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Game 4 – Rebels and Patriots:

Along Brandywine Creek

American War of Independence
British and Allies vs Colonials:

 3 British forces (at 24 points each)

 3 Colonial Forces (at 24 points each)

It’s Sept. 1777. Early in the war. Washington is suffering from a failure of his intelligence system. Not only
is there a lack of information, but the information he has is conflicting. His right flank is exposed. Three
British columns are moving towards his troops. One of the columns has crossed an ignored ford and
elements of the advanced guard makes contact with elements of Washington’s troops along a branch of
the Brandywine, as they try to shift to their right.

Special Rules:

 The stream is difficult terrain to all troops. Stop at the edge (End of movement for that unit for
that turn). Next turn, full move or half move for closed order.
 The woods are difficult terrain and reduce movement by half for Line, Shock troops, troops in
closed order, and Cavalry.
 Earthworks are hard cover and a Defense bonus for the troops behind them. They are impassable
to cavalry and artillery, and difficult terrain to other troops.
 The Entry Zones are (6” deep x 18” wide)
o Troops are placed in their entry zone, prior to the start of the game.
o If all of your troops do not fit in your entry zone, you may place your remaining units into
the entry zone, at the edge of the table, at the end of the turn, once your other troops
have cleared the zone.
 Fences and walls are obstacles. Move to and stop. Next turn cross and move full turn.
 Fences and walls provide a Defense Bonus to troops being attacked.
 Fences serve as cover.
 Walls serve as hard cover, but may not block line of sight. (This may vary per individual condition.)
 Buildings serve as hard cover and block line of sight.
 Artillery may not cross obstacles.
 The farmers’ fields are difficult terrain. The Corn blocks line of sight to all foot troops.

Starting the Game:

 Once all six forces are resolved and officers handed out. One person from each side rolls for
initiative using standard rules.

Victory Conditions:

 The Game ends when one side controls all three goal locations with no immediate challenge in
range, or when one side is completely destroyed and is no longer present on the board.
 If the above is not met, the side that controls the most goal locations, without an immediate
threat, (at a time when it is decided that the game ends), wins.
 If the above should be a tie, then the side that drives the most units from the board wins.

Victory (Honor) Points:

 The winning side totals up its victory points and divides them between the surviving officers.
Fractions of a point are rounded up.
 The winning side receives the following points for each goal location held:
o The Earthworks = 4 points.
o The Farm House = 3 points.
o The Hill = 2 points.
 In addition the winning side receives 1 victory point for each enemy unit they destroyed or routed
during the game.

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