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Scientific Scribbles
2. Standing Death

Standing Death


In 1189, one of the greatest Japanese warrior, not a samurai exactly, dead in
an amazing way, which became a legend. His name is Benkei. He was a man
of great strength and loyalty. This guy was a retainer of a general of the
samurai clan of Japan, Yoshitsune, who is also considered one of the most
popular and famous samurai fighters in the history of Japan as a skilled
virtuous warrior and as a tragic hero.

Making a long historical story short, Yoshitsune’s elder brother turned

against him and sent hundreds of soldiers to kill Yoshitsune. As Yoshitsune
retired to the small annex of the castle to commit ritual suicide on his own,
Benkei fought in front of the main gate to protect Yoshitsune. Long after the
battle, the soldiers noticed that the arrow-riddled, wound-covered Benkei,
who had killed tens or hundreds of fully trained soldiers, was standing still
but dead in the standing position. This is known as the “Standing Death of
Benkei,” which shows his real loyalty and considered as “That’s the Man!”
kind of death in Japan.

Of course, it is just a legend. However according to scientists, it can be

possible. When a human dies, rigor mortis occurs, in which chemical
changes in the muscles cause the body of the corpse to become stiff and
difficult to move. In humans, it usually takes about 3 to 4 hours to start,
reaches maximum stiffness after 7 to 12 hours, and gradually dissipates
until approximately 48 to 60 hours after death. However when a person died
during or right after intense exercise, it is not the case. Rigor mortis is
caused by depletion of oxygen used in the making of ATP. During intense
exercise, for example fighting with hundreds of samurais, a body is already
in depletion of oxygen and ATP; therefore rigor mortis commences after
much shorter time. In addition, deep wound and/or arrows stuck in a body
can also make muscle stiff hence preventing a dead body to bend.

Having said that, it is unlikely a dead body stands still and most people do
not actually believe the “Standing Death of Benkei” is true. However it is true
that Benkei fought to protect his lord till him dead, and Benkei’s loyalty and
honour have passed down from generation to generation.


Yoshi says:

August 30, 2012 at 12:54 pm


Yeah, it is very likely because flying consumes a lots of energy,

ATPs. However rigor mortis happens much quickly in a dead
dog compared to human even when the dog has been in a quite
state before the death. I think it depends on animals. By the
way, rigor mortis is also important in meat we eat.
I am not trying to say in this post that Japanese are all with
loyalty. When I was working in Japan, my boss gave me lots of
works to do, but I just went behind and did whatever I liked.

Natalia Chodelski says:

August 29, 2012 at 5:45 pm

August 28, 2012

Class of 2012




Posted by

Hi yoshi, this is a very interesting post. I thought rigor mortis

always happened ages after…makes me think of finding a dead
bird that is all still It would have helped so much in the fight
if everyone thought he was still alive and was shooting at him!

Scientific Scribbles

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