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Ví dụ người ta cho là số lượng người sử dụng xe đạp: đáng ra bạn nên viết là “the number of people who used

bicycles” thì sau một hồi vật vã với bài, bạn viết nhầm thành “the people”, hoặc “the bicycles”
2. THE B A
3. THE AMOUNT OF/ THE NUMBER OF + N(không đếm được/ đếm được)
Để tìm được danh từ các bạn để ý cột dọc nhé, và 3 danh từ của bài này là:

 The consumption of meat and poultry

 The meat and poultry consumption
 The amount of meat and poultry which were consumed by Americans

Meat and poultry = beef, pork, broilers, turkey

 The spending on children’s sports

 The children sport’s spending
 The amount of money which was spent on children’s sports

 Spending = expenditure
 Spent on = paid on

 The expendtiture on children’s sports

 The sport children’s expenditure
 The amount of money which was paid on children’s sports

 Lôi động từ trong bài kê ra từ đồng nghĩa (spent on/ paid on)
 Lôi danh từ trong bài spending = expenditure
 The participation of three different sports
 The sport participation
 The number of children who participated in 3 different sports
Sports = football, athletics, swimming
Participation = involvement = engagement
Participate in = join in = take part in = involve in = engage in

Chỗ này các bạn rất dễ viết nhầm danh từ sang “the car”, “the bus”, “the train”.

Mà thay vào đó, hãy áp dụng 3 cách trên:

 The usage of 3 different means of transport
 The three different means of transport usage
 The number of people who used 3 different means of transport

3 different means of transport = the car, bus, train

Used = commuted by = traveled by
 The expenditure on cell phone and residential phone services
 The cell phone and residential phone service expenditures
 The amount of money which was spent on cell phone and residential phone services
Expenditure = spending
Cell phone = mobile phone
Residential phone = landline phone
Spent on = paid on


Đối với những dạng có cột dọc là phần trăm thì có 1 cách duy nhất đó là: The perentage of

 The percentage of people who were 65 years old and over

 The proportion of people aged 65 years old and over
Percentage = proportion
People = Japanese, Swedish, Americans
 People who were 54 years old
 People aged 65
 People at the age of 65
 65 year old people
 People whose age was 65
 People in the 65 age group

 The percentage of people who used the Internet in 3 different countries.

 The proportion of people who surfed the Internet in the US, Canada and Mexico
Percentage = proportion
Used = surfed = accessed to the Internet

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