different metallic alloys in presence and absence
of various concentrations of surfactant as corrosion inhibitors in 1.0 M
hydrochloric acid solutions as corroding medium at different temperatures
using weight loss and electrochemical polarization technique. To evaluate
various corrosion parameters like weight loss in mg, corrosion rate, open
circuit potential, corrosion current density, passivation potential (if any), pitting
potential, percentage corrosion inhibition efficiency etc.
2. To study corrosion behavior of Carbon steel, mild steel and stainless steel in
1.0 M Hydrochloric acid solution in detail in the presence of various
surfactants added at different temperatures and concentrations of the inhibitors.
3. To find the percentage corrosion inhibition efficiency of different surfactants
and mechanism of the inhibitions using electrochemical polarization data.
4. To find optimum concentration of the surfactants to achieve maximum
corrosion inhibition efficiency.
5. To study the adsorption kinetics for all the corrosion inhibitors to assess the
type of adsorption occurring on the metallic surface.
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