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Name: Khizer Roll No: 17044 7A

Q. Do as directed. (10 Marks)

1) Edged rather than washed by the river Ganges, it trails for a couple of miles along the
bank, scarcely distinguishable from the rubbish it deposits so freely.
(Highlight the X element)

2) Houses belonging to Furasians stand on the high ground by the railway station.
(Highlight the noun phrases)

3) Seeking light and air, and endowed with more strength than man or his works, they soar
above the lower deposit to greet one another with branches and beckoning leaves, and to build
a city for the birds. (Highlight the S element)

4) These fists and fingers are the Marabar Hills, containing the extraordinary caves.
(Highlight the O/C element)

5) It is no city. (Highlight the pre-modifier)

6) Except for the Marabar Caves—and they are twenty miles off—the city of Chandrapore
presents nothing extraordinary. (Highlight the post-modifier)

7) Edged rather than washed by the river Ganges, it trails for a couple of miles along the
bank. (Highlight the finite verb phrase)

8) Edged rather than washed by the river Ganges, it trails for a couple of miles along the
bank. (Highlight the non-finite verb phrase)

9) The city of Chandrapore presents nothing extraordinary.

(Present Tense is used here to show narration)

10) It is a city of gardens. (Highlight the head word of the noun phrase)

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