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Basecamp Capability 5 Assignments

This document covers list of assignments/exercises related to fifth capability of
Basecamp program:

Write select queries to retrieve specific set of data from given database


KO: 1. Ability to write basic select queries and retrieve data

KO: 2. Ability to use Join (inner and outer joins) and Having clause in select queries,
group by, order by and limit)
3. Ability to use SQL numeric functions - AVG, COUNT, FLOOR, GREATEST


Exercise 1: SELECT Statement

Complete the exercises listed at following URL:

Exercise 2: SELECT Statement

Complete at least 30 exercises listed at following URL:

Exercise 3: SQL Joins

Complete at least 20 exercises listed at following URL:

Basecamp Capability 5 Assignments

Exercise 4: Aggregate Functions

Complete at least 20 exercises listed at following URL:

Exercise 5: SQL Quiz

Complete following online quiz:

Exercise 6: Employee Table

Consider the Employee Table below

Emp_Id Emp_name Salary Manager_Id
10 Anil 50000 18
11 Vikas 75000 16

12 Nisha 40000 18
13 Nidhi 60000 17
14 Priya 80000 18
15 Mohit 45000 18

16 Rajesh 90000 -
17 Raman 55000 16
18 Santosh 65000 17

Write a query to generate below output:

Manager_Id Manager Average_Salary_Under_Manager

16 Rajesh 65000
17 Raman 62500
18 Santosh 55000

Basecamp Capability 5 Assignments


You must have learnt following concepts:
 How to write different types of SELECT statements?
 How to write join statements?
 How to work with aggregate functions?

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